Money Flying Around in the 8th AD Race

It is definitely not safe to open your mailbox these days.

Anyone opening their mailbox is likely to receive a slew of campaign fliers. A large number of them are not even from the campaigns themselves. Rather they are IEs (Independent Expenditures).

According to an article from the Fairfield Daily Republic, reprinted in the Davis Enterprise this morning, the candidates themselves have raised large amount of money from the primary. The number they report for West Sacramento Mayor Christopher Cabaldon seems a bit low at over $500,000 while Mariko Yamada, Yolo County Supervisor has raised just over half that.

However, the real battle is with the IEs. Undoubtedly anyone with a pulse has seen the EdVoice ads.

“In February, the education advocacy group EdVoice earmarked $350,000 to use on behalf of Cabaldon, who was president of the group until resigning in January.

Since then, a group representing real estate agents and firms has spent about $50,000 on Cabaldon’s behalf, a trade organization representing apartment and rental housing owners has spent $15,000 and a group called the Cooperative of American Physicians has spent more than $40,000. “

Meanwhile, Mariko Yamada has received commitments over more than $300,000 from a variety of unions including CTA, SEIU, and $12,000 from the California Professional Firefighters.

In the last few days, the ads sent for Mariko Yamada by these groups have been particularly vicious.

One ad featured the Acronym “WRONG” and ranged from attacking Cabaldon for once again not paying his parking tickets to supporting Republicans and Wal Mart. Like so many ads, it is filled with half-truths, distortions, and trivial matters. Yesterday, was a more blunt attack, using the West Sacramento Wal-Mart as as a wedge issue.

For a campaign that had pledged to keep it clean, I have seen much in the way of attacks both coming from the IEs (which in fairness, the campaigns supposedly have no connection to nor control of) but also from the Yamada camp itself. It is one thing to criticize the West Sacramento Mayor of bringing Wal Mart to West Sacramento. We can decide whether than was justified and what that means for him. It is another to use parking tickets and the car boot as some kind of personal attack.

The Yamada campaign’s most recent communication to its supporters and volunteers is promoting a big precinct walk in Solano County next weekend.

At the end it writes:

“It is important that we make a major statement about the importance of grass-roots, volunteer-based politics, and send a message to the big-money interests who seek to buy this election for their own purposes. Stand up and make a difference!”

The Yamada campaign has been outspent by the Cabaldon campaign. To date, the Cabaldon campaign’s supporters have sent out more mail. But if Mariko Yamada really is receiving $300,000 from a variety of groups and they continue to send out attack pieces in the mail, they are just as guilty of allowing “big-money” interests play a role in this election.

Attack politics do not serve the people well. Criticizing someone over parking tickets does not tell us who would be a better Assemblymember or who will represent the needs of this district the best. What happened to campaigning on ideas and experience?

I want to read Mariko Yamada tell us why her five years as Yolo County Supervisor, her experience as a social worker and an activist qualify her to be Assemblywoman. I want to read about her ideas for the future of this district. I want to hear about how they differ from her opponent. As much as I think Cabaldon (or more accurately his IEs) has done too much in the way of mail, at least he has laid out that vision clearly. Let’s let the voters decide which vision and whose record they want representing them.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. We are observing the final stages of the flameout of the Yamada campaign, already far behind, left with only the strategy of character assassination.

    How long before she plays the gay marriage card against Cabaldon in Solano County? A mailer with a picture of a figurine of Cabaldon and another man on top of a wedding cake?

    Give it about a week to ten days.

    Anyway, DPD, you must know that your questions about Mariko, and what she stands for in comparison with Cabaldon, are strictly rhetorical.

    The difference is simple, Mariko is for Mariko, and that’s that.

    –Richard Estes

  2. We are observing the final stages of the flameout of the Yamada campaign, already far behind, left with only the strategy of character assassination.

    How long before she plays the gay marriage card against Cabaldon in Solano County? A mailer with a picture of a figurine of Cabaldon and another man on top of a wedding cake?

    Give it about a week to ten days.

    Anyway, DPD, you must know that your questions about Mariko, and what she stands for in comparison with Cabaldon, are strictly rhetorical.

    The difference is simple, Mariko is for Mariko, and that’s that.

    –Richard Estes

  3. We are observing the final stages of the flameout of the Yamada campaign, already far behind, left with only the strategy of character assassination.

    How long before she plays the gay marriage card against Cabaldon in Solano County? A mailer with a picture of a figurine of Cabaldon and another man on top of a wedding cake?

    Give it about a week to ten days.

    Anyway, DPD, you must know that your questions about Mariko, and what she stands for in comparison with Cabaldon, are strictly rhetorical.

    The difference is simple, Mariko is for Mariko, and that’s that.

