Now EdVoice Has Gone Too Far With Attacks on Yamada

Earlier this week, we criticized the Yamada campaign and their Independent Expenditure committee surrogates for attacks on Christopher Cabaldon that were minor and nitpicky at best. Their slew of attacks have generated considerable response from EdVoice. Yesterday my mailbox was filled up with eight or nine pieces from the Assembly campaigns and the IEs. Christopher Cabaldon recorded a cable ad to respond to some of the attacks.

Here is the response from Cabaldon up on youtube:

However, this race has now turned ugly with two vicious attacks by EdVoice on Yamada.

This ad has angered advocates for people with disabilities. The program was designed to help people with disabilities get jobs–of course the ad makes no mention of that. The Yamada campaign led by advocates for people with disabilities will have a press conference this morning to refute and denounce the political attack.

The Sacramento Bee’s ad watch already roundly criticized the ad:

“$91,000 for coffee service?” reads one flier attacking Yamada, a Yolo County supervisor, for voting to subsidize a coffee cart in a county building. “What was Yamada thinking?”

Turns out it’s no ordinary coffee cart – it’s designed to provide jobs to people with mental disabilities.

Yolo supervisors voted 3-2 to commit $91,000 to the Turning Point agency for equipment and training. The money stems from a 2005 tax on millionaires that can be spent only for mental-health services.

At the top of the ad, they quote an unnamed Yolo County Supervisor: “When I first read it, I thought it was a mistake. When I heard the explanation, it was worse.” Of course what they do not tell you is that that county supervisor was Republican Matt Rexroad. I wonder why they would not name the county supervisor? Nor did they tell you that the program passed with a 3-2 vote with Cabaldon supporters Helen Thomson and Mike McGowan voting for it. The two opposing votes were the two Republicans on the board.

As bad as that ad was, the one that came out yesterday in my opinion was even worse.

The reference here is to the problems faced by the Yolo County Housing Authority. Their former director, David Serena, faced a long inquiry by the Yolo County Grand Jury and the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office. This spring, the only legal charges faced by Mr. Serena were dismissed by a visiting Judge.

But what does that have to do with Mariko Yamada? Not a whole lot. She was not involved in this directly. The County Board of Supervisors was criticized for their oversight, but that does not fall on Mariko Yamada alone, it also falls on Cabaldon supporters Helen Thomson and Mike McGowan. To claim that Yamada is responsible for the problems at the Yolo County Housing Authority is pushing it. To then extrapolate to the larger foreclosure problem is blatantly false.

As several people pointed out to me, they criticize Mariko Yamada not because she was responsible for the problems with the Yolo County Housing Authority but rather because she failed to stand behind David Serena when it was clear them that he was the victim of some kind of vendetta and witch hunt. The charges he faced, as we covered earlier this spring, were trumped up and specious. He faced years in prison for a clerical error performed not by him but by an administrator.

To criticize Mariko Yamada for the entire episode is about 90 percent fabrication and 10% truth. This is simply a vicious political attack against Mariko Yamada by Ed Voice. I do not see that the citizens and voters of the 8th Assembly District are well served by these attacks. There is no truthful information in them that would help someone make up their minds.

Mariko Yamada’s surrogates are not better than Ed Voice either. The WRONG attack, the booted car, and the Wal Mart attack were all very negative and distorted as well. Something has to be done about these independent expenditure committees. They are out of control and they thoroughly harm the process. People are turned off by these kinds of attacks, and as often as not, they end up saying a pox on both their houses when they cannot figure out the truth.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. A Cabaldon staffer sent this video out to the Yolodems list last night. I love Cabaldon’s faux indignation – dare I say Stanislavski?

    “This is Davis WE KNOW better!” When did he live in Davis? Until this election I never even saw him in town.

    “I’ve never taken money from Wal-Mart!” Chris, the accusation was taking money from Wal-Mart heirs, and if Carrie Walton-Penner, homemaker of Bentonville Arkansas, doesn’t count as a Wal-Mart heir it’s a helluva coincidence.

    “I opposed the Wal-Mart!” (sooooo whiny, think you might lose this thing?). Chris, you can’t take credit for EVERYTHING in West Sacramento with 75 pieces of direct mail over two months and then back peddle on your Wal-Mart Super Center with one you tube clip four days before the election.

    Figure out who you are, match your actual voting record with that set of values, and then maybe you’ll deserve the adoration you’re seeking.

  2. A Cabaldon staffer sent this video out to the Yolodems list last night. I love Cabaldon’s faux indignation – dare I say Stanislavski?

    “This is Davis WE KNOW better!” When did he live in Davis? Until this election I never even saw him in town.

    “I’ve never taken money from Wal-Mart!” Chris, the accusation was taking money from Wal-Mart heirs, and if Carrie Walton-Penner, homemaker of Bentonville Arkansas, doesn’t count as a Wal-Mart heir it’s a helluva coincidence.

    “I opposed the Wal-Mart!” (sooooo whiny, think you might lose this thing?). Chris, you can’t take credit for EVERYTHING in West Sacramento with 75 pieces of direct mail over two months and then back peddle on your Wal-Mart Super Center with one you tube clip four days before the election.

    Figure out who you are, match your actual voting record with that set of values, and then maybe you’ll deserve the adoration you’re seeking.

