Campaign View: Mariko Yamada Mail the Good and the Bad

As the campaign winds down, we will be looking periodically at some of the mail campaigns of the various candidates and more interestingly the independent expenditure campaigns.

Yesterday, I received two pieces in my mailbox in support of Mariko Yamada.

The first piece is an attack piece sent by the California Teacher’s Association. I do not know who decided that the parking ticket issue was a winning issue, but this is reprehensible for the CTA to stoop to these levels. These kinds of brochures are simply going to anger people and turn them off. The initial reaction to the story was most people at that time felt it was a non-issue and many were critical that the Yamada campaign was trying to make political points based on an issue of this sort. And yet here we are, we have seen several references to this issue and now a piece devoted to it.

It is ashame because the other piece in the mailbox was an outstanding piece–one of the best I have seen, also from the CTA. This is the kind of piece we would expect from the CTA and the kind of piece that would be extremely effective.

This is the inside of the piece, due to the size of the brochure I had to scan it in separately so it not continuous, but it is basically a group shot of ten local respected teachers. Each one has given a testimonial about why Mariko Yamada is their choice. This is a well done piece. It has familiar faces, so it is extremely powerful. This is the type of ad that the CTA should run. The other is beneath them.

For a candidate that pledged to run a clean race, the Yamada campaign and their surrogates have been extremely nasty. As I said the other day, run on your issues, your strengths, and allow the voters to decide. Most people I know are not going to base their decisions on whether or not Christopher Cabaldon had a large amount of parking tickets in Sacramento.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. I got that second mailer and was surprised that it didn’t even have a picture of Mariko on it! The piece basically said to me “white people support Mariko.”

    The first piece I saw and tossed. It was taped shut, and I figured it was just going to be a bunch of junk inside anyways.

    I’ve already voted. All this junk mail is useless.

  2. I got that second mailer and was surprised that it didn’t even have a picture of Mariko on it! The piece basically said to me “white people support Mariko.”

    The first piece I saw and tossed. It was taped shut, and I figured it was just going to be a bunch of junk inside anyways.

    I’ve already voted. All this junk mail is useless.

  3. I got that second mailer and was surprised that it didn’t even have a picture of Mariko on it! The piece basically said to me “white people support Mariko.”

    The first piece I saw and tossed. It was taped shut, and I figured it was just going to be a bunch of junk inside anyways.

    I’ve already voted. All this junk mail is useless.

  4. I got that second mailer and was surprised that it didn’t even have a picture of Mariko on it! The piece basically said to me “white people support Mariko.”

    The first piece I saw and tossed. It was taped shut, and I figured it was just going to be a bunch of junk inside anyways.

    I’ve already voted. All this junk mail is useless.

  5. The parking mailer did the voters a great service. It essentially said “the candidate sending this has got nothing useful to say about themselves…” It saves me a lot of time reading through all those annoying “issues”- instead I can simply vote against the sender.

  6. The parking mailer did the voters a great service. It essentially said “the candidate sending this has got nothing useful to say about themselves…” It saves me a lot of time reading through all those annoying “issues”- instead I can simply vote against the sender.

  7. The parking mailer did the voters a great service. It essentially said “the candidate sending this has got nothing useful to say about themselves…” It saves me a lot of time reading through all those annoying “issues”- instead I can simply vote against the sender.

  8. The parking mailer did the voters a great service. It essentially said “the candidate sending this has got nothing useful to say about themselves…” It saves me a lot of time reading through all those annoying “issues”- instead I can simply vote against the sender.

  9. “As I said the other day, run on your issues….”

    There is little difference between the two candidates on the issues..Voter evaluation of candidate character and integrity is Mariko Yamada’s issue. This kind of mailer is designed to “energize” those who are not Cabaldon supporters to get up out of their TV chairs and go to the polls on election day. At this late date,it is not designed to change voter’s minds.

  10. “As I said the other day, run on your issues….”

    There is little difference between the two candidates on the issues..Voter evaluation of candidate character and integrity is Mariko Yamada’s issue. This kind of mailer is designed to “energize” those who are not Cabaldon supporters to get up out of their TV chairs and go to the polls on election day. At this late date,it is not designed to change voter’s minds.

  11. “As I said the other day, run on your issues….”

    There is little difference between the two candidates on the issues..Voter evaluation of candidate character and integrity is Mariko Yamada’s issue. This kind of mailer is designed to “energize” those who are not Cabaldon supporters to get up out of their TV chairs and go to the polls on election day. At this late date,it is not designed to change voter’s minds.

  12. “As I said the other day, run on your issues….”

    There is little difference between the two candidates on the issues..Voter evaluation of candidate character and integrity is Mariko Yamada’s issue. This kind of mailer is designed to “energize” those who are not Cabaldon supporters to get up out of their TV chairs and go to the polls on election day. At this late date,it is not designed to change voter’s minds.

  13. I got the parking mailer and almost called the Yamada campaign even though it says not endorsed by any candidate….RIGHT! At first I even considered it was actually from Cabaldon designed to piss off Yamada supporters. Then I realized it was just that Yamada had no issues to discuss and was getting so desperate that she would allow her supporters to stoop this low. Who cares about parking tickets and late bills; I want discussion of issues not manufactured indignity.

    Fist Yamada sells out Davis over development and now stooping to dirty politics. Yamada really has changed from one of the politicians I personally liked and I thought I would always support at any level to one I didn’t even vote for.

