Commentary: Clean Sweep of Support for Developer Candidates by the Enterprise

It would be appalling if it were not so predictable. On Sunday, the Davis Enterprise endorsed the pro-development slate for the Davis City Council. Yesterday, in perhaps an even more shocking move, the Davis Enterprise has endorsed John Ferrera over Jim Provenza for the 4th Supervisorial District.

They admit that Ferrara “is a relative newcomer to Davis.” In fact, he’s a newcomer to Davis politics. Indeed, they have selected Ferrera over a much more experienced public servant who recently finished a four year stint on the Davis School Board. But there is nary a word on that in the editorial–in fact, Jim Provenza is not mentioned at all in the editorial.

The Enterprise writes:

“Budget challenges will be paramount as California – and, by extension, its 58 counties – learns to live within its means. Ferrera’s experience as chief of staff to state Sen. Denise Ducheny, chairwoman of the Senate Budget Committee, gives him keen insight into the challenges Yolo County faces as it tightens its belt to the tune of $12 million.”

As school board member Jim Provenza has had to deal with school budgets for the last four years. I certainly do not see anything in their records that would give John Ferrera insight over Jim Provenza.

“He’s pledged to help repair interagency relationships, believing Davis and the county can both be better neighbors, and he promises to lead all parties in working together toward well-understood, collective goals.”

Because Jim Provenza has not? During Jim Provenza’s tenure on the Davis City council the relationship between the city of Davis and the school district improved dramatically. Following the obvious problems with the city following the debacle of King High and the ill-fated Grande deal, Jim Provenza led the way to make changes to district policies.

He brought in a new Superintendent and a new Budget Director. He and his colleagues would work with the city on the planning of both the Grande Property and Nugget Fields to insure cooperation rather than the secretive nature in which King High was planned and demolished without city input. This led to an overlap of the structure onto city property, the surprise discovery of a storm drain, and the destruction of cherished community trees.

As school board member, Jim Provenza became alarmed at the conflict of interests surrounding the operations of CBO Tahir Ahad. In the first two years on the board, he was routinely out-voted 4-1 or 3-2 regarding such issues. However, in the final two years, he helped to draft the language of the conflict of interest code, so that such conflicts would never arise again.

Unfortunately, the Davis Enterprise does not do justice to Jim Provenza’s record as a school board member.

But Davis Enterprise columnist Bob Dunning does.

Back in March of 2007 Dunning writes:

“RUN, JIM , RUN … while it’s still early and many names are being tossed about as possible candidates, if Jim Provenza decides to run for county supervisor, as expected, the rest of those considering a shot at working in Woodland would be best advised to take a pass … no point in forming an exploratory committee, dipping your big toe in the water or launching a trial balloon … all exercises in futility …

Forget the politics, forget the potential issues, forget what your mama taught you about seizing the day, if Provenza runs, he’s a lock … no one else is even close … like Helen Thomson, one of the most revered political figures in this town’s history, Provenza has never been a candidate for City Council, which means his reputation remains untarnished … put simply, his solid-citizen, agenda-less work on the Davis school board makes him hard — if not impossible — to beat …”

A few days ago, Dunning reiterate that confidence:

“Provenza is the runaway favorite in a campaign that has attracted little or no media attention to this point … I rest my case … since Jim leads the field in name ID, he probably hopes this remains a low-profile race right to the finish … no matter your politics, Jim ‘s a hard guy not to like …”

Apparently Mr. Dunning ought to talk to his bosses a bit more.

John Ferrera is a good person, on statewide issues and national and international issues, there is probably very little if anything on which we disagree. However, as this race has gone on, it has become clear to me that he is in the other camp on local land use issues which remain the key hallmark of the County Supervisor race.

Recently, both candidates were asked about land use issues. Jim Provenza was publicly against Covell Village. John Ferrera has recently acknowledged he was for Covell Village, although according to my sources he has also stated his opposition to it.

Second, Jim Provenza strongly supports Measure J. John Ferrera took more of the Don Saylor position, the public likes it, but he was less succinct about his view.

Third, when the county threatened to develop on Davis’ periphery, Jim Provenza came to the meeting in July and argued strongly against such development. He referred to the proposed developments along I-80 as the congestion corridor. John Ferrera as far as I can tell was not at that meeting and certainly did not speak at that meeting.

While both candidates promise to handle city-county relations better than they were handled in 2007, only Jim Provenza has flat out supported the pass-through agreement.

When I interview John Ferrera last fall here was his response to a question of would he support the current pass-through agreement:

“The pass-through agreement is twenty years old. It’s only received minor updates and discussions and I think that the changing relationship between the state and the counties and the state and the cities, with the growth of the university, with other things that have happened in our world that have changed over 20 years, that we really need to take a hard look and make sure that it’s doing what it need to do for the county and for the city.”

