League of Women Voters Hold Candidates Forum Last Night

Last night, the League of Women Voters held their candidates forum at the Davis Community Chambers. It was an interesting format in that they allowed for an opening statement of three minutes, three prepared questions, and then after a break, five one minute questions from the audience.

This time instead of recording the entire forum and then transcribing portions of it, I took notes throughout. I have few quotes, a lot of observations and paraphrasing.

The opening statements by the candidates are pretty much the same statement each time. Don Saylor went first, he laid out his professional background, his arrival at Davis and then a litany of accomplishments. One thing that really struck me this time, that I had not quite picked up on before was a line in his statement: “we brought to the voters the first test of Measure J.” This was listed in a long string of accomplishments by him. The first test of Measure J was Covell Village that was rejected by a 60-40 margin.

Sydney Vergis talks about her background and her passion for land use planning. Within that she cites herself as someone “who has the land use and community consensus building experience” and that she is “offering the community [her] professional background as a land use planner.” She says it as though she had twenty years of experience in it rather than less than one.

Cecilia Escamilla-Greenwald talks about her values. The fact that she was raised in Chico, the changes that have occurred in Chico since she left, and her commitment to preserve the character and small-town feel of Davis.

Stephen Souza cites his back ground and offers for the voters his platform of green, safe, and smart. One the accomplishments he has cited is an annual balanced city budget. He says that they have had four years of a balanced budget with a fifteen percent plus reserve. As we shall see, this is disputed by three of the candidates.

Sue Greenwald talks about her love for city planning. She is driven by that love rather than aspirations for higher political office. She cites her background in a variety of other cities and states that she is happier in those cities that have a sense of community, accord, and a center. She sees this as a great town that she wants to maintain. Her goal is to bring jobs closer to housing and housing closer to jobs. She would like to see a major infill condo development at the PG&E property. Finally she wants to break from the sense of being a sprawling bedroom suburb from the 1950s that recent peripheral developments have created such a feel.

Rob Roy is also worried that Davis not become more of an anywhere USA. He stood against Measure X as a student. Was a student coordinator on No on K. Helped on Measure L–Choice Voting, and want to continue and renew Measure J as a means to protect open space and agricultural land. He believes that Davis has for too long rested on its laurels as a great progressive community. He stands for renters rights and bike safety and wants to increase bike riders from 14% to 25% where it was in the 1990s. Finally he wants to keep Davis unique with businesses and what we do.

The first question asked the candidates to describe their experience working with large budgets and multiple departments and also how might their budgetary experience help with meeting rapidly rising prices for gasoline and goods needed to run our city?

Sydney Vergis went first she said this was something she feels passionate about as a professional financier. Wants to bring the kind of perspective and experience that we need to meet financial challenges. There is a tenuous nature of sales tax which is heavily reliant on automobile sales and gas sales tax. She wants to Work to diversify tax base, but this is only one piece of the puzzle. She claimed, “Currently our budget is balanced.” Range of long term needs that we need to start thinking about specifically capital improvement and transportation. We to think about about longterm.

Cecilia cited her experience as a representative for state workers in 53 different departments. She has a growing concern about the wage and benefit scale among high level employees and management in city government. The city has agreed to sign on to very generous contracts with a number of these top level employees and the resulting contracts along with generous pension plans are threatening to break the system.

The city of Davis provides its residents with a high level of city services. Given the current structure of these salaries, the city faces the prospect of tax increases to its residents. Already in 2006, the voters of Davis approved a parks tax. In the coming months and years, they may be asked to shoulder more of the tax load with the possibility of an additional public safety tax, a sales tax, and other taxes—this on top of a recently approved parcel tax for the schools and one for the libraries. This fall, the school district which is in fiscal crisis may ask the residents for additional help through another parcel tax. These possible additional taxes may occur on top of a rate hike for water as the result of a new waste water treatment plant and water supply plan.

As councilmember, she is not opposed to taxes, but it is clear that we cannot continue to rely on the generosity of our resident to bail us out of past fiscal mistakes.

Stephen Souza cites his experience working wit the city budget. He claimed the general fund portion of the of the budget was balanced and that they have put aside money into a reserve. “We have a strong fiscal budget, but we do have unmet needs that we started planning for two years ago with quarterly meetings.” He described those needs and talked about looking into ways to deal with those unmet needs. Suggested that we need more revenues–all cities do. Not just by taxes but by economic growth as well. Looking toward a green technology plant to produce high paying jobs and revenues. However, also listed some other forms of revenue generation through fees and taxes–9/11 fee; property generation tax; .25 cent sales tax.

Sue Greenwald made a passionate argument that experience itself is not the most important question that we should ask. She then cited numerous examples of leaders and budget directors who had tremendous experience and yet led their cities, counties, or companies into ruin. She argued that rather than a balanced budget we have an all-fund deficit of nearly $1.5 million. We have unmet needs. We have basically used a shell game to claim that we have balanced the budget. She flatly stated that she disagreed with her colleague on the shape of the budget–“it’s in bad condition.”

Everything is called an unmet need rather than part of the budget. There is no capital replacement fund–she thinks that is a time bomb waiting to go off. She says she had the courage to stand up to political pressure and special interests. Voted against lowering retirement age of desk workers to 55. She saved money when opposed demands for pay increase to fire fighters. The plan provided for no new fireman and yet would have cost $400K.

Rob Roy is also concerned about the benefit packages for city employees–specifically the fire fighters. Does not believe that the lack of increase to the wage and benefits package will reduce either the quality of service or our competitiveness. He supports the living wage for the lower level employees. On the other hand, he believes the fire fighters should earn a comfortable wage but points out that they are public servants and that that wage should not harm the city’s ability to meet the needs of its citizens. For many state and city employees, their retirement benefits are 2% at 55 or 60, but for fire fighters it is 3 percent at 50. This is one of the reasons that Vallejo recently declared bankruptcy. Talks about the term unmet need as another word for deficit. He said that if he doesn’t get enough money to live by his means, and decides not to pay rent this month, he has an unmet need, which means he gets kicked to the curb.

Saylor cites his budgetary experience in the workforce and as a school board member. He also claims we have a balanced budget–a balanced budget and a 15% reserve. Yes there are things that we are not spending money on. When he came into office, we had a $2.2 million deficit, we don’t have that today. We have taken steps to take that away—budget reforms, quarterly budget reviews, personnel cuts. He believes the budget can be balanced in the future with money from economic development. He hopes to have some new state revenues—barring state budget cut. We will face the expiration of parks and sales tax will need to be removed. He argued per capita sales tax revenue is in bottom third statewide.

The next question asked about cannery Park and the prospect for a housing development.

Cecilia Escamilla-Greenwald expressed her concern that development at Lewis Properties might facilitate development at Covell Village. Overall there are several aspects of residential development at Cannery Park that are appealing. First, it is already paved over, so we would not be developing on prime agricultural land. Second, it is located within the current city limits, which means there would be no Measure J vote necessary. Third, it is in a location that is relatively near the core of downtown.

That being said, any new development, in order for me to support must have several key components. First, it must pay for itself. Second, it must be on the cutting edge of green building urban design. Third, it must be extraordinary. To use the words of one of my fellow candidates—there needs to be an extensive “wow” factor along with it. “We need housing that meets the needs of the middle-class and workforce citizens.” We do not need a continuation of past sprawl developments that cater to the wealthy by building McMansions that could be found in any city.

Stephen Souza said Cannery Park’s proposal is going through the process of determining whether it is a site for high tech use. The plan that he has seen has a third of it which is a business park development that will enable high tech development. He spoke about the loss of high tech jobs. In order to have revenue from a high tech project which will have housing next to it, we need to make it environmentally friendly.

Sue Greenwald said while there are nice features of the housing proposal see wants to keep it zone as high tech. She was responsible for that land use designation to begin with. Cited the loss Genotech who is building a research facility in Dixon, halfway between Davis and Dixon. Would have liked to have Hunt-Wesson as a possible location for high tech. She has concerns about the cost of the land which she said no one will lower the value of the land as long as they believe they can get housing which would be more lucrative. Wants to turn Davis into a high tech center.

Rob Roy was against Measure X but he understands the need for development of housing communities that live and work in Davis. With Cannery Park they can put housing in. We need to put pressure on Lewis to avoid $641,000 housing and call it affordable. Wants to put housing in back of a high tech facility. He believes we should have enough space for both. He believes that we should have community driven, not developer driven housing.

Don Saylor sets about in general his vision for when we have housing some of which includes it must address true community needs, the benefits outweigh the costs, no costs to existing residents, mitigate traffic costs, it must be green and good affordability. The housing element committee determined Lewis met some desirable elements including a close proximity to downtown. They ranked this site 21 out of 37 which put it in the middle, but it was the second highest preferred site that was 25 acres of more. Saylor also cited problems: traffic is a problem; land locked with railroad tracks on one side and empty field on the other, and it has limited bike access. Saylor never committed either way on this issue, he simply stated his general principles.

Like Don Saylor, Sydney Vergis never stated her actual view on the issue. She laid out a bunch of general principles and wants to study it to see if it viable. “Good opportunity here to meet a range of housing needs and business needs.”

The final question was one of civility. The moderator introduced it by citing numerous examples in this community of non-civil discourse.