    –Richard Estes

  4. We are observing the final stages of the flameout of the Yamada campaign, already far behind, left with only the strategy of character assassination.

    How long before she plays the gay marriage card against Cabaldon in Solano County? A mailer with a picture of a figurine of Cabaldon and another man on top of a wedding cake?

    Give it about a week to ten days.

    Anyway, DPD, you must know that your questions about Mariko, and what she stands for in comparison with Cabaldon, are strictly rhetorical.

    The difference is simple, Mariko is for Mariko, and that’s that.

    –Richard Estes

  5. I have not seen a substantive mailer from Mariko yet, and have a good working knowledge of Cabaldon’s talking points after all of his mail has hit my mailbox. My decision was already made, but this cemented it. He’s a person of substance, she’s just an attack dog now.

  6. I have not seen a substantive mailer from Mariko yet, and have a good working knowledge of Cabaldon’s talking points after all of his mail has hit my mailbox. My decision was already made, but this cemented it. He’s a person of substance, she’s just an attack dog now.

  7. I have not seen a substantive mailer from Mariko yet, and have a good working knowledge of Cabaldon’s talking points after all of his mail has hit my mailbox. My decision was already made, but this cemented it. He’s a person of substance, she’s just an attack dog now.

  8. I have not seen a substantive mailer from Mariko yet, and have a good working knowledge of Cabaldon’s talking points after all of his mail has hit my mailbox. My decision was already made, but this cemented it. He’s a person of substance, she’s just an attack dog now.

  9. “Mature” voters understand that campaign rhetoric and promises are no more than just that….
    The Yamada/Cabaldon campaign hinges on the issue of voters’ assessment of the candidate’s PERSONAL qualities,e.g.,trustworthiness, and integrity. The Yamada/Cabaldon primary campaign parallels the Obama/Clinton primary contest and the result may very well be the same.

  10. “Mature” voters understand that campaign rhetoric and promises are no more than just that….
    The Yamada/Cabaldon campaign hinges on the issue of voters’ assessment of the candidate’s PERSONAL qualities,e.g.,trustworthiness, and integrity. The Yamada/Cabaldon primary campaign parallels the Obama/Clinton primary contest and the result may very well be the same.

  11. “Mature” voters understand that campaign rhetoric and promises are no more than just that….
    The Yamada/Cabaldon campaign hinges on the issue of voters’ assessment of the candidate’s PERSONAL qualities,e.g.,trustworthiness, and integrity. The Yamada/Cabaldon primary campaign parallels the Obama/Clinton primary contest and the result may very well be the same.

  12. “Mature” voters understand that campaign rhetoric and promises are no more than just that….
    The Yamada/Cabaldon campaign hinges on the issue of voters’ assessment of the candidate’s PERSONAL qualities,e.g.,trustworthiness, and integrity. The Yamada/Cabaldon primary campaign parallels the Obama/Clinton primary contest and the result may very well be the same.

  13. You’d think in this town, all “save the earth” and “recycle” and whatnot, they might want to save some trees…. my paper recycling bag is crammed full these days, and the more paper I get, the less inclined I am to vote for those who spam me.

  14. You’d think in this town, all “save the earth” and “recycle” and whatnot, they might want to save some trees…. my paper recycling bag is crammed full these days, and the more paper I get, the less inclined I am to vote for those who spam me.

  15. You’d think in this town, all “save the earth” and “recycle” and whatnot, they might want to save some trees…. my paper recycling bag is crammed full these days, and the more paper I get, the less inclined I am to vote for those who spam me.

  16. You’d think in this town, all “save the earth” and “recycle” and whatnot, they might want to save some trees…. my paper recycling bag is crammed full these days, and the more paper I get, the less inclined I am to vote for those who spam me.

  17. I think it important for Democrats to know how much anti-labor money is flowing through the Cabaldon campaign via EDVOICE. Here is a partial list of EDVOICE donors who either usually donate to Republican causes or are developers;
    Lawrence Stupski: $141,600
    RN Woolley Jr. : $94,000
    Donlad Fisher: $188,800
    Carrie Walton Penner: $94,400
    William F. Cronk III: $94,400
    Eli Broad: $94,400
    John Doerr: $294,400

  18. I think it important for Democrats to know how much anti-labor money is flowing through the Cabaldon campaign via EDVOICE. Here is a partial list of EDVOICE donors who either usually donate to Republican causes or are developers;
    Lawrence Stupski: $141,600
    RN Woolley Jr. : $94,000
    Donlad Fisher: $188,800
    Carrie Walton Penner: $94,400
    William F. Cronk III: $94,400
    Eli Broad: $94,400
    John Doerr: $294,400