  14. I got the parking mailer and almost called the Yamada campaign even though it says not endorsed by any candidate….RIGHT! At first I even considered it was actually from Cabaldon designed to piss off Yamada supporters. Then I realized it was just that Yamada had no issues to discuss and was getting so desperate that she would allow her supporters to stoop this low. Who cares about parking tickets and late bills; I want discussion of issues not manufactured indignity.

    Fist Yamada sells out Davis over development and now stooping to dirty politics. Yamada really has changed from one of the politicians I personally liked and I thought I would always support at any level to one I didn’t even vote for.

  15. I got the parking mailer and almost called the Yamada campaign even though it says not endorsed by any candidate….RIGHT! At first I even considered it was actually from Cabaldon designed to piss off Yamada supporters. Then I realized it was just that Yamada had no issues to discuss and was getting so desperate that she would allow her supporters to stoop this low. Who cares about parking tickets and late bills; I want discussion of issues not manufactured indignity.

    Fist Yamada sells out Davis over development and now stooping to dirty politics. Yamada really has changed from one of the politicians I personally liked and I thought I would always support at any level to one I didn’t even vote for.

  16. I got the parking mailer and almost called the Yamada campaign even though it says not endorsed by any candidate….RIGHT! At first I even considered it was actually from Cabaldon designed to piss off Yamada supporters. Then I realized it was just that Yamada had no issues to discuss and was getting so desperate that she would allow her supporters to stoop this low. Who cares about parking tickets and late bills; I want discussion of issues not manufactured indignity.

    Fist Yamada sells out Davis over development and now stooping to dirty politics. Yamada really has changed from one of the politicians I personally liked and I thought I would always support at any level to one I didn’t even vote for.

  17. The teacher piece is good but what it says is Davis has a lot of White teachers and needs to diversify some more. Nevertheless, it was a good piece.

  18. The teacher piece is good but what it says is Davis has a lot of White teachers and needs to diversify some more. Nevertheless, it was a good piece.

  19. The teacher piece is good but what it says is Davis has a lot of White teachers and needs to diversify some more. Nevertheless, it was a good piece.

  20. The teacher piece is good but what it says is Davis has a lot of White teachers and needs to diversify some more. Nevertheless, it was a good piece.

  21. The parking piece was an independent expenditure, folks. The Yamada campaign can’t legally call the CTA and tell them to run something.

    Of course, the campaign opened the door to the mailer by releasing a statement on the issue. However, once the cat is out of the bag, the CTA probably felt it was ok, even though Yamada got burned on the issue and moved on. There is no legal way she could have asked the CTA’s IE group not to run the mail piece.

    My point is: While it was stupid for Yamada to bring up the issue in the first place (and they deserved the continued blow-back) the can’t be held responsible for mailing this.

  22. The parking piece was an independent expenditure, folks. The Yamada campaign can’t legally call the CTA and tell them to run something.

    Of course, the campaign opened the door to the mailer by releasing a statement on the issue. However, once the cat is out of the bag, the CTA probably felt it was ok, even though Yamada got burned on the issue and moved on. There is no legal way she could have asked the CTA’s IE group not to run the mail piece.

    My point is: While it was stupid for Yamada to bring up the issue in the first place (and they deserved the continued blow-back) the can’t be held responsible for mailing this.

  23. The parking piece was an independent expenditure, folks. The Yamada campaign can’t legally call the CTA and tell them to run something.

    Of course, the campaign opened the door to the mailer by releasing a statement on the issue. However, once the cat is out of the bag, the CTA probably felt it was ok, even though Yamada got burned on the issue and moved on. There is no legal way she could have asked the CTA’s IE group not to run the mail piece.

    My point is: While it was stupid for Yamada to bring up the issue in the first place (and they deserved the continued blow-back) the can’t be held responsible for mailing this.

  24. The parking piece was an independent expenditure, folks. The Yamada campaign can’t legally call the CTA and tell them to run something.

    Of course, the campaign opened the door to the mailer by releasing a statement on the issue. However, once the cat is out of the bag, the CTA probably felt it was ok, even though Yamada got burned on the issue and moved on. There is no legal way she could have asked the CTA’s IE group not to run the mail piece.

    My point is: While it was stupid for Yamada to bring up the issue in the first place (and they deserved the continued blow-back) the can’t be held responsible for mailing this.

  25. I can’t believe they went with the parking issue… there are a lot of issues you can go after Cabaldon on…but parking tickets!?

    I voted for Mariko, but this is ridiculous.

  26. I can’t believe they went with the parking issue… there are a lot of issues you can go after Cabaldon on…but parking tickets!?

    I voted for Mariko, but this is ridiculous.

  27. I can’t believe they went with the parking issue… there are a lot of issues you can go after Cabaldon on…but parking tickets!?

    I voted for Mariko, but this is ridiculous.

  28. I can’t believe they went with the parking issue… there are a lot of issues you can go after Cabaldon on…but parking tickets!?

    I voted for Mariko, but this is ridiculous.

  29. First, I have been part of independent expenditure campaigns in the past, and IEs are very careful to not coordinate with the candidates and candidates with IE’s. It isn’t worth the fines. So be clear, Mariko Yamada had nothing to do with either brochure.

    Secondly, though I chose to not write about it, I did think about it when the parking ticket issue first came up. No matter how unimportant or how much a non-issue people think it is, I think that whether or not a person who wants to be in the Assembly obeys the law is an issue. Whether you know it or not, illegal parking is illegal, and you must pay your debt to society even if it seems trivial. Cabaldon’s failure to obey the law and pay his tickets before he let it become an issue is someone I would have serious doubts about electing to anything.

    In the Sacramento Bee today it was noted that Cabaldon finally paid, eight monthls late, taxes on his boat.