For Stephen Souza he said when 11 pm strikes at the council meeting there tends to be a shortness with all of the council and there becomes a disconnect between the civility that all carry in their everyday lives and the activity on the dais. There is a tendency to think that each and every one of us has the truth on growth. This leads us to denigrate the opinions of others. We need to at times agree to disagree. All of us love this town. We cannot ask of others what we cannot ask of ourselves—how can we ask people to get along when we cannot get along on this one issue basic to humanity on all issues. How we get there—that’s the age old question—first and foremost he says ‘I respect what you may believe and we may have differences.’

For Sue Greenwald she believes we have actually come a long way toward civility. That there have been rougher times and democracy has survived. We need to avoid lecturing since that has the implication that my behavior is good and yours is bad. The public can make up their own decisions about who is right and wrong. Each of us should concentrate on our own behavior. She is proud of fact no complaints about shoving and hissing when citizens come to the microphone. It is important that we find that balance between carrying out a vigorous debate and not carryover it over to personal reactions. She also believes that it is important to question staff very hard–that’s the tough part of job but they get paid very well. We need back and forth debate when there is disagreement. The important thing at end of day is to separate personal from political.

Rob Roy joked that the Enterprise and Bob Dunning might be supportive of a less civil council since it would sell more papers. He says that there are passionate folks in Davis and he tries to get along with everyone. They all have their theories on how we get along in our community but at the end of the day we need to get along even when we disagree. He then cited common ground with each of the other candidates.

Don Saylor argued that this was an extremely important topic for our community. He wrote an op-ed piece a year ago on it and he had tremendous response to it. Never had that kind of response and agreement. He said he was humbled that in the Davis Enterprise endorsement that it cited his attention to civility. Then cited two books to read. He feels that this is a different world than 100 years ago, and that we are very isolated in our every day life. We need to improve the tone and interactions in council chambers. People should not be afraid to speak one’s mind.

Sydney Vergis believes that civility in community needs to start in the council and really with the council race. She has run a clean campaign with no ad hominen attacks. Cited her professional experience as extensive experience working with diverse interests.

Cecilia believes one should always treat everyone with polite deference even in the face of disagreement. She intends to uphold the best standards of conduct, as epitomized by the behavior of Councilmember Lamar Heystek, a strong supporter of mine.

The candidates then took a brief break. They answered five brief questions. I will briefly outline the candidates positions and when possible refer people to other sources of information.

The first question was on improving the downtown parking situation. Sue Greenwald argued for the mixed-use redevelopment parking lot on E and F between 3rd and 4th. Rob Roy agreed with that and also liked the idea of timed parking lot in the E Street Plaza. For Don Saylor, this was a long process that may bear fruit down the line but he favored a parking structure across from the railroad station with access from Olive Drive. Sydney Vergis did not want to make parking more accessible because she wanted to avoid the incentive to do more parking and instead wants alternative forms of transportation. Cecilia cited her proposal for a multilevel parking structure by Design House which could go over the tracks. It would take traffic from going under the Richards underpass and put pedestrians within a few blocks of all of downtown. Stephen Souza looking toward UDASH, a shuttle between the university and downtown during the lunch hour as a means to reduce traffic in the downtown.

There is a better discussion on water in the forum that was posted yesterday. The one minute format did not do justice to this issue.

They were then asked about choice voting. Saylor believes most people in town have difficult time understanding what choice voting is. We have a lot more work to do to define and how it will work. The education of voter is a critical factor. He is not sure that problem will be fixed by choice voting.

Sydney Vergis was not in favor of choice voting because it would lead to us becoming a charter city. She was concerned with this since it might remove prevailing wage and competitive bidding requirement.

Cecilia said that once she understood choice voting, she supported it. Saw it as the will of the people. She would ensure to minimize the impact on binding arbitration and prevailing wages.

Souza has been a strong supporter of choice voting for years. Cited numerous examples of its successful use. Sees it as the next step in the democratic process.

Sue Greenwald favors district elections with instant runoffs–a form of choice voting. She was skeptical of choice voting, she joked, until she had two Greenwalds on the ballot, now she felt this would force people to look through the ballot more than once.

Rob Roy favors choice voting and believes we can educate people about how we operate rank preference of voting.

There is a fuller discussion of bicycling in the previous forum.

The last question was about housing. I tie in her a statement that kind of struck me during the closing statements, Sydney Vergis suggested that if people want zero growth, she is not their candidate. What struck me about this statement, is that while some of the candidates opposed adding housing on the periphery of Davis–namely the two Greenwalds and Rob Roy–none of them talk about no new housing.

Sue Greenwald talked about utilizing existing cites and likes the PG&E site and talked about on-campus location at Toomey Field as a bookend counterpart. Cecilia talked about looking to meet our housing needs within our current boundaries but also toward expanding on-campus housing, working with the university to provide housing for students and faculty. For Saylor we cannot have affordability with only 44 units and he seems to disparage Sue Greenwald’s plan as interesting but neither cheap nor easy.

Sydney Vergis during her comments talked about having community discussion on the detrimental impact that occurs from limited growth. She wants to ease the no growth demand. However, she does not favor sprawl.

There is a clear difference between the candidates on the issue of housing and growth, that I do not know is accurately or adequately treated through these discussions. Everyone it seems wants or at least talks about a compact urban city, smart growth, and new urbanism. No one is for sprawl. No one is for zero growth. Or so they say. Three candidates supported Covell Village, three opposed it. For me and many others, Covell Village is sprawl, aligned with what we saw at Wildhorse or Mace Ranch. There are competing visions for growth–one of which looks at more housing at a rate of 1% per year and a willingness to consider peripheral projects. The other offers a slower rate, looks toward our existing boundaries to fill our immediate housing needs. In the end the voters must decide which is for them.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. The choices for our next Council could not be much clearer. The only way Saylor, Vergis and Souza can win is if the Davis voters are UNINFORMED. Door to door canvassing of your neighborhood and precincts are the most effective form of campaigning. .. Supermarket tabling is a critical grassroots activity in Davis as well. Invest some of your time and energy in Davis’ future!

  2. The choices for our next Council could not be much clearer. The only way Saylor, Vergis and Souza can win is if the Davis voters are UNINFORMED. Door to door canvassing of your neighborhood and precincts are the most effective form of campaigning. .. Supermarket tabling is a critical grassroots activity in Davis as well. Invest some of your time and energy in Davis’ future!

  3. The choices for our next Council could not be much clearer. The only way Saylor, Vergis and Souza can win is if the Davis voters are UNINFORMED. Door to door canvassing of your neighborhood and precincts are the most effective form of campaigning. .. Supermarket tabling is a critical grassroots activity in Davis as well. Invest some of your time and energy in Davis’ future!

  4. The choices for our next Council could not be much clearer. The only way Saylor, Vergis and Souza can win is if the Davis voters are UNINFORMED. Door to door canvassing of your neighborhood and precincts are the most effective form of campaigning. .. Supermarket tabling is a critical grassroots activity in Davis as well. Invest some of your time and energy in Davis’ future!

  5. S, S & V – they never knew a developer they didn’t like. S, S believe strongly in circumvention of process whenever possible – to further the interests of developers. V touts her experience when she has none – just mimics S, S wherever possible.

    S, S & V = sprawl, more sprawl, and victory for development!

  6. S, S & V – they never knew a developer they didn’t like. S, S believe strongly in circumvention of process whenever possible – to further the interests of developers. V touts her experience when she has none – just mimics S, S wherever possible.

    S, S & V = sprawl, more sprawl, and victory for development!

  7. S, S & V – they never knew a developer they didn’t like. S, S believe strongly in circumvention of process whenever possible – to further the interests of developers. V touts her experience when she has none – just mimics S, S wherever possible.

    S, S & V = sprawl, more sprawl, and victory for development!

  8. S, S & V – they never knew a developer they didn’t like. S, S believe strongly in circumvention of process whenever possible – to further the interests of developers. V touts her experience when she has none – just mimics S, S wherever possible.

    S, S & V = sprawl, more sprawl, and victory for development!

  9. Yeah, let’s not vote for those who take money from the DIRTY EVILDOERS (Dunning). They don’t have VALUES THAT WE ALL HOLD (DPD).

    I’m really hoping the inclusive candidates win.

  10. Yeah, let’s not vote for those who take money from the DIRTY EVILDOERS (Dunning). They don’t have VALUES THAT WE ALL HOLD (DPD).

    I’m really hoping the inclusive candidates win.

  11. Yeah, let’s not vote for those who take money from the DIRTY EVILDOERS (Dunning). They don’t have VALUES THAT WE ALL HOLD (DPD).

    I’m really hoping the inclusive candidates win.

  12. Yeah, let’s not vote for those who take money from the DIRTY EVILDOERS (Dunning). They don’t have VALUES THAT WE ALL HOLD (DPD).

    I’m really hoping the inclusive candidates win.

  13. Looks like Vergis is my first pick, with Saylor and Souza and third. 1% growth is far too slow. The only people it benefits is aging boomers looking to sell in a constrained community, pushing prices up and locking UCD employees and young families out.

  14. Looks like Vergis is my first pick, with Saylor and Souza and third. 1% growth is far too slow. The only people it benefits is aging boomers looking to sell in a constrained community, pushing prices up and locking UCD employees and young families out.