  19. I think it important for Democrats to know how much anti-labor money is flowing through the Cabaldon campaign via EDVOICE. Here is a partial list of EDVOICE donors who either usually donate to Republican causes or are developers;
    Lawrence Stupski: $141,600
    RN Woolley Jr. : $94,000
    Donlad Fisher: $188,800
    Carrie Walton Penner: $94,400
    William F. Cronk III: $94,400
    Eli Broad: $94,400
    John Doerr: $294,400

  20. I think it important for Democrats to know how much anti-labor money is flowing through the Cabaldon campaign via EDVOICE. Here is a partial list of EDVOICE donors who either usually donate to Republican causes or are developers;
    Lawrence Stupski: $141,600
    RN Woolley Jr. : $94,000
    Donlad Fisher: $188,800
    Carrie Walton Penner: $94,400
    William F. Cronk III: $94,400
    Eli Broad: $94,400
    John Doerr: $294,400

  21. I’ve seen mailers attacking Cabaldon, from IE’s that support Mariko, but haven’t seen any negative attacks against Mariko from Cabaldon or IE’s that back him. So that leads me to the conclusion that those who support Cabaldon are much nicer human beings than those who support Mariko.

  22. I’ve seen mailers attacking Cabaldon, from IE’s that support Mariko, but haven’t seen any negative attacks against Mariko from Cabaldon or IE’s that back him. So that leads me to the conclusion that those who support Cabaldon are much nicer human beings than those who support Mariko.

  23. I’ve seen mailers attacking Cabaldon, from IE’s that support Mariko, but haven’t seen any negative attacks against Mariko from Cabaldon or IE’s that back him. So that leads me to the conclusion that those who support Cabaldon are much nicer human beings than those who support Mariko.

  24. I’ve seen mailers attacking Cabaldon, from IE’s that support Mariko, but haven’t seen any negative attacks against Mariko from Cabaldon or IE’s that back him. So that leads me to the conclusion that those who support Cabaldon are much nicer human beings than those who support Mariko.

  25. i find it rather telling that the IEs for cabaldon are coming from corporate, conservative sources, while yamada’s are coming from unions. if their positions are identical, why the proxy battle?

    for all the incessant discussion of how a conspiracy of developer money (in $100 chunks) controls davis politics, i find it rather surprising how uninterested the same people are when insurance, real estate and wal mart money (in tens and hundred of dollar chunks) backs one side of a primary.

    especially given that the body of government they’re running for will probably cast votes on health care, land use and rent control in the next term.

  26. i find it rather telling that the IEs for cabaldon are coming from corporate, conservative sources, while yamada’s are coming from unions. if their positions are identical, why the proxy battle?

    for all the incessant discussion of how a conspiracy of developer money (in $100 chunks) controls davis politics, i find it rather surprising how uninterested the same people are when insurance, real estate and wal mart money (in tens and hundred of dollar chunks) backs one side of a primary.

    especially given that the body of government they’re running for will probably cast votes on health care, land use and rent control in the next term.

  27. i find it rather telling that the IEs for cabaldon are coming from corporate, conservative sources, while yamada’s are coming from unions. if their positions are identical, why the proxy battle?

    for all the incessant discussion of how a conspiracy of developer money (in $100 chunks) controls davis politics, i find it rather surprising how uninterested the same people are when insurance, real estate and wal mart money (in tens and hundred of dollar chunks) backs one side of a primary.

    especially given that the body of government they’re running for will probably cast votes on health care, land use and rent control in the next term.

  28. i find it rather telling that the IEs for cabaldon are coming from corporate, conservative sources, while yamada’s are coming from unions. if their positions are identical, why the proxy battle?

    for all the incessant discussion of how a conspiracy of developer money (in $100 chunks) controls davis politics, i find it rather surprising how uninterested the same people are when insurance, real estate and wal mart money (in tens and hundred of dollar chunks) backs one side of a primary.

    especially given that the body of government they’re running for will probably cast votes on health care, land use and rent control in the next term.

  29. Re: 8 AD

    When I was critiquing candidates’ lawn signs in last week’s Enterprise, I wanted to include the one Republican in this race, Manuel Cosme. However, from what I could gather, there are no Manuel Cosme signs. I cannot see — at least yet — that there really is a Manuel Cosme campaign.

    I suppose, because he is unopposed for the Republican primary and because our district is a safe Democratic district, this is understandable.

    But if anyone can tell me where I can find a Manuel Cosme website or real evidence of a Manuel Cosme candidacy in Davis, I’m interested to take a look. I Googled his name and found next to nothing. Project Vote Smart lists this as Cosme’s biography, with every field left blank —

    Background Information
    Birth Date:
    Home City:
    Professional Experience:
    Political Experience:

    The most interesting find when Googling “Manuel Cosme” was that in 2002, someone of the same name, acted in a German TV series called, “Rosa Roth.” His episode was “Die Abrechnung” (“The Settlement”). I doubt this is the same Manuel Cosme, but maybe?

