Commentary: City’s Response to Grand Jury Report Disappointing

Vanguard Calls For Independent Investigation of Grand Jury Report on the Davis Fire Department

While the report released on Monday from the Yolo County Grand Jury regarding the Davis Fire Department was disturbing, many wanted to wait to see what the response from the city would be.

Unfortunately, the statement released by Davis City Manager Bill Emlen undermines any value that response might have.

The City Manager’s statement basically said that they respect the work of the grand jury, will take its findings serious, however:

We believe the grand jury report includes several statements that are factually incorrect. Taken together, they contribute to a less than accurate picture of the Davis Fire Department.”

Frankly that is the kind of statement that we would expect from the Fire Chief or the Police Captain, people actually accused of wrongdoing. That is not the kind of statement that we would expect from the City Manager.

Some people are taking this as evidence that there is no wrongdoing, but really how would the City Manager know if the crux of the report is correct or factually incorrect at this point? Has he interviewed the people that the Grand Jury has interviewed? Seems doubtful, especially after the Grand Jury explained how many precautions they took.

Simply put the City Manager has not had time to do his own investigation, so his response seems premature at best. What the City Manager should have said was the cursory, We respect of the work of the grand jury, we will take the findings seriously. We are looking into the allegations made in their report and will respond accordingly.

Unfortunately, that is not what happened so far. The City Manager is in full denial mode once again. This is reminiscent of the handling of the Buzayan Case by the City. Instead of investigating the complaints, they are in full damage protection mode, trying to avoid the appearance of impropriety. The City’s response to the Buzayan Case has actually put the city in jeopardy of a multimillion dollar judgment with the case pending in federal court.

Based on the statement by the city manager, we have no confidence anymore in anything the city has to say on this matter. The response is simply not credible and the credibility of any future response is now in severe question.

What I find particularly disturbing is that buried at the end of the story, the City Manager acknowledges that he does not have all of the information at hand.

“Many of the allegations in the report do not include sufficient detail or background information for the city to investigate fully.”

This is a particularly curious statement in light of the fact that the Grand Jury managed to do their own investigation over the course of two years to uncover these findings. If the city is serious about getting to the bottom of this, they would have access to the exact same people as the grand jury. Then again, the city would have to have the level of trust that the grand jury gained by taking precautions to insure that those coming forward would be protected. Given the fear of retribution, it is difficult to believe that the city would be able to get to the bottom of it without an independent investigator to handle the matter in a thorough and professional manner.

For the sake of all involved there needs to be an independent investigation of these allegations.

Some will suggest we have already had that–i.e. the grand jury report. But the grand jury report is not actionable as such. The city now needs to conduct its own investigation to determine whether or not wrongdoing occurred and if it did occur what the consequences should be.

And if the investigation vindicated the fire chief and captain, then they should be vindicated by a process that people will regard as fair and transparent. This is not such a process.

We have concerns that one of the accused, Davis Fire Captain Bobby Weist who is the president of the Union was not interviewed by the grand jury. Most of these situations come down to different points of view, and if his view was not included in the report, that tends to caste some doubt.

The story run in the Davis Enterprise interviews the principles who were accused, particularly Captain Bobby Weist, in addition to the City Manager Bill Emlen and Police Chief Landy Black. What the Enterprise does not do is interview anyone who agrees with the grand jury report. On the other hand, Rose Conroy, the fire chief, was advised against commenting before the response was issued.

Moreover, they quote Police Chief Landy Black who tells us there is no problem between the two agencies:

“Davis Police Chief Landy Black said the relationship between the two safety agencies is strong.

‘The police officers and the firefighters in the city of Davis consider themselves allies, if you will, in public safety here for Davis,’ he said.”

What they do not do is quote the head of the Davis Police Officer’s Association. One might suspect there would be a somewhat different answer once you get below the level of Police Chief.

The bottom line here is that at this point, there is no confidence that the city can handle this matter internally in a fair and judicious manner. Furthermore, if the Grand Jury did not interview Bobby Weist we believe that they should have. However, we are not going to believe the city manager’s office stating this.

We need an independent investigator. The police ombudsman, Robert Aaronson would be a good place to start–someone who can be independent and fair to all involved.

We ask the city council to demand an independent investigation and allow the process to go forward from there.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. “Based on the statement by the city manager, we have no confidence anymore in anything the city has to say on this matter. The response is simply not credible and the credibility of any future response is now in severe question”

    Settle down. You’re doing the same thing as them, jumping to conclusions before the facts are in. It’s good to prod and suggest, but they also need time to formulate a plan of action.

  2. “Based on the statement by the city manager, we have no confidence anymore in anything the city has to say on this matter. The response is simply not credible and the credibility of any future response is now in severe question”

    Settle down. You’re doing the same thing as them, jumping to conclusions before the facts are in. It’s good to prod and suggest, but they also need time to formulate a plan of action.

  3. “Based on the statement by the city manager, we have no confidence anymore in anything the city has to say on this matter. The response is simply not credible and the credibility of any future response is now in severe question”

    Settle down. You’re doing the same thing as them, jumping to conclusions before the facts are in. It’s good to prod and suggest, but they also need time to formulate a plan of action.

  4. “Based on the statement by the city manager, we have no confidence anymore in anything the city has to say on this matter. The response is simply not credible and the credibility of any future response is now in severe question”

    Settle down. You’re doing the same thing as them, jumping to conclusions before the facts are in. It’s good to prod and suggest, but they also need time to formulate a plan of action.

  5. I specifically withheld judgment on the central issue and called for an investigation to occur that we can have confidence in. If the fire chief and captain are vindicated, don’t you want to be able to take that vindication at face value and not second guess it.

    The only judgment made here is that the initial response by the city manager is unacceptable and premature.

  6. I specifically withheld judgment on the central issue and called for an investigation to occur that we can have confidence in. If the fire chief and captain are vindicated, don’t you want to be able to take that vindication at face value and not second guess it.

    The only judgment made here is that the initial response by the city manager is unacceptable and premature.

  7. I specifically withheld judgment on the central issue and called for an investigation to occur that we can have confidence in. If the fire chief and captain are vindicated, don’t you want to be able to take that vindication at face value and not second guess it.

    The only judgment made here is that the initial response by the city manager is unacceptable and premature.

  8. I specifically withheld judgment on the central issue and called for an investigation to occur that we can have confidence in. If the fire chief and captain are vindicated, don’t you want to be able to take that vindication at face value and not second guess it.

    The only judgment made here is that the initial response by the city manager is unacceptable and premature.

