8th AD Race Really Heats Up

Yamada Campaign and EdVoice Go to War Over Pay Increase

Yesterday afternoon I received dueling press releases one from Brian Micek of the Yamada Campaign and the other from Paul Mitchell of EdVoice. The issue was whether or not Mariko Yamada accepted a pay raise during her time as a County Supervisor or whether she lied about it.

At issue was a series of TV ads and fliers from EdVoice attacking Yamada for taking payraises at the same time the county was cutting positions in the face of a county budget crisis.

Here’s the press release from EdVoice:

Yamada Caught In Lie About Repeated Pay Increases

Davis, CA – Yolo County Supervisor Mariko Yamada has been caught in a lie about her repeated support for pay increases as a member of the Yolo County Board of Supervisors.

A commercial running district wide, viewable at [you tube] highlights the raises that Yamada received while on the County Board of Supervisors and the additional raise she voted for which would have increased her pay by 41%.

These pay increases happened while Yolo was cutting county jobs and unemployment in the region was increasing by as much as 20%. Even faced with a county budget crisis, Yamada was persistent in her support for raises, stating “I need to make no apologies.” (12/13/06 Davis Enterprise)

In today’s media release, and a posting on her website, Yamada repeatedly claims that she did not accept a pay increase in 2004. While she did make a publicity stunt about “declining the pay raise” in an election year, public records show that she accepted the pay increase shortly thereafter.

Yamada’s claim to not accept a future pay raise also rings hollow considering that she received a double pay raise in 2007, there is no expected pay raise coming in June and that she is termed out of the Board of Supervisors. A classic politician, Yamada is declining a pay raise that may or may not come, for a job she will not have.

The attached documents and press coverage of the pay increases provides more than ample evidence of the claims in our television commercial. In fact, given the opportunity we would highlight even more absurdities, like the fact that she has received four pay raises, two in one year, that they were paid retroactively. Furthermore, she has told voters that she declined pay increases, only to go back and accept the raises after the public spotlight had faded.

Here’s the Yamada Campaign’s response:

Yamada Campaign Issues Notice Over Slanderous Attack Ads
Cabaldon Supporter’s Ads Knowingly Misstate Fact and Distort Yamada’s Record

Vacaville – Friends of Yamada 2008 retained attorney Chad Carlock today to issue a notice of slanderous political advertising to Comcast Spotlight over the airing of intentionally malicious political attack ads produced and purchased by the independent expenditure committee “Democrats Against Government Waste Independent Expenditure Committee major funding provided by EdVoice Independent Expenditure Committee” (attached).

Christopher Cabaldon, Yamada opponent in the 8th Assembly District’s Democratic Primary, stepped down as President and CEO of EdVoice just a few months ago in order to orchestrate his run for Assembly. EdVoice has since created multiple independent expenditure committees attacking Yamada and supporting Cabaldon.

Carlock requested that Comcast Spotlight, the advertising arm of Comcast service in both Solano and Yolo counties, pull the ads immediately due to the slanderous content.

The Yamada Campaign is releasing public documents that prove EdVoice’s assertion that Mariko Yamada voted herself two pay raises while on the Board of Supervisors to be false. The pay of Yolo Supervisors is set at a rate of one-third of a Superior Court Judge’s salary by county ordinance. It is the State of California that sets judicial pay each fiscal year. In tough economic times, including 2004 and again this year, Yamada has refused automatic pay raises that come about when the state raises judicial pay as indicated by letters to the Yolo County Administrative Officer and Yolo County Auditor- Controller (attached).

While the Yolo Board of Supervisors did discuss raising the Supervisorial pay formula to 41 percent of a judge’s salary, that discussion was tabled on December 12, 2006 as reflected in the minutes from that day’s Board meeting (attached). The formula has never since been revisited by the Board of Supervisors.

The advertising is part of a $91,000 expenditure by EdVoice in the last week of the campaign, and has been accompanied by a series of similarly misleading “push polls” received by voters on Thursday March 22nd, and Friday March 23rd. Two attack pieces of direct mail have also contained the same false statements about the pay raise.

In Mr. Micek’s press release, he sends scanned documents showing Yamada turning down pay increases in both 2004 and 2008.

A few comments. First, I am not sure I could care less any less about this issue than I do. I suppose there is an amusement factor.