  30. Re: 8 AD

    When I was critiquing candidates’ lawn signs in last week’s Enterprise, I wanted to include the one Republican in this race, Manuel Cosme. However, from what I could gather, there are no Manuel Cosme signs. I cannot see — at least yet — that there really is a Manuel Cosme campaign.

    I suppose, because he is unopposed for the Republican primary and because our district is a safe Democratic district, this is understandable.

    But if anyone can tell me where I can find a Manuel Cosme website or real evidence of a Manuel Cosme candidacy in Davis, I’m interested to take a look. I Googled his name and found next to nothing. Project Vote Smart lists this as Cosme’s biography, with every field left blank —

    Background Information
    Birth Date:
    Home City:
    Professional Experience:
    Political Experience:

    The most interesting find when Googling “Manuel Cosme” was that in 2002, someone of the same name, acted in a German TV series called, “Rosa Roth.” His episode was “Die Abrechnung” (“The Settlement”). I doubt this is the same Manuel Cosme, but maybe?

  31. Re: 8 AD

    When I was critiquing candidates’ lawn signs in last week’s Enterprise, I wanted to include the one Republican in this race, Manuel Cosme. However, from what I could gather, there are no Manuel Cosme signs. I cannot see — at least yet — that there really is a Manuel Cosme campaign.

    I suppose, because he is unopposed for the Republican primary and because our district is a safe Democratic district, this is understandable.

    But if anyone can tell me where I can find a Manuel Cosme website or real evidence of a Manuel Cosme candidacy in Davis, I’m interested to take a look. I Googled his name and found next to nothing. Project Vote Smart lists this as Cosme’s biography, with every field left blank —

    Background Information
    Birth Date:
    Home City:
    Professional Experience:
    Political Experience:

    The most interesting find when Googling “Manuel Cosme” was that in 2002, someone of the same name, acted in a German TV series called, “Rosa Roth.” His episode was “Die Abrechnung” (“The Settlement”). I doubt this is the same Manuel Cosme, but maybe?

  32. Re: 8 AD

    When I was critiquing candidates’ lawn signs in last week’s Enterprise, I wanted to include the one Republican in this race, Manuel Cosme. However, from what I could gather, there are no Manuel Cosme signs. I cannot see — at least yet — that there really is a Manuel Cosme campaign.

    I suppose, because he is unopposed for the Republican primary and because our district is a safe Democratic district, this is understandable.

    But if anyone can tell me where I can find a Manuel Cosme website or real evidence of a Manuel Cosme candidacy in Davis, I’m interested to take a look. I Googled his name and found next to nothing. Project Vote Smart lists this as Cosme’s biography, with every field left blank —

    Background Information
    Birth Date:
    Home City:
    Professional Experience:
    Political Experience:

    The most interesting find when Googling “Manuel Cosme” was that in 2002, someone of the same name, acted in a German TV series called, “Rosa Roth.” His episode was “Die Abrechnung” (“The Settlement”). I doubt this is the same Manuel Cosme, but maybe?

  33. Mature” voters understand that campaign rhetoric and promises are no more than just that….
    The Yamada/Cabaldon campaign hinges on the issue of voters’ assessment of the candidate’s PERSONAL qualities,e.g.,trustworthiness, and integrity

    And, based upon this standard, such voters would choose Cabaldon?

    Cabaldon is a moderate Democrat, more conservative than I would like, but, unfortunately, in this race, Mariko is nothing more than an empty suit hiding behind sleazy attack mailers funded by her IE supporters.

    Substantively, as Wu Ming suggests, there might be ideological reasons to prefer Mariko over Cabaldon, but what are they? She runs as a moderate Republican fiscal conservative in Solano County and a social services liberal in Yolo County.

    The 8th AD is not strong union country, and the notion that Mariko can beat Cabaldon based upon his financial support from EdVoice is a non-starter. Unfortunately, she’s just not a very good candidate.

    –Richard Estes

  34. Mature” voters understand that campaign rhetoric and promises are no more than just that….
    The Yamada/Cabaldon campaign hinges on the issue of voters’ assessment of the candidate’s PERSONAL qualities,e.g.,trustworthiness, and integrity

    And, based upon this standard, such voters would choose Cabaldon?

    Cabaldon is a moderate Democrat, more conservative than I would like, but, unfortunately, in this race, Mariko is nothing more than an empty suit hiding behind sleazy attack mailers funded by her IE supporters.

    Substantively, as Wu Ming suggests, there might be ideological reasons to prefer Mariko over Cabaldon, but what are they? She runs as a moderate Republican fiscal conservative in Solano County and a social services liberal in Yolo County.

    The 8th AD is not strong union country, and the notion that Mariko can beat Cabaldon based upon his financial support from EdVoice is a non-starter. Unfortunately, she’s just not a very good candidate.