  3. A Cabaldon staffer sent this video out to the Yolodems list last night. I love Cabaldon’s faux indignation – dare I say Stanislavski?

    “This is Davis WE KNOW better!” When did he live in Davis? Until this election I never even saw him in town.

    “I’ve never taken money from Wal-Mart!” Chris, the accusation was taking money from Wal-Mart heirs, and if Carrie Walton-Penner, homemaker of Bentonville Arkansas, doesn’t count as a Wal-Mart heir it’s a helluva coincidence.

    “I opposed the Wal-Mart!” (sooooo whiny, think you might lose this thing?). Chris, you can’t take credit for EVERYTHING in West Sacramento with 75 pieces of direct mail over two months and then back peddle on your Wal-Mart Super Center with one you tube clip four days before the election.

    Figure out who you are, match your actual voting record with that set of values, and then maybe you’ll deserve the adoration you’re seeking.

  4. A Cabaldon staffer sent this video out to the Yolodems list last night. I love Cabaldon’s faux indignation – dare I say Stanislavski?

    “This is Davis WE KNOW better!” When did he live in Davis? Until this election I never even saw him in town.

    “I’ve never taken money from Wal-Mart!” Chris, the accusation was taking money from Wal-Mart heirs, and if Carrie Walton-Penner, homemaker of Bentonville Arkansas, doesn’t count as a Wal-Mart heir it’s a helluva coincidence.

    “I opposed the Wal-Mart!” (sooooo whiny, think you might lose this thing?). Chris, you can’t take credit for EVERYTHING in West Sacramento with 75 pieces of direct mail over two months and then back peddle on your Wal-Mart Super Center with one you tube clip four days before the election.

    Figure out who you are, match your actual voting record with that set of values, and then maybe you’ll deserve the adoration you’re seeking.

  5. EXCELLENT description of why I will not be voting for Cabaldon. I will also not be voting for ANY of the Cabaldon endorsers who we will be seeing on our June 3 ballot.

  6. EXCELLENT description of why I will not be voting for Cabaldon. I will also not be voting for ANY of the Cabaldon endorsers who we will be seeing on our June 3 ballot.

  7. EXCELLENT description of why I will not be voting for Cabaldon. I will also not be voting for ANY of the Cabaldon endorsers who we will be seeing on our June 3 ballot.

  8. EXCELLENT description of why I will not be voting for Cabaldon. I will also not be voting for ANY of the Cabaldon endorsers who we will be seeing on our June 3 ballot.

  9. Doug, Thank you. I wanted to let people know that disability rights advocates are holding a press conference to voice their outrage on the mailer at 11 am today at the Davis Art Center. Hopefully, Cecilia, Jim and other candidates running for office will attend the press conference to express their outrage on the mailer and stand up to support the most vunerlable segment of our community–those with mental and physical disabilities. Christine Totah

  10. Doug, Thank you. I wanted to let people know that disability rights advocates are holding a press conference to voice their outrage on the mailer at 11 am today at the Davis Art Center. Hopefully, Cecilia, Jim and other candidates running for office will attend the press conference to express their outrage on the mailer and stand up to support the most vunerlable segment of our community–those with mental and physical disabilities. Christine Totah

  11. Doug, Thank you. I wanted to let people know that disability rights advocates are holding a press conference to voice their outrage on the mailer at 11 am today at the Davis Art Center. Hopefully, Cecilia, Jim and other candidates running for office will attend the press conference to express their outrage on the mailer and stand up to support the most vunerlable segment of our community–those with mental and physical disabilities. Christine Totah

  12. Doug, Thank you. I wanted to let people know that disability rights advocates are holding a press conference to voice their outrage on the mailer at 11 am today at the Davis Art Center. Hopefully, Cecilia, Jim and other candidates running for office will attend the press conference to express their outrage on the mailer and stand up to support the most vunerlable segment of our community–those with mental and physical disabilities. Christine Totah

  13. Damn. Someone should have done an ad saying that Mariko is supported by McDonalds! And Republicans!

    CC Yin, one of Mariko’s only personal max contributions, is the owner of several McDonalds and a major Republican donor who helped bankroll prop 72 – the referendum on SB 2, killing the last meaningful healthcare reform measure.

    Mariko created this negative tone of the campaign. Before she went negative with boots/tickets and other BS, Cabaldon was way in the lead because of his ideas, enthusiasm and support among all of our local elected leaders. Ask anyone who attended the debates or has talked personally with both of them. Hands-down Cabaldon is the superior candidate.

    So, now that someone has started kicking sand back she is going to make that the closing issue of the campaign? Great. Maybe voters will throw all of this junk away and vote on the substance of each candidate. And, in that case she loses.

  14. Damn. Someone should have done an ad saying that Mariko is supported by McDonalds! And Republicans!

    CC Yin, one of Mariko’s only personal max contributions, is the owner of several McDonalds and a major Republican donor who helped bankroll prop 72 – the referendum on SB 2, killing the last meaningful healthcare reform measure.

    Mariko created this negative tone of the campaign. Before she went negative with boots/tickets and other BS, Cabaldon was way in the lead because of his ideas, enthusiasm and support among all of our local elected leaders. Ask anyone who attended the debates or has talked personally with both of them. Hands-down Cabaldon is the superior candidate.