    A candidate who doesn’t pay his fines on time when he’s done wrong or pay his taxes on time might want to reconsider being a lawmaker.

    Let’s face it, on the issues Yamada and Cabaldon are close. When it comes to integrity – vote Yamada.

  30. First, I have been part of independent expenditure campaigns in the past, and IEs are very careful to not coordinate with the candidates and candidates with IE’s. It isn’t worth the fines. So be clear, Mariko Yamada had nothing to do with either brochure.

    Secondly, though I chose to not write about it, I did think about it when the parking ticket issue first came up. No matter how unimportant or how much a non-issue people think it is, I think that whether or not a person who wants to be in the Assembly obeys the law is an issue. Whether you know it or not, illegal parking is illegal, and you must pay your debt to society even if it seems trivial. Cabaldon’s failure to obey the law and pay his tickets before he let it become an issue is someone I would have serious doubts about electing to anything.

    In the Sacramento Bee today it was noted that Cabaldon finally paid, eight monthls late, taxes on his boat.

    A candidate who doesn’t pay his fines on time when he’s done wrong or pay his taxes on time might want to reconsider being a lawmaker.

    Let’s face it, on the issues Yamada and Cabaldon are close. When it comes to integrity – vote Yamada.

  31. First, I have been part of independent expenditure campaigns in the past, and IEs are very careful to not coordinate with the candidates and candidates with IE’s. It isn’t worth the fines. So be clear, Mariko Yamada had nothing to do with either brochure.

    Secondly, though I chose to not write about it, I did think about it when the parking ticket issue first came up. No matter how unimportant or how much a non-issue people think it is, I think that whether or not a person who wants to be in the Assembly obeys the law is an issue. Whether you know it or not, illegal parking is illegal, and you must pay your debt to society even if it seems trivial. Cabaldon’s failure to obey the law and pay his tickets before he let it become an issue is someone I would have serious doubts about electing to anything.

    In the Sacramento Bee today it was noted that Cabaldon finally paid, eight monthls late, taxes on his boat.

    A candidate who doesn’t pay his fines on time when he’s done wrong or pay his taxes on time might want to reconsider being a lawmaker.

    Let’s face it, on the issues Yamada and Cabaldon are close. When it comes to integrity – vote Yamada.

  32. First, I have been part of independent expenditure campaigns in the past, and IEs are very careful to not coordinate with the candidates and candidates with IE’s. It isn’t worth the fines. So be clear, Mariko Yamada had nothing to do with either brochure.

    Secondly, though I chose to not write about it, I did think about it when the parking ticket issue first came up. No matter how unimportant or how much a non-issue people think it is, I think that whether or not a person who wants to be in the Assembly obeys the law is an issue. Whether you know it or not, illegal parking is illegal, and you must pay your debt to society even if it seems trivial. Cabaldon’s failure to obey the law and pay his tickets before he let it become an issue is someone I would have serious doubts about electing to anything.

    In the Sacramento Bee today it was noted that Cabaldon finally paid, eight monthls late, taxes on his boat.

    A candidate who doesn’t pay his fines on time when he’s done wrong or pay his taxes on time might want to reconsider being a lawmaker.

    Let’s face it, on the issues Yamada and Cabaldon are close. When it comes to integrity – vote Yamada.

  33. Randy Bayne – your argument that Cabaldon’s tickets “say something” about him was debated at length and dismissed by almost everyone on this blog. Give it a rest. Besides, as Chairman of the Amador County Democrats, don’t you have enough to do in your own county without having to comment on Yolo’s races? After all, in Amador, Schwarzenegger crushed Angelides 71%-22% in 2006. Seems like you’ve got your work cut out without having to worry about Cabaldon-Yamada.

  34. Randy Bayne – your argument that Cabaldon’s tickets “say something” about him was debated at length and dismissed by almost everyone on this blog. Give it a rest. Besides, as Chairman of the Amador County Democrats, don’t you have enough to do in your own county without having to comment on Yolo’s races? After all, in Amador, Schwarzenegger crushed Angelides 71%-22% in 2006. Seems like you’ve got your work cut out without having to worry about Cabaldon-Yamada.

  35. Randy Bayne – your argument that Cabaldon’s tickets “say something” about him was debated at length and dismissed by almost everyone on this blog. Give it a rest. Besides, as Chairman of the Amador County Democrats, don’t you have enough to do in your own county without having to comment on Yolo’s races? After all, in Amador, Schwarzenegger crushed Angelides 71%-22% in 2006. Seems like you’ve got your work cut out without having to worry about Cabaldon-Yamada.

  36. Randy Bayne – your argument that Cabaldon’s tickets “say something” about him was debated at length and dismissed by almost everyone on this blog. Give it a rest. Besides, as Chairman of the Amador County Democrats, don’t you have enough to do in your own county without having to comment on Yolo’s races? After all, in Amador, Schwarzenegger crushed Angelides 71%-22% in 2006. Seems like you’ve got your work cut out without having to worry about Cabaldon-Yamada.