    –Richard Estes

  35. Mature” voters understand that campaign rhetoric and promises are no more than just that….
    The Yamada/Cabaldon campaign hinges on the issue of voters’ assessment of the candidate’s PERSONAL qualities,e.g.,trustworthiness, and integrity

    And, based upon this standard, such voters would choose Cabaldon?

    Cabaldon is a moderate Democrat, more conservative than I would like, but, unfortunately, in this race, Mariko is nothing more than an empty suit hiding behind sleazy attack mailers funded by her IE supporters.

    Substantively, as Wu Ming suggests, there might be ideological reasons to prefer Mariko over Cabaldon, but what are they? She runs as a moderate Republican fiscal conservative in Solano County and a social services liberal in Yolo County.

    The 8th AD is not strong union country, and the notion that Mariko can beat Cabaldon based upon his financial support from EdVoice is a non-starter. Unfortunately, she’s just not a very good candidate.

    –Richard Estes

  36. Mature” voters understand that campaign rhetoric and promises are no more than just that….
    The Yamada/Cabaldon campaign hinges on the issue of voters’ assessment of the candidate’s PERSONAL qualities,e.g.,trustworthiness, and integrity

    And, based upon this standard, such voters would choose Cabaldon?

    Cabaldon is a moderate Democrat, more conservative than I would like, but, unfortunately, in this race, Mariko is nothing more than an empty suit hiding behind sleazy attack mailers funded by her IE supporters.

    Substantively, as Wu Ming suggests, there might be ideological reasons to prefer Mariko over Cabaldon, but what are they? She runs as a moderate Republican fiscal conservative in Solano County and a social services liberal in Yolo County.

    The 8th AD is not strong union country, and the notion that Mariko can beat Cabaldon based upon his financial support from EdVoice is a non-starter. Unfortunately, she’s just not a very good candidate.

    –Richard Estes

  37. Rich,
    It just goes to show Google’s limitations, I guess, regarding Manny Cosme’s run for the Yolo/Solano Assembly seat.
    On Altavista I found:

    There’s photos, news articles and more there than you probably want to know about Manny…

  38. Rich,
    It just goes to show Google’s limitations, I guess, regarding Manny Cosme’s run for the Yolo/Solano Assembly seat.
    On Altavista I found:

    There’s photos, news articles and more there than you probably want to know about Manny…

  39. Rich,
    It just goes to show Google’s limitations, I guess, regarding Manny Cosme’s run for the Yolo/Solano Assembly seat.
    On Altavista I found:

    There’s photos, news articles and more there than you probably want to know about Manny…

  40. Rich,
    It just goes to show Google’s limitations, I guess, regarding Manny Cosme’s run for the Yolo/Solano Assembly seat.
    On Altavista I found:

    There’s photos, news articles and more there than you probably want to know about Manny…

  41. From the Vacaville Reporter:

    Cosme said he isn’t a one-issue candidate, but promoting small businesses and helping them stay viable is his number one priority. He said with “big boxes’ and large corporations taking over, someone
    needs to look out for the “the little guy.”

    Hm. With Wal-Mart supporting Cabaldon, maybe if he beats Mariko this guy Cosme should get a second look….

  42. From the Vacaville Reporter:

    Cosme said he isn’t a one-issue candidate, but promoting small businesses and helping them stay viable is his number one priority. He said with “big boxes’ and large corporations taking over, someone
    needs to look out for the “the little guy.”

    Hm. With Wal-Mart supporting Cabaldon, maybe if he beats Mariko this guy Cosme should get a second look….

  43. From the Vacaville Reporter:

    Cosme said he isn’t a one-issue candidate, but promoting small businesses and helping them stay viable is his number one priority. He said with “big boxes’ and large corporations taking over, someone
    needs to look out for the “the little guy.”

    Hm. With Wal-Mart supporting Cabaldon, maybe if he beats Mariko this guy Cosme should get a second look….

  44. From the Vacaville Reporter:

    Cosme said he isn’t a one-issue candidate, but promoting small businesses and helping them stay viable is his number one priority. He said with “big boxes’ and large corporations taking over, someone
    needs to look out for the “the little guy.”

    Hm. With Wal-Mart supporting Cabaldon, maybe if he beats Mariko this guy Cosme should get a second look….

  45. As we can see from the Davis City Council race, the union endorsements have been problematic in this election. Yamada probably told the firefighters what they wanted to hear. The teachers’ gripe against Cabaldon is that he supported charter schools, yet Yamada supported the Valley Oak charter school.

    In the Davis City council race, Saylor and Souza got the union endorsement, even though they voted for Target and including against living wage in the budget.

    The unions have currently discredited themselves. The union endorsements mean squat in this election.