  15. Looks like Vergis is my first pick, with Saylor and Souza and third. 1% growth is far too slow. The only people it benefits is aging boomers looking to sell in a constrained community, pushing prices up and locking UCD employees and young families out.

  16. Looks like Vergis is my first pick, with Saylor and Souza and third. 1% growth is far too slow. The only people it benefits is aging boomers looking to sell in a constrained community, pushing prices up and locking UCD employees and young families out.

  17. Wow David, you did an amazing job of transcribing this. Claire St. John wasn’t in the audience so I guess her editors at the Enterprise told her not to cover the forum. The Vanguard is the Cal Ripken Jr. of community based journalism in Davis. But! You keep forgetting to tag me on these forum entries.

  18. Wow David, you did an amazing job of transcribing this. Claire St. John wasn’t in the audience so I guess her editors at the Enterprise told her not to cover the forum. The Vanguard is the Cal Ripken Jr. of community based journalism in Davis. But! You keep forgetting to tag me on these forum entries.

  19. Wow David, you did an amazing job of transcribing this. Claire St. John wasn’t in the audience so I guess her editors at the Enterprise told her not to cover the forum. The Vanguard is the Cal Ripken Jr. of community based journalism in Davis. But! You keep forgetting to tag me on these forum entries.

  20. Wow David, you did an amazing job of transcribing this. Claire St. John wasn’t in the audience so I guess her editors at the Enterprise told her not to cover the forum. The Vanguard is the Cal Ripken Jr. of community based journalism in Davis. But! You keep forgetting to tag me on these forum entries.

  21. ” Claire St. John wasn’t in the audience so I guess her editors at the Enterprise told her not to cover the forum….

    I am told that Claire gets her material now by the TV coverage.. This is unfortunate… Claire’s early journalistic work for the Enterprise revealed a talent for accurately capturing the mood and tone of an event.. something that can’t be done relying on TV and streaming video.

  22. ” Claire St. John wasn’t in the audience so I guess her editors at the Enterprise told her not to cover the forum….

    I am told that Claire gets her material now by the TV coverage.. This is unfortunate… Claire’s early journalistic work for the Enterprise revealed a talent for accurately capturing the mood and tone of an event.. something that can’t be done relying on TV and streaming video.

  23. ” Claire St. John wasn’t in the audience so I guess her editors at the Enterprise told her not to cover the forum….

    I am told that Claire gets her material now by the TV coverage.. This is unfortunate… Claire’s early journalistic work for the Enterprise revealed a talent for accurately capturing the mood and tone of an event.. something that can’t be done relying on TV and streaming video.

  24. ” Claire St. John wasn’t in the audience so I guess her editors at the Enterprise told her not to cover the forum….

    I am told that Claire gets her material now by the TV coverage.. This is unfortunate… Claire’s early journalistic work for the Enterprise revealed a talent for accurately capturing the mood and tone of an event.. something that can’t be done relying on TV and streaming video.

  25. Claire told me that they are not covering the candidates forum this year. They are however having each of the candidates make 100 word statement on a variety of issues over the last three weeks or so.

  26. Claire told me that they are not covering the candidates forum this year. They are however having each of the candidates make 100 word statement on a variety of issues over the last three weeks or so.

  27. Claire told me that they are not covering the candidates forum this year. They are however having each of the candidates make 100 word statement on a variety of issues over the last three weeks or so.

  28. Claire told me that they are not covering the candidates forum this year. They are however having each of the candidates make 100 word statement on a variety of issues over the last three weeks or so.

  29. All right folks, I’ve been waiting for someone to point out the obvious here, but nobody has, so here goes:

    I’ve read numerous letters to the editor for Cecelia that say she doesn’t take $ from developers, but one developer in particular DOES have a role in the publication of this blog, and therefore indirectly in the financing of her campaign.

    Has anyone noticed the huge banner ad for SENSES magazine on the top of every blog page? Anyone wonder why Senses would bother to advertise an upscale obscure magazine (don’t get me wrong, it isn’t a bad magazine and has a good social conscience) on this blog?

    Try this: Senses is put out by the partner of one of the biggest land owners in Davis who is actively pushing for development on the periphery. This magazine is being used to shield his real identity and his support for Cecelia. I can’t for the life of me figure out why he supports Cecelia, except that he probably hates Sue and will do anything to unseat her.

    And why did the Vanguard publish a special article just to promote Senses magazine (October 27, 2007)?

    In the interest of transparency, I think both Cecelia and DPD owe its readers an accounting of the relationship with Senses and its associated developer. I hope Cecelia isn’t actually taking $ from him, but the Vanguard is. How can we be sure this isn’t a conflict of interest?

    Normally I would allow that someone could have just not known about this potential conflict, but DPD prides himself on interrogating this exact sort of thing (often astutely and rightfully) in other candidates.

    Sorry for the anon. post this time, but I have my reasons to speak from behind a mask on this one.

  30. All right folks, I’ve been waiting for someone to point out the obvious here, but nobody has, so here goes:

    I’ve read numerous letters to the editor for Cecelia that say she doesn’t take $ from developers, but one developer in particular DOES have a role in the publication of this blog, and therefore indirectly in the financing of her campaign.

    Has anyone noticed the huge banner ad for SENSES magazine on the top of every blog page? Anyone wonder why Senses would bother to advertise an upscale obscure magazine (don’t get me wrong, it isn’t a bad magazine and has a good social conscience) on this blog?

    Try this: Senses is put out by the partner of one of the biggest land owners in Davis who is actively pushing for development on the periphery. This magazine is being used to shield his real identity and his support for Cecelia. I can’t for the life of me figure out why he supports Cecelia, except that he probably hates Sue and will do anything to unseat her.

    And why did the Vanguard publish a special article just to promote Senses magazine (October 27, 2007)?

    In the interest of transparency, I think both Cecelia and DPD owe its readers an accounting of the relationship with Senses and its associated developer. I hope Cecelia isn’t actually taking $ from him, but the Vanguard is. How can we be sure this isn’t a conflict of interest?

    Normally I would allow that someone could have just not known about this potential conflict, but DPD prides himself on interrogating this exact sort of thing (often astutely and rightfully) in other candidates.

    Sorry for the anon. post this time, but I have my reasons to speak from behind a mask on this one.

  31. All right folks, I’ve been waiting for someone to point out the obvious here, but nobody has, so here goes:

    I’ve read numerous letters to the editor for Cecelia that say she doesn’t take $ from developers, but one developer in particular DOES have a role in the publication of this blog, and therefore indirectly in the financing of her campaign.

    Has anyone noticed the huge banner ad for SENSES magazine on the top of every blog page? Anyone wonder why Senses would bother to advertise an upscale obscure magazine (don’t get me wrong, it isn’t a bad magazine and has a good social conscience) on this blog?

    Try this: Senses is put out by the partner of one of the biggest land owners in Davis who is actively pushing for development on the periphery. This magazine is being used to shield his real identity and his support for Cecelia. I can’t for the life of me figure out why he supports Cecelia, except that he probably hates Sue and will do anything to unseat her.

    And why did the Vanguard publish a special article just to promote Senses magazine (October 27, 2007)?

    In the interest of transparency, I think both Cecelia and DPD owe its readers an accounting of the relationship with Senses and its associated developer. I hope Cecelia isn’t actually taking $ from him, but the Vanguard is. How can we be sure this isn’t a conflict of interest?

    Normally I would allow that someone could have just not known about this potential conflict, but DPD prides himself on interrogating this exact sort of thing (often astutely and rightfully) in other candidates.

    Sorry for the anon. post this time, but I have my reasons to speak from behind a mask on this one.

  32. All right folks, I’ve been waiting for someone to point out the obvious here, but nobody has, so here goes:

    I’ve read numerous letters to the editor for Cecelia that say she doesn’t take $ from developers, but one developer in particular DOES have a role in the publication of this blog, and therefore indirectly in the financing of her campaign.

    Has anyone noticed the huge banner ad for SENSES magazine on the top of every blog page? Anyone wonder why Senses would bother to advertise an upscale obscure magazine (don’t get me wrong, it isn’t a bad magazine and has a good social conscience) on this blog?

    Try this: Senses is put out by the partner of one of the biggest land owners in Davis who is actively pushing for development on the periphery. This magazine is being used to shield his real identity and his support for Cecelia. I can’t for the life of me figure out why he supports Cecelia, except that he probably hates Sue and will do anything to unseat her.

    And why did the Vanguard publish a special article just to promote Senses magazine (October 27, 2007)?

    In the interest of transparency, I think both Cecelia and DPD owe its readers an accounting of the relationship with Senses and its associated developer. I hope Cecelia isn’t actually taking $ from him, but the Vanguard is. How can we be sure this isn’t a conflict of interest?

    Normally I would allow that someone could have just not known about this potential conflict, but DPD prides himself on interrogating this exact sort of thing (often astutely and rightfully) in other candidates.

    Sorry for the anon. post this time, but I have my reasons to speak from behind a mask on this one.

  33. Davisite:

    Unfortunately, the supermarkets are making it very difficult to table. Even the co-op, which used to be a beacon of democracy and a lively center for grass-roots politics where everyone could just drop by when they had a free hour or two and set up their table or ironing board, has now limited tabling to one at a time, including non-profits, and you have to sign up in advance. When I called to request a time, I was told that the one co-op tabling slot was mostly booked up weeks in advance with non-profits.