Second, Brian Micek is crying foul on this one? After the misleading fliers from his supporters against Cabaldon including the distorted WRONG and the meaningless booted car? Cabaldon and even EdVoice had run a positive campaign until now, but they were not going to stay on the sidelines and take punches forever.

Third, I do not understand the lawyer bit except as a publicity stunt. I mean, if suing for libel was a successful tactic against campaign claims, we would have lawsuits all over the place come election time. This is not the most egregious claim that’s even been perpetrated. I do not see the legal avenue the appropriate venue even if Mariko Yamada’s record is distorted.

Fourth, on the facts, Yolo County Supervisors have their pay scale tied to that of Yolo County Judges. If the Judges get a pay increase, so do the supervisors. So the idea that Mariko Yamada has control over her pay increases under this system is inaccurate.

However, as long time blog readers will remember in December of 2006, there was a move by the Board of Supervisors to increase their salary beyond that.

In fact, as many will remember, I was a strong proponent of it:

“The current pay for Yolo County supervisors is $49,730. Given that this is a full-time job that pay does not represent a very large salary. The average salary in California for a County Supervisor is $64,515. That’s not exactly a rich person’s salary either. But that certainly is more livable than the current pay for County Supervisors.

Sacramento County supervisors earn $82,000 while Solano County supervisors make just under $80,000. To live in Yolo County, you’d have to have a second salary to augment the below median salary you are getting for being a County Supervisor.

Given that this is a beyond full-time job it seems rather obvious that unless you are independently wealthy or have a spouse pulling down a strong second income, a lot of people are not going to be able to afford to be a county supervisor. It is the same problem that we mentioned with the compensation for being a Davis City Council member–$500 per month. While it seems like a good idea to have small pay for public servants, the reality is that that severely restricts who can afford to serve.”

I remain a strong proponent of the idea that elected Yolo County Supervisors should have comparable pay to adjacent counties and to comparably qualified private sector jobs. Otherwise we are severely restricting who can and who cannot afford to become a County Supervisor.

Mariko Yamada supported that change, but under fire in early January of 2007, the Board voted to table the motion and did not revisit it.

Personally, I think Ed Voice could have picked a better target if they wanted to go after Supervisor Yamada. A targeted piece to Davis on the County General Plan would do just fine.

I have frankly seen very little that these Independent Expenditure Committees have added to this campaign.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. So, bottom line – the attack ad is not true?

    I thought the red ink was nail polish the first time I saw it, but I’m at a point where I just give Cabaldon’s deluge a cursory look.

    I am sorry, but anyone who pushes that much mail is no environmentalist. It’s disgusting.

  2. So, bottom line – the attack ad is not true?

    I thought the red ink was nail polish the first time I saw it, but I’m at a point where I just give Cabaldon’s deluge a cursory look.

    I am sorry, but anyone who pushes that much mail is no environmentalist. It’s disgusting.

  3. So, bottom line – the attack ad is not true?

    I thought the red ink was nail polish the first time I saw it, but I’m at a point where I just give Cabaldon’s deluge a cursory look.

    I am sorry, but anyone who pushes that much mail is no environmentalist. It’s disgusting.

  4. So, bottom line – the attack ad is not true?

    I thought the red ink was nail polish the first time I saw it, but I’m at a point where I just give Cabaldon’s deluge a cursory look.

    I am sorry, but anyone who pushes that much mail is no environmentalist. It’s disgusting.

  5. The Sac Bee says that the ad is true – she took the pay increases and voted for one additional one on top of it.

    More importantly, when confronted with the pay issue she said she hadn’t taken the increase. The Bee says she did the next year. So much for principles.

    This isn’t a big deal, but when she tries to defend it with a lie, then it becomes a big deal.

  6. The Sac Bee says that the ad is true – she took the pay increases and voted for one additional one on top of it.

    More importantly, when confronted with the pay issue she said she hadn’t taken the increase. The Bee says she did the next year. So much for principles.

    This isn’t a big deal, but when she tries to defend it with a lie, then it becomes a big deal.

  7. The Sac Bee says that the ad is true – she took the pay increases and voted for one additional one on top of it.

    More importantly, when confronted with the pay issue she said she hadn’t taken the increase. The Bee says she did the next year. So much for principles.

    This isn’t a big deal, but when she tries to defend it with a lie, then it becomes a big deal.