  46. As we can see from the Davis City Council race, the union endorsements have been problematic in this election. Yamada probably told the firefighters what they wanted to hear. The teachers’ gripe against Cabaldon is that he supported charter schools, yet Yamada supported the Valley Oak charter school.

    In the Davis City council race, Saylor and Souza got the union endorsement, even though they voted for Target and including against living wage in the budget.

    The unions have currently discredited themselves. The union endorsements mean squat in this election.

  47. As we can see from the Davis City Council race, the union endorsements have been problematic in this election. Yamada probably told the firefighters what they wanted to hear. The teachers’ gripe against Cabaldon is that he supported charter schools, yet Yamada supported the Valley Oak charter school.

    In the Davis City council race, Saylor and Souza got the union endorsement, even though they voted for Target and including against living wage in the budget.

    The unions have currently discredited themselves. The union endorsements mean squat in this election.

  48. As we can see from the Davis City Council race, the union endorsements have been problematic in this election. Yamada probably told the firefighters what they wanted to hear. The teachers’ gripe against Cabaldon is that he supported charter schools, yet Yamada supported the Valley Oak charter school.

    In the Davis City council race, Saylor and Souza got the union endorsement, even though they voted for Target and including against living wage in the budget.

    The unions have currently discredited themselves. The union endorsements mean squat in this election.

  49. Correction:

    In the Davis City council race, Saylor and Souza got the union endorsement, even though they voted for Target and against including a living wage in the city budget.

  50. Correction:

    In the Davis City council race, Saylor and Souza got the union endorsement, even though they voted for Target and against including a living wage in the city budget.

  51. Correction:

    In the Davis City council race, Saylor and Souza got the union endorsement, even though they voted for Target and against including a living wage in the city budget.

  52. Correction:

    In the Davis City council race, Saylor and Souza got the union endorsement, even though they voted for Target and against including a living wage in the city budget.

  53. I received a large,expensive, shiney hit-piece on Cabaldon (citing a W. Sac Walmart) by a deliberately obscure set of citizen groups. Looking a little harder, I saw that it was mostly paid for by CTA. On the same day I received a clearly pro-Mariko piece which was, shock!, primarily paid for by every teachers group (apparently in California). I wonder if there’s a connection (duh), and why Mariko (by proxy) is resorting to the political method of Newt Gingrich, Saxby Chambliss and Karl Rove.

  54. I received a large,expensive, shiney hit-piece on Cabaldon (citing a W. Sac Walmart) by a deliberately obscure set of citizen groups. Looking a little harder, I saw that it was mostly paid for by CTA. On the same day I received a clearly pro-Mariko piece which was, shock!, primarily paid for by every teachers group (apparently in California). I wonder if there’s a connection (duh), and why Mariko (by proxy) is resorting to the political method of Newt Gingrich, Saxby Chambliss and Karl Rove.

  55. I received a large,expensive, shiney hit-piece on Cabaldon (citing a W. Sac Walmart) by a deliberately obscure set of citizen groups. Looking a little harder, I saw that it was mostly paid for by CTA. On the same day I received a clearly pro-Mariko piece which was, shock!, primarily paid for by every teachers group (apparently in California). I wonder if there’s a connection (duh), and why Mariko (by proxy) is resorting to the political method of Newt Gingrich, Saxby Chambliss and Karl Rove.

  56. I received a large,expensive, shiney hit-piece on Cabaldon (citing a W. Sac Walmart) by a deliberately obscure set of citizen groups. Looking a little harder, I saw that it was mostly paid for by CTA. On the same day I received a clearly pro-Mariko piece which was, shock!, primarily paid for by every teachers group (apparently in California). I wonder if there’s a connection (duh), and why Mariko (by proxy) is resorting to the political method of Newt Gingrich, Saxby Chambliss and Karl Rove.

  57. ANON 1:11

    Thanks. I wish I had known about that a week ago, even though I don’t believe there are any Cosme lawn signs up yet in Davis.

    And considering his bio on that site, it seems even more unlikely he acted in a German TV show.

  58. ANON 1:11

    Thanks. I wish I had known about that a week ago, even though I don’t believe there are any Cosme lawn signs up yet in Davis.

    And considering his bio on that site, it seems even more unlikely he acted in a German TV show.

  59. ANON 1:11

    Thanks. I wish I had known about that a week ago, even though I don’t believe there are any Cosme lawn signs up yet in Davis.

    And considering his bio on that site, it seems even more unlikely he acted in a German TV show.

  60. ANON 1:11

    Thanks. I wish I had known about that a week ago, even though I don’t believe there are any Cosme lawn signs up yet in Davis.

    And considering his bio on that site, it seems even more unlikely he acted in a German TV show.

  61. The connection here is simple. EdVoice is funding Cabaldon because he used to work for him.

    The unions hate Cabaldon because he brought in Wal Mart.