    This policy has very much hurt candidates like myself who run low budget campaigns because we are not backed by special interests.

  34. Davisite:

    Unfortunately, the supermarkets are making it very difficult to table. Even the co-op, which used to be a beacon of democracy and a lively center for grass-roots politics where everyone could just drop by when they had a free hour or two and set up their table or ironing board, has now limited tabling to one at a time, including non-profits, and you have to sign up in advance. When I called to request a time, I was told that the one co-op tabling slot was mostly booked up weeks in advance with non-profits.

    This policy has very much hurt candidates like myself who run low budget campaigns because we are not backed by special interests.

  35. Davisite:

    Unfortunately, the supermarkets are making it very difficult to table. Even the co-op, which used to be a beacon of democracy and a lively center for grass-roots politics where everyone could just drop by when they had a free hour or two and set up their table or ironing board, has now limited tabling to one at a time, including non-profits, and you have to sign up in advance. When I called to request a time, I was told that the one co-op tabling slot was mostly booked up weeks in advance with non-profits.

    This policy has very much hurt candidates like myself who run low budget campaigns because we are not backed by special interests.

  36. Davisite:

    Unfortunately, the supermarkets are making it very difficult to table. Even the co-op, which used to be a beacon of democracy and a lively center for grass-roots politics where everyone could just drop by when they had a free hour or two and set up their table or ironing board, has now limited tabling to one at a time, including non-profits, and you have to sign up in advance. When I called to request a time, I was told that the one co-op tabling slot was mostly booked up weeks in advance with non-profits.

    This policy has very much hurt candidates like myself who run low budget campaigns because we are not backed by special interests.

  37. It’s only a non-issue if you are one of the three wise monkeys.

    I for one do think it’s curious that a developer is one of the biggest supporters of this blog.

  38. It’s only a non-issue if you are one of the three wise monkeys.

    I for one do think it’s curious that a developer is one of the biggest supporters of this blog.

  39. It’s only a non-issue if you are one of the three wise monkeys.

    I for one do think it’s curious that a developer is one of the biggest supporters of this blog.

  40. It’s only a non-issue if you are one of the three wise monkeys.

    I for one do think it’s curious that a developer is one of the biggest supporters of this blog.

  41. Sue,

    Do you know if other stores have made it more difficult for tabling? What can we as members of the public do to encourage them to allow candidates to table?


  42. Sue,

    Do you know if other stores have made it more difficult for tabling? What can we as members of the public do to encourage them to allow candidates to table?


  43. Sue,

    Do you know if other stores have made it more difficult for tabling? What can we as members of the public do to encourage them to allow candidates to table?


  44. Sue,

    Do you know if other stores have made it more difficult for tabling? What can we as members of the public do to encourage them to allow candidates to table?


  45. I meant to also say that if there are members of the Co-op board who read the blog then please do something to address this issue. The Co-op is about democracy. Thank you.


  46. I meant to also say that if there are members of the Co-op board who read the blog then please do something to address this issue. The Co-op is about democracy. Thank you.


  47. I meant to also say that if there are members of the Co-op board who read the blog then please do something to address this issue. The Co-op is about democracy. Thank you.


  48. I meant to also say that if there are members of the Co-op board who read the blog then please do something to address this issue. The Co-op is about democracy. Thank you.


  49. “I’ve read numerous letters to the editor for Cecelia that say she doesn’t take $ from developers, but one developer in particular DOES have a role in the publication of this blog, and therefore indirectly in the financing of her campaign.”

    According to the Vanguard story on the publication you refer to, “Senses magazine is the brainchild of Tata Monfared and Marci Landgraf, both of Sacramento.”

    I have a copy of all of Cecilia’s filings from her contributors, and neither Monfared or Landgraf gave her campaign money, as of March 17.

    I realize, of course, you did not say this money was directly given to her, but indirectly by way of advertising on her husband’s blog. Calling that a contribution to her is a pretty big s-t-r-e-t-c-h.

  50. “I’ve read numerous letters to the editor for Cecelia that say she doesn’t take $ from developers, but one developer in particular DOES have a role in the publication of this blog, and therefore indirectly in the financing of her campaign.”

    According to the Vanguard story on the publication you refer to, “Senses magazine is the brainchild of Tata Monfared and Marci Landgraf, both of Sacramento.”

    I have a copy of all of Cecilia’s filings from her contributors, and neither Monfared or Landgraf gave her campaign money, as of March 17.

    I realize, of course, you did not say this money was directly given to her, but indirectly by way of advertising on her husband’s blog. Calling that a contribution to her is a pretty big s-t-r-e-t-c-h.

  51. “I’ve read numerous letters to the editor for Cecelia that say she doesn’t take $ from developers, but one developer in particular DOES have a role in the publication of this blog, and therefore indirectly in the financing of her campaign.”

    According to the Vanguard story on the publication you refer to, “Senses magazine is the brainchild of Tata Monfared and Marci Landgraf, both of Sacramento.”

    I have a copy of all of Cecilia’s filings from her contributors, and neither Monfared or Landgraf gave her campaign money, as of March 17.

    I realize, of course, you did not say this money was directly given to her, but indirectly by way of advertising on her husband’s blog. Calling that a contribution to her is a pretty big s-t-r-e-t-c-h.

  52. “I’ve read numerous letters to the editor for Cecelia that say she doesn’t take $ from developers, but one developer in particular DOES have a role in the publication of this blog, and therefore indirectly in the financing of her campaign.”

    According to the Vanguard story on the publication you refer to, “Senses magazine is the brainchild of Tata Monfared and Marci Landgraf, both of Sacramento.”

    I have a copy of all of Cecilia’s filings from her contributors, and neither Monfared or Landgraf gave her campaign money, as of March 17.

    I realize, of course, you did not say this money was directly given to her, but indirectly by way of advertising on her husband’s blog. Calling that a contribution to her is a pretty big s-t-r-e-t-c-h.

  53. Interesting research anonymous. I thought it would be interesting to look at DPD’s coverage of the developer’s biggest project the Wildhorse Ranch.

    In November of 2006, DPD paints a decidedly negative view:


    In July of 2007, he criticized a loophole in the ag mitigation that would exclude the Horse Ranch project from the required 2:1 ag mitigation:


    And finally pretty strong criticism in January 30, 2008 of the proposal that came before council:


    If you saw DPD leading the charge for Wildhorse Ranch, you might have a point. You don’t.

  54. Interesting research anonymous. I thought it would be interesting to look at DPD’s coverage of the developer’s biggest project the Wildhorse Ranch.

    In November of 2006, DPD paints a decidedly negative view:


    In July of 2007, he criticized a loophole in the ag mitigation that would exclude the Horse Ranch project from the required 2:1 ag mitigation:


    And finally pretty strong criticism in January 30, 2008 of the proposal that came before council:


    If you saw DPD leading the charge for Wildhorse Ranch, you might have a point. You don’t.

  55. Interesting research anonymous. I thought it would be interesting to look at DPD’s coverage of the developer’s biggest project the Wildhorse Ranch.

    In November of 2006, DPD paints a decidedly negative view:


    In July of 2007, he criticized a loophole in the ag mitigation that would exclude the Horse Ranch project from the required 2:1 ag mitigation:


    And finally pretty strong criticism in January 30, 2008 of the proposal that came before council:


    If you saw DPD leading the charge for Wildhorse Ranch, you might have a point. You don’t.

  56. Interesting research anonymous. I thought it would be interesting to look at DPD’s coverage of the developer’s biggest project the Wildhorse Ranch.

    In November of 2006, DPD paints a decidedly negative view:


    In July of 2007, he criticized a loophole in the ag mitigation that would exclude the Horse Ranch project from the required 2:1 ag mitigation:


    And finally pretty strong criticism in January 30, 2008 of the proposal that came before council:


    If you saw DPD leading the charge for Wildhorse Ranch, you might have a point. You don’t.

  57. Thanks for the information Rich. Where is this information about contributions available?

    I’m pleased that no direct contributions were made to Cecelia’s campaign, and also that DPD’s coverage of Wildhorse wasn’t skewed. I didn’t say it was. However, the reason to say that you don’t take developer contributions is to be able to say that in no way could it be construed that you are beholden to a developer’s interest. I think these ads do actually create a challenge to that assertion. Other candidates of course take $ directly and then say they aren’t influenced by it and have voted against developer interests. But they’re less believable because of the $.

    Personally, I think there are better places to promote that magazine and because of that it makes me wonder why he’s doing it here.

    Thanks all for entertaining this string. Developer interference in politics is pervasive and obviously doesn’t stop at the ‘majority’ candidates. We all need to be aware of attempts to influence the process and that’s what I’m doing. More information is good, right?

  58. Thanks for the information Rich. Where is this information about contributions available?

    I’m pleased that no direct contributions were made to Cecelia’s campaign, and also that DPD’s coverage of Wildhorse wasn’t skewed. I didn’t say it was. However, the reason to say that you don’t take developer contributions is to be able to say that in no way could it be construed that you are beholden to a developer’s interest. I think these ads do actually create a challenge to that assertion. Other candidates of course take $ directly and then say they aren’t influenced by it and have voted against developer interests. But they’re less believable because of the $.