    So, now that someone has started kicking sand back she is going to make that the closing issue of the campaign? Great. Maybe voters will throw all of this junk away and vote on the substance of each candidate. And, in that case she loses.

  15. Damn. Someone should have done an ad saying that Mariko is supported by McDonalds! And Republicans!

    CC Yin, one of Mariko’s only personal max contributions, is the owner of several McDonalds and a major Republican donor who helped bankroll prop 72 – the referendum on SB 2, killing the last meaningful healthcare reform measure.

    Mariko created this negative tone of the campaign. Before she went negative with boots/tickets and other BS, Cabaldon was way in the lead because of his ideas, enthusiasm and support among all of our local elected leaders. Ask anyone who attended the debates or has talked personally with both of them. Hands-down Cabaldon is the superior candidate.

    So, now that someone has started kicking sand back she is going to make that the closing issue of the campaign? Great. Maybe voters will throw all of this junk away and vote on the substance of each candidate. And, in that case she loses.

  16. Damn. Someone should have done an ad saying that Mariko is supported by McDonalds! And Republicans!

    CC Yin, one of Mariko’s only personal max contributions, is the owner of several McDonalds and a major Republican donor who helped bankroll prop 72 – the referendum on SB 2, killing the last meaningful healthcare reform measure.

    Mariko created this negative tone of the campaign. Before she went negative with boots/tickets and other BS, Cabaldon was way in the lead because of his ideas, enthusiasm and support among all of our local elected leaders. Ask anyone who attended the debates or has talked personally with both of them. Hands-down Cabaldon is the superior candidate.

    So, now that someone has started kicking sand back she is going to make that the closing issue of the campaign? Great. Maybe voters will throw all of this junk away and vote on the substance of each candidate. And, in that case she loses.

  17. yeah, that “we” davis thing was a laugh. i suspect his polling’s showing him tied or behind in davis, and he’s trying to pose as a local.

    one of the many reasons why i’m voting for yamada is the hometown thing. especially when you’re sending someone potentially up the state gov ladder, there’s an advantage in having that person be from one’s community, if just because it’s easier to get in touch with them, lobby them, get decent constituent service form them.

    cabaldon is not a davis guy, and it’s a bit irritating that he would try to pose as one. guess west sac just doesn’t have the votes.

  18. yeah, that “we” davis thing was a laugh. i suspect his polling’s showing him tied or behind in davis, and he’s trying to pose as a local.

    one of the many reasons why i’m voting for yamada is the hometown thing. especially when you’re sending someone potentially up the state gov ladder, there’s an advantage in having that person be from one’s community, if just because it’s easier to get in touch with them, lobby them, get decent constituent service form them.

    cabaldon is not a davis guy, and it’s a bit irritating that he would try to pose as one. guess west sac just doesn’t have the votes.

  19. yeah, that “we” davis thing was a laugh. i suspect his polling’s showing him tied or behind in davis, and he’s trying to pose as a local.

    one of the many reasons why i’m voting for yamada is the hometown thing. especially when you’re sending someone potentially up the state gov ladder, there’s an advantage in having that person be from one’s community, if just because it’s easier to get in touch with them, lobby them, get decent constituent service form them.

    cabaldon is not a davis guy, and it’s a bit irritating that he would try to pose as one. guess west sac just doesn’t have the votes.

  20. yeah, that “we” davis thing was a laugh. i suspect his polling’s showing him tied or behind in davis, and he’s trying to pose as a local.

    one of the many reasons why i’m voting for yamada is the hometown thing. especially when you’re sending someone potentially up the state gov ladder, there’s an advantage in having that person be from one’s community, if just because it’s easier to get in touch with them, lobby them, get decent constituent service form them.

    cabaldon is not a davis guy, and it’s a bit irritating that he would try to pose as one. guess west sac just doesn’t have the votes.

  21. I am really confused about the negativity in the campaigns for both candidates for Assembly.

    The Yolo County Supervisor race is better, though I’ve been hearing about a nasty letter being sent out by a Ferrera supporter attacking Provenza and ridiculing Kennedy.
    Some of the same people floating around in the Cabaldon campaign are also heavily involved in the Ferrera campaign.

    Amazingly enough, the Davis City Council race is a fairly clean one. Perhaps it is because the people running know that Davis citizens are really tired of being lied to and deceptive practices. The Measure X vote communicated very clearly that Davis citizens just want to hear about facts and truthful information and be allowed room to make up their own minds.

  22. I am really confused about the negativity in the campaigns for both candidates for Assembly.

    The Yolo County Supervisor race is better, though I’ve been hearing about a nasty letter being sent out by a Ferrera supporter attacking Provenza and ridiculing Kennedy.
    Some of the same people floating around in the Cabaldon campaign are also heavily involved in the Ferrera campaign.

    Amazingly enough, the Davis City Council race is a fairly clean one. Perhaps it is because the people running know that Davis citizens are really tired of being lied to and deceptive practices. The Measure X vote communicated very clearly that Davis citizens just want to hear about facts and truthful information and be allowed room to make up their own minds.