  9. Read your own language. You state you have “no confidence anymore in anything the city has to say on this matter.” That conclusion is based on an initial statment issued by the city manager, but condemns both him and the city in any future action or inaction. That sounds pretty judgmental to me.

  10. Read your own language. You state you have “no confidence anymore in anything the city has to say on this matter.” That conclusion is based on an initial statment issued by the city manager, but condemns both him and the city in any future action or inaction. That sounds pretty judgmental to me.

  11. Read your own language. You state you have “no confidence anymore in anything the city has to say on this matter.” That conclusion is based on an initial statment issued by the city manager, but condemns both him and the city in any future action or inaction. That sounds pretty judgmental to me.

  12. Read your own language. You state you have “no confidence anymore in anything the city has to say on this matter.” That conclusion is based on an initial statment issued by the city manager, but condemns both him and the city in any future action or inaction. That sounds pretty judgmental to me.

  13. If I were on the city council, I’d take the grand jury report as a political opportunity to start cleaning house at the fire department, and for setting the framework on future negotiations with the union on labor/retirement agreements. Given the bad publicity that the union and the compensation levels got during the election, this is a great chance to build on that negative sentiment and to use it to build political and substantive negotiating power in developing a new labor agreement. I hope they don’t squander that opportunity. The grand jury report gives them political cover despite the large campaign contributions recently received.

  14. If I were on the city council, I’d take the grand jury report as a political opportunity to start cleaning house at the fire department, and for setting the framework on future negotiations with the union on labor/retirement agreements. Given the bad publicity that the union and the compensation levels got during the election, this is a great chance to build on that negative sentiment and to use it to build political and substantive negotiating power in developing a new labor agreement. I hope they don’t squander that opportunity. The grand jury report gives them political cover despite the large campaign contributions recently received.

  15. If I were on the city council, I’d take the grand jury report as a political opportunity to start cleaning house at the fire department, and for setting the framework on future negotiations with the union on labor/retirement agreements. Given the bad publicity that the union and the compensation levels got during the election, this is a great chance to build on that negative sentiment and to use it to build political and substantive negotiating power in developing a new labor agreement. I hope they don’t squander that opportunity. The grand jury report gives them political cover despite the large campaign contributions recently received.

  16. If I were on the city council, I’d take the grand jury report as a political opportunity to start cleaning house at the fire department, and for setting the framework on future negotiations with the union on labor/retirement agreements. Given the bad publicity that the union and the compensation levels got during the election, this is a great chance to build on that negative sentiment and to use it to build political and substantive negotiating power in developing a new labor agreement. I hope they don’t squander that opportunity. The grand jury report gives them political cover despite the large campaign contributions recently received.

  17. Sorry Anon, that’s my view, I don’t trust the city (as embodied by the City Manager) to be judicious here. It’s also based on how they have handled other complaints such as the Buzayan case.

  18. Sorry Anon, that’s my view, I don’t trust the city (as embodied by the City Manager) to be judicious here. It’s also based on how they have handled other complaints such as the Buzayan case.

  19. Sorry Anon, that’s my view, I don’t trust the city (as embodied by the City Manager) to be judicious here. It’s also based on how they have handled other complaints such as the Buzayan case.

  20. Sorry Anon, that’s my view, I don’t trust the city (as embodied by the City Manager) to be judicious here. It’s also based on how they have handled other complaints such as the Buzayan case.

  21. It has been clear for the outset that Bill Emlen’s resume does not contain the background nor experience that should be a prerequisite to be Davis City Manager. He also has been in violation of Davis’ prohibition concerning our City Manager not residing in Davis. We need all recall that he stepped into this position when it was abruptly vacated by our last City Manager..No time or effort was taken to find a City Manager with a record of accomplishment to review.

  22. It has been clear for the outset that Bill Emlen’s resume does not contain the background nor experience that should be a prerequisite to be Davis City Manager. He also has been in violation of Davis’ prohibition concerning our City Manager not residing in Davis. We need all recall that he stepped into this position when it was abruptly vacated by our last City Manager..No time or effort was taken to find a City Manager with a record of accomplishment to review.

  23. It has been clear for the outset that Bill Emlen’s resume does not contain the background nor experience that should be a prerequisite to be Davis City Manager. He also has been in violation of Davis’ prohibition concerning our City Manager not residing in Davis. We need all recall that he stepped into this position when it was abruptly vacated by our last City Manager..No time or effort was taken to find a City Manager with a record of accomplishment to review.

  24. It has been clear for the outset that Bill Emlen’s resume does not contain the background nor experience that should be a prerequisite to be Davis City Manager. He also has been in violation of Davis’ prohibition concerning our City Manager not residing in Davis. We need all recall that he stepped into this position when it was abruptly vacated by our last City Manager..No time or effort was taken to find a City Manager with a record of accomplishment to review.

  25. anonymous at 5:54 AM,

    I have lived in Davis long enough to see these clowns that they bring in at city hall. John Meyer was the last city manager who was smart. I didn’t agree with him all of the time, but he was smart.

    In this case the city manager is trying to save face by doing exactly what DPD described. He is saying that all is okay before he has even had an independent investigation.

    Ruth Asmundson did this when she was mayor. She apologized from the dais to the officer before any report or internal investigation was complete.

    The city is now facing a multi-million dollar lawsuit in federal court.

    Do the taxpayers know what’s going on and how much money we are paying for the incompetence of city management and council majority who tries to cover things up?

  26. anonymous at 5:54 AM,

    I have lived in Davis long enough to see these clowns that they bring in at city hall. John Meyer was the last city manager who was smart. I didn’t agree with him all of the time, but he was smart.

    In this case the city manager is trying to save face by doing exactly what DPD described. He is saying that all is okay before he has even had an independent investigation.

    Ruth Asmundson did this when she was mayor. She apologized from the dais to the officer before any report or internal investigation was complete.

    The city is now facing a multi-million dollar lawsuit in federal court.

    Do the taxpayers know what’s going on and how much money we are paying for the incompetence of city management and council majority who tries to cover things up?

  27. anonymous at 5:54 AM,

    I have lived in Davis long enough to see these clowns that they bring in at city hall. John Meyer was the last city manager who was smart. I didn’t agree with him all of the time, but he was smart.

    In this case the city manager is trying to save face by doing exactly what DPD described. He is saying that all is okay before he has even had an independent investigation.

    Ruth Asmundson did this when she was mayor. She apologized from the dais to the officer before any report or internal investigation was complete.

    The city is now facing a multi-million dollar lawsuit in federal court.

    Do the taxpayers know what’s going on and how much money we are paying for the incompetence of city management and council majority who tries to cover things up?