  37. First, I have been part of independent expenditure campaigns in the past, and IEs are very careful to not coordinate with the candidates and candidates with IE’s. It isn’t worth the fines. So be clear, Mariko Yamada had nothing to do with either brochure.

    that may be true, as far as it goes, but does this mean that a candidates cannot get out the message about the tone of the campaign that they want to run?

    or, to be more specific, to be clear that they don’t want to their supporters to engage in nasty personal attacks?

    call me too cynical, but I just don’t believe it, I’m sure that candidates have been able to get this message across to their IEs without running afoul of the law

    –Richard Estes

  38. First, I have been part of independent expenditure campaigns in the past, and IEs are very careful to not coordinate with the candidates and candidates with IE’s. It isn’t worth the fines. So be clear, Mariko Yamada had nothing to do with either brochure.

    that may be true, as far as it goes, but does this mean that a candidates cannot get out the message about the tone of the campaign that they want to run?

    or, to be more specific, to be clear that they don’t want to their supporters to engage in nasty personal attacks?

    call me too cynical, but I just don’t believe it, I’m sure that candidates have been able to get this message across to their IEs without running afoul of the law

    –Richard Estes

  39. First, I have been part of independent expenditure campaigns in the past, and IEs are very careful to not coordinate with the candidates and candidates with IE’s. It isn’t worth the fines. So be clear, Mariko Yamada had nothing to do with either brochure.

    that may be true, as far as it goes, but does this mean that a candidates cannot get out the message about the tone of the campaign that they want to run?

    or, to be more specific, to be clear that they don’t want to their supporters to engage in nasty personal attacks?

    call me too cynical, but I just don’t believe it, I’m sure that candidates have been able to get this message across to their IEs without running afoul of the law

    –Richard Estes

  40. First, I have been part of independent expenditure campaigns in the past, and IEs are very careful to not coordinate with the candidates and candidates with IE’s. It isn’t worth the fines. So be clear, Mariko Yamada had nothing to do with either brochure.

    that may be true, as far as it goes, but does this mean that a candidates cannot get out the message about the tone of the campaign that they want to run?

    or, to be more specific, to be clear that they don’t want to their supporters to engage in nasty personal attacks?

    call me too cynical, but I just don’t believe it, I’m sure that candidates have been able to get this message across to their IEs without running afoul of the law

    –Richard Estes

  41. I had the pleasure of serving with Christopher Cabaldon for 5 years on the Central Valley Water Board. He always voted for the most stringent standards to protect clean water. It is clear to me that Christopher is a person of integrity that cares about the environment and the people that he serves. He will provide leadership in the Assembly.
    bob schneider

  42. I had the pleasure of serving with Christopher Cabaldon for 5 years on the Central Valley Water Board. He always voted for the most stringent standards to protect clean water. It is clear to me that Christopher is a person of integrity that cares about the environment and the people that he serves. He will provide leadership in the Assembly.
    bob schneider

  43. I had the pleasure of serving with Christopher Cabaldon for 5 years on the Central Valley Water Board. He always voted for the most stringent standards to protect clean water. It is clear to me that Christopher is a person of integrity that cares about the environment and the people that he serves. He will provide leadership in the Assembly.
    bob schneider

  44. I had the pleasure of serving with Christopher Cabaldon for 5 years on the Central Valley Water Board. He always voted for the most stringent standards to protect clean water. It is clear to me that Christopher is a person of integrity that cares about the environment and the people that he serves. He will provide leadership in the Assembly.
    bob schneider

  45. While it is true that a candidate can chastise those that put mail or other advertising out in Independent Expensitures, it does not mean that the group or person running the independent expediture material has to listen. It indeed is something the FPPC takes very seriously if a candidate coordinates with an I.E. committee. The Bee ran a story on the I.E.’s sent out by the groups attacking Cabaldon with a statement from Yamada. That statement was not a condemnation of the mail, so for some it probably was not strong enough.

    The 8th Assembly District has two very good candidates who will give their best for Democratic values. There is not much separating them on issues, so most informed voters will cast their vote based on style. Some will use the issue of Wal-Mart, support from EdVoice which is opposed by CTA in many of its efforts, others will use the support of the study for possible development by the Causeway.

  46. While it is true that a candidate can chastise those that put mail or other advertising out in Independent Expensitures, it does not mean that the group or person running the independent expediture material has to listen. It indeed is something the FPPC takes very seriously if a candidate coordinates with an I.E. committee. The Bee ran a story on the I.E.’s sent out by the groups attacking Cabaldon with a statement from Yamada. That statement was not a condemnation of the mail, so for some it probably was not strong enough.

    The 8th Assembly District has two very good candidates who will give their best for Democratic values. There is not much separating them on issues, so most informed voters will cast their vote based on style. Some will use the issue of Wal-Mart, support from EdVoice which is opposed by CTA in many of its efforts, others will use the support of the study for possible development by the Causeway.

  47. While it is true that a candidate can chastise those that put mail or other advertising out in Independent Expensitures, it does not mean that the group or person running the independent expediture material has to listen. It indeed is something the FPPC takes very seriously if a candidate coordinates with an I.E. committee. The Bee ran a story on the I.E.’s sent out by the groups attacking Cabaldon with a statement from Yamada. That statement was not a condemnation of the mail, so for some it probably was not strong enough.

    The 8th Assembly District has two very good candidates who will give their best for Democratic values. There is not much separating them on issues, so most informed voters will cast their vote based on style. Some will use the issue of Wal-Mart, support from EdVoice which is opposed by CTA in many of its efforts, others will use the support of the study for possible development by the Causeway.

  48. While it is true that a candidate can chastise those that put mail or other advertising out in Independent Expensitures, it does not mean that the group or person running the independent expediture material has to listen. It indeed is something the FPPC takes very seriously if a candidate coordinates with an I.E. committee. The Bee ran a story on the I.E.’s sent out by the groups attacking Cabaldon with a statement from Yamada. That statement was not a condemnation of the mail, so for some it probably was not strong enough.