  23. I am really confused about the negativity in the campaigns for both candidates for Assembly.

    The Yolo County Supervisor race is better, though I’ve been hearing about a nasty letter being sent out by a Ferrera supporter attacking Provenza and ridiculing Kennedy.
    Some of the same people floating around in the Cabaldon campaign are also heavily involved in the Ferrera campaign.

    Amazingly enough, the Davis City Council race is a fairly clean one. Perhaps it is because the people running know that Davis citizens are really tired of being lied to and deceptive practices. The Measure X vote communicated very clearly that Davis citizens just want to hear about facts and truthful information and be allowed room to make up their own minds.

  24. I am really confused about the negativity in the campaigns for both candidates for Assembly.

    The Yolo County Supervisor race is better, though I’ve been hearing about a nasty letter being sent out by a Ferrera supporter attacking Provenza and ridiculing Kennedy.
    Some of the same people floating around in the Cabaldon campaign are also heavily involved in the Ferrera campaign.

    Amazingly enough, the Davis City Council race is a fairly clean one. Perhaps it is because the people running know that Davis citizens are really tired of being lied to and deceptive practices. The Measure X vote communicated very clearly that Davis citizens just want to hear about facts and truthful information and be allowed room to make up their own minds.

  25. WallMart a good store? I guess it is if you like cheaply made items that break easily and have lead and are made in China or some other foreign country.

  26. WallMart a good store? I guess it is if you like cheaply made items that break easily and have lead and are made in China or some other foreign country.

  27. WallMart a good store? I guess it is if you like cheaply made items that break easily and have lead and are made in China or some other foreign country.

  28. WallMart a good store? I guess it is if you like cheaply made items that break easily and have lead and are made in China or some other foreign country.

  29. Hey, at least it brings in tax revenue. All we get in Davis are a few chains that might have what you need and then the local businesses that jack prices up so high we’d rather spend the gas money and shop out of town.

    Why do we work so hard to pinch pennies? Because we can barely afford to live here! Where we work!

    Now the foreclosure sign on the Yamada handout is a low blow. It’s not her fault that homes here are outrageously overpriced. I blame the citizens, with your NIMBY policies and fracturing school system. What goes around, comes around.

  30. Hey, at least it brings in tax revenue. All we get in Davis are a few chains that might have what you need and then the local businesses that jack prices up so high we’d rather spend the gas money and shop out of town.

    Why do we work so hard to pinch pennies? Because we can barely afford to live here! Where we work!

    Now the foreclosure sign on the Yamada handout is a low blow. It’s not her fault that homes here are outrageously overpriced. I blame the citizens, with your NIMBY policies and fracturing school system. What goes around, comes around.

  31. Hey, at least it brings in tax revenue. All we get in Davis are a few chains that might have what you need and then the local businesses that jack prices up so high we’d rather spend the gas money and shop out of town.

    Why do we work so hard to pinch pennies? Because we can barely afford to live here! Where we work!

    Now the foreclosure sign on the Yamada handout is a low blow. It’s not her fault that homes here are outrageously overpriced. I blame the citizens, with your NIMBY policies and fracturing school system. What goes around, comes around.

  32. Hey, at least it brings in tax revenue. All we get in Davis are a few chains that might have what you need and then the local businesses that jack prices up so high we’d rather spend the gas money and shop out of town.

    Why do we work so hard to pinch pennies? Because we can barely afford to live here! Where we work!

    Now the foreclosure sign on the Yamada handout is a low blow. It’s not her fault that homes here are outrageously overpriced. I blame the citizens, with your NIMBY policies and fracturing school system. What goes around, comes around.

  33. “I blame the citizens, with your NIMBY policies and fracturing school system. What goes around, comes around. “

    Are people like drinking too much today? What accounts for the foreclosures everywhere else in the country?

  34. “I blame the citizens, with your NIMBY policies and fracturing school system. What goes around, comes around. “

    Are people like drinking too much today? What accounts for the foreclosures everywhere else in the country?

  35. “I blame the citizens, with your NIMBY policies and fracturing school system. What goes around, comes around. “

    Are people like drinking too much today? What accounts for the foreclosures everywhere else in the country?

  36. “I blame the citizens, with your NIMBY policies and fracturing school system. What goes around, comes around. “

    Are people like drinking too much today? What accounts for the foreclosures everywhere else in the country?

  37. Some observations:

    First, people have to understand that the candidates can’t control the content of the ads by independent expenditure groups that support them. That is against the law.

    First, just discard the all the material that is not put out by the candidate themselves. Throw it directly in the trash, and don’t hold either candidate responsible for the content. The stuff put out against both candidates by independent expenditures groups has been the worst I have ever seen.

    It does make some sense to ask yourself why one group or the other supports a candidate, keeping in mind that it might be for dumb reasons.

    Secondly, look at what has come out of each campaign.

    1) The traffic ticket press release by the Yamada campaign was, in my opinion, very nasty and petty. Close to disqualifyingly so.

    2) Chris Cabaldon’s TV ad was pretty good. He fought the mega-casino, and that was in the public interest. He didn’t take money from Walmart, and he defended himself. And what did Yamada tell the casino backers to get their support? I certainly wondered, but maybe they were just mad at Cabaldon. Still, a big plus for him that he stood up the casinos.

    Nothing else really stands out to me.

  38. Some observations:

    First, people have to understand that the candidates can’t control the content of the ads by independent expenditure groups that support them. That is against the law.