  28. anonymous at 5:54 AM,

    I have lived in Davis long enough to see these clowns that they bring in at city hall. John Meyer was the last city manager who was smart. I didn’t agree with him all of the time, but he was smart.

    In this case the city manager is trying to save face by doing exactly what DPD described. He is saying that all is okay before he has even had an independent investigation.

    Ruth Asmundson did this when she was mayor. She apologized from the dais to the officer before any report or internal investigation was complete.

    The city is now facing a multi-million dollar lawsuit in federal court.

    Do the taxpayers know what’s going on and how much money we are paying for the incompetence of city management and council majority who tries to cover things up?

  29. “Frankly that is the kind of statement that we would expect from the Fire Chief or the Police Captain, people actually accused of wrongdoing. That is not the kind of statement that we would expect from the City Manager.”

    DPD: Did you mean to say Police Captain or Fire Captain?

  30. “Frankly that is the kind of statement that we would expect from the Fire Chief or the Police Captain, people actually accused of wrongdoing. That is not the kind of statement that we would expect from the City Manager.”

    DPD: Did you mean to say Police Captain or Fire Captain?

  31. “Frankly that is the kind of statement that we would expect from the Fire Chief or the Police Captain, people actually accused of wrongdoing. That is not the kind of statement that we would expect from the City Manager.”

    DPD: Did you mean to say Police Captain or Fire Captain?

  32. “Frankly that is the kind of statement that we would expect from the Fire Chief or the Police Captain, people actually accused of wrongdoing. That is not the kind of statement that we would expect from the City Manager.”

    DPD: Did you mean to say Police Captain or Fire Captain?

  33. Even I can immediately see errors in the report – the percentage of fire fighters residing in Davis, the neglect to interview Weist in the investigation, etc.

    To take on the Fire Fighters union it is important to have your ducks in order. Bobby Weist is a just a Captain (in charge of a crew of three on one shift), but he is quoted in a way that clearly shows that he thinks he sets policy for the department.

    I am inclined to see which facts they say are inaccurate and go from there.

    The allegations are fairly serious so we should expect some damage control efforts on the part of management and union reps.

  34. Even I can immediately see errors in the report – the percentage of fire fighters residing in Davis, the neglect to interview Weist in the investigation, etc.

    To take on the Fire Fighters union it is important to have your ducks in order. Bobby Weist is a just a Captain (in charge of a crew of three on one shift), but he is quoted in a way that clearly shows that he thinks he sets policy for the department.

    I am inclined to see which facts they say are inaccurate and go from there.

    The allegations are fairly serious so we should expect some damage control efforts on the part of management and union reps.

  35. Even I can immediately see errors in the report – the percentage of fire fighters residing in Davis, the neglect to interview Weist in the investigation, etc.

    To take on the Fire Fighters union it is important to have your ducks in order. Bobby Weist is a just a Captain (in charge of a crew of three on one shift), but he is quoted in a way that clearly shows that he thinks he sets policy for the department.

    I am inclined to see which facts they say are inaccurate and go from there.

    The allegations are fairly serious so we should expect some damage control efforts on the part of management and union reps.

  36. Even I can immediately see errors in the report – the percentage of fire fighters residing in Davis, the neglect to interview Weist in the investigation, etc.

    To take on the Fire Fighters union it is important to have your ducks in order. Bobby Weist is a just a Captain (in charge of a crew of three on one shift), but he is quoted in a way that clearly shows that he thinks he sets policy for the department.

    I am inclined to see which facts they say are inaccurate and go from there.

    The allegations are fairly serious so we should expect some damage control efforts on the part of management and union reps.

  37. The Fire Chief, Police Captain, City Council, and the City Manager owe the people of Davis a detailed response to the findings of the Grand Jury. Getting interviews from the same people that the GJ did may be very difficult to do since it seems that they testified with assurances that their identity not be divulged ( which may be a problem in itself).

    DPD, in your statement ”Based on the statement by the city manager, we have no confidence anymore in anything the city has to say on this matter”, who does “we” refer to?

  38. The Fire Chief, Police Captain, City Council, and the City Manager owe the people of Davis a detailed response to the findings of the Grand Jury. Getting interviews from the same people that the GJ did may be very difficult to do since it seems that they testified with assurances that their identity not be divulged ( which may be a problem in itself).

    DPD, in your statement ”Based on the statement by the city manager, we have no confidence anymore in anything the city has to say on this matter”, who does “we” refer to?

  39. The Fire Chief, Police Captain, City Council, and the City Manager owe the people of Davis a detailed response to the findings of the Grand Jury. Getting interviews from the same people that the GJ did may be very difficult to do since it seems that they testified with assurances that their identity not be divulged ( which may be a problem in itself).

    DPD, in your statement ”Based on the statement by the city manager, we have no confidence anymore in anything the city has to say on this matter”, who does “we” refer to?

  40. The Fire Chief, Police Captain, City Council, and the City Manager owe the people of Davis a detailed response to the findings of the Grand Jury. Getting interviews from the same people that the GJ did may be very difficult to do since it seems that they testified with assurances that their identity not be divulged ( which may be a problem in itself).

    DPD, in your statement ”Based on the statement by the city manager, we have no confidence anymore in anything the city has to say on this matter”, who does “we” refer to?

  41. It was reported that the DFD and the DPD had somewhat of an adversarial relationship when dealing with the new 911 Call Center. Remember the outages in January? The hesitation of the police to do anything about the rowdiness of the firemen in the downtown pubs is a problem that warrants and explanation. Most people I see confronted by the police due to public inebriation are dealt with, as they should be, and not given a pass.

  42. It was reported that the DFD and the DPD had somewhat of an adversarial relationship when dealing with the new 911 Call Center. Remember the outages in January? The hesitation of the police to do anything about the rowdiness of the firemen in the downtown pubs is a problem that warrants and explanation. Most people I see confronted by the police due to public inebriation are dealt with, as they should be, and not given a pass.

  43. It was reported that the DFD and the DPD had somewhat of an adversarial relationship when dealing with the new 911 Call Center. Remember the outages in January? The hesitation of the police to do anything about the rowdiness of the firemen in the downtown pubs is a problem that warrants and explanation. Most people I see confronted by the police due to public inebriation are dealt with, as they should be, and not given a pass.

  44. It was reported that the DFD and the DPD had somewhat of an adversarial relationship when dealing with the new 911 Call Center. Remember the outages in January? The hesitation of the police to do anything about the rowdiness of the firemen in the downtown pubs is a problem that warrants and explanation. Most people I see confronted by the police due to public inebriation are dealt with, as they should be, and not given a pass.