    Personally, I think there are better places to promote that magazine and because of that it makes me wonder why he’s doing it here.

    Thanks all for entertaining this string. Developer interference in politics is pervasive and obviously doesn’t stop at the ‘majority’ candidates. We all need to be aware of attempts to influence the process and that’s what I’m doing. More information is good, right?

  59. Thanks for the information Rich. Where is this information about contributions available?

    I’m pleased that no direct contributions were made to Cecelia’s campaign, and also that DPD’s coverage of Wildhorse wasn’t skewed. I didn’t say it was. However, the reason to say that you don’t take developer contributions is to be able to say that in no way could it be construed that you are beholden to a developer’s interest. I think these ads do actually create a challenge to that assertion. Other candidates of course take $ directly and then say they aren’t influenced by it and have voted against developer interests. But they’re less believable because of the $.

    Personally, I think there are better places to promote that magazine and because of that it makes me wonder why he’s doing it here.

    Thanks all for entertaining this string. Developer interference in politics is pervasive and obviously doesn’t stop at the ‘majority’ candidates. We all need to be aware of attempts to influence the process and that’s what I’m doing. More information is good, right?

  60. Thanks for the information Rich. Where is this information about contributions available?

    I’m pleased that no direct contributions were made to Cecelia’s campaign, and also that DPD’s coverage of Wildhorse wasn’t skewed. I didn’t say it was. However, the reason to say that you don’t take developer contributions is to be able to say that in no way could it be construed that you are beholden to a developer’s interest. I think these ads do actually create a challenge to that assertion. Other candidates of course take $ directly and then say they aren’t influenced by it and have voted against developer interests. But they’re less believable because of the $.

    Personally, I think there are better places to promote that magazine and because of that it makes me wonder why he’s doing it here.

    Thanks all for entertaining this string. Developer interference in politics is pervasive and obviously doesn’t stop at the ‘majority’ candidates. We all need to be aware of attempts to influence the process and that’s what I’m doing. More information is good, right?

  61. @ Anon 10:09am – I’ve wondered if anyone else had made this connection too.

    @ Rich Rifkin – really? seems pretty straighforward to me.

    @ Anon 12:38pm – DPD’s comments on one particular project isn’t the issue. The real issue if fair political practices, transparency, and hypocrisy.

    –> –> –>


    is funneled to


    then, I hear that CANDIDATE (Cecilia) is lending her campaign lots of personal/couple $,$$$.00


    A MAJOR case of HYPOCRISY (re: the claim that she doesn’t take developer $,$$$.00)

    A MINOR case of violation of Fair Political Practices.


    Cecilia & DPD only have a problem with developers that they don’t have personal relationships with…

    how politically convieniant…

  62. @ Anon 10:09am – I’ve wondered if anyone else had made this connection too.

    @ Rich Rifkin – really? seems pretty straighforward to me.

    @ Anon 12:38pm – DPD’s comments on one particular project isn’t the issue. The real issue if fair political practices, transparency, and hypocrisy.

    –> –> –>


    is funneled to


    then, I hear that CANDIDATE (Cecilia) is lending her campaign lots of personal/couple $,$$$.00


    A MAJOR case of HYPOCRISY (re: the claim that she doesn’t take developer $,$$$.00)

    A MINOR case of violation of Fair Political Practices.


    Cecilia & DPD only have a problem with developers that they don’t have personal relationships with…

    how politically convieniant…

  63. @ Anon 10:09am – I’ve wondered if anyone else had made this connection too.

    @ Rich Rifkin – really? seems pretty straighforward to me.

    @ Anon 12:38pm – DPD’s comments on one particular project isn’t the issue. The real issue if fair political practices, transparency, and hypocrisy.

    –> –> –>


    is funneled to


    then, I hear that CANDIDATE (Cecilia) is lending her campaign lots of personal/couple $,$$$.00


    A MAJOR case of HYPOCRISY (re: the claim that she doesn’t take developer $,$$$.00)

    A MINOR case of violation of Fair Political Practices.


    Cecilia & DPD only have a problem with developers that they don’t have personal relationships with…

    how politically convieniant…

  64. @ Anon 10:09am – I’ve wondered if anyone else had made this connection too.

    @ Rich Rifkin – really? seems pretty straighforward to me.

    @ Anon 12:38pm – DPD’s comments on one particular project isn’t the issue. The real issue if fair political practices, transparency, and hypocrisy.

    –> –> –>


    is funneled to


    then, I hear that CANDIDATE (Cecilia) is lending her campaign lots of personal/couple $,$$$.00


    A MAJOR case of HYPOCRISY (re: the claim that she doesn’t take developer $,$$$.00)

    A MINOR case of violation of Fair Political Practices.


    Cecilia & DPD only have a problem with developers that they don’t have personal relationships with…

    how politically convieniant…

  65. “Personally, I think there are better places to promote that magazine and because of that it makes me wonder why he’s doing it here.”

    Who he?

  66. “Personally, I think there are better places to promote that magazine and because of that it makes me wonder why he’s doing it here.”

    Who he?

  67. “Personally, I think there are better places to promote that magazine and because of that it makes me wonder why he’s doing it here.”

    Who he?

  68. “Personally, I think there are better places to promote that magazine and because of that it makes me wonder why he’s doing it here.”

    Who he?

  69. This is all very interesting, but rather mundane.

    Last summer I met Tata Monfared (the owner/publisher of Senses magazine) at a party and she was intrigued with the blog and the idea that the blog would attract similar people to that of her newly launched magazine. She purchased an ad in October of last year.

    The proceeds of the ad went immediately to pay for Vanguard bumperstickers and printing fees. That is the only payment I have received from Senses Magazine. None of that money went to my personal account, let alone a campaign account.

  70. This is all very interesting, but rather mundane.

    Last summer I met Tata Monfared (the owner/publisher of Senses magazine) at a party and she was intrigued with the blog and the idea that the blog would attract similar people to that of her newly launched magazine. She purchased an ad in October of last year.

    The proceeds of the ad went immediately to pay for Vanguard bumperstickers and printing fees. That is the only payment I have received from Senses Magazine. None of that money went to my personal account, let alone a campaign account.

  71. This is all very interesting, but rather mundane.

    Last summer I met Tata Monfared (the owner/publisher of Senses magazine) at a party and she was intrigued with the blog and the idea that the blog would attract similar people to that of her newly launched magazine. She purchased an ad in October of last year.

    The proceeds of the ad went immediately to pay for Vanguard bumperstickers and printing fees. That is the only payment I have received from Senses Magazine. None of that money went to my personal account, let alone a campaign account.

  72. This is all very interesting, but rather mundane.

    Last summer I met Tata Monfared (the owner/publisher of Senses magazine) at a party and she was intrigued with the blog and the idea that the blog would attract similar people to that of her newly launched magazine. She purchased an ad in October of last year.

    The proceeds of the ad went immediately to pay for Vanguard bumperstickers and printing fees. That is the only payment I have received from Senses Magazine. None of that money went to my personal account, let alone a campaign account.

  73. It is disheartening to read the anonymous 10:09 entry since I had been hoping that the “swift boating” that is so prevalent at the national level (and now has appeared in the Sacto mayor’s race) would bypass Davis. An accusation must always be evaluated in the context of who is doing the accusing. In this case, of course, that is impossible since the person or group has hidden behind the conveniently fictitious name, Anonymous. And oddly enough, we’re neither the “partner of the one of the biggest land holders in Davis” nor “one of the biggest landholders in Davis” are identified.

    As a Sacramento Bee front-page story pointed out this morning, the internet with its cloak of anonymity has taken the old fashioned game of political slander and dirty tricks to “a completely new level.”

    I know the Vanguard has had good reasons for allowing anonymous comments but, in my view, that policy should be reconsidered. After all, I can’t imagine this morning’s “letter to the editor” being published had it not been signed. And that’s as it should be.

  74. It is disheartening to read the anonymous 10:09 entry since I had been hoping that the “swift boating” that is so prevalent at the national level (and now has appeared in the Sacto mayor’s race) would bypass Davis. An accusation must always be evaluated in the context of who is doing the accusing. In this case, of course, that is impossible since the person or group has hidden behind the conveniently fictitious name, Anonymous. And oddly enough, we’re neither the “partner of the one of the biggest land holders in Davis” nor “one of the biggest landholders in Davis” are identified.

    As a Sacramento Bee front-page story pointed out this morning, the internet with its cloak of anonymity has taken the old fashioned game of political slander and dirty tricks to “a completely new level.”

    I know the Vanguard has had good reasons for allowing anonymous comments but, in my view, that policy should be reconsidered. After all, I can’t imagine this morning’s “letter to the editor” being published had it not been signed. And that’s as it should be.

  75. It is disheartening to read the anonymous 10:09 entry since I had been hoping that the “swift boating” that is so prevalent at the national level (and now has appeared in the Sacto mayor’s race) would bypass Davis. An accusation must always be evaluated in the context of who is doing the accusing. In this case, of course, that is impossible since the person or group has hidden behind the conveniently fictitious name, Anonymous. And oddly enough, we’re neither the “partner of the one of the biggest land holders in Davis” nor “one of the biggest landholders in Davis” are identified.

    As a Sacramento Bee front-page story pointed out this morning, the internet with its cloak of anonymity has taken the old fashioned game of political slander and dirty tricks to “a completely new level.”