    First, just discard the all the material that is not put out by the candidate themselves. Throw it directly in the trash, and don’t hold either candidate responsible for the content. The stuff put out against both candidates by independent expenditures groups has been the worst I have ever seen.

    It does make some sense to ask yourself why one group or the other supports a candidate, keeping in mind that it might be for dumb reasons.

    Secondly, look at what has come out of each campaign.

    1) The traffic ticket press release by the Yamada campaign was, in my opinion, very nasty and petty. Close to disqualifyingly so.

    2) Chris Cabaldon’s TV ad was pretty good. He fought the mega-casino, and that was in the public interest. He didn’t take money from Walmart, and he defended himself. And what did Yamada tell the casino backers to get their support? I certainly wondered, but maybe they were just mad at Cabaldon. Still, a big plus for him that he stood up the casinos.

    Nothing else really stands out to me.

  39. Some observations:

    First, people have to understand that the candidates can’t control the content of the ads by independent expenditure groups that support them. That is against the law.

    First, just discard the all the material that is not put out by the candidate themselves. Throw it directly in the trash, and don’t hold either candidate responsible for the content. The stuff put out against both candidates by independent expenditures groups has been the worst I have ever seen.

    It does make some sense to ask yourself why one group or the other supports a candidate, keeping in mind that it might be for dumb reasons.

    Secondly, look at what has come out of each campaign.

    1) The traffic ticket press release by the Yamada campaign was, in my opinion, very nasty and petty. Close to disqualifyingly so.

    2) Chris Cabaldon’s TV ad was pretty good. He fought the mega-casino, and that was in the public interest. He didn’t take money from Walmart, and he defended himself. And what did Yamada tell the casino backers to get their support? I certainly wondered, but maybe they were just mad at Cabaldon. Still, a big plus for him that he stood up the casinos.

    Nothing else really stands out to me.

  40. Some observations:

    First, people have to understand that the candidates can’t control the content of the ads by independent expenditure groups that support them. That is against the law.

    First, just discard the all the material that is not put out by the candidate themselves. Throw it directly in the trash, and don’t hold either candidate responsible for the content. The stuff put out against both candidates by independent expenditures groups has been the worst I have ever seen.

    It does make some sense to ask yourself why one group or the other supports a candidate, keeping in mind that it might be for dumb reasons.

    Secondly, look at what has come out of each campaign.

    1) The traffic ticket press release by the Yamada campaign was, in my opinion, very nasty and petty. Close to disqualifyingly so.

    2) Chris Cabaldon’s TV ad was pretty good. He fought the mega-casino, and that was in the public interest. He didn’t take money from Walmart, and he defended himself. And what did Yamada tell the casino backers to get their support? I certainly wondered, but maybe they were just mad at Cabaldon. Still, a big plus for him that he stood up the casinos.

    Nothing else really stands out to me.

  41. Those houses are overpriced too but they compounded their error by thinking speculators = real demand.

    Davis actually has demand but at
    3x local median household income, not at 7x.

    You have a captive market in UCD. Which, if Davis politics quit resembling a keystone cops marathon long enough, could go a long way to fixing the city’s short and long term budget problems and fit in nicely with it’s social and environmental goals. But it will never happen as long as a bunch of greedy grasping boomers are intent on padding their retirements on the backs of young UCD families.

  42. Those houses are overpriced too but they compounded their error by thinking speculators = real demand.

    Davis actually has demand but at
    3x local median household income, not at 7x.

    You have a captive market in UCD. Which, if Davis politics quit resembling a keystone cops marathon long enough, could go a long way to fixing the city’s short and long term budget problems and fit in nicely with it’s social and environmental goals. But it will never happen as long as a bunch of greedy grasping boomers are intent on padding their retirements on the backs of young UCD families.

  43. Those houses are overpriced too but they compounded their error by thinking speculators = real demand.

    Davis actually has demand but at
    3x local median household income, not at 7x.

    You have a captive market in UCD. Which, if Davis politics quit resembling a keystone cops marathon long enough, could go a long way to fixing the city’s short and long term budget problems and fit in nicely with it’s social and environmental goals. But it will never happen as long as a bunch of greedy grasping boomers are intent on padding their retirements on the backs of young UCD families.

  44. Those houses are overpriced too but they compounded their error by thinking speculators = real demand.

    Davis actually has demand but at
    3x local median household income, not at 7x.

    You have a captive market in UCD. Which, if Davis politics quit resembling a keystone cops marathon long enough, could go a long way to fixing the city’s short and long term budget problems and fit in nicely with it’s social and environmental goals. But it will never happen as long as a bunch of greedy grasping boomers are intent on padding their retirements on the backs of young UCD families.

  45. i don’t get how cabaldon can claim with a straight face that the nurses, teachers and firefighters are somehow a cat’s paw for casino interests.

    when you look at those IE records, all the funds come out of those unions.

    it’s a misdirection, accusing your rival of what you’re doing.

    who gave who what is a matter of public record. cabaldon’s IEs are being bankrolled by edvoice, realtors, real estate interests, and insurance companies. yamda’s IEs are bankrolled by public service unions.

    the choice is rather clear, and i assume both groups did their homework on who was more amenable to their interests.