Once again, the Davis Enterprise does the public little service here. They give an endorsement to an individual without much discussion if any of the issues involved in the race. There has been almost no coverage of the race itself. Bob Dunning is absolutely correct that this is an extremely low-profile race. There have been no candidate forums, little newspaper coverage, and almost no way for the public to learn about who these people are.

In fact, the public knows even less about the third candidate for this race, Cathy Kennedy.

However, the Davis Enterprise has at least been consistent on the local races in each case supporting the pro-development candidate, often over more experienced slow-growth candidates.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. you are looking for the evidence of some sort of thoughtful deliberation, careful comparison etc. You won’t find it. The Enterprise makes money selling newspapers. Covell Village = More driveways. More driveways = More newspapers. The Enterprise is a profit-driven publication. Don’t expect to find any sort of restraint on development here.

  2. you are looking for the evidence of some sort of thoughtful deliberation, careful comparison etc. You won’t find it. The Enterprise makes money selling newspapers. Covell Village = More driveways. More driveways = More newspapers. The Enterprise is a profit-driven publication. Don’t expect to find any sort of restraint on development here.

  3. you are looking for the evidence of some sort of thoughtful deliberation, careful comparison etc. You won’t find it. The Enterprise makes money selling newspapers. Covell Village = More driveways. More driveways = More newspapers. The Enterprise is a profit-driven publication. Don’t expect to find any sort of restraint on development here.

  4. you are looking for the evidence of some sort of thoughtful deliberation, careful comparison etc. You won’t find it. The Enterprise makes money selling newspapers. Covell Village = More driveways. More driveways = More newspapers. The Enterprise is a profit-driven publication. Don’t expect to find any sort of restraint on development here.

  5. The Enterprise has only about 30 percent market penetration, seems they should worry about the 70 percent of town that they don’t have penetration into and figure that part out rather than building more town that won’t buy their paper.

  6. The Enterprise has only about 30 percent market penetration, seems they should worry about the 70 percent of town that they don’t have penetration into and figure that part out rather than building more town that won’t buy their paper.

  7. The Enterprise has only about 30 percent market penetration, seems they should worry about the 70 percent of town that they don’t have penetration into and figure that part out rather than building more town that won’t buy their paper.

  8. The Enterprise has only about 30 percent market penetration, seems they should worry about the 70 percent of town that they don’t have penetration into and figure that part out rather than building more town that won’t buy their paper.

  9. “…to insure cooperation rather than the secretive nature in which King High was planned and demolished without city input. This led to an overlap of the structure onto city property, the surprise discovery of a storm drain, and the destruction of cherished community trees.”

    What are you?! Conspiracy theorist? Weeping septuagenarian? Or just a nut case?

    I think it’s time to bring out that chic, white form-fitting jacket for a certain blog administrator and local blogger.

  10. “…to insure cooperation rather than the secretive nature in which King High was planned and demolished without city input. This led to an overlap of the structure onto city property, the surprise discovery of a storm drain, and the destruction of cherished community trees.”

    What are you?! Conspiracy theorist? Weeping septuagenarian? Or just a nut case?

    I think it’s time to bring out that chic, white form-fitting jacket for a certain blog administrator and local blogger.

  11. “…to insure cooperation rather than the secretive nature in which King High was planned and demolished without city input. This led to an overlap of the structure onto city property, the surprise discovery of a storm drain, and the destruction of cherished community trees.”

    What are you?! Conspiracy theorist? Weeping septuagenarian? Or just a nut case?

    I think it’s time to bring out that chic, white form-fitting jacket for a certain blog administrator and local blogger.

  12. “…to insure cooperation rather than the secretive nature in which King High was planned and demolished without city input. This led to an overlap of the structure onto city property, the surprise discovery of a storm drain, and the destruction of cherished community trees.”

    What are you?! Conspiracy theorist? Weeping septuagenarian? Or just a nut case?

    I think it’s time to bring out that chic, white form-fitting jacket for a certain blog administrator and local blogger.

  13. The only way, if it is even possible, that you will force the Enterprise to serve the citizens of Davis is to” hit them where they live”.
    We should all think twice about shopping/using the services of any business that advertises in the Enterprise or its free driveway advert piece. I KNOW…. this has the potential of hurting local business but will be only a temporary measure as the Enterprise will quickly be under real fiscal pressure and MUST respond or perish.

  14. The only way, if it is even possible, that you will force the Enterprise to serve the citizens of Davis is to” hit them where they live”.
    We should all think twice about shopping/using the services of any business that advertises in the Enterprise or its free driveway advert piece. I KNOW…. this has the potential of hurting local business but will be only a temporary measure as the Enterprise will quickly be under real fiscal pressure and MUST respond or perish.