  45. I love the 1 day investigation completed by the City Manager. Nice. A 2 year investigation by the Grand Jury, which concluded all of these items and he responds like that? What a joke, what a slap in the face to our process, a disgrace to the City.

    What a slap in the face to the employees of DFD. They are the ones we should be concerned about. Think about the witch hunt going on there now.

  46. I love the 1 day investigation completed by the City Manager. Nice. A 2 year investigation by the Grand Jury, which concluded all of these items and he responds like that? What a joke, what a slap in the face to our process, a disgrace to the City.

    What a slap in the face to the employees of DFD. They are the ones we should be concerned about. Think about the witch hunt going on there now.

  47. I love the 1 day investigation completed by the City Manager. Nice. A 2 year investigation by the Grand Jury, which concluded all of these items and he responds like that? What a joke, what a slap in the face to our process, a disgrace to the City.

    What a slap in the face to the employees of DFD. They are the ones we should be concerned about. Think about the witch hunt going on there now.

  48. I love the 1 day investigation completed by the City Manager. Nice. A 2 year investigation by the Grand Jury, which concluded all of these items and he responds like that? What a joke, what a slap in the face to our process, a disgrace to the City.

    What a slap in the face to the employees of DFD. They are the ones we should be concerned about. Think about the witch hunt going on there now.

  49. Humans naturally pursue their own self interest. Anti-capitalists call it “greed”. Where there is no competition this natural greed can run amuck. Why are we surprised?

    The reactionaries will advocate the need for oversight likely provided by another public entity. Hence, the growth of increasingly expensive and perpetually ineffective governance as we continue to oversee all the overseers.

    Too bad we can’t tell the Davis Firefighters that their next contract will require them to win a competitive bid against a few evil corporations.

  50. Humans naturally pursue their own self interest. Anti-capitalists call it “greed”. Where there is no competition this natural greed can run amuck. Why are we surprised?

    The reactionaries will advocate the need for oversight likely provided by another public entity. Hence, the growth of increasingly expensive and perpetually ineffective governance as we continue to oversee all the overseers.

    Too bad we can’t tell the Davis Firefighters that their next contract will require them to win a competitive bid against a few evil corporations.

  51. Humans naturally pursue their own self interest. Anti-capitalists call it “greed”. Where there is no competition this natural greed can run amuck. Why are we surprised?

    The reactionaries will advocate the need for oversight likely provided by another public entity. Hence, the growth of increasingly expensive and perpetually ineffective governance as we continue to oversee all the overseers.

    Too bad we can’t tell the Davis Firefighters that their next contract will require them to win a competitive bid against a few evil corporations.

  52. Humans naturally pursue their own self interest. Anti-capitalists call it “greed”. Where there is no competition this natural greed can run amuck. Why are we surprised?

    The reactionaries will advocate the need for oversight likely provided by another public entity. Hence, the growth of increasingly expensive and perpetually ineffective governance as we continue to oversee all the overseers.

    Too bad we can’t tell the Davis Firefighters that their next contract will require them to win a competitive bid against a few evil corporations.

  53. DPD should report the facts as they come in and not jump to his usual conclusiveness or speculation. Ie, “I suspect the answer might be different if it came from the Davis Police Officer Assoc. President”. What justifies that statement by david greenwald?
    This is just another of greenwald’s tactic to throw out some unknown speculation to see what kind of a response he can get. I know greenwald has said many times that he is not a journalist or writer, but he is stating the obvious.
    Conroy and Weist should be terminated from their jobs and eveyone move on.

  54. DPD should report the facts as they come in and not jump to his usual conclusiveness or speculation. Ie, “I suspect the answer might be different if it came from the Davis Police Officer Assoc. President”. What justifies that statement by david greenwald?
    This is just another of greenwald’s tactic to throw out some unknown speculation to see what kind of a response he can get. I know greenwald has said many times that he is not a journalist or writer, but he is stating the obvious.
    Conroy and Weist should be terminated from their jobs and eveyone move on.

  55. DPD should report the facts as they come in and not jump to his usual conclusiveness or speculation. Ie, “I suspect the answer might be different if it came from the Davis Police Officer Assoc. President”. What justifies that statement by david greenwald?
    This is just another of greenwald’s tactic to throw out some unknown speculation to see what kind of a response he can get. I know greenwald has said many times that he is not a journalist or writer, but he is stating the obvious.
    Conroy and Weist should be terminated from their jobs and eveyone move on.

  56. DPD should report the facts as they come in and not jump to his usual conclusiveness or speculation. Ie, “I suspect the answer might be different if it came from the Davis Police Officer Assoc. President”. What justifies that statement by david greenwald?
    This is just another of greenwald’s tactic to throw out some unknown speculation to see what kind of a response he can get. I know greenwald has said many times that he is not a journalist or writer, but he is stating the obvious.
    Conroy and Weist should be terminated from their jobs and eveyone move on.

  57. “What justifies that statement by david greenwald? “

    I suspect that he knows the same thing many of us do. It’s not exactly a well kept secret. Nor is it a well kept secret that the city has not been happy with Rose Conroy for some time and were hoping they could wait until she retires. Now they may be forced to act sooner. I suspect that this poster doesn’t know much about what’s going on behind the scenes in the city. Greenwald probably doesn’t either, but he likely has at least some inkling.

  58. “What justifies that statement by david greenwald? “

    I suspect that he knows the same thing many of us do. It’s not exactly a well kept secret. Nor is it a well kept secret that the city has not been happy with Rose Conroy for some time and were hoping they could wait until she retires. Now they may be forced to act sooner. I suspect that this poster doesn’t know much about what’s going on behind the scenes in the city. Greenwald probably doesn’t either, but he likely has at least some inkling.

  59. “What justifies that statement by david greenwald? “

    I suspect that he knows the same thing many of us do. It’s not exactly a well kept secret. Nor is it a well kept secret that the city has not been happy with Rose Conroy for some time and were hoping they could wait until she retires. Now they may be forced to act sooner. I suspect that this poster doesn’t know much about what’s going on behind the scenes in the city. Greenwald probably doesn’t either, but he likely has at least some inkling.

  60. “What justifies that statement by david greenwald? “

    I suspect that he knows the same thing many of us do. It’s not exactly a well kept secret. Nor is it a well kept secret that the city has not been happy with Rose Conroy for some time and were hoping they could wait until she retires. Now they may be forced to act sooner. I suspect that this poster doesn’t know much about what’s going on behind the scenes in the city. Greenwald probably doesn’t either, but he likely has at least some inkling.

  61. Like most of us who work for the city we also know that Bobby the bully union president has been a problem for some time and needs to exit.