  46. i don’t get how cabaldon can claim with a straight face that the nurses, teachers and firefighters are somehow a cat’s paw for casino interests.

    when you look at those IE records, all the funds come out of those unions.

    it’s a misdirection, accusing your rival of what you’re doing.

    who gave who what is a matter of public record. cabaldon’s IEs are being bankrolled by edvoice, realtors, real estate interests, and insurance companies. yamda’s IEs are bankrolled by public service unions.

    the choice is rather clear, and i assume both groups did their homework on who was more amenable to their interests.

  47. i don’t get how cabaldon can claim with a straight face that the nurses, teachers and firefighters are somehow a cat’s paw for casino interests.

    when you look at those IE records, all the funds come out of those unions.

    it’s a misdirection, accusing your rival of what you’re doing.

    who gave who what is a matter of public record. cabaldon’s IEs are being bankrolled by edvoice, realtors, real estate interests, and insurance companies. yamda’s IEs are bankrolled by public service unions.

    the choice is rather clear, and i assume both groups did their homework on who was more amenable to their interests.

  48. i don’t get how cabaldon can claim with a straight face that the nurses, teachers and firefighters are somehow a cat’s paw for casino interests.

    when you look at those IE records, all the funds come out of those unions.

    it’s a misdirection, accusing your rival of what you’re doing.

    who gave who what is a matter of public record. cabaldon’s IEs are being bankrolled by edvoice, realtors, real estate interests, and insurance companies. yamda’s IEs are bankrolled by public service unions.

    the choice is rather clear, and i assume both groups did their homework on who was more amenable to their interests.

  49. “Although he did support WAL MART, which is a good non union store.”

    Cabaldon said in one of his adds he OPPOSED Wal-Mart. I have no idea if that is true or not. But it does raise a question: Exactly how is it bad for the people of West Sacramento to have Wal-Mart in their town? And how does it hurt the people of West Sac to have the option to shop at that store?

  50. “Although he did support WAL MART, which is a good non union store.”

    Cabaldon said in one of his adds he OPPOSED Wal-Mart. I have no idea if that is true or not. But it does raise a question: Exactly how is it bad for the people of West Sacramento to have Wal-Mart in their town? And how does it hurt the people of West Sac to have the option to shop at that store?

  51. “Although he did support WAL MART, which is a good non union store.”

    Cabaldon said in one of his adds he OPPOSED Wal-Mart. I have no idea if that is true or not. But it does raise a question: Exactly how is it bad for the people of West Sacramento to have Wal-Mart in their town? And how does it hurt the people of West Sac to have the option to shop at that store?

  52. “Although he did support WAL MART, which is a good non union store.”

    Cabaldon said in one of his adds he OPPOSED Wal-Mart. I have no idea if that is true or not. But it does raise a question: Exactly how is it bad for the people of West Sacramento to have Wal-Mart in their town? And how does it hurt the people of West Sac to have the option to shop at that store?

  53. Wu Ming,

    I respect your opinon and I have enjoyed your postings on this blog – and yours – but I want to make one point clear about the union involvement against Cabaldon.

    Bill Camp, the head of Sacramento Labor backed Cabaldon in 2002. After that campaign, a tribe from out of the area wanted to use land in West Sacramento to build a huge casino. This became a HUGE deal for Bill Camp because UFCW had won the contract with this tribe. In a region where most gaming has either no union or UNITE-HERE, getting this UFCW contract was a big, big, big deal.

    When Cabaldon opposed the casino, he really pissed off UFCW and Sacramento Labor Council.

    After he beat back the casino, the IKEA went in that space, then the inevitable afterbirth was the WalMart. Cabaldon opposed the WalMart, but the way zoning works there was no way to have an area OK for an IKEA and not face the possibility that another business would come in too.

    So, UFCW doesn’t get the Casino, then uses the WalMart issue as the big bat to try and kill Cabaldon.

    So, while I respect your opinion on these things Wu Ming, I think you should at least have the proper background on the issue.

  54. Wu Ming,

    I respect your opinon and I have enjoyed your postings on this blog – and yours – but I want to make one point clear about the union involvement against Cabaldon.

    Bill Camp, the head of Sacramento Labor backed Cabaldon in 2002. After that campaign, a tribe from out of the area wanted to use land in West Sacramento to build a huge casino. This became a HUGE deal for Bill Camp because UFCW had won the contract with this tribe. In a region where most gaming has either no union or UNITE-HERE, getting this UFCW contract was a big, big, big deal.

    When Cabaldon opposed the casino, he really pissed off UFCW and Sacramento Labor Council.

    After he beat back the casino, the IKEA went in that space, then the inevitable afterbirth was the WalMart. Cabaldon opposed the WalMart, but the way zoning works there was no way to have an area OK for an IKEA and not face the possibility that another business would come in too.

    So, UFCW doesn’t get the Casino, then uses the WalMart issue as the big bat to try and kill Cabaldon.

    So, while I respect your opinion on these things Wu Ming, I think you should at least have the proper background on the issue.

  55. Wu Ming,

    I respect your opinon and I have enjoyed your postings on this blog – and yours – but I want to make one point clear about the union involvement against Cabaldon.