    The 8th Assembly District has two very good candidates who will give their best for Democratic values. There is not much separating them on issues, so most informed voters will cast their vote based on style. Some will use the issue of Wal-Mart, support from EdVoice which is opposed by CTA in many of its efforts, others will use the support of the study for possible development by the Causeway.

  49. I have never seen anything as ridiculous and nasty as the parking ticket issue. Public entities help finance their operations with late fees and fines. Anyone who pays these fines is helping me avoid higher taxes. If people are so busy doing the people’s business that they are willing to tax themselves extra in the way of fines, it is great by me.

  50. I have never seen anything as ridiculous and nasty as the parking ticket issue. Public entities help finance their operations with late fees and fines. Anyone who pays these fines is helping me avoid higher taxes. If people are so busy doing the people’s business that they are willing to tax themselves extra in the way of fines, it is great by me.

  51. I have never seen anything as ridiculous and nasty as the parking ticket issue. Public entities help finance their operations with late fees and fines. Anyone who pays these fines is helping me avoid higher taxes. If people are so busy doing the people’s business that they are willing to tax themselves extra in the way of fines, it is great by me.

  52. I have never seen anything as ridiculous and nasty as the parking ticket issue. Public entities help finance their operations with late fees and fines. Anyone who pays these fines is helping me avoid higher taxes. If people are so busy doing the people’s business that they are willing to tax themselves extra in the way of fines, it is great by me.

  53. “Besides, as Chairman of the Amador County Democrats, don’t you have enough to do in your own county without having to comment on Yolo’s races? After all, in Amador, Schwarzenegger crushed Angelides 71%-22% in 2006.”
    This is a particularly silly, snide comment.

    Angelides didn’t even carry Yolo County. Schwarzenegger’s Yolo County vote of 53.4% was only slightly below his statewide total of 55.9%.

    How weak a candidate was Phil Angelides?

    Angelides carried only 6 counties statewide: Los Angeles and the Bay Area Counties of Marin, Alameda, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Cruz, and in four of these counties he won, he received less than 50% of the vote. Only in the most liberal county in the state, San Francisco, where he won 62.8% of the vote (to 29.8% for Schwarzenegger) and Alameda County where he got 57% of the vote, did he crack the 50% barrier.

    Angelides carried LA County, but by an anemic 49.1% to 46.1%. This gave him less than a 60,000 vote advantage in the state’s biggest county. It is not that Democrats did not turnout (although LA was below the statewide average in turnout again) as other Democrats who won statewide offices racked up much higher percentages. Debra Bowen, who won the Secretary of State office by the closest margin statewide (3.1%) roared out of LA with 58% of the vote and a 448,203 vote advantage there that was more than her margin of victory in the state. Others had higher percentages, and even Cruz Bustamante who got crushed statewide won LA County by twice the margin as Angelides. There was a lot of ticket splitting going on in Los Angeles.

  54. “Besides, as Chairman of the Amador County Democrats, don’t you have enough to do in your own county without having to comment on Yolo’s races? After all, in Amador, Schwarzenegger crushed Angelides 71%-22% in 2006.”
    This is a particularly silly, snide comment.

    Angelides didn’t even carry Yolo County. Schwarzenegger’s Yolo County vote of 53.4% was only slightly below his statewide total of 55.9%.

    How weak a candidate was Phil Angelides?

    Angelides carried only 6 counties statewide: Los Angeles and the Bay Area Counties of Marin, Alameda, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Cruz, and in four of these counties he won, he received less than 50% of the vote. Only in the most liberal county in the state, San Francisco, where he won 62.8% of the vote (to 29.8% for Schwarzenegger) and Alameda County where he got 57% of the vote, did he crack the 50% barrier.

    Angelides carried LA County, but by an anemic 49.1% to 46.1%. This gave him less than a 60,000 vote advantage in the state’s biggest county. It is not that Democrats did not turnout (although LA was below the statewide average in turnout again) as other Democrats who won statewide offices racked up much higher percentages. Debra Bowen, who won the Secretary of State office by the closest margin statewide (3.1%) roared out of LA with 58% of the vote and a 448,203 vote advantage there that was more than her margin of victory in the state. Others had higher percentages, and even Cruz Bustamante who got crushed statewide won LA County by twice the margin as Angelides. There was a lot of ticket splitting going on in Los Angeles.

  55. “Besides, as Chairman of the Amador County Democrats, don’t you have enough to do in your own county without having to comment on Yolo’s races? After all, in Amador, Schwarzenegger crushed Angelides 71%-22% in 2006.”
    This is a particularly silly, snide comment.

    Angelides didn’t even carry Yolo County. Schwarzenegger’s Yolo County vote of 53.4% was only slightly below his statewide total of 55.9%.

    How weak a candidate was Phil Angelides?

    Angelides carried only 6 counties statewide: Los Angeles and the Bay Area Counties of Marin, Alameda, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Cruz, and in four of these counties he won, he received less than 50% of the vote. Only in the most liberal county in the state, San Francisco, where he won 62.8% of the vote (to 29.8% for Schwarzenegger) and Alameda County where he got 57% of the vote, did he crack the 50% barrier.

    Angelides carried LA County, but by an anemic 49.1% to 46.1%. This gave him less than a 60,000 vote advantage in the state’s biggest county. It is not that Democrats did not turnout (although LA was below the statewide average in turnout again) as other Democrats who won statewide offices racked up much higher percentages. Debra Bowen, who won the Secretary of State office by the closest margin statewide (3.1%) roared out of LA with 58% of the vote and a 448,203 vote advantage there that was more than her margin of victory in the state. Others had higher percentages, and even Cruz Bustamante who got crushed statewide won LA County by twice the margin as Angelides. There was a lot of ticket splitting going on in Los Angeles.