  62. Like most of us who work for the city we also know that Bobby the bully union president has been a problem for some time and needs to exit.

  63. Like most of us who work for the city we also know that Bobby the bully union president has been a problem for some time and needs to exit.

  64. Like most of us who work for the city we also know that Bobby the bully union president has been a problem for some time and needs to exit.

  65. “We ask the city council to demand an independent investigation and allow the process to go forward from there.”

    Fat chance! Especially after the ineffectual statement of Bill Emlen.

    Was anyone else bothered by the Davis Enterprise article, where Bobby Wiest, Union rep, seemed to be speaking on behalf of the Fire Dept.? He does not represent the Fire Dept., Rose Conroy does – but she is keeping mum (understandably so). Bobby Wiest’s statements tend to confirm his overinflated opinion of himself and where he fits into the scheme of things – someone who has been given too much power and has been allowed to get above himself.

    However, we must remember where the YHA mess got us – nowhere. The Director of the YHA was determined by the Grand Jury to have done all sorts of terrible things, and the county fired him. He sued for wrongful termination, and won (correct me if I am wrong)!

    Seems like we have to wait for a response from the City, Rose Conroy and Bill Emlen, to make any kind of determination. Doesn’t mean we don’t have our suspicions or biases…

  66. “We ask the city council to demand an independent investigation and allow the process to go forward from there.”

    Fat chance! Especially after the ineffectual statement of Bill Emlen.

    Was anyone else bothered by the Davis Enterprise article, where Bobby Wiest, Union rep, seemed to be speaking on behalf of the Fire Dept.? He does not represent the Fire Dept., Rose Conroy does – but she is keeping mum (understandably so). Bobby Wiest’s statements tend to confirm his overinflated opinion of himself and where he fits into the scheme of things – someone who has been given too much power and has been allowed to get above himself.

    However, we must remember where the YHA mess got us – nowhere. The Director of the YHA was determined by the Grand Jury to have done all sorts of terrible things, and the county fired him. He sued for wrongful termination, and won (correct me if I am wrong)!

    Seems like we have to wait for a response from the City, Rose Conroy and Bill Emlen, to make any kind of determination. Doesn’t mean we don’t have our suspicions or biases…

  67. “We ask the city council to demand an independent investigation and allow the process to go forward from there.”

    Fat chance! Especially after the ineffectual statement of Bill Emlen.

    Was anyone else bothered by the Davis Enterprise article, where Bobby Wiest, Union rep, seemed to be speaking on behalf of the Fire Dept.? He does not represent the Fire Dept., Rose Conroy does – but she is keeping mum (understandably so). Bobby Wiest’s statements tend to confirm his overinflated opinion of himself and where he fits into the scheme of things – someone who has been given too much power and has been allowed to get above himself.

    However, we must remember where the YHA mess got us – nowhere. The Director of the YHA was determined by the Grand Jury to have done all sorts of terrible things, and the county fired him. He sued for wrongful termination, and won (correct me if I am wrong)!

    Seems like we have to wait for a response from the City, Rose Conroy and Bill Emlen, to make any kind of determination. Doesn’t mean we don’t have our suspicions or biases…

  68. “We ask the city council to demand an independent investigation and allow the process to go forward from there.”

    Fat chance! Especially after the ineffectual statement of Bill Emlen.

    Was anyone else bothered by the Davis Enterprise article, where Bobby Wiest, Union rep, seemed to be speaking on behalf of the Fire Dept.? He does not represent the Fire Dept., Rose Conroy does – but she is keeping mum (understandably so). Bobby Wiest’s statements tend to confirm his overinflated opinion of himself and where he fits into the scheme of things – someone who has been given too much power and has been allowed to get above himself.

    However, we must remember where the YHA mess got us – nowhere. The Director of the YHA was determined by the Grand Jury to have done all sorts of terrible things, and the county fired him. He sued for wrongful termination, and won (correct me if I am wrong)!

    Seems like we have to wait for a response from the City, Rose Conroy and Bill Emlen, to make any kind of determination. Doesn’t mean we don’t have our suspicions or biases…

  69. I have read all of grand jury report and the Enterprise article and only Mr. Weist put a time frame on some of the accusations. He also states he was not interviewed by the grand jury. How can an investigation be complete without an interview of one of the accused? Mr. Emlen states that he will “take the findings seriously.” Yes he should and I would bet he will begin a more through investigation by the Ombudsman. The other question I have is how much of the law suit settlements did the city pay? Finally, Mr. Weist states that the statements in the report “stem from accusations that were made 10 to 15 years ago.” If this is so has anything been done so that they do not happen again?

  70. I have read all of grand jury report and the Enterprise article and only Mr. Weist put a time frame on some of the accusations. He also states he was not interviewed by the grand jury. How can an investigation be complete without an interview of one of the accused? Mr. Emlen states that he will “take the findings seriously.” Yes he should and I would bet he will begin a more through investigation by the Ombudsman. The other question I have is how much of the law suit settlements did the city pay? Finally, Mr. Weist states that the statements in the report “stem from accusations that were made 10 to 15 years ago.” If this is so has anything been done so that they do not happen again?

  71. I have read all of grand jury report and the Enterprise article and only Mr. Weist put a time frame on some of the accusations. He also states he was not interviewed by the grand jury. How can an investigation be complete without an interview of one of the accused? Mr. Emlen states that he will “take the findings seriously.” Yes he should and I would bet he will begin a more through investigation by the Ombudsman. The other question I have is how much of the law suit settlements did the city pay? Finally, Mr. Weist states that the statements in the report “stem from accusations that were made 10 to 15 years ago.” If this is so has anything been done so that they do not happen again?

  72. I have read all of grand jury report and the Enterprise article and only Mr. Weist put a time frame on some of the accusations. He also states he was not interviewed by the grand jury. How can an investigation be complete without an interview of one of the accused? Mr. Emlen states that he will “take the findings seriously.” Yes he should and I would bet he will begin a more through investigation by the Ombudsman. The other question I have is how much of the law suit settlements did the city pay? Finally, Mr. Weist states that the statements in the report “stem from accusations that were made 10 to 15 years ago.” If this is so has anything been done so that they do not happen again?

  73. If the city of Davis continues having to pay out lawsuits it may run into insurance companies not wishing to insure the city or charging us more, because Davis is a HIGH RISK irresponsible city.

    You can only put matters under the rug for so long. Dust and dirt accumulate.

  74. If the city of Davis continues having to pay out lawsuits it may run into insurance companies not wishing to insure the city or charging us more, because Davis is a HIGH RISK irresponsible city.