  15. The only way, if it is even possible, that you will force the Enterprise to serve the citizens of Davis is to” hit them where they live”.
    We should all think twice about shopping/using the services of any business that advertises in the Enterprise or its free driveway advert piece. I KNOW…. this has the potential of hurting local business but will be only a temporary measure as the Enterprise will quickly be under real fiscal pressure and MUST respond or perish.

  16. The only way, if it is even possible, that you will force the Enterprise to serve the citizens of Davis is to” hit them where they live”.
    We should all think twice about shopping/using the services of any business that advertises in the Enterprise or its free driveway advert piece. I KNOW…. this has the potential of hurting local business but will be only a temporary measure as the Enterprise will quickly be under real fiscal pressure and MUST respond or perish.

  17. You obviously were not around for the King High debacle.

    The neighbors complained that the plans would lead to the destruction of the trees, this resulted in on-going talks with the city and neighborhood, but before a resolution could occur, the construction crews “accidentally” severed the roots of the trees and they had to be taken down. The district now is working with the neighborhood to replant the trees to replace the ones that were destroyed.

    When I did research for the Tahir series, Bill Emlen in one meeting came before the school board, the district had not consulted with the city on the project, apparently the building cut onto city property (some think it was done intentionally). In addition, the district discovered a storm drain. Bill Emlen politely suggested that with better talks the city could have made them aware of the storm drain.

    A lot of this became overshadowed when the school board discovered that they did not have money for the construction project that they thought they had.

    Some coverage in here: King High

    If you would like to watch the school board meeting, I will copy the tape and bring it to you. I think you’ll change your view on conspiracy theory after you have watched that tape. I was stunned that a public agency could act so irresponsibly.

  18. You obviously were not around for the King High debacle.

    The neighbors complained that the plans would lead to the destruction of the trees, this resulted in on-going talks with the city and neighborhood, but before a resolution could occur, the construction crews “accidentally” severed the roots of the trees and they had to be taken down. The district now is working with the neighborhood to replant the trees to replace the ones that were destroyed.

    When I did research for the Tahir series, Bill Emlen in one meeting came before the school board, the district had not consulted with the city on the project, apparently the building cut onto city property (some think it was done intentionally). In addition, the district discovered a storm drain. Bill Emlen politely suggested that with better talks the city could have made them aware of the storm drain.

    A lot of this became overshadowed when the school board discovered that they did not have money for the construction project that they thought they had.

    Some coverage in here: King High

    If you would like to watch the school board meeting, I will copy the tape and bring it to you. I think you’ll change your view on conspiracy theory after you have watched that tape. I was stunned that a public agency could act so irresponsibly.

  19. You obviously were not around for the King High debacle.

    The neighbors complained that the plans would lead to the destruction of the trees, this resulted in on-going talks with the city and neighborhood, but before a resolution could occur, the construction crews “accidentally” severed the roots of the trees and they had to be taken down. The district now is working with the neighborhood to replant the trees to replace the ones that were destroyed.

    When I did research for the Tahir series, Bill Emlen in one meeting came before the school board, the district had not consulted with the city on the project, apparently the building cut onto city property (some think it was done intentionally). In addition, the district discovered a storm drain. Bill Emlen politely suggested that with better talks the city could have made them aware of the storm drain.

    A lot of this became overshadowed when the school board discovered that they did not have money for the construction project that they thought they had.

    Some coverage in here: King High

    If you would like to watch the school board meeting, I will copy the tape and bring it to you. I think you’ll change your view on conspiracy theory after you have watched that tape. I was stunned that a public agency could act so irresponsibly.

  20. You obviously were not around for the King High debacle.

    The neighbors complained that the plans would lead to the destruction of the trees, this resulted in on-going talks with the city and neighborhood, but before a resolution could occur, the construction crews “accidentally” severed the roots of the trees and they had to be taken down. The district now is working with the neighborhood to replant the trees to replace the ones that were destroyed.

    When I did research for the Tahir series, Bill Emlen in one meeting came before the school board, the district had not consulted with the city on the project, apparently the building cut onto city property (some think it was done intentionally). In addition, the district discovered a storm drain. Bill Emlen politely suggested that with better talks the city could have made them aware of the storm drain.

    A lot of this became overshadowed when the school board discovered that they did not have money for the construction project that they thought they had.

    Some coverage in here: King High

    If you would like to watch the school board meeting, I will copy the tape and bring it to you. I think you’ll change your view on conspiracy theory after you have watched that tape. I was stunned that a public agency could act so irresponsibly.

  21. last resort:

    I think there are better ways than to punish local business. I would not be supportive of such efforts. My suggestion is that if you don’t like what the paper says, don’t read it.

  22. You can be sure that the marketplace will very quickly generate an alternative advertising vehicle for our local businesses to subscribe to.

  23. last resort:

    I think there are better ways than to punish local business. I would not be supportive of such efforts. My suggestion is that if you don’t like what the paper says, don’t read it.