    I know the Vanguard has had good reasons for allowing anonymous comments but, in my view, that policy should be reconsidered. After all, I can’t imagine this morning’s “letter to the editor” being published had it not been signed. And that’s as it should be.

  76. It is disheartening to read the anonymous 10:09 entry since I had been hoping that the “swift boating” that is so prevalent at the national level (and now has appeared in the Sacto mayor’s race) would bypass Davis. An accusation must always be evaluated in the context of who is doing the accusing. In this case, of course, that is impossible since the person or group has hidden behind the conveniently fictitious name, Anonymous. And oddly enough, we’re neither the “partner of the one of the biggest land holders in Davis” nor “one of the biggest landholders in Davis” are identified.

    As a Sacramento Bee front-page story pointed out this morning, the internet with its cloak of anonymity has taken the old fashioned game of political slander and dirty tricks to “a completely new level.”

    I know the Vanguard has had good reasons for allowing anonymous comments but, in my view, that policy should be reconsidered. After all, I can’t imagine this morning’s “letter to the editor” being published had it not been signed. And that’s as it should be.

  77. I agree, Lyn, that the anonymous posting policy should be reconsidered.

    Hey, Anon 10:09, one of the other advertisers here on the Vanguard is — OMY
    GOD!! — a real estate broker! Clearly, following your logic, this means that Cecilia is running for city council to enhance the home resale market. All very nefarious, indeed.

  78. I agree, Lyn, that the anonymous posting policy should be reconsidered.

    Hey, Anon 10:09, one of the other advertisers here on the Vanguard is — OMY
    GOD!! — a real estate broker! Clearly, following your logic, this means that Cecilia is running for city council to enhance the home resale market. All very nefarious, indeed.

  79. I agree, Lyn, that the anonymous posting policy should be reconsidered.

    Hey, Anon 10:09, one of the other advertisers here on the Vanguard is — OMY
    GOD!! — a real estate broker! Clearly, following your logic, this means that Cecilia is running for city council to enhance the home resale market. All very nefarious, indeed.

  80. I agree, Lyn, that the anonymous posting policy should be reconsidered.

    Hey, Anon 10:09, one of the other advertisers here on the Vanguard is — OMY
    GOD!! — a real estate broker! Clearly, following your logic, this means that Cecilia is running for city council to enhance the home resale market. All very nefarious, indeed.

  81. As long as this blog is hosted on blogger, the options are limited.

    First, we would simply replace anonymous posts with psuedononymous ones.

    Second, everyone would be required to register to post. On Rexroad’s board that pretty much killed the number of posters to a small handful.

    So while I am sympathetic to that viewpoint, to date, I have not had a strong and compelling reason to do so.

  82. As long as this blog is hosted on blogger, the options are limited.

    First, we would simply replace anonymous posts with psuedononymous ones.

    Second, everyone would be required to register to post. On Rexroad’s board that pretty much killed the number of posters to a small handful.

    So while I am sympathetic to that viewpoint, to date, I have not had a strong and compelling reason to do so.

  83. As long as this blog is hosted on blogger, the options are limited.

    First, we would simply replace anonymous posts with psuedononymous ones.

    Second, everyone would be required to register to post. On Rexroad’s board that pretty much killed the number of posters to a small handful.

    So while I am sympathetic to that viewpoint, to date, I have not had a strong and compelling reason to do so.

  84. As long as this blog is hosted on blogger, the options are limited.

    First, we would simply replace anonymous posts with psuedononymous ones.

    Second, everyone would be required to register to post. On Rexroad’s board that pretty much killed the number of posters to a small handful.

    So while I am sympathetic to that viewpoint, to date, I have not had a strong and compelling reason to do so.

  85. ANON 1:03 “Thanks for the information Rich. Where is this information about contributions available?”

    Unfortunately, it is not available on-line. You can go to the City Clerk’s office to look at their copies of each candidate’s filings. I paid about $5 to copy all of the contributions to all of the candidates. They are only current through March 17. I think there will be another filing due, soon.

  86. ANON 1:03 “Thanks for the information Rich. Where is this information about contributions available?”

    Unfortunately, it is not available on-line. You can go to the City Clerk’s office to look at their copies of each candidate’s filings. I paid about $5 to copy all of the contributions to all of the candidates. They are only current through March 17. I think there will be another filing due, soon.

  87. ANON 1:03 “Thanks for the information Rich. Where is this information about contributions available?”

    Unfortunately, it is not available on-line. You can go to the City Clerk’s office to look at their copies of each candidate’s filings. I paid about $5 to copy all of the contributions to all of the candidates. They are only current through March 17. I think there will be another filing due, soon.

  88. ANON 1:03 “Thanks for the information Rich. Where is this information about contributions available?”

    Unfortunately, it is not available on-line. You can go to the City Clerk’s office to look at their copies of each candidate’s filings. I paid about $5 to copy all of the contributions to all of the candidates. They are only current through March 17. I think there will be another filing due, soon.

  89. It’s unclear to me what difference there is between ANONYMOUS and a pseudonym, in terms of credibility.

    I don’t think many agree with me on this, but here is my take: if you won’t use your real name, you shouldn’t criticize someone else in our community by name or obvious inference. That doesn’t prevent you from criticizing the decisions or even style of members of the council or candidates or other public figures: it simply lets the person under attack know where the vitriol is coming from.

  90. It’s unclear to me what difference there is between ANONYMOUS and a pseudonym, in terms of credibility.

    I don’t think many agree with me on this, but here is my take: if you won’t use your real name, you shouldn’t criticize someone else in our community by name or obvious inference. That doesn’t prevent you from criticizing the decisions or even style of members of the council or candidates or other public figures: it simply lets the person under attack know where the vitriol is coming from.

  91. It’s unclear to me what difference there is between ANONYMOUS and a pseudonym, in terms of credibility.

    I don’t think many agree with me on this, but here is my take: if you won’t use your real name, you shouldn’t criticize someone else in our community by name or obvious inference. That doesn’t prevent you from criticizing the decisions or even style of members of the council or candidates or other public figures: it simply lets the person under attack know where the vitriol is coming from.

  92. It’s unclear to me what difference there is between ANONYMOUS and a pseudonym, in terms of credibility.

    I don’t think many agree with me on this, but here is my take: if you won’t use your real name, you shouldn’t criticize someone else in our community by name or obvious inference. That doesn’t prevent you from criticizing the decisions or even style of members of the council or candidates or other public figures: it simply lets the person under attack know where the vitriol is coming from.

  93. The post trying to tie the Senses ad to Cecilia’s campaign is realllly a stretch. It is just rediculous. This person needs to find better uses for his/her time than looking for conspiracies.

    Another note, committing to not take money from a developer or any other special interest does not make a candidate un-inclusive. It means that that candidate does not want to be beholden or appear to beholden in any way to any special interest. It’s called principles.

  94. The post trying to tie the Senses ad to Cecilia’s campaign is realllly a stretch. It is just rediculous. This person needs to find better uses for his/her time than looking for conspiracies.

    Another note, committing to not take money from a developer or any other special interest does not make a candidate un-inclusive. It means that that candidate does not want to be beholden or appear to beholden in any way to any special interest. It’s called principles.

  95. The post trying to tie the Senses ad to Cecilia’s campaign is realllly a stretch. It is just rediculous. This person needs to find better uses for his/her time than looking for conspiracies.

    Another note, committing to not take money from a developer or any other special interest does not make a candidate un-inclusive. It means that that candidate does not want to be beholden or appear to beholden in any way to any special interest. It’s called principles.

  96. The post trying to tie the Senses ad to Cecilia’s campaign is realllly a stretch. It is just rediculous. This person needs to find better uses for his/her time than looking for conspiracies.

    Another note, committing to not take money from a developer or any other special interest does not make a candidate un-inclusive. It means that that candidate does not want to be beholden or appear to beholden in any way to any special interest. It’s called principles.

  97. SENSES is a very good magazine.

    I saw it at the Newsbeat and subscribed so I have a copy in my reception, along with the Davis Enterprise, Flatlander, Chamber of Commerce newsletter, occasional Mother Jones, 4-6 aviation publications, and other publications that visitors might find interesting.

    Senses is published by the family of a local developer and business person, but so what?

    The Flatlander takes ads from all kinds of businesses, including real estate agents and companies. At least Senses supports local people.

    DPD, u need ads. Paying ads. Go get them, and dont make apologies for it.


    Mike Harrington, Owner
    Harrington Place Properties
    Law Offices of Michael J. Harrington

  98. SENSES is a very good magazine.

    I saw it at the Newsbeat and subscribed so I have a copy in my reception, along with the Davis Enterprise, Flatlander, Chamber of Commerce newsletter, occasional Mother Jones, 4-6 aviation publications, and other publications that visitors might find interesting.

    Senses is published by the family of a local developer and business person, but so what?

    The Flatlander takes ads from all kinds of businesses, including real estate agents and companies. At least Senses supports local people.

    DPD, u need ads. Paying ads. Go get them, and dont make apologies for it.


    Mike Harrington, Owner
    Harrington Place Properties
    Law Offices of Michael J. Harrington

  99. SENSES is a very good magazine.

    I saw it at the Newsbeat and subscribed so I have a copy in my reception, along with the Davis Enterprise, Flatlander, Chamber of Commerce newsletter, occasional Mother Jones, 4-6 aviation publications, and other publications that visitors might find interesting.