  8. The Sac Bee says that the ad is true – she took the pay increases and voted for one additional one on top of it.

    More importantly, when confronted with the pay issue she said she hadn’t taken the increase. The Bee says she did the next year. So much for principles.

    This isn’t a big deal, but when she tries to defend it with a lie, then it becomes a big deal.

  9. DPD,
    Can you shed light on the mailer we got yesterday, a COPS endorsement of amongst others, Saylor and Cecilia; it was very difficult to determine who the group is…..how does one gain their endorsement? thx..,

  10. DPD,
    Can you shed light on the mailer we got yesterday, a COPS endorsement of amongst others, Saylor and Cecilia; it was very difficult to determine who the group is…..how does one gain their endorsement? thx..,

  11. DPD,
    Can you shed light on the mailer we got yesterday, a COPS endorsement of amongst others, Saylor and Cecilia; it was very difficult to determine who the group is…..how does one gain their endorsement? thx..,

  12. DPD,
    Can you shed light on the mailer we got yesterday, a COPS endorsement of amongst others, Saylor and Cecilia; it was very difficult to determine who the group is…..how does one gain their endorsement? thx..,

  13. “After the misleading fliers from his supporters against Cabaldon including the distorted WRONG and the meaningless booted car?….”

    DPD: Your statement here is pure subjective bias as the two situations are NOT equivolent. The facts concerning Cabaldon’s booted car and delinquent boat taxes are undisputed even it you think that they are politically meaningless; others are entitled to make their own judgement. As you indicated in your “commentary”, EdVoice by omission and distortion is making false claims as to the facts concerning Yamada’s Supervisorial raise. Starting legal proceedings is a valid and effective method of keeping this example of the character of the EdVoice/Cabaldon campaign in the public spotlight.

  14. “After the misleading fliers from his supporters against Cabaldon including the distorted WRONG and the meaningless booted car?….”

    DPD: Your statement here is pure subjective bias as the two situations are NOT equivolent. The facts concerning Cabaldon’s booted car and delinquent boat taxes are undisputed even it you think that they are politically meaningless; others are entitled to make their own judgement. As you indicated in your “commentary”, EdVoice by omission and distortion is making false claims as to the facts concerning Yamada’s Supervisorial raise. Starting legal proceedings is a valid and effective method of keeping this example of the character of the EdVoice/Cabaldon campaign in the public spotlight.

  15. “After the misleading fliers from his supporters against Cabaldon including the distorted WRONG and the meaningless booted car?….”

    DPD: Your statement here is pure subjective bias as the two situations are NOT equivolent. The facts concerning Cabaldon’s booted car and delinquent boat taxes are undisputed even it you think that they are politically meaningless; others are entitled to make their own judgement. As you indicated in your “commentary”, EdVoice by omission and distortion is making false claims as to the facts concerning Yamada’s Supervisorial raise. Starting legal proceedings is a valid and effective method of keeping this example of the character of the EdVoice/Cabaldon campaign in the public spotlight.

  16. “After the misleading fliers from his supporters against Cabaldon including the distorted WRONG and the meaningless booted car?….”

    DPD: Your statement here is pure subjective bias as the two situations are NOT equivolent. The facts concerning Cabaldon’s booted car and delinquent boat taxes are undisputed even it you think that they are politically meaningless; others are entitled to make their own judgement. As you indicated in your “commentary”, EdVoice by omission and distortion is making false claims as to the facts concerning Yamada’s Supervisorial raise. Starting legal proceedings is a valid and effective method of keeping this example of the character of the EdVoice/Cabaldon campaign in the public spotlight.

  17. anonymous said:
    The Sac Bee says that the ad is true – she took the pay increases and voted for one additional one on top of it.

    Watch for a buried “correction” in the Bee in the future. From personal experience, I can vouch that this would not be the first time that sloppy Bee reporting/fact-checking has found its way into the Sacramento Bee.

  18. anonymous said:
    The Sac Bee says that the ad is true – she took the pay increases and voted for one additional one on top of it.

    Watch for a buried “correction” in the Bee in the future. From personal experience, I can vouch that this would not be the first time that sloppy Bee reporting/fact-checking has found its way into the Sacramento Bee.

  19. anonymous said:
    The Sac Bee says that the ad is true – she took the pay increases and voted for one additional one on top of it.