  24. You can be sure that the marketplace will very quickly generate an alternative advertising vehicle for our local businesses to subscribe to.

  25. last resort:

    I think there are better ways than to punish local business. I would not be supportive of such efforts. My suggestion is that if you don’t like what the paper says, don’t read it.

  26. You can be sure that the marketplace will very quickly generate an alternative advertising vehicle for our local businesses to subscribe to.

  27. last resort:

    I think there are better ways than to punish local business. I would not be supportive of such efforts. My suggestion is that if you don’t like what the paper says, don’t read it.

  28. You can be sure that the marketplace will very quickly generate an alternative advertising vehicle for our local businesses to subscribe to.

  29. I stopped subscribing to the Davis Enterprise during the No on K campaign. The were politically biased then and obviously still are. Stop buying the paper – hit them where it hurts.

  30. I stopped subscribing to the Davis Enterprise during the No on K campaign. The were politically biased then and obviously still are. Stop buying the paper – hit them where it hurts.

  31. I stopped subscribing to the Davis Enterprise during the No on K campaign. The were politically biased then and obviously still are. Stop buying the paper – hit them where it hurts.

  32. I stopped subscribing to the Davis Enterprise during the No on K campaign. The were politically biased then and obviously still are. Stop buying the paper – hit them where it hurts.

  33. The Enterprise truly disgusted me with this endorsement. Years of community participation and advocacy for our kids, generous personal contribution to the community mean nothing to the Editor of our local paper.

  34. The Enterprise truly disgusted me with this endorsement. Years of community participation and advocacy for our kids, generous personal contribution to the community mean nothing to the Editor of our local paper.

  35. The Enterprise truly disgusted me with this endorsement. Years of community participation and advocacy for our kids, generous personal contribution to the community mean nothing to the Editor of our local paper.

  36. The Enterprise truly disgusted me with this endorsement. Years of community participation and advocacy for our kids, generous personal contribution to the community mean nothing to the Editor of our local paper.

  37. kudos to Dunning, he got this one right, and his description of Provenza as being “agenda-less” is on the money

    he dealt with difficult issues on the school board, as he was forced to confront an intransigent superintendent and board majority

    I’m not so sure he’s that far ahead, so if you want Provenza on the Board of Supervisors, you better work hard to make sure that it happens

    –Richard Estes

  38. kudos to Dunning, he got this one right, and his description of Provenza as being “agenda-less” is on the money

    he dealt with difficult issues on the school board, as he was forced to confront an intransigent superintendent and board majority

    I’m not so sure he’s that far ahead, so if you want Provenza on the Board of Supervisors, you better work hard to make sure that it happens

    –Richard Estes

  39. kudos to Dunning, he got this one right, and his description of Provenza as being “agenda-less” is on the money

    he dealt with difficult issues on the school board, as he was forced to confront an intransigent superintendent and board majority

    I’m not so sure he’s that far ahead, so if you want Provenza on the Board of Supervisors, you better work hard to make sure that it happens

    –Richard Estes

  40. kudos to Dunning, he got this one right, and his description of Provenza as being “agenda-less” is on the money

    he dealt with difficult issues on the school board, as he was forced to confront an intransigent superintendent and board majority

    I’m not so sure he’s that far ahead, so if you want Provenza on the Board of Supervisors, you better work hard to make sure that it happens

    –Richard Estes

  41. It’s gotten to the point where I’m interested in who The Enterprise is endorsing for any given race just to confirm in my mind that I have decided to support the right candidates — consistently the ones The Enterprise is not endorsing.

    These latest endorsements have been the silliest I have seen, without even a serious attempt to justify them. Of course, the concern is that about 30% of the Davis population will vote for whoever The Enterprise endorses. It really would be nice if we had an alternative newspaper in this town.

    DPD, are you ready for that yet?

  42. It’s gotten to the point where I’m interested in who The Enterprise is endorsing for any given race just to confirm in my mind that I have decided to support the right candidates — consistently the ones The Enterprise is not endorsing.

    These latest endorsements have been the silliest I have seen, without even a serious attempt to justify them. Of course, the concern is that about 30% of the Davis population will vote for whoever The Enterprise endorses. It really would be nice if we had an alternative newspaper in this town.

    DPD, are you ready for that yet?

  43. It’s gotten to the point where I’m interested in who The Enterprise is endorsing for any given race just to confirm in my mind that I have decided to support the right candidates — consistently the ones The Enterprise is not endorsing.

    These latest endorsements have been the silliest I have seen, without even a serious attempt to justify them. Of course, the concern is that about 30% of the Davis population will vote for whoever The Enterprise endorses. It really would be nice if we had an alternative newspaper in this town.

    DPD, are you ready for that yet?

  44. It’s gotten to the point where I’m interested in who The Enterprise is endorsing for any given race just to confirm in my mind that I have decided to support the right candidates — consistently the ones The Enterprise is not endorsing.