    You can only put matters under the rug for so long. Dust and dirt accumulate.

  75. If the city of Davis continues having to pay out lawsuits it may run into insurance companies not wishing to insure the city or charging us more, because Davis is a HIGH RISK irresponsible city.

    You can only put matters under the rug for so long. Dust and dirt accumulate.

  76. If the city of Davis continues having to pay out lawsuits it may run into insurance companies not wishing to insure the city or charging us more, because Davis is a HIGH RISK irresponsible city.

    You can only put matters under the rug for so long. Dust and dirt accumulate.

  77. KOVR 13 news had this story on at 6pm. They said they will cover it tonight too. Emlen was on via phone interview trying to save face. There needs to be a truly independent investigation. We may need a new city manager too.

  78. KOVR 13 news had this story on at 6pm. They said they will cover it tonight too. Emlen was on via phone interview trying to save face. There needs to be a truly independent investigation. We may need a new city manager too.

  79. KOVR 13 news had this story on at 6pm. They said they will cover it tonight too. Emlen was on via phone interview trying to save face. There needs to be a truly independent investigation. We may need a new city manager too.

  80. KOVR 13 news had this story on at 6pm. They said they will cover it tonight too. Emlen was on via phone interview trying to save face. There needs to be a truly independent investigation. We may need a new city manager too.

  81. “He also states he was not interviewed by the grand jury. How can an investigation be complete without an interview of one of the accused?”

    Anyone who is interviewed by the grand jury must keep that fact secret.

  82. “He also states he was not interviewed by the grand jury. How can an investigation be complete without an interview of one of the accused?”

    Anyone who is interviewed by the grand jury must keep that fact secret.

  83. “He also states he was not interviewed by the grand jury. How can an investigation be complete without an interview of one of the accused?”

    Anyone who is interviewed by the grand jury must keep that fact secret.

  84. “He also states he was not interviewed by the grand jury. How can an investigation be complete without an interview of one of the accused?”

    Anyone who is interviewed by the grand jury must keep that fact secret.

  85. The union was not the accused. The Grand Jury has no athority over the union, only government agencies. I would guess, Weist would not need to be interviewed because the Union is not under the scope of the investigation. The Department is accused of being overly influenced. The Chief never said she was not interviewed.

  86. The union was not the accused. The Grand Jury has no athority over the union, only government agencies. I would guess, Weist would not need to be interviewed because the Union is not under the scope of the investigation. The Department is accused of being overly influenced. The Chief never said she was not interviewed.

  87. The union was not the accused. The Grand Jury has no athority over the union, only government agencies. I would guess, Weist would not need to be interviewed because the Union is not under the scope of the investigation. The Department is accused of being overly influenced. The Chief never said she was not interviewed.

  88. The union was not the accused. The Grand Jury has no athority over the union, only government agencies. I would guess, Weist would not need to be interviewed because the Union is not under the scope of the investigation. The Department is accused of being overly influenced. The Chief never said she was not interviewed.

  89. Really? The “Vanguard’ calls for an investigation? So…you mean one dude at his computer calls for an investigation?
    Just checking.

  90. Really? The “Vanguard’ calls for an investigation? So…you mean one dude at his computer calls for an investigation?
    Just checking.

  91. Really? The “Vanguard’ calls for an investigation? So…you mean one dude at his computer calls for an investigation?
    Just checking.

  92. Really? The “Vanguard’ calls for an investigation? So…you mean one dude at his computer calls for an investigation?
    Just checking.

  93. ” vanguard isn’t plural said…
    Really? The “Vanguard’ calls for an investigation? So…you mean one dude at his computer calls for an investigation?
    Just checking.”

    One dude at a computer keeping tabs on our local gov’t – bc the Davis Enterprise won’t. One dude at the local newspaper kills controversial stories all on her own, so why can’t one interested citizens call for an independent investigation. If no one complains, nothing will change…

  94. ” vanguard isn’t plural said…
    Really? The “Vanguard’ calls for an investigation? So…you mean one dude at his computer calls for an investigation?
    Just checking.”

    One dude at a computer keeping tabs on our local gov’t – bc the Davis Enterprise won’t. One dude at the local newspaper kills controversial stories all on her own, so why can’t one interested citizens call for an independent investigation. If no one complains, nothing will change…

  95. ” vanguard isn’t plural said…
    Really? The “Vanguard’ calls for an investigation? So…you mean one dude at his computer calls for an investigation?
    Just checking.”

    One dude at a computer keeping tabs on our local gov’t – bc the Davis Enterprise won’t. One dude at the local newspaper kills controversial stories all on her own, so why can’t one interested citizens call for an independent investigation. If no one complains, nothing will change…

  96. ” vanguard isn’t plural said…
    Really? The “Vanguard’ calls for an investigation? So…you mean one dude at his computer calls for an investigation?
    Just checking.”

    One dude at a computer keeping tabs on our local gov’t – bc the Davis Enterprise won’t. One dude at the local newspaper kills controversial stories all on her own, so why can’t one interested citizens call for an independent investigation. If no one complains, nothing will change…

  97. The Vanguard demands an investigation???So the 4 or 5 completely biased, working on an agenda and so completely ignorant of the risks, commitment and actual job description of firefighters call for an investigation?

    I have read the brilliant idea posted here that the firefighters should pick and choose what medical calls to respond to. If your child is not breathing, or your mother has a heart attack (which could have the same symptoms of heartburn), and yes even if you are trowing up and think you are going to die, do you really want to hear…I think you will be ok? No you want someone there now!!!

    These people put themselves on the line every day to the detriment of their families, health and personal lives. A big thank you is what they should receive, and at minimum the courtesy of the benefit of the doubt.

    There is an agenda here being pursued by a very small group of angry people who are misinformed and just can’t stand how united and involved this group of city workers is.

    Go back to playing Dungeons and Dragons, better use of your collective times

  98. The Vanguard demands an investigation???So the 4 or 5 completely biased, working on an agenda and so completely ignorant of the risks, commitment and actual job description of firefighters call for an investigation?

    I have read the brilliant idea posted here that the firefighters should pick and choose what medical calls to respond to. If your child is not breathing, or your mother has a heart attack (which could have the same symptoms of heartburn), and yes even if you are trowing up and think you are going to die, do you really want to hear…I think you will be ok? No you want someone there now!!!

    These people put themselves on the line every day to the detriment of their families, health and personal lives. A big thank you is what they should receive, and at minimum the courtesy of the benefit of the doubt.

    There is an agenda here being pursued by a very small group of angry people who are misinformed and just can’t stand how united and involved this group of city workers is.