    Bill Camp, the head of Sacramento Labor backed Cabaldon in 2002. After that campaign, a tribe from out of the area wanted to use land in West Sacramento to build a huge casino. This became a HUGE deal for Bill Camp because UFCW had won the contract with this tribe. In a region where most gaming has either no union or UNITE-HERE, getting this UFCW contract was a big, big, big deal.

    When Cabaldon opposed the casino, he really pissed off UFCW and Sacramento Labor Council.

    After he beat back the casino, the IKEA went in that space, then the inevitable afterbirth was the WalMart. Cabaldon opposed the WalMart, but the way zoning works there was no way to have an area OK for an IKEA and not face the possibility that another business would come in too.

    So, UFCW doesn’t get the Casino, then uses the WalMart issue as the big bat to try and kill Cabaldon.

    So, while I respect your opinion on these things Wu Ming, I think you should at least have the proper background on the issue.

  56. Wu Ming,

    I respect your opinon and I have enjoyed your postings on this blog – and yours – but I want to make one point clear about the union involvement against Cabaldon.

    Bill Camp, the head of Sacramento Labor backed Cabaldon in 2002. After that campaign, a tribe from out of the area wanted to use land in West Sacramento to build a huge casino. This became a HUGE deal for Bill Camp because UFCW had won the contract with this tribe. In a region where most gaming has either no union or UNITE-HERE, getting this UFCW contract was a big, big, big deal.

    When Cabaldon opposed the casino, he really pissed off UFCW and Sacramento Labor Council.

    After he beat back the casino, the IKEA went in that space, then the inevitable afterbirth was the WalMart. Cabaldon opposed the WalMart, but the way zoning works there was no way to have an area OK for an IKEA and not face the possibility that another business would come in too.

    So, UFCW doesn’t get the Casino, then uses the WalMart issue as the big bat to try and kill Cabaldon.

    So, while I respect your opinion on these things Wu Ming, I think you should at least have the proper background on the issue.

  57. thanks, that makes cabaldon’s claim make a bit more sense, or rather it would if UFCW was the main union backing yamada.

    unless the claim is that the CNA/CTA/SEIU/firemen thing is basically being controlled by the sac central labor council.

    still, the overall lineup in this IE mailbox stuffing contest is unions vs. real estate and insurance interests.

  58. thanks, that makes cabaldon’s claim make a bit more sense, or rather it would if UFCW was the main union backing yamada.

    unless the claim is that the CNA/CTA/SEIU/firemen thing is basically being controlled by the sac central labor council.

    still, the overall lineup in this IE mailbox stuffing contest is unions vs. real estate and insurance interests.

  59. thanks, that makes cabaldon’s claim make a bit more sense, or rather it would if UFCW was the main union backing yamada.

    unless the claim is that the CNA/CTA/SEIU/firemen thing is basically being controlled by the sac central labor council.

    still, the overall lineup in this IE mailbox stuffing contest is unions vs. real estate and insurance interests.

  60. thanks, that makes cabaldon’s claim make a bit more sense, or rather it would if UFCW was the main union backing yamada.

    unless the claim is that the CNA/CTA/SEIU/firemen thing is basically being controlled by the sac central labor council.

    still, the overall lineup in this IE mailbox stuffing contest is unions vs. real estate and insurance interests.

  61. Wu Ming, if you take a look at the reports, it looks like AFSCME tossed in $50,000 + for the I.E. for Cabaldon, and not Yamada.

    I think you should take a look at the biggest union victory in Davis, which is for the Sodexho workers…and see who they’re backing. Its Cabaldon.

    Honestly, it looks like Sacramento’s unions are for her, and the in-district unions are for him.

  62. Wu Ming, if you take a look at the reports, it looks like AFSCME tossed in $50,000 + for the I.E. for Cabaldon, and not Yamada.

    I think you should take a look at the biggest union victory in Davis, which is for the Sodexho workers…and see who they’re backing. Its Cabaldon.

    Honestly, it looks like Sacramento’s unions are for her, and the in-district unions are for him.

  63. Wu Ming, if you take a look at the reports, it looks like AFSCME tossed in $50,000 + for the I.E. for Cabaldon, and not Yamada.

    I think you should take a look at the biggest union victory in Davis, which is for the Sodexho workers…and see who they’re backing. Its Cabaldon.

    Honestly, it looks like Sacramento’s unions are for her, and the in-district unions are for him.

  64. Wu Ming, if you take a look at the reports, it looks like AFSCME tossed in $50,000 + for the I.E. for Cabaldon, and not Yamada.

    I think you should take a look at the biggest union victory in Davis, which is for the Sodexho workers…and see who they’re backing. Its Cabaldon.

    Honestly, it looks like Sacramento’s unions are for her, and the in-district unions are for him.

  65. Yes Wu Ming, UFCW is Bill Camp. He and they were the first drivers of the Sacramento Union push against Cabaldon.

    The second push came from the CSEA folks who had been against Cabaldon when he was at the community colleges as the vice chancellor (management) and then at EdVoice for his support of public charter schools. (Note that Mariko supported the Charter School in Davis, so it’s not like she is perfect in this regard.)

    CTA’s involvement is associated with his support for standards, the exit exam for high school graduation, etc… They are actually acting in a very short-sighted way because Cabaldon is very smart about education and would be a big positive driver for student acheivement if elected. The only question is if CTA will be a partner with him, or a foe. I think the’ve made that decision for him.