    These latest endorsements have been the silliest I have seen, without even a serious attempt to justify them. Of course, the concern is that about 30% of the Davis population will vote for whoever The Enterprise endorses. It really would be nice if we had an alternative newspaper in this town.

    DPD, are you ready for that yet?

  45. Blogs and on-line newspapers are really the wave of the future.

    The Enterprise only reaches about 30% of the homes, so if 30% of those vote for whoever the Enterprise says… it’s a low percentage of the vote.

    My recommendation is that if people are unhappy with the endorsements of the Enterprise, they forward these blog posts and articles to their friends. If everyone did that, we could reach a good deal of the Davis population.

  46. Blogs and on-line newspapers are really the wave of the future.

    The Enterprise only reaches about 30% of the homes, so if 30% of those vote for whoever the Enterprise says… it’s a low percentage of the vote.

    My recommendation is that if people are unhappy with the endorsements of the Enterprise, they forward these blog posts and articles to their friends. If everyone did that, we could reach a good deal of the Davis population.

  47. Blogs and on-line newspapers are really the wave of the future.

    The Enterprise only reaches about 30% of the homes, so if 30% of those vote for whoever the Enterprise says… it’s a low percentage of the vote.

    My recommendation is that if people are unhappy with the endorsements of the Enterprise, they forward these blog posts and articles to their friends. If everyone did that, we could reach a good deal of the Davis population.

  48. Blogs and on-line newspapers are really the wave of the future.

    The Enterprise only reaches about 30% of the homes, so if 30% of those vote for whoever the Enterprise says… it’s a low percentage of the vote.

    My recommendation is that if people are unhappy with the endorsements of the Enterprise, they forward these blog posts and articles to their friends. If everyone did that, we could reach a good deal of the Davis population.

  49. Ducheney is an infamous “blue dog”. For those of you not in the know, a “Blue Dog” is a Democrat who has never met a Republican idea they didn’t like. They campaign as Democrats in areas traditionally hostile to Republicans.

    As Chief of Ducheney’s staff, Ferrara has to be one as well.

  50. Ducheney is an infamous “blue dog”. For those of you not in the know, a “Blue Dog” is a Democrat who has never met a Republican idea they didn’t like. They campaign as Democrats in areas traditionally hostile to Republicans.

    As Chief of Ducheney’s staff, Ferrara has to be one as well.

  51. Ducheney is an infamous “blue dog”. For those of you not in the know, a “Blue Dog” is a Democrat who has never met a Republican idea they didn’t like. They campaign as Democrats in areas traditionally hostile to Republicans.

    As Chief of Ducheney’s staff, Ferrara has to be one as well.

  52. Ducheney is an infamous “blue dog”. For those of you not in the know, a “Blue Dog” is a Democrat who has never met a Republican idea they didn’t like. They campaign as Democrats in areas traditionally hostile to Republicans.

    As Chief of Ducheney’s staff, Ferrara has to be one as well.

  53. DPD:

    Why are you so concerned with the Davis Enterprise editorial endorsements?

    The answer is for you to write your own endorsement of candidates you like.

    You have a bull horn right here on this blog. Use it.

    Matt Rexroad

  54. DPD:

    Why are you so concerned with the Davis Enterprise editorial endorsements?

    The answer is for you to write your own endorsement of candidates you like.

    You have a bull horn right here on this blog. Use it.

    Matt Rexroad

  55. DPD:

    Why are you so concerned with the Davis Enterprise editorial endorsements?

    The answer is for you to write your own endorsement of candidates you like.

    You have a bull horn right here on this blog. Use it.

    Matt Rexroad

  56. DPD:

    Why are you so concerned with the Davis Enterprise editorial endorsements?

    The answer is for you to write your own endorsement of candidates you like.

    You have a bull horn right here on this blog. Use it.

    Matt Rexroad

  57. Beat them at their own game. Flood Debbie Davis with Letters to the Editor of the Davis Enterprise, just as Saylor and Souza have. Point out the flaws of the Enterprise’s reasoning in supporting S, S & V. If you don’t want to be one amongst many myriad banal campaign drivel, don’t write letters that state “Vote for So and So”, but explain your thoughts behind why you vote for a particular candidate. Use reason and logic.

    Then make sure to copy that same letter to this blog using your real name, to make sure your letter got into the Enterprise, or leave a trail that shows it didn’t get in. Many have accused the Davis Enterprise of not printing their letters, yet I have always had mine published. I would be curious to see how others fare.

    Stay respectful, but point out the obvious – Saylor agrees with everyone’s position because he doesn’t have any of his own, but instead waits to see which way to vote to further his political ambitions; Souza’s positions “evolve” so that whoever he is trying to eliminate has only a moving target to shoot at; Vergis never knew a developer she didn’t like, nor a title she wasn’t willing to usurp to serve her own political ends…you get the drift!