    The CTA hates EdVoice so they hate Cabaldon.

    Souza and Saylor pushed Target and have not supported living wage but the unions are still supporting them.

    Okay maybe not so simple.

  62. The connection here is simple. EdVoice is funding Cabaldon because he used to work for him.

    The unions hate Cabaldon because he brought in Wal Mart.

    The CTA hates EdVoice so they hate Cabaldon.

    Souza and Saylor pushed Target and have not supported living wage but the unions are still supporting them.

    Okay maybe not so simple.

  63. The connection here is simple. EdVoice is funding Cabaldon because he used to work for him.

    The unions hate Cabaldon because he brought in Wal Mart.

    The CTA hates EdVoice so they hate Cabaldon.

    Souza and Saylor pushed Target and have not supported living wage but the unions are still supporting them.

    Okay maybe not so simple.

  64. The connection here is simple. EdVoice is funding Cabaldon because he used to work for him.

    The unions hate Cabaldon because he brought in Wal Mart.

    The CTA hates EdVoice so they hate Cabaldon.

    Souza and Saylor pushed Target and have not supported living wage but the unions are still supporting them.

    Okay maybe not so simple.

  65. They promised the unions a living wage…but it was not even discussed last week in budget talks during the council meeting..they’ll say and do anything to get an endorsement and get elected.

  66. They promised the unions a living wage…but it was not even discussed last week in budget talks during the council meeting..they’ll say and do anything to get an endorsement and get elected.

  67. They promised the unions a living wage…but it was not even discussed last week in budget talks during the council meeting..they’ll say and do anything to get an endorsement and get elected.

  68. They promised the unions a living wage…but it was not even discussed last week in budget talks during the council meeting..they’ll say and do anything to get an endorsement and get elected.

  69. Does anyone know (for sure) how much cable TV commercials cost to run? Thus far, I’ve seen one spot for Cabaldon and another for Vergis. I’m surprised Don Saylor is not on TV, too. He’s raised more money than anyone else by a long shot. (In the Davis City Council race, Saylor had raised half of all the money through March 17.)

    I could be wrong, but it seems to me TV ads might be more effective per dollar spent than mailers. Most political mailers are quickly deposited in the recycle bin. However, unless I get around to muting the TV or changing the channel, I can’t so easily shut out a cable TV ad. I still remember Julie Partansky’s cable TV ads from a long time ago; there is not a single mailer from a past campaign I can recall with any detail.

  70. Does anyone know (for sure) how much cable TV commercials cost to run? Thus far, I’ve seen one spot for Cabaldon and another for Vergis. I’m surprised Don Saylor is not on TV, too. He’s raised more money than anyone else by a long shot. (In the Davis City Council race, Saylor had raised half of all the money through March 17.)

    I could be wrong, but it seems to me TV ads might be more effective per dollar spent than mailers. Most political mailers are quickly deposited in the recycle bin. However, unless I get around to muting the TV or changing the channel, I can’t so easily shut out a cable TV ad. I still remember Julie Partansky’s cable TV ads from a long time ago; there is not a single mailer from a past campaign I can recall with any detail.

  71. Does anyone know (for sure) how much cable TV commercials cost to run? Thus far, I’ve seen one spot for Cabaldon and another for Vergis. I’m surprised Don Saylor is not on TV, too. He’s raised more money than anyone else by a long shot. (In the Davis City Council race, Saylor had raised half of all the money through March 17.)

    I could be wrong, but it seems to me TV ads might be more effective per dollar spent than mailers. Most political mailers are quickly deposited in the recycle bin. However, unless I get around to muting the TV or changing the channel, I can’t so easily shut out a cable TV ad. I still remember Julie Partansky’s cable TV ads from a long time ago; there is not a single mailer from a past campaign I can recall with any detail.

  72. Does anyone know (for sure) how much cable TV commercials cost to run? Thus far, I’ve seen one spot for Cabaldon and another for Vergis. I’m surprised Don Saylor is not on TV, too. He’s raised more money than anyone else by a long shot. (In the Davis City Council race, Saylor had raised half of all the money through March 17.)

    I could be wrong, but it seems to me TV ads might be more effective per dollar spent than mailers. Most political mailers are quickly deposited in the recycle bin. However, unless I get around to muting the TV or changing the channel, I can’t so easily shut out a cable TV ad. I still remember Julie Partansky’s cable TV ads from a long time ago; there is not a single mailer from a past campaign I can recall with any detail.

  73. Don Shor wrote:
    “Hm. With Wal-Mart supporting Cabaldon, maybe if he beats Mariko this guy Cosme should get a second look….”

    Well, Don, on the one hand he’s been endorsed by the Jarvis folks, but then, on the other hand, he’s got Ron Paul free-thinking Libertarian supporters in his corner, too.