    Senses is published by the family of a local developer and business person, but so what?

    The Flatlander takes ads from all kinds of businesses, including real estate agents and companies. At least Senses supports local people.

    DPD, u need ads. Paying ads. Go get them, and dont make apologies for it.


    Mike Harrington, Owner
    Harrington Place Properties
    Law Offices of Michael J. Harrington

  100. SENSES is a very good magazine.

    I saw it at the Newsbeat and subscribed so I have a copy in my reception, along with the Davis Enterprise, Flatlander, Chamber of Commerce newsletter, occasional Mother Jones, 4-6 aviation publications, and other publications that visitors might find interesting.

    Senses is published by the family of a local developer and business person, but so what?

    The Flatlander takes ads from all kinds of businesses, including real estate agents and companies. At least Senses supports local people.

    DPD, u need ads. Paying ads. Go get them, and dont make apologies for it.


    Mike Harrington, Owner
    Harrington Place Properties
    Law Offices of Michael J. Harrington

  101. This blog is hilarious! I’ve never seen so many unsubstantiated claims, character attacks, and baseless accusations. Someone told me that the site is managed by Cecilia Greenwalds husband who is running for city council. Is this true? Is this who DPD is? It would certainly explain the heavy bias. If people are complaining about anonymous postings they should certainly be complaining about someone commenting on the political race who has a clear ethical conflict. If this true, at a minimum there should be a disclaimer on every post or this site truly is the Fox News of Davis political blogs.

  102. This blog is hilarious! I’ve never seen so many unsubstantiated claims, character attacks, and baseless accusations. Someone told me that the site is managed by Cecilia Greenwalds husband who is running for city council. Is this true? Is this who DPD is? It would certainly explain the heavy bias. If people are complaining about anonymous postings they should certainly be complaining about someone commenting on the political race who has a clear ethical conflict. If this true, at a minimum there should be a disclaimer on every post or this site truly is the Fox News of Davis political blogs.

  103. This blog is hilarious! I’ve never seen so many unsubstantiated claims, character attacks, and baseless accusations. Someone told me that the site is managed by Cecilia Greenwalds husband who is running for city council. Is this true? Is this who DPD is? It would certainly explain the heavy bias. If people are complaining about anonymous postings they should certainly be complaining about someone commenting on the political race who has a clear ethical conflict. If this true, at a minimum there should be a disclaimer on every post or this site truly is the Fox News of Davis political blogs.

  104. This blog is hilarious! I’ve never seen so many unsubstantiated claims, character attacks, and baseless accusations. Someone told me that the site is managed by Cecilia Greenwalds husband who is running for city council. Is this true? Is this who DPD is? It would certainly explain the heavy bias. If people are complaining about anonymous postings they should certainly be complaining about someone commenting on the political race who has a clear ethical conflict. If this true, at a minimum there should be a disclaimer on every post or this site truly is the Fox News of Davis political blogs.

  105. Good night Johnboy. This is a blog. You obviously do not know what a blog is. I’ll give you a hint. It is not a newspaper. It is a place where the author comments and opionates. This blog happens to fill a huge void with the local paper.

  106. Good night Johnboy. This is a blog. You obviously do not know what a blog is. I’ll give you a hint. It is not a newspaper. It is a place where the author comments and opionates. This blog happens to fill a huge void with the local paper.

  107. Good night Johnboy. This is a blog. You obviously do not know what a blog is. I’ll give you a hint. It is not a newspaper. It is a place where the author comments and opionates. This blog happens to fill a huge void with the local paper.

  108. Good night Johnboy. This is a blog. You obviously do not know what a blog is. I’ll give you a hint. It is not a newspaper. It is a place where the author comments and opionates. This blog happens to fill a huge void with the local paper.

  109. Yes, I am aware that political blogs are not journalism (this much is obvious). Perhaps it is just the hypocricy that bothers me. What would be the problem with putting a disclaimer at the front end of every post stating that blogger is married to Cecelia? If the intent is to be upfront about representation (which this blog seeems to claim), then why not?

  110. Yes, I am aware that political blogs are not journalism (this much is obvious). Perhaps it is just the hypocricy that bothers me. What would be the problem with putting a disclaimer at the front end of every post stating that blogger is married to Cecelia? If the intent is to be upfront about representation (which this blog seeems to claim), then why not?

  111. Yes, I am aware that political blogs are not journalism (this much is obvious). Perhaps it is just the hypocricy that bothers me. What would be the problem with putting a disclaimer at the front end of every post stating that blogger is married to Cecelia? If the intent is to be upfront about representation (which this blog seeems to claim), then why not?

  112. Yes, I am aware that political blogs are not journalism (this much is obvious). Perhaps it is just the hypocricy that bothers me. What would be the problem with putting a disclaimer at the front end of every post stating that blogger is married to Cecelia? If the intent is to be upfront about representation (which this blog seeems to claim), then why not?

  113. Most of the time he has been upfront about his relationship to the candidate–you can look back over much of the coverage and its clear. I think most people know who runs this blog. He has coverage of this race in here that no one else has. Stop complain and enjoy it.

  114. Most of the time he has been upfront about his relationship to the candidate–you can look back over much of the coverage and its clear. I think most people know who runs this blog. He has coverage of this race in here that no one else has. Stop complain and enjoy it.

  115. Most of the time he has been upfront about his relationship to the candidate–you can look back over much of the coverage and its clear. I think most people know who runs this blog. He has coverage of this race in here that no one else has. Stop complain and enjoy it.

  116. Most of the time he has been upfront about his relationship to the candidate–you can look back over much of the coverage and its clear. I think most people know who runs this blog. He has coverage of this race in here that no one else has. Stop complain and enjoy it.

  117. Johnny boy,

    I think I hear your ma saying it’s bedtime for ya’ll! I can hear them coyotes a hollerin for ya too.

    Please tell you candidates Saylor and Souza before they vote on a developer’s proposal that has bankrolled their campaign to state from the dais that they have accepted money from the developer whose proposal they are about to vote on.

    Before they go into contract negotiations providing lucrative salaries for the firefighters please tell them to disclose that the firefighters have given them a hefty salary and benefits increase, so that the public knows that they are beholden to those who contributed thousands to their campaigns.

    DPD runs a business. Just like anyone else–including the Enterprise– you can buy ad space and that’s what the businesses have done that advertise on this blog. They bought ad space.

    If you don’t like it you can go to another blog. We discuss issues and not petty conspiracy theory tactics.

    I appreciate the work you’ve done DPD and the time you put into the blog. We would not know what is going on in our city or our county if it was not for the Vanguard.

    I think there’s a word in the dictionary called envy. Johnny boy may want to look it up.

  118. Johnny boy,

    I think I hear your ma saying it’s bedtime for ya’ll! I can hear them coyotes a hollerin for ya too.

    Please tell you candidates Saylor and Souza before they vote on a developer’s proposal that has bankrolled their campaign to state from the dais that they have accepted money from the developer whose proposal they are about to vote on.

    Before they go into contract negotiations providing lucrative salaries for the firefighters please tell them to disclose that the firefighters have given them a hefty salary and benefits increase, so that the public knows that they are beholden to those who contributed thousands to their campaigns.

    DPD runs a business. Just like anyone else–including the Enterprise– you can buy ad space and that’s what the businesses have done that advertise on this blog. They bought ad space.

    If you don’t like it you can go to another blog. We discuss issues and not petty conspiracy theory tactics.

    I appreciate the work you’ve done DPD and the time you put into the blog. We would not know what is going on in our city or our county if it was not for the Vanguard.

    I think there’s a word in the dictionary called envy. Johnny boy may want to look it up.

  119. Johnny boy,

    I think I hear your ma saying it’s bedtime for ya’ll! I can hear them coyotes a hollerin for ya too.

    Please tell you candidates Saylor and Souza before they vote on a developer’s proposal that has bankrolled their campaign to state from the dais that they have accepted money from the developer whose proposal they are about to vote on.

    Before they go into contract negotiations providing lucrative salaries for the firefighters please tell them to disclose that the firefighters have given them a hefty salary and benefits increase, so that the public knows that they are beholden to those who contributed thousands to their campaigns.

    DPD runs a business. Just like anyone else–including the Enterprise– you can buy ad space and that’s what the businesses have done that advertise on this blog. They bought ad space.

    If you don’t like it you can go to another blog. We discuss issues and not petty conspiracy theory tactics.

    I appreciate the work you’ve done DPD and the time you put into the blog. We would not know what is going on in our city or our county if it was not for the Vanguard.

    I think there’s a word in the dictionary called envy. Johnny boy may want to look it up.

  120. Johnny boy,

    I think I hear your ma saying it’s bedtime for ya’ll! I can hear them coyotes a hollerin for ya too.

    Please tell you candidates Saylor and Souza before they vote on a developer’s proposal that has bankrolled their campaign to state from the dais that they have accepted money from the developer whose proposal they are about to vote on.

    Before they go into contract negotiations providing lucrative salaries for the firefighters please tell them to disclose that the firefighters have given them a hefty salary and benefits increase, so that the public knows that they are beholden to those who contributed thousands to their campaigns.