    Watch for a buried “correction” in the Bee in the future. From personal experience, I can vouch that this would not be the first time that sloppy Bee reporting/fact-checking has found its way into the Sacramento Bee.

  20. anonymous said:
    The Sac Bee says that the ad is true – she took the pay increases and voted for one additional one on top of it.

    Watch for a buried “correction” in the Bee in the future. From personal experience, I can vouch that this would not be the first time that sloppy Bee reporting/fact-checking has found its way into the Sacramento Bee.

  21. Running a piece on her Davis growth policies doesn’t work, because people outside of Davis for the most part don’t care or think Davis SHOULD have some growth.

    Attacking her on pay increases makes a lot more sense politically. Point out to the public how she’s stealing their money – that always wins some votes.

    Don’t get me wrong, I agree with you (and I usually don’t), DPD. Yolo Supervisors actually could use a pay raise. But in the world of dirty politics, Ed Voice’s attack makes a lot of sense.

    I really like Mariko personally, and she’s a fantastic woman, but there’s no question in my mind that Cabaldon is smarter and the better politician.

  22. Running a piece on her Davis growth policies doesn’t work, because people outside of Davis for the most part don’t care or think Davis SHOULD have some growth.

    Attacking her on pay increases makes a lot more sense politically. Point out to the public how she’s stealing their money – that always wins some votes.

    Don’t get me wrong, I agree with you (and I usually don’t), DPD. Yolo Supervisors actually could use a pay raise. But in the world of dirty politics, Ed Voice’s attack makes a lot of sense.

    I really like Mariko personally, and she’s a fantastic woman, but there’s no question in my mind that Cabaldon is smarter and the better politician.

  23. Running a piece on her Davis growth policies doesn’t work, because people outside of Davis for the most part don’t care or think Davis SHOULD have some growth.

    Attacking her on pay increases makes a lot more sense politically. Point out to the public how she’s stealing their money – that always wins some votes.

    Don’t get me wrong, I agree with you (and I usually don’t), DPD. Yolo Supervisors actually could use a pay raise. But in the world of dirty politics, Ed Voice’s attack makes a lot of sense.

    I really like Mariko personally, and she’s a fantastic woman, but there’s no question in my mind that Cabaldon is smarter and the better politician.

  24. Running a piece on her Davis growth policies doesn’t work, because people outside of Davis for the most part don’t care or think Davis SHOULD have some growth.

    Attacking her on pay increases makes a lot more sense politically. Point out to the public how she’s stealing their money – that always wins some votes.

    Don’t get me wrong, I agree with you (and I usually don’t), DPD. Yolo Supervisors actually could use a pay raise. But in the world of dirty politics, Ed Voice’s attack makes a lot of sense.

    I really like Mariko personally, and she’s a fantastic woman, but there’s no question in my mind that Cabaldon is smarter and the better politician.

  25. “I really like Mariko personally, and she’s a fantastic woman, but there’s no question in my mind that Cabaldon is smarter and the better politician.”

    Being an individual who is described as a “fantastic woman” is my choice to represent me in the Assembly . Being a “smarter and better politician” says nothing about how they will represent my values but rather only that they are skillful at manipulating the process to advance their political ambitions.

  26. “I really like Mariko personally, and she’s a fantastic woman, but there’s no question in my mind that Cabaldon is smarter and the better politician.”

    Being an individual who is described as a “fantastic woman” is my choice to represent me in the Assembly . Being a “smarter and better politician” says nothing about how they will represent my values but rather only that they are skillful at manipulating the process to advance their political ambitions.

  27. “I really like Mariko personally, and she’s a fantastic woman, but there’s no question in my mind that Cabaldon is smarter and the better politician.”

    Being an individual who is described as a “fantastic woman” is my choice to represent me in the Assembly . Being a “smarter and better politician” says nothing about how they will represent my values but rather only that they are skillful at manipulating the process to advance their political ambitions.

  28. “I really like Mariko personally, and she’s a fantastic woman, but there’s no question in my mind that Cabaldon is smarter and the better politician.”

    Being an individual who is described as a “fantastic woman” is my choice to represent me in the Assembly . Being a “smarter and better politician” says nothing about how they will represent my values but rather only that they are skillful at manipulating the process to advance their political ambitions.