  58. Beat them at their own game. Flood Debbie Davis with Letters to the Editor of the Davis Enterprise, just as Saylor and Souza have. Point out the flaws of the Enterprise’s reasoning in supporting S, S & V. If you don’t want to be one amongst many myriad banal campaign drivel, don’t write letters that state “Vote for So and So”, but explain your thoughts behind why you vote for a particular candidate. Use reason and logic.

    Then make sure to copy that same letter to this blog using your real name, to make sure your letter got into the Enterprise, or leave a trail that shows it didn’t get in. Many have accused the Davis Enterprise of not printing their letters, yet I have always had mine published. I would be curious to see how others fare.

    Stay respectful, but point out the obvious – Saylor agrees with everyone’s position because he doesn’t have any of his own, but instead waits to see which way to vote to further his political ambitions; Souza’s positions “evolve” so that whoever he is trying to eliminate has only a moving target to shoot at; Vergis never knew a developer she didn’t like, nor a title she wasn’t willing to usurp to serve her own political ends…you get the drift!

  59. Beat them at their own game. Flood Debbie Davis with Letters to the Editor of the Davis Enterprise, just as Saylor and Souza have. Point out the flaws of the Enterprise’s reasoning in supporting S, S & V. If you don’t want to be one amongst many myriad banal campaign drivel, don’t write letters that state “Vote for So and So”, but explain your thoughts behind why you vote for a particular candidate. Use reason and logic.

    Then make sure to copy that same letter to this blog using your real name, to make sure your letter got into the Enterprise, or leave a trail that shows it didn’t get in. Many have accused the Davis Enterprise of not printing their letters, yet I have always had mine published. I would be curious to see how others fare.

    Stay respectful, but point out the obvious – Saylor agrees with everyone’s position because he doesn’t have any of his own, but instead waits to see which way to vote to further his political ambitions; Souza’s positions “evolve” so that whoever he is trying to eliminate has only a moving target to shoot at; Vergis never knew a developer she didn’t like, nor a title she wasn’t willing to usurp to serve her own political ends…you get the drift!

  60. Beat them at their own game. Flood Debbie Davis with Letters to the Editor of the Davis Enterprise, just as Saylor and Souza have. Point out the flaws of the Enterprise’s reasoning in supporting S, S & V. If you don’t want to be one amongst many myriad banal campaign drivel, don’t write letters that state “Vote for So and So”, but explain your thoughts behind why you vote for a particular candidate. Use reason and logic.

    Then make sure to copy that same letter to this blog using your real name, to make sure your letter got into the Enterprise, or leave a trail that shows it didn’t get in. Many have accused the Davis Enterprise of not printing their letters, yet I have always had mine published. I would be curious to see how others fare.

    Stay respectful, but point out the obvious – Saylor agrees with everyone’s position because he doesn’t have any of his own, but instead waits to see which way to vote to further his political ambitions; Souza’s positions “evolve” so that whoever he is trying to eliminate has only a moving target to shoot at; Vergis never knew a developer she didn’t like, nor a title she wasn’t willing to usurp to serve her own political ends…you get the drift!

  61. I agree with Matt Rexroad. The Enterprise endorsements are not news. They are filler.

    Stick to the issues and endorse the candidates that you like. (I assume that you’ll be endorsing Escamilla-Greenwald.) Or better yet, rank the candidates on issues that you feel are important. Look at the promises that candidates are making and check into them. For example, does Ferrera really have the power to influence the state budget that we keep hearing about as a legislative staffer. The state budget is a mess. How does Ferrera’s involvement in the state budget equate to better budgeting in Yolo County? What has Ferrera accomplished as a staff member? As a community member? What has Provenza accomplished as a Assistant District Attorney? As a school board member? As a community member?

  62. I agree with Matt Rexroad. The Enterprise endorsements are not news. They are filler.

    Stick to the issues and endorse the candidates that you like. (I assume that you’ll be endorsing Escamilla-Greenwald.) Or better yet, rank the candidates on issues that you feel are important. Look at the promises that candidates are making and check into them. For example, does Ferrera really have the power to influence the state budget that we keep hearing about as a legislative staffer. The state budget is a mess. How does Ferrera’s involvement in the state budget equate to better budgeting in Yolo County? What has Ferrera accomplished as a staff member? As a community member? What has Provenza accomplished as a Assistant District Attorney? As a school board member? As a community member?

  63. I agree with Matt Rexroad. The Enterprise endorsements are not news. They are filler.

    Stick to the issues and endorse the candidates that you like. (I assume that you’ll be endorsing Escamilla-Greenwald.) Or better yet, rank the candidates on issues that you feel are important. Look at the promises that candidates are making and check into them. For example, does Ferrera really have the power to influence the state budget that we keep hearing about as a legislative staffer. The state budget is a mess. How does Ferrera’s involvement in the state budget equate to better budgeting in Yolo County? What has Ferrera accomplished as a staff member? As a community member? What has Provenza accomplished as a Assistant District Attorney? As a school board member? As a community member?