  56. “Besides, as Chairman of the Amador County Democrats, don’t you have enough to do in your own county without having to comment on Yolo’s races? After all, in Amador, Schwarzenegger crushed Angelides 71%-22% in 2006.”
    This is a particularly silly, snide comment.

    Angelides didn’t even carry Yolo County. Schwarzenegger’s Yolo County vote of 53.4% was only slightly below his statewide total of 55.9%.

    How weak a candidate was Phil Angelides?

    Angelides carried only 6 counties statewide: Los Angeles and the Bay Area Counties of Marin, Alameda, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Cruz, and in four of these counties he won, he received less than 50% of the vote. Only in the most liberal county in the state, San Francisco, where he won 62.8% of the vote (to 29.8% for Schwarzenegger) and Alameda County where he got 57% of the vote, did he crack the 50% barrier.

    Angelides carried LA County, but by an anemic 49.1% to 46.1%. This gave him less than a 60,000 vote advantage in the state’s biggest county. It is not that Democrats did not turnout (although LA was below the statewide average in turnout again) as other Democrats who won statewide offices racked up much higher percentages. Debra Bowen, who won the Secretary of State office by the closest margin statewide (3.1%) roared out of LA with 58% of the vote and a 448,203 vote advantage there that was more than her margin of victory in the state. Others had higher percentages, and even Cruz Bustamante who got crushed statewide won LA County by twice the margin as Angelides. There was a lot of ticket splitting going on in Los Angeles.

  57. “The 8th Assembly District has two very good candidates who will give their best for Democratic values. There is not much separating them on issues, so most informed voters will cast their vote based on style.”

    There is another separation besides “style.” I voted for Chris because I see him as an effective leader who gets things done, but not for Mariko because I have never seen her lead the Board of Supes. She may be a nice person who has good intentions. But what has Mariko accomplished in her years on the Board?

    Also, I am not convinced that Mariko is a great fighter for the causes she believes in. She comes across as meek and ineffectual, more of a natural follower than a leader. In the Assembly, I think Mariko would vote the same as Chris. But I think Chris, more like Lois, will persuade other members to follow his lead on votes which are important to our district.

  58. “The 8th Assembly District has two very good candidates who will give their best for Democratic values. There is not much separating them on issues, so most informed voters will cast their vote based on style.”

    There is another separation besides “style.” I voted for Chris because I see him as an effective leader who gets things done, but not for Mariko because I have never seen her lead the Board of Supes. She may be a nice person who has good intentions. But what has Mariko accomplished in her years on the Board?

    Also, I am not convinced that Mariko is a great fighter for the causes she believes in. She comes across as meek and ineffectual, more of a natural follower than a leader. In the Assembly, I think Mariko would vote the same as Chris. But I think Chris, more like Lois, will persuade other members to follow his lead on votes which are important to our district.

  59. “The 8th Assembly District has two very good candidates who will give their best for Democratic values. There is not much separating them on issues, so most informed voters will cast their vote based on style.”

    There is another separation besides “style.” I voted for Chris because I see him as an effective leader who gets things done, but not for Mariko because I have never seen her lead the Board of Supes. She may be a nice person who has good intentions. But what has Mariko accomplished in her years on the Board?

    Also, I am not convinced that Mariko is a great fighter for the causes she believes in. She comes across as meek and ineffectual, more of a natural follower than a leader. In the Assembly, I think Mariko would vote the same as Chris. But I think Chris, more like Lois, will persuade other members to follow his lead on votes which are important to our district.

  60. “The 8th Assembly District has two very good candidates who will give their best for Democratic values. There is not much separating them on issues, so most informed voters will cast their vote based on style.”

    There is another separation besides “style.” I voted for Chris because I see him as an effective leader who gets things done, but not for Mariko because I have never seen her lead the Board of Supes. She may be a nice person who has good intentions. But what has Mariko accomplished in her years on the Board?

    Also, I am not convinced that Mariko is a great fighter for the causes she believes in. She comes across as meek and ineffectual, more of a natural follower than a leader. In the Assembly, I think Mariko would vote the same as Chris. But I think Chris, more like Lois, will persuade other members to follow his lead on votes which are important to our district.

  61. Did anyone else notice the grammatical error made by 1st grade teacher Melanie Driver in the second mailer? Shouldn’t a teacher know better?

  62. Did anyone else notice the grammatical error made by 1st grade teacher Melanie Driver in the second mailer? Shouldn’t a teacher know better?

  63. Did anyone else notice the grammatical error made by 1st grade teacher Melanie Driver in the second mailer? Shouldn’t a teacher know better?

  64. Did anyone else notice the grammatical error made by 1st grade teacher Melanie Driver in the second mailer? Shouldn’t a teacher know better?

  65. Coordination – the parking mailing clearly had coordination with the Yamada campaign.

    How does one know this?

    That picture was taken by Brian Micek. It was republished by the Bee the next day and over the weekend as a LOW RESOLUTION photo. But the picture on the mailer is a HIGH RESOLUTION photo. This would only be available from the camera which took the picture.

    That picture is not in the public domain at print resolution. If you look at Cabaldon mailers by IEs, all of those pictures are from his website at print resolution.

    Come this weekend there will be hits galore from Yamada and her IE. One can only hope that they don’t succeed.

    History and Politics 101 says that attacks like these need to be responded to by similar low-brow attacks. If one person is throwing mud, then the other must in kind. People will say that they don’t want to see the negative ads, but then they are affected by them nonetheless.