  29. ‘because people outside of Davis for the most part don’t care or think Davis SHOULD have some growth.’

    People inside Davis think it should have some growth too, more then you realize.

  30. ‘because people outside of Davis for the most part don’t care or think Davis SHOULD have some growth.’

    People inside Davis think it should have some growth too, more then you realize.

  31. ‘because people outside of Davis for the most part don’t care or think Davis SHOULD have some growth.’

    People inside Davis think it should have some growth too, more then you realize.

  32. ‘because people outside of Davis for the most part don’t care or think Davis SHOULD have some growth.’

    People inside Davis think it should have some growth too, more then you realize.

  33. Yamada for Assembly said:

    Being a “smarter and better politician” says nothing about how they will represent my values but rather only that they are skillful at manipulating the process to advance their political ambitions.

    It is not a coincidence that Cabaldon and Saylor are strong supporters of each other.

  34. Yamada for Assembly said:

    Being a “smarter and better politician” says nothing about how they will represent my values but rather only that they are skillful at manipulating the process to advance their political ambitions.

    It is not a coincidence that Cabaldon and Saylor are strong supporters of each other.

  35. Yamada for Assembly said:

    Being a “smarter and better politician” says nothing about how they will represent my values but rather only that they are skillful at manipulating the process to advance their political ambitions.

    It is not a coincidence that Cabaldon and Saylor are strong supporters of each other.

  36. Yamada for Assembly said:

    Being a “smarter and better politician” says nothing about how they will represent my values but rather only that they are skillful at manipulating the process to advance their political ambitions.

    It is not a coincidence that Cabaldon and Saylor are strong supporters of each other.

  37. It has been repeated that Yamada is a “fantastic woman” and that Cabaldon is just “smarter and the better politician.” I think that the fact that Cabaldon is a “fantastic” guy is being left out.

    I want my representative to have all of those qualities and Cabaldon does.

    He is smart, politically savvy, and a genuinely nice guy all of which would make for an effective representative.

    I want my Assemblymember to actually know what they are doing as well as have the personality and leadership skills to actually get things done!

  38. It has been repeated that Yamada is a “fantastic woman” and that Cabaldon is just “smarter and the better politician.” I think that the fact that Cabaldon is a “fantastic” guy is being left out.

    I want my representative to have all of those qualities and Cabaldon does.

    He is smart, politically savvy, and a genuinely nice guy all of which would make for an effective representative.

    I want my Assemblymember to actually know what they are doing as well as have the personality and leadership skills to actually get things done!

  39. It has been repeated that Yamada is a “fantastic woman” and that Cabaldon is just “smarter and the better politician.” I think that the fact that Cabaldon is a “fantastic” guy is being left out.

    I want my representative to have all of those qualities and Cabaldon does.

    He is smart, politically savvy, and a genuinely nice guy all of which would make for an effective representative.

    I want my Assemblymember to actually know what they are doing as well as have the personality and leadership skills to actually get things done!

  40. It has been repeated that Yamada is a “fantastic woman” and that Cabaldon is just “smarter and the better politician.” I think that the fact that Cabaldon is a “fantastic” guy is being left out.

    I want my representative to have all of those qualities and Cabaldon does.

    He is smart, politically savvy, and a genuinely nice guy all of which would make for an effective representative.

    I want my Assemblymember to actually know what they are doing as well as have the personality and leadership skills to actually get things done!

  41. Any serious analysis of Cabaldon’s political career reveals that his success is grounded in his willingness to be a pawn of entrenched special interests. If this makes him a “smarter and better politician”, I’ll pass.

  42. Any serious analysis of Cabaldon’s political career reveals that his success is grounded in his willingness to be a pawn of entrenched special interests. If this makes him a “smarter and better politician”, I’ll pass.

  43. Any serious analysis of Cabaldon’s political career reveals that his success is grounded in his willingness to be a pawn of entrenched special interests. If this makes him a “smarter and better politician”, I’ll pass.

  44. Any serious analysis of Cabaldon’s political career reveals that his success is grounded in his willingness to be a pawn of entrenched special interests. If this makes him a “smarter and better politician”, I’ll pass.

  45. Any serious look at Yamada reveals a person who panders to her own special interests (i.e., her personal friends, what’s good for Mariko).

    At least Cabaldon panders to others!