  64. I agree with Matt Rexroad. The Enterprise endorsements are not news. They are filler.

    Stick to the issues and endorse the candidates that you like. (I assume that you’ll be endorsing Escamilla-Greenwald.) Or better yet, rank the candidates on issues that you feel are important. Look at the promises that candidates are making and check into them. For example, does Ferrera really have the power to influence the state budget that we keep hearing about as a legislative staffer. The state budget is a mess. How does Ferrera’s involvement in the state budget equate to better budgeting in Yolo County? What has Ferrera accomplished as a staff member? As a community member? What has Provenza accomplished as a Assistant District Attorney? As a school board member? As a community member?

  65. The endorsements are news to the extent that they reveal a growing momentum for candidates who are hard to support based on experience and credentials. It’s hard to see how Sydney Vergis could get endorsed over Sue Greenwald, and how Ferrara could get endorsed over Provenza, particularly without some sort of detailed rationale. I get a sense that similar momentum is building in the community, which is troubling.

  66. The endorsements are news to the extent that they reveal a growing momentum for candidates who are hard to support based on experience and credentials. It’s hard to see how Sydney Vergis could get endorsed over Sue Greenwald, and how Ferrara could get endorsed over Provenza, particularly without some sort of detailed rationale. I get a sense that similar momentum is building in the community, which is troubling.

  67. The endorsements are news to the extent that they reveal a growing momentum for candidates who are hard to support based on experience and credentials. It’s hard to see how Sydney Vergis could get endorsed over Sue Greenwald, and how Ferrara could get endorsed over Provenza, particularly without some sort of detailed rationale. I get a sense that similar momentum is building in the community, which is troubling.

  68. The endorsements are news to the extent that they reveal a growing momentum for candidates who are hard to support based on experience and credentials. It’s hard to see how Sydney Vergis could get endorsed over Sue Greenwald, and how Ferrara could get endorsed over Provenza, particularly without some sort of detailed rationale. I get a sense that similar momentum is building in the community, which is troubling.

  69. Re:
    Why are you so concerned with the Davis Enterprise editorial endorsements?
    The answer is for you to write your own endorsement of candidates you like.
    You have a bull horn right here on this blog. Use it.
    Matt Rexroad”

    Maybe DPD might touch base with an experienced professional editor (or perhaps a journalism professor) to let him know about the undercurrents and wavelengths found between the lines of articles and columns in a newspaper like the Enterprise.
    (Then, too, he might write with a bit less verbosity.)
    Re: DPD’s comment on Bob Dunning not paying attention to “his bosses” betrays a lack of understanding of what sells newspapers, i.e., not a unified voice (like his on this weblog), but, rather an interesting mix to appeal to a broader readership.

    But keep digging, DPD, you come up with some amazing stuff.

  70. Re:
    Why are you so concerned with the Davis Enterprise editorial endorsements?
    The answer is for you to write your own endorsement of candidates you like.
    You have a bull horn right here on this blog. Use it.
    Matt Rexroad”

    Maybe DPD might touch base with an experienced professional editor (or perhaps a journalism professor) to let him know about the undercurrents and wavelengths found between the lines of articles and columns in a newspaper like the Enterprise.
    (Then, too, he might write with a bit less verbosity.)
    Re: DPD’s comment on Bob Dunning not paying attention to “his bosses” betrays a lack of understanding of what sells newspapers, i.e., not a unified voice (like his on this weblog), but, rather an interesting mix to appeal to a broader readership.

    But keep digging, DPD, you come up with some amazing stuff.

  71. Re:
    Why are you so concerned with the Davis Enterprise editorial endorsements?
    The answer is for you to write your own endorsement of candidates you like.
    You have a bull horn right here on this blog. Use it.
    Matt Rexroad”

    Maybe DPD might touch base with an experienced professional editor (or perhaps a journalism professor) to let him know about the undercurrents and wavelengths found between the lines of articles and columns in a newspaper like the Enterprise.
    (Then, too, he might write with a bit less verbosity.)
    Re: DPD’s comment on Bob Dunning not paying attention to “his bosses” betrays a lack of understanding of what sells newspapers, i.e., not a unified voice (like his on this weblog), but, rather an interesting mix to appeal to a broader readership.

    But keep digging, DPD, you come up with some amazing stuff.