    Firefighters are a mystery. They are their own species.

    I understand some people like the Bayne of the Blog guy being totally wacky against Cabaldon, and a total mouthpiece for whatever cardboard candidate that opposes him. But the rest of Davis isn’t as much of a “Labor” town as it is an environmental, civil rights, education, healthcare crowd. Cabaldon would be GREAT in all of these regards. He is endorsed by the Sierra Club and CLCV, has the support of Equality California, Planned Parenthood, Wolk, Thompson, the California Democratic Party. He’s like the complete package.

    If it wasn’t for the nasty IE’s against cabaldon this race would have been done a long time ago.

  66. Yes Wu Ming, UFCW is Bill Camp. He and they were the first drivers of the Sacramento Union push against Cabaldon.

    The second push came from the CSEA folks who had been against Cabaldon when he was at the community colleges as the vice chancellor (management) and then at EdVoice for his support of public charter schools. (Note that Mariko supported the Charter School in Davis, so it’s not like she is perfect in this regard.)

    CTA’s involvement is associated with his support for standards, the exit exam for high school graduation, etc… They are actually acting in a very short-sighted way because Cabaldon is very smart about education and would be a big positive driver for student acheivement if elected. The only question is if CTA will be a partner with him, or a foe. I think the’ve made that decision for him.

    Firefighters are a mystery. They are their own species.

    I understand some people like the Bayne of the Blog guy being totally wacky against Cabaldon, and a total mouthpiece for whatever cardboard candidate that opposes him. But the rest of Davis isn’t as much of a “Labor” town as it is an environmental, civil rights, education, healthcare crowd. Cabaldon would be GREAT in all of these regards. He is endorsed by the Sierra Club and CLCV, has the support of Equality California, Planned Parenthood, Wolk, Thompson, the California Democratic Party. He’s like the complete package.

    If it wasn’t for the nasty IE’s against cabaldon this race would have been done a long time ago.

  67. Yes Wu Ming, UFCW is Bill Camp. He and they were the first drivers of the Sacramento Union push against Cabaldon.

    The second push came from the CSEA folks who had been against Cabaldon when he was at the community colleges as the vice chancellor (management) and then at EdVoice for his support of public charter schools. (Note that Mariko supported the Charter School in Davis, so it’s not like she is perfect in this regard.)

    CTA’s involvement is associated with his support for standards, the exit exam for high school graduation, etc… They are actually acting in a very short-sighted way because Cabaldon is very smart about education and would be a big positive driver for student acheivement if elected. The only question is if CTA will be a partner with him, or a foe. I think the’ve made that decision for him.

    Firefighters are a mystery. They are their own species.

    I understand some people like the Bayne of the Blog guy being totally wacky against Cabaldon, and a total mouthpiece for whatever cardboard candidate that opposes him. But the rest of Davis isn’t as much of a “Labor” town as it is an environmental, civil rights, education, healthcare crowd. Cabaldon would be GREAT in all of these regards. He is endorsed by the Sierra Club and CLCV, has the support of Equality California, Planned Parenthood, Wolk, Thompson, the California Democratic Party. He’s like the complete package.

    If it wasn’t for the nasty IE’s against cabaldon this race would have been done a long time ago.

  68. Yes Wu Ming, UFCW is Bill Camp. He and they were the first drivers of the Sacramento Union push against Cabaldon.

    The second push came from the CSEA folks who had been against Cabaldon when he was at the community colleges as the vice chancellor (management) and then at EdVoice for his support of public charter schools. (Note that Mariko supported the Charter School in Davis, so it’s not like she is perfect in this regard.)

    CTA’s involvement is associated with his support for standards, the exit exam for high school graduation, etc… They are actually acting in a very short-sighted way because Cabaldon is very smart about education and would be a big positive driver for student acheivement if elected. The only question is if CTA will be a partner with him, or a foe. I think the’ve made that decision for him.

    Firefighters are a mystery. They are their own species.

    I understand some people like the Bayne of the Blog guy being totally wacky against Cabaldon, and a total mouthpiece for whatever cardboard candidate that opposes him. But the rest of Davis isn’t as much of a “Labor” town as it is an environmental, civil rights, education, healthcare crowd. Cabaldon would be GREAT in all of these regards. He is endorsed by the Sierra Club and CLCV, has the support of Equality California, Planned Parenthood, Wolk, Thompson, the California Democratic Party. He’s like the complete package.

    If it wasn’t for the nasty IE’s against cabaldon this race would have been done a long time ago.

  69. UFCW is not Bill Camp. Bill Camp is the executive director of the Central Labor Council. UFCW was Lamar’s Union at Safeway and is under the CLC umbrella.

  70. UFCW is not Bill Camp. Bill Camp is the executive director of the Central Labor Council. UFCW was Lamar’s Union at Safeway and is under the CLC umbrella.

  71. UFCW is not Bill Camp. Bill Camp is the executive director of the Central Labor Council. UFCW was Lamar’s Union at Safeway and is under the CLC umbrella.

  72. UFCW is not Bill Camp. Bill Camp is the executive director of the Central Labor Council. UFCW was Lamar’s Union at Safeway and is under the CLC umbrella.

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