    Go back to playing Dungeons and Dragons, better use of your collective times

  99. The Vanguard demands an investigation???So the 4 or 5 completely biased, working on an agenda and so completely ignorant of the risks, commitment and actual job description of firefighters call for an investigation?

    I have read the brilliant idea posted here that the firefighters should pick and choose what medical calls to respond to. If your child is not breathing, or your mother has a heart attack (which could have the same symptoms of heartburn), and yes even if you are trowing up and think you are going to die, do you really want to hear…I think you will be ok? No you want someone there now!!!

    These people put themselves on the line every day to the detriment of their families, health and personal lives. A big thank you is what they should receive, and at minimum the courtesy of the benefit of the doubt.

    There is an agenda here being pursued by a very small group of angry people who are misinformed and just can’t stand how united and involved this group of city workers is.

    Go back to playing Dungeons and Dragons, better use of your collective times

  100. The Vanguard demands an investigation???So the 4 or 5 completely biased, working on an agenda and so completely ignorant of the risks, commitment and actual job description of firefighters call for an investigation?

    I have read the brilliant idea posted here that the firefighters should pick and choose what medical calls to respond to. If your child is not breathing, or your mother has a heart attack (which could have the same symptoms of heartburn), and yes even if you are trowing up and think you are going to die, do you really want to hear…I think you will be ok? No you want someone there now!!!

    These people put themselves on the line every day to the detriment of their families, health and personal lives. A big thank you is what they should receive, and at minimum the courtesy of the benefit of the doubt.

    There is an agenda here being pursued by a very small group of angry people who are misinformed and just can’t stand how united and involved this group of city workers is.

    Go back to playing Dungeons and Dragons, better use of your collective times

  101. I don’t know much, but I do know the voters put these council members in office. Some of you may remember the pothole issue downtown. Anyone who would go against filling in potholes because it would take away from the history of an alley should have an MRI scheduled immediately. I am going out on a limb here, but those alleys didn’t originally come with potholes, or did they?

    As for Rose Conroy, she has morals most of us can only hope to attain. Insider must not be so insider if they believe the PRD rumor mill. Yes, it is easier to hit a standing target and the city may not be happy but it’s not because she isn’t doing a good job (great job, I might add). It’s probably because she won’t sit down and do it the way they want. Why would we want to keep a person that spends within their deptartment’s budget, has great customer satisfaction (as viewed by the citizens), and has built a relationship with the union that is the envy of every department in the state. She should be promoted.

  102. I don’t know much, but I do know the voters put these council members in office. Some of you may remember the pothole issue downtown. Anyone who would go against filling in potholes because it would take away from the history of an alley should have an MRI scheduled immediately. I am going out on a limb here, but those alleys didn’t originally come with potholes, or did they?

    As for Rose Conroy, she has morals most of us can only hope to attain. Insider must not be so insider if they believe the PRD rumor mill. Yes, it is easier to hit a standing target and the city may not be happy but it’s not because she isn’t doing a good job (great job, I might add). It’s probably because she won’t sit down and do it the way they want. Why would we want to keep a person that spends within their deptartment’s budget, has great customer satisfaction (as viewed by the citizens), and has built a relationship with the union that is the envy of every department in the state. She should be promoted.

  103. I don’t know much, but I do know the voters put these council members in office. Some of you may remember the pothole issue downtown. Anyone who would go against filling in potholes because it would take away from the history of an alley should have an MRI scheduled immediately. I am going out on a limb here, but those alleys didn’t originally come with potholes, or did they?

    As for Rose Conroy, she has morals most of us can only hope to attain. Insider must not be so insider if they believe the PRD rumor mill. Yes, it is easier to hit a standing target and the city may not be happy but it’s not because she isn’t doing a good job (great job, I might add). It’s probably because she won’t sit down and do it the way they want. Why would we want to keep a person that spends within their deptartment’s budget, has great customer satisfaction (as viewed by the citizens), and has built a relationship with the union that is the envy of every department in the state. She should be promoted.

  104. I don’t know much, but I do know the voters put these council members in office. Some of you may remember the pothole issue downtown. Anyone who would go against filling in potholes because it would take away from the history of an alley should have an MRI scheduled immediately. I am going out on a limb here, but those alleys didn’t originally come with potholes, or did they?

    As for Rose Conroy, she has morals most of us can only hope to attain. Insider must not be so insider if they believe the PRD rumor mill. Yes, it is easier to hit a standing target and the city may not be happy but it’s not because she isn’t doing a good job (great job, I might add). It’s probably because she won’t sit down and do it the way they want. Why would we want to keep a person that spends within their deptartment’s budget, has great customer satisfaction (as viewed by the citizens), and has built a relationship with the union that is the envy of every department in the state. She should be promoted.

  105. Found this on Sac Bee (
    conduct, 07/07/08)
    Former Davis Firefighter now a lawyer reminds all you can
    get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich! Grand juries are often tools for some to get even for past perceived injustices. When I worked in the Davis Fire Department, with Rose Conroy and many of the others defamed in this report, I was surrounded by the most selfless, hardworking professionals I have yet encountered. We left the union back then and formed the Davis Professional Firefighters Association, with Tom Stallard as counsel. Unfortunately, we had little bargaining power and had to return to the union fold. For all of you crying for firing the chief and cleaning house, let me remind you all of us are entitled to the presumption of innocence first and foremost, and if the worst of the “crimes” perpertrated by Chief Conroy is protecting her firefighters from a DUI, she should be promoted to City Manager!! Judge not lest ye be judged!

  106. Found this on Sac Bee (
    conduct, 07/07/08)
    Former Davis Firefighter now a lawyer reminds all you can
    get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich! Grand juries are often tools for some to get even for past perceived injustices. When I worked in the Davis Fire Department, with Rose Conroy and many of the others defamed in this report, I was surrounded by the most selfless, hardworking professionals I have yet encountered. We left the union back then and formed the Davis Professional Firefighters Association, with Tom Stallard as counsel. Unfortunately, we had little bargaining power and had to return to the union fold. For all of you crying for firing the chief and cleaning house, let me remind you all of us are entitled to the presumption of innocence first and foremost, and if the worst of the “crimes” perpertrated by Chief Conroy is protecting her firefighters from a DUI, she should be promoted to City Manager!! Judge not lest ye be judged!