    What with the machine politics prevalent in Yolo County (read: Davis), yeah, a freethinker like Manny might indeed deserve a vote, come November.

    Probably signs promoting Manny Cosme are available vis his website, listed above.

    Or, like Rob Roy’s estimable supporters, you could just make your own and display them for Manny, in true libertarian spirit. It’s ok: if you are a renter in Davis; as of now, they passed an ordinance in favor of politically involved renters posting signs for whomever they may choose.
    –Brian Orr

  74. Don Shor wrote:
    “Hm. With Wal-Mart supporting Cabaldon, maybe if he beats Mariko this guy Cosme should get a second look….”

    Well, Don, on the one hand he’s been endorsed by the Jarvis folks, but then, on the other hand, he’s got Ron Paul free-thinking Libertarian supporters in his corner, too.

    What with the machine politics prevalent in Yolo County (read: Davis), yeah, a freethinker like Manny might indeed deserve a vote, come November.

    Probably signs promoting Manny Cosme are available vis his website, listed above.

    Or, like Rob Roy’s estimable supporters, you could just make your own and display them for Manny, in true libertarian spirit. It’s ok: if you are a renter in Davis; as of now, they passed an ordinance in favor of politically involved renters posting signs for whomever they may choose.
    –Brian Orr

  75. Don Shor wrote:
    “Hm. With Wal-Mart supporting Cabaldon, maybe if he beats Mariko this guy Cosme should get a second look….”

    Well, Don, on the one hand he’s been endorsed by the Jarvis folks, but then, on the other hand, he’s got Ron Paul free-thinking Libertarian supporters in his corner, too.

    What with the machine politics prevalent in Yolo County (read: Davis), yeah, a freethinker like Manny might indeed deserve a vote, come November.

    Probably signs promoting Manny Cosme are available vis his website, listed above.

    Or, like Rob Roy’s estimable supporters, you could just make your own and display them for Manny, in true libertarian spirit. It’s ok: if you are a renter in Davis; as of now, they passed an ordinance in favor of politically involved renters posting signs for whomever they may choose.
    –Brian Orr

  76. Don Shor wrote:
    “Hm. With Wal-Mart supporting Cabaldon, maybe if he beats Mariko this guy Cosme should get a second look….”

    Well, Don, on the one hand he’s been endorsed by the Jarvis folks, but then, on the other hand, he’s got Ron Paul free-thinking Libertarian supporters in his corner, too.

    What with the machine politics prevalent in Yolo County (read: Davis), yeah, a freethinker like Manny might indeed deserve a vote, come November.

    Probably signs promoting Manny Cosme are available vis his website, listed above.

    Or, like Rob Roy’s estimable supporters, you could just make your own and display them for Manny, in true libertarian spirit. It’s ok: if you are a renter in Davis; as of now, they passed an ordinance in favor of politically involved renters posting signs for whomever they may choose.
    –Brian Orr

  77. It seems to me that neither “hit” pieces nor being inundated with campaign literature goes over well with Davis folks but both strategies might do better with the voters in the rest of the district. It is said that the people of Davis are different, you know.

  78. It seems to me that neither “hit” pieces nor being inundated with campaign literature goes over well with Davis folks but both strategies might do better with the voters in the rest of the district. It is said that the people of Davis are different, you know.

  79. It seems to me that neither “hit” pieces nor being inundated with campaign literature goes over well with Davis folks but both strategies might do better with the voters in the rest of the district. It is said that the people of Davis are different, you know.

  80. It seems to me that neither “hit” pieces nor being inundated with campaign literature goes over well with Davis folks but both strategies might do better with the voters in the rest of the district. It is said that the people of Davis are different, you know.

  81. I noticed someone below was wondering about Manny Cosme. As I read more on him in the papers, I am beginning to follow his campaign. I believe he is the right choice and we need to start appreciating good candidates him. You can visit his website:

    As for Mariko and Cabaldon, I am uncertain who I would prefer.

  82. I noticed someone below was wondering about Manny Cosme. As I read more on him in the papers, I am beginning to follow his campaign. I believe he is the right choice and we need to start appreciating good candidates him. You can visit his website:

    As for Mariko and Cabaldon, I am uncertain who I would prefer.

  83. I noticed someone below was wondering about Manny Cosme. As I read more on him in the papers, I am beginning to follow his campaign. I believe he is the right choice and we need to start appreciating good candidates him. You can visit his website:

    As for Mariko and Cabaldon, I am uncertain who I would prefer.

  84. I noticed someone below was wondering about Manny Cosme. As I read more on him in the papers, I am beginning to follow his campaign. I believe he is the right choice and we need to start appreciating good candidates him. You can visit his website:

    As for Mariko and Cabaldon, I am uncertain who I would prefer.

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