    So, this flood of mail (that fortunately came after me and my girlfriend voted) set a tone. Expect the other side to match it. We can all get on this site and complain about the nastiness, but it has only begun.

  66. Coordination – the parking mailing clearly had coordination with the Yamada campaign.

    How does one know this?

    That picture was taken by Brian Micek. It was republished by the Bee the next day and over the weekend as a LOW RESOLUTION photo. But the picture on the mailer is a HIGH RESOLUTION photo. This would only be available from the camera which took the picture.

    That picture is not in the public domain at print resolution. If you look at Cabaldon mailers by IEs, all of those pictures are from his website at print resolution.

    Come this weekend there will be hits galore from Yamada and her IE. One can only hope that they don’t succeed.

    History and Politics 101 says that attacks like these need to be responded to by similar low-brow attacks. If one person is throwing mud, then the other must in kind. People will say that they don’t want to see the negative ads, but then they are affected by them nonetheless.

    So, this flood of mail (that fortunately came after me and my girlfriend voted) set a tone. Expect the other side to match it. We can all get on this site and complain about the nastiness, but it has only begun.

  67. Coordination – the parking mailing clearly had coordination with the Yamada campaign.

    How does one know this?

    That picture was taken by Brian Micek. It was republished by the Bee the next day and over the weekend as a LOW RESOLUTION photo. But the picture on the mailer is a HIGH RESOLUTION photo. This would only be available from the camera which took the picture.

    That picture is not in the public domain at print resolution. If you look at Cabaldon mailers by IEs, all of those pictures are from his website at print resolution.

    Come this weekend there will be hits galore from Yamada and her IE. One can only hope that they don’t succeed.

    History and Politics 101 says that attacks like these need to be responded to by similar low-brow attacks. If one person is throwing mud, then the other must in kind. People will say that they don’t want to see the negative ads, but then they are affected by them nonetheless.

    So, this flood of mail (that fortunately came after me and my girlfriend voted) set a tone. Expect the other side to match it. We can all get on this site and complain about the nastiness, but it has only begun.

  68. Coordination – the parking mailing clearly had coordination with the Yamada campaign.

    How does one know this?

    That picture was taken by Brian Micek. It was republished by the Bee the next day and over the weekend as a LOW RESOLUTION photo. But the picture on the mailer is a HIGH RESOLUTION photo. This would only be available from the camera which took the picture.

    That picture is not in the public domain at print resolution. If you look at Cabaldon mailers by IEs, all of those pictures are from his website at print resolution.

    Come this weekend there will be hits galore from Yamada and her IE. One can only hope that they don’t succeed.

    History and Politics 101 says that attacks like these need to be responded to by similar low-brow attacks. If one person is throwing mud, then the other must in kind. People will say that they don’t want to see the negative ads, but then they are affected by them nonetheless.

    So, this flood of mail (that fortunately came after me and my girlfriend voted) set a tone. Expect the other side to match it. We can all get on this site and complain about the nastiness, but it has only begun.

  69. Well then, clearly the campaign has clean hands when it comes to the mailer.

    Don’t know why people would blame the Mariko campaign for a negative tone. They clearly wanted to stay on the issues.

  70. Well then, clearly the campaign has clean hands when it comes to the mailer.

    Don’t know why people would blame the Mariko campaign for a negative tone. They clearly wanted to stay on the issues.

  71. Well then, clearly the campaign has clean hands when it comes to the mailer.

    Don’t know why people would blame the Mariko campaign for a negative tone. They clearly wanted to stay on the issues.

  72. Well then, clearly the campaign has clean hands when it comes to the mailer.

    Don’t know why people would blame the Mariko campaign for a negative tone. They clearly wanted to stay on the issues.

  73. Come off it!! The Yamada campaign did a press release about the pseudo-issue of the parking tickets. Clean hands–my eye.

    Yamada has run a dirty campaign. As a paid assistant who had her only elected position handed to her by her boss,the retiring Dave Rosenberg, Yamada is a political novice when compared to Cabaldon.

    If she hoped to win, she should have articulated how her positions and policies would be preferable to those of Cabaldon. And she would have had to present the same positions to voters of both Solano and Yolo county, in order to illustrate a modicum of integrity.

    Instead, she chose to launch a dirty, personal attack campaign based on matters that do not relate to the office.

    Shame on Yamada.

  74. Come off it!! The Yamada campaign did a press release about the pseudo-issue of the parking tickets. Clean hands–my eye.

    Yamada has run a dirty campaign. As a paid assistant who had her only elected position handed to her by her boss,the retiring Dave Rosenberg, Yamada is a political novice when compared to Cabaldon.

    If she hoped to win, she should have articulated how her positions and policies would be preferable to those of Cabaldon. And she would have had to present the same positions to voters of both Solano and Yolo county, in order to illustrate a modicum of integrity.

    Instead, she chose to launch a dirty, personal attack campaign based on matters that do not relate to the office.

    Shame on Yamada.

  75. Come off it!! The Yamada campaign did a press release about the pseudo-issue of the parking tickets. Clean hands–my eye.

    Yamada has run a dirty campaign. As a paid assistant who had her only elected position handed to her by her boss,the retiring Dave Rosenberg, Yamada is a political novice when compared to Cabaldon.

    If she hoped to win, she should have articulated how her positions and policies would be preferable to those of Cabaldon. And she would have had to present the same positions to voters of both Solano and Yolo county, in order to illustrate a modicum of integrity.

    Instead, she chose to launch a dirty, personal attack campaign based on matters that do not relate to the office.

    Shame on Yamada.

  76. Come off it!! The Yamada campaign did a press release about the pseudo-issue of the parking tickets. Clean hands–my eye.