  107. Found this on Sac Bee (
    conduct, 07/07/08)
    Former Davis Firefighter now a lawyer reminds all you can
    get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich! Grand juries are often tools for some to get even for past perceived injustices. When I worked in the Davis Fire Department, with Rose Conroy and many of the others defamed in this report, I was surrounded by the most selfless, hardworking professionals I have yet encountered. We left the union back then and formed the Davis Professional Firefighters Association, with Tom Stallard as counsel. Unfortunately, we had little bargaining power and had to return to the union fold. For all of you crying for firing the chief and cleaning house, let me remind you all of us are entitled to the presumption of innocence first and foremost, and if the worst of the “crimes” perpertrated by Chief Conroy is protecting her firefighters from a DUI, she should be promoted to City Manager!! Judge not lest ye be judged!

  108. Found this on Sac Bee (
    conduct, 07/07/08)
    Former Davis Firefighter now a lawyer reminds all you can
    get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich! Grand juries are often tools for some to get even for past perceived injustices. When I worked in the Davis Fire Department, with Rose Conroy and many of the others defamed in this report, I was surrounded by the most selfless, hardworking professionals I have yet encountered. We left the union back then and formed the Davis Professional Firefighters Association, with Tom Stallard as counsel. Unfortunately, we had little bargaining power and had to return to the union fold. For all of you crying for firing the chief and cleaning house, let me remind you all of us are entitled to the presumption of innocence first and foremost, and if the worst of the “crimes” perpertrated by Chief Conroy is protecting her firefighters from a DUI, she should be promoted to City Manager!! Judge not lest ye be judged!

  109. “For all of you crying for firing the chief and cleaning house, let me remind you all of us are entitled to the presumption of innocence first and foremost, and if the worst of the “crimes” perpertrated by Chief Conroy is protecting her firefighters from a DUI, she should be promoted to City Manager!! Judge not lest ye be judged!”

    I, for one, don’t drink. Nor do I like the idea that a fire fighter is hung over from the night before, so that s/he may not be able do their job. If is of concern, as is the possible union connection. What we are asking is for an explanation. I don’t think that is too much to ask. No one is asking the Fire Chief to be fired before she has a chance to defend herself. But the self serving statements from Bill Emlen and Bobby Wiest (who seems to be speaking on behalf of Rose Conroy) are not particularly satisfactory.

  110. “For all of you crying for firing the chief and cleaning house, let me remind you all of us are entitled to the presumption of innocence first and foremost, and if the worst of the “crimes” perpertrated by Chief Conroy is protecting her firefighters from a DUI, she should be promoted to City Manager!! Judge not lest ye be judged!”

    I, for one, don’t drink. Nor do I like the idea that a fire fighter is hung over from the night before, so that s/he may not be able do their job. If is of concern, as is the possible union connection. What we are asking is for an explanation. I don’t think that is too much to ask. No one is asking the Fire Chief to be fired before she has a chance to defend herself. But the self serving statements from Bill Emlen and Bobby Wiest (who seems to be speaking on behalf of Rose Conroy) are not particularly satisfactory.

  111. “For all of you crying for firing the chief and cleaning house, let me remind you all of us are entitled to the presumption of innocence first and foremost, and if the worst of the “crimes” perpertrated by Chief Conroy is protecting her firefighters from a DUI, she should be promoted to City Manager!! Judge not lest ye be judged!”

    I, for one, don’t drink. Nor do I like the idea that a fire fighter is hung over from the night before, so that s/he may not be able do their job. If is of concern, as is the possible union connection. What we are asking is for an explanation. I don’t think that is too much to ask. No one is asking the Fire Chief to be fired before she has a chance to defend herself. But the self serving statements from Bill Emlen and Bobby Wiest (who seems to be speaking on behalf of Rose Conroy) are not particularly satisfactory.

  112. “For all of you crying for firing the chief and cleaning house, let me remind you all of us are entitled to the presumption of innocence first and foremost, and if the worst of the “crimes” perpertrated by Chief Conroy is protecting her firefighters from a DUI, she should be promoted to City Manager!! Judge not lest ye be judged!”

    I, for one, don’t drink. Nor do I like the idea that a fire fighter is hung over from the night before, so that s/he may not be able do their job. If is of concern, as is the possible union connection. What we are asking is for an explanation. I don’t think that is too much to ask. No one is asking the Fire Chief to be fired before she has a chance to defend herself. But the self serving statements from Bill Emlen and Bobby Wiest (who seems to be speaking on behalf of Rose Conroy) are not particularly satisfactory.

  113. To me it sounds like the City Manager needs to be investigated. It sounds like he too is in the pockets of the elected officials, DFD Captains & Cheifs and the Union. What City Manager after receiving such a report would not be appauld and immediately bring in an Independent Investigator. I would say the Chief has to go and go quickly, then some of her captains should follow. We need a total overhaul. I just can’t believe my money is being spent on this type of behavior, not to mention the thousands that have already been spent on lawsuits. Come on people, this is our money. I have to say I have never had respect for our Police Department because I think they have too much time on their hands and partol too much in a safe city like Davis, but now I have even less respect for the DFD.

  114. To me it sounds like the City Manager needs to be investigated. It sounds like he too is in the pockets of the elected officials, DFD Captains & Cheifs and the Union. What City Manager after receiving such a report would not be appauld and immediately bring in an Independent Investigator. I would say the Chief has to go and go quickly, then some of her captains should follow. We need a total overhaul. I just can’t believe my money is being spent on this type of behavior, not to mention the thousands that have already been spent on lawsuits. Come on people, this is our money. I have to say I have never had respect for our Police Department because I think they have too much time on their hands and partol too much in a safe city like Davis, but now I have even less respect for the DFD.

  115. To me it sounds like the City Manager needs to be investigated. It sounds like he too is in the pockets of the elected officials, DFD Captains & Cheifs and the Union. What City Manager after receiving such a report would not be appauld and immediately bring in an Independent Investigator. I would say the Chief has to go and go quickly, then some of her captains should follow. We need a total overhaul. I just can’t believe my money is being spent on this type of behavior, not to mention the thousands that have already been spent on lawsuits. Come on people, this is our money. I have to say I have never had respect for our Police Department because I think they have too much time on their hands and partol too much in a safe city like Davis, but now I have even less respect for the DFD.

  116. To me it sounds like the City Manager needs to be investigated. It sounds like he too is in the pockets of the elected officials, DFD Captains & Cheifs and the Union. What City Manager after receiving such a report would not be appauld and immediately bring in an Independent Investigator. I would say the Chief has to go and go quickly, then some of her captains should follow. We need a total overhaul. I just can’t believe my money is being spent on this type of behavior, not to mention the thousands that have already been spent on lawsuits. Come on people, this is our money. I have to say I have never had respect for our Police Department because I think they have too much time on their hands and partol too much in a safe city like Davis, but now I have even less respect for the DFD.

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