    DPD runs a business. Just like anyone else–including the Enterprise– you can buy ad space and that’s what the businesses have done that advertise on this blog. They bought ad space.

    If you don’t like it you can go to another blog. We discuss issues and not petty conspiracy theory tactics.

    I appreciate the work you’ve done DPD and the time you put into the blog. We would not know what is going on in our city or our county if it was not for the Vanguard.

    I think there’s a word in the dictionary called envy. Johnny boy may want to look it up.

  121. DPD does a great job on this blog. Not always accurate but almost always admits his errors on a daily or weekly basis.
    The blog is entertaining and if it were’nt for the anonymous posting, DPD is correct, there would be little or nothing to read here. However I would’nt vote for his wife to be on the city council.

  122. DPD does a great job on this blog. Not always accurate but almost always admits his errors on a daily or weekly basis.
    The blog is entertaining and if it were’nt for the anonymous posting, DPD is correct, there would be little or nothing to read here. However I would’nt vote for his wife to be on the city council.

  123. DPD does a great job on this blog. Not always accurate but almost always admits his errors on a daily or weekly basis.
    The blog is entertaining and if it were’nt for the anonymous posting, DPD is correct, there would be little or nothing to read here. However I would’nt vote for his wife to be on the city council.

  124. DPD does a great job on this blog. Not always accurate but almost always admits his errors on a daily or weekly basis.
    The blog is entertaining and if it were’nt for the anonymous posting, DPD is correct, there would be little or nothing to read here. However I would’nt vote for his wife to be on the city council.

  125. I’m voting for DPD’s wife Cecilia for several reasons including experience and her record on supporting smart growth as opposed to sprawl.
    I met her when she came to my door precinct walking and I liked her views on keeping Davis a slow growth city and her views on the downtown core. She’s lived in Davis for sometime and didn’t just pop up out of nowhere.

  126. I’m voting for DPD’s wife Cecilia for several reasons including experience and her record on supporting smart growth as opposed to sprawl.
    I met her when she came to my door precinct walking and I liked her views on keeping Davis a slow growth city and her views on the downtown core. She’s lived in Davis for sometime and didn’t just pop up out of nowhere.

  127. I’m voting for DPD’s wife Cecilia for several reasons including experience and her record on supporting smart growth as opposed to sprawl.
    I met her when she came to my door precinct walking and I liked her views on keeping Davis a slow growth city and her views on the downtown core. She’s lived in Davis for sometime and didn’t just pop up out of nowhere.

  128. I’m voting for DPD’s wife Cecilia for several reasons including experience and her record on supporting smart growth as opposed to sprawl.
    I met her when she came to my door precinct walking and I liked her views on keeping Davis a slow growth city and her views on the downtown core. She’s lived in Davis for sometime and didn’t just pop up out of nowhere.

  129. Sue Greenwald said:
    “Unfortunately, the supermarkets are making it very difficult to table..”

    The courts found that Davis-type relatively small, supermarket-centered shopping centers do not qualify as a “commons” with its free-speech protections. Supermarkets can decide how, when and where they will allow “tabling” as long as they give no one side of a campaign issue preference. That said, N. Davis Safeway management reports no change in their policies and will permit tabling after the simple paperwork application is completed.
    Total denial of tabling would probably be rejected by the courts since they did not go that far in their previous rulings.

  130. Sue Greenwald said:
    “Unfortunately, the supermarkets are making it very difficult to table..”

    The courts found that Davis-type relatively small, supermarket-centered shopping centers do not qualify as a “commons” with its free-speech protections. Supermarkets can decide how, when and where they will allow “tabling” as long as they give no one side of a campaign issue preference. That said, N. Davis Safeway management reports no change in their policies and will permit tabling after the simple paperwork application is completed.
    Total denial of tabling would probably be rejected by the courts since they did not go that far in their previous rulings.

  131. Sue Greenwald said:
    “Unfortunately, the supermarkets are making it very difficult to table..”

    The courts found that Davis-type relatively small, supermarket-centered shopping centers do not qualify as a “commons” with its free-speech protections. Supermarkets can decide how, when and where they will allow “tabling” as long as they give no one side of a campaign issue preference. That said, N. Davis Safeway management reports no change in their policies and will permit tabling after the simple paperwork application is completed.
    Total denial of tabling would probably be rejected by the courts since they did not go that far in their previous rulings.

  132. Sue Greenwald said:
    “Unfortunately, the supermarkets are making it very difficult to table..”

    The courts found that Davis-type relatively small, supermarket-centered shopping centers do not qualify as a “commons” with its free-speech protections. Supermarkets can decide how, when and where they will allow “tabling” as long as they give no one side of a campaign issue preference. That said, N. Davis Safeway management reports no change in their policies and will permit tabling after the simple paperwork application is completed.
    Total denial of tabling would probably be rejected by the courts since they did not go that far in their previous rulings.

  133. anonymous 4:51am –

    It sounds like you are misinformed, but nevertheless you may choose to vote as you wish.

    I will be voting for DPD’s wife.

  134. anonymous 4:51am –

    It sounds like you are misinformed, but nevertheless you may choose to vote as you wish.

    I will be voting for DPD’s wife.

  135. anonymous 4:51am –

    It sounds like you are misinformed, but nevertheless you may choose to vote as you wish.

    I will be voting for DPD’s wife.

  136. anonymous 4:51am –

    It sounds like you are misinformed, but nevertheless you may choose to vote as you wish.

    I will be voting for DPD’s wife.

  137. After reading Deflationary’s blog, I doubt she would have ever supported Cecilia. Her stuff sounds like the same old drivel from the pro-developer types.

  138. After reading Deflationary’s blog, I doubt she would have ever supported Cecilia. Her stuff sounds like the same old drivel from the pro-developer types.

  139. After reading Deflationary’s blog, I doubt she would have ever supported Cecilia. Her stuff sounds like the same old drivel from the pro-developer types.

  140. After reading Deflationary’s blog, I doubt she would have ever supported Cecilia. Her stuff sounds like the same old drivel from the pro-developer types.

  141. Jane,

    What is your 17 minute lecture on “Why Davis Sucks”? I love Davis, although it does have its faults here or there it is worth fighting for. I want it to stay unique. If Davis sucks because it is not Woodland then there is a simple solution for you. I hope, just as I’m sure “DPD’s wife” hopes, that our voters are people that do not think that Davis, all things considered, sucks.

  142. Jane,

    What is your 17 minute lecture on “Why Davis Sucks”? I love Davis, although it does have its faults here or there it is worth fighting for. I want it to stay unique. If Davis sucks because it is not Woodland then there is a simple solution for you. I hope, just as I’m sure “DPD’s wife” hopes, that our voters are people that do not think that Davis, all things considered, sucks.

  143. Jane,

    What is your 17 minute lecture on “Why Davis Sucks”? I love Davis, although it does have its faults here or there it is worth fighting for. I want it to stay unique. If Davis sucks because it is not Woodland then there is a simple solution for you. I hope, just as I’m sure “DPD’s wife” hopes, that our voters are people that do not think that Davis, all things considered, sucks.

  144. Jane,

    What is your 17 minute lecture on “Why Davis Sucks”? I love Davis, although it does have its faults here or there it is worth fighting for. I want it to stay unique. If Davis sucks because it is not Woodland then there is a simple solution for you. I hope, just as I’m sure “DPD’s wife” hopes, that our voters are people that do not think that Davis, all things considered, sucks.

  145. David – by my estimation the Senses/Wildhorse Ranch Development/NW Quadrant Developer Team has given you at LEAST $4,000 based on your stated ad rates. Did all of that go to bumper stickers? Fancy bumper stickers.

  146. David – by my estimation the Senses/Wildhorse Ranch Development/NW Quadrant Developer Team has given you at LEAST $4,000 based on your stated ad rates. Did all of that go to bumper stickers? Fancy bumper stickers.

  147. David – by my estimation the Senses/Wildhorse Ranch Development/NW Quadrant Developer Team has given you at LEAST $4,000 based on your stated ad rates. Did all of that go to bumper stickers? Fancy bumper stickers.

  148. David – by my estimation the Senses/Wildhorse Ranch Development/NW Quadrant Developer Team has given you at LEAST $4,000 based on your stated ad rates. Did all of that go to bumper stickers? Fancy bumper stickers.

  149. They gave me $2000 based on the rates at the time it was ordered. It went to pay for about $580 in bumperstickers and to part of my $2500 print order for postcards, file folders, and two sets of rate sheets. Send me your address and I’ll send you the entire packet and you can see if I got my money’s worth.

  150. They gave me $2000 based on the rates at the time it was ordered. It went to pay for about $580 in bumperstickers and to part of my $2500 print order for postcards, file folders, and two sets of rate sheets. Send me your address and I’ll send you the entire packet and you can see if I got my money’s worth.

  151. They gave me $2000 based on the rates at the time it was ordered. It went to pay for about $580 in bumperstickers and to part of my $2500 print order for postcards, file folders, and two sets of rate sheets. Send me your address and I’ll send you the entire packet and you can see if I got my money’s worth.

  152. They gave me $2000 based on the rates at the time it was ordered. It went to pay for about $580 in bumperstickers and to part of my $2500 print order for postcards, file folders, and two sets of rate sheets. Send me your address and I’ll send you the entire packet and you can see if I got my money’s worth.

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