    Yamada has run a dirty campaign. As a paid assistant who had her only elected position handed to her by her boss,the retiring Dave Rosenberg, Yamada is a political novice when compared to Cabaldon.

    If she hoped to win, she should have articulated how her positions and policies would be preferable to those of Cabaldon. And she would have had to present the same positions to voters of both Solano and Yolo county, in order to illustrate a modicum of integrity.

    Instead, she chose to launch a dirty, personal attack campaign based on matters that do not relate to the office.

    Shame on Yamada.

    “White people support Mariko”. “Davis has a lot of white teachers”.
    “Who cares about Parking Tickets and Unpaid tax Bills”.

    Does any of this sound racist? R. Bayne stated he/she had some doubt about someone who does’nt take responsibilty for their legal debts. No Integrity, that’s Cabaldon.
    And to Anon who said, Davis has a lot of white teachers, SO WHAT. They also have one of the best school systems in the STATE. Screw you and your stupid perceptions of diversity.

    “White people support Mariko”. “Davis has a lot of white teachers”.
    “Who cares about Parking Tickets and Unpaid tax Bills”.

    Does any of this sound racist? R. Bayne stated he/she had some doubt about someone who does’nt take responsibilty for their legal debts. No Integrity, that’s Cabaldon.
    And to Anon who said, Davis has a lot of white teachers, SO WHAT. They also have one of the best school systems in the STATE. Screw you and your stupid perceptions of diversity.

    “White people support Mariko”. “Davis has a lot of white teachers”.
    “Who cares about Parking Tickets and Unpaid tax Bills”.

    Does any of this sound racist? R. Bayne stated he/she had some doubt about someone who does’nt take responsibilty for their legal debts. No Integrity, that’s Cabaldon.
    And to Anon who said, Davis has a lot of white teachers, SO WHAT. They also have one of the best school systems in the STATE. Screw you and your stupid perceptions of diversity.

    “White people support Mariko”. “Davis has a lot of white teachers”.
    “Who cares about Parking Tickets and Unpaid tax Bills”.

    Does any of this sound racist? R. Bayne stated he/she had some doubt about someone who does’nt take responsibilty for their legal debts. No Integrity, that’s Cabaldon.
    And to Anon who said, Davis has a lot of white teachers, SO WHAT. They also have one of the best school systems in the STATE. Screw you and your stupid perceptions of diversity.

  81. Bob, obviously, you did not see the hit piece Cabaldon sent out days before his last Mayoral race. Cabaldon has no integrity. As a past supporter of his, I have lost total respect for him as I have watched him line his pockets with developer money at the expense of W. Sac. residents. He cares about the environment!!! Is that why he is approving the rezoning of prime farmland and sensitive habitat areas into mass housing that also happen to be in a flood plain with weak levees??

  82. Bob, obviously, you did not see the hit piece Cabaldon sent out days before his last Mayoral race. Cabaldon has no integrity. As a past supporter of his, I have lost total respect for him as I have watched him line his pockets with developer money at the expense of W. Sac. residents. He cares about the environment!!! Is that why he is approving the rezoning of prime farmland and sensitive habitat areas into mass housing that also happen to be in a flood plain with weak levees??

  83. Bob, obviously, you did not see the hit piece Cabaldon sent out days before his last Mayoral race. Cabaldon has no integrity. As a past supporter of his, I have lost total respect for him as I have watched him line his pockets with developer money at the expense of W. Sac. residents. He cares about the environment!!! Is that why he is approving the rezoning of prime farmland and sensitive habitat areas into mass housing that also happen to be in a flood plain with weak levees??

  84. Bob, obviously, you did not see the hit piece Cabaldon sent out days before his last Mayoral race. Cabaldon has no integrity. As a past supporter of his, I have lost total respect for him as I have watched him line his pockets with developer money at the expense of W. Sac. residents. He cares about the environment!!! Is that why he is approving the rezoning of prime farmland and sensitive habitat areas into mass housing that also happen to be in a flood plain with weak levees??

  85. From someone who knows both candidates personally, I agree. Stay with the issues. The issue is that Mariko has morals,integrity and honesty. Cabaldon does not.

  86. From someone who knows both candidates personally, I agree. Stay with the issues. The issue is that Mariko has morals,integrity and honesty. Cabaldon does not.

  87. From someone who knows both candidates personally, I agree. Stay with the issues. The issue is that Mariko has morals,integrity and honesty. Cabaldon does not.

  88. From someone who knows both candidates personally, I agree. Stay with the issues. The issue is that Mariko has morals,integrity and honesty. Cabaldon does not.

  89. Cabaldon has sent a ton of negative mailers out about Yamada that are not even true. And, he funded those through EdVoice. They weren’t independent expenditures. Yamada herself has run a good campaign, and she makes that effort to personally meet her consituents and respond to them.

  90. Cabaldon has sent a ton of negative mailers out about Yamada that are not even true. And, he funded those through EdVoice. They weren’t independent expenditures. Yamada herself has run a good campaign, and she makes that effort to personally meet her consituents and respond to them.

  91. Cabaldon has sent a ton of negative mailers out about Yamada that are not even true. And, he funded those through EdVoice. They weren’t independent expenditures. Yamada herself has run a good campaign, and she makes that effort to personally meet her consituents and respond to them.

  92. Cabaldon has sent a ton of negative mailers out about Yamada that are not even true. And, he funded those through EdVoice. They weren’t independent expenditures. Yamada herself has run a good campaign, and she makes that effort to personally meet her consituents and respond to them.

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