  72. Re:
    Why are you so concerned with the Davis Enterprise editorial endorsements?
    The answer is for you to write your own endorsement of candidates you like.
    You have a bull horn right here on this blog. Use it.
    Matt Rexroad”

    Maybe DPD might touch base with an experienced professional editor (or perhaps a journalism professor) to let him know about the undercurrents and wavelengths found between the lines of articles and columns in a newspaper like the Enterprise.
    (Then, too, he might write with a bit less verbosity.)
    Re: DPD’s comment on Bob Dunning not paying attention to “his bosses” betrays a lack of understanding of what sells newspapers, i.e., not a unified voice (like his on this weblog), but, rather an interesting mix to appeal to a broader readership.

    But keep digging, DPD, you come up with some amazing stuff.

  73. The Enterprise endorsement is a crock. John Ferrera is a spineless worm that should not be trusted. He gets away with it because he’s extremely good at playing “Mr. Nice Guy.” Watch out for him.

  74. The Enterprise endorsement is a crock. John Ferrera is a spineless worm that should not be trusted. He gets away with it because he’s extremely good at playing “Mr. Nice Guy.” Watch out for him.

  75. The Enterprise endorsement is a crock. John Ferrera is a spineless worm that should not be trusted. He gets away with it because he’s extremely good at playing “Mr. Nice Guy.” Watch out for him.

  76. The Enterprise endorsement is a crock. John Ferrera is a spineless worm that should not be trusted. He gets away with it because he’s extremely good at playing “Mr. Nice Guy.” Watch out for him.

  77. “Re: DPD’s comment on Bob Dunning not paying attention to “his bosses” betrays a lack of understanding of what sells newspapers, i.e., not a unified voice (like his on this weblog)”

    I think you underestimate what DPD is trying to do here. He knows full well the score, he’s just trying to play one off against the other.

  78. “Re: DPD’s comment on Bob Dunning not paying attention to “his bosses” betrays a lack of understanding of what sells newspapers, i.e., not a unified voice (like his on this weblog)”

    I think you underestimate what DPD is trying to do here. He knows full well the score, he’s just trying to play one off against the other.

  79. “Re: DPD’s comment on Bob Dunning not paying attention to “his bosses” betrays a lack of understanding of what sells newspapers, i.e., not a unified voice (like his on this weblog)”

    I think you underestimate what DPD is trying to do here. He knows full well the score, he’s just trying to play one off against the other.

  80. “Re: DPD’s comment on Bob Dunning not paying attention to “his bosses” betrays a lack of understanding of what sells newspapers, i.e., not a unified voice (like his on this weblog)”

    I think you underestimate what DPD is trying to do here. He knows full well the score, he’s just trying to play one off against the other.

  81. So you’re saying Bob Dunning doesn’t have to get his columns approved by the editors before they’re published?
    That’s how newspapers work, a disunified, “unified” voice. I mean only the MacNaughtons’ names appear on all the editors’ and writers’ paychecks.

  82. So you’re saying Bob Dunning doesn’t have to get his columns approved by the editors before they’re published?
    That’s how newspapers work, a disunified, “unified” voice. I mean only the MacNaughtons’ names appear on all the editors’ and writers’ paychecks.

  83. So you’re saying Bob Dunning doesn’t have to get his columns approved by the editors before they’re published?
    That’s how newspapers work, a disunified, “unified” voice. I mean only the MacNaughtons’ names appear on all the editors’ and writers’ paychecks.

  84. So you’re saying Bob Dunning doesn’t have to get his columns approved by the editors before they’re published?
    That’s how newspapers work, a disunified, “unified” voice. I mean only the MacNaughtons’ names appear on all the editors’ and writers’ paychecks.

  85. In case anyone cares, I replied in the thread on the article David wrote about the firefighters’ flier which mentioned me in the body of the piece.

  86. In case anyone cares, I replied in the thread on the article David wrote about the firefighters’ flier which mentioned me in the body of the piece.

  87. In case anyone cares, I replied in the thread on the article David wrote about the firefighters’ flier which mentioned me in the body of the piece.

  88. In case anyone cares, I replied in the thread on the article David wrote about the firefighters’ flier which mentioned me in the body of the piece.

  89. Anonymous said…

    So you’re saying Bob Dunning doesn’t have to get his columns approved by the editors before they’re published?

    That is correct. Bob has no say in the editorial endorsements; the editors don’t tell Bob what or how to write his columns.

  90. Anonymous said…

    So you’re saying Bob Dunning doesn’t have to get his columns approved by the editors before they’re published?

    That is correct. Bob has no say in the editorial endorsements; the editors don’t tell Bob what or how to write his columns.

  91. Anonymous said…

    So you’re saying Bob Dunning doesn’t have to get his columns approved by the editors before they’re published?

    That is correct. Bob has no say in the editorial endorsements; the editors don’t tell Bob what or how to write his columns.

  92. Anonymous said…

    So you’re saying Bob Dunning doesn’t have to get his columns approved by the editors before they’re published?

    That is correct. Bob has no say in the editorial endorsements; the editors don’t tell Bob what or how to write his columns.

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