  46. Any serious look at Yamada reveals a person who panders to her own special interests (i.e., her personal friends, what’s good for Mariko).

    At least Cabaldon panders to others!

  47. Any serious look at Yamada reveals a person who panders to her own special interests (i.e., her personal friends, what’s good for Mariko).

    At least Cabaldon panders to others!

  48. Any serious look at Yamada reveals a person who panders to her own special interests (i.e., her personal friends, what’s good for Mariko).

    At least Cabaldon panders to others!

  49. personally, i thought the white flyer with the huge head portrait of lois wolk on the inside was the weakest of the cycle (yes, even weaker than the silly booted car ad). not that i don’t like lois, but it was like the great and powerful oz staring atcha, startling after a moment or two of trying to figure out why someone would mail a huge flyer with a completely blank exterior.

    all that being said, however, for supposedly heated hardball politics this is all laughably tame stuff.

  50. personally, i thought the white flyer with the huge head portrait of lois wolk on the inside was the weakest of the cycle (yes, even weaker than the silly booted car ad). not that i don’t like lois, but it was like the great and powerful oz staring atcha, startling after a moment or two of trying to figure out why someone would mail a huge flyer with a completely blank exterior.

    all that being said, however, for supposedly heated hardball politics this is all laughably tame stuff.

  51. personally, i thought the white flyer with the huge head portrait of lois wolk on the inside was the weakest of the cycle (yes, even weaker than the silly booted car ad). not that i don’t like lois, but it was like the great and powerful oz staring atcha, startling after a moment or two of trying to figure out why someone would mail a huge flyer with a completely blank exterior.

    all that being said, however, for supposedly heated hardball politics this is all laughably tame stuff.

  52. personally, i thought the white flyer with the huge head portrait of lois wolk on the inside was the weakest of the cycle (yes, even weaker than the silly booted car ad). not that i don’t like lois, but it was like the great and powerful oz staring atcha, startling after a moment or two of trying to figure out why someone would mail a huge flyer with a completely blank exterior.

    all that being said, however, for supposedly heated hardball politics this is all laughably tame stuff.

  53. I agree with David. The Independent Expenditures have not added much to the race in the 8th Assembly District. They are, fo the most part, not indicative of what either candidate’s position on issues are or to what their philosophy are, with the exception of the Wal-Mart issue.

    I disagree with the beginnings of the negative campaign being the mail piece with the “booted” car. It began when there was an annymous flyer suggesting that Yamada was not being true to Democratic values and distorting her position on a number of issues and other materials that suggested Yamada would not opposie the Governor’s cuts to the education budget.

    The arking tickets did not seem a big deal to me either, but many have commented on it being representative of an attidute that the law (minor as they might be) do not apply to me.

    The issue of possible peripheral development would be an accurate charge, if one sees it as a charge, however as has been expressed a number of Cabaldon supporters also supported the study. There are some that would suggest the developments in West Sacramento are an example of urban sprawl and peripheral development.

    It is accurate to state that Yamada voted to raise her pay once, (from 33 pct of a Superior Court Judge to 41 percent)but as did the other member of the Supervisors that originally supported that, resecinded the vote later. She did refus to take the pay raise in 2004 when their was the same difficulty with the County revenues that it is facing today and it is true that once the crisis was over, it appears as if she then took the pay raise. I suppose you could accuse her of grandstanding on the issue and that it was only symbolism, but sometimes symbols matter.

    Looking at the who is financing the independent expenditures is also important as a couple of people have stated in comments to other posts about this race. Cabaldon, Council of American Physicians, California Realtors Association, EdVoice, etc. Yamada, California Teachers Association and the California Nurses Association, among others that represent working people. On the issues, Yamada supports the Sheila Kuhel single payer universal health care approach, it appears that Cabaldon does not. Although Yamada supporter the Valley Oak Charter, so did the California and Davis Teachers Association — that is not the same as supporting for profit charter schools run by prvate entities.

    This whole indendent expenditure issue is unfortunate because as an been written, both Yamada and Cabaldon are good people.

    The record shows that Yamada would be the more progressive vote in the Assembly.

  54. I agree with David. The Independent Expenditures have not added much to the race in the 8th Assembly District. They are, fo the most part, not indicative of what either candidate’s position on issues are or to what their philosophy are, with the exception of the Wal-Mart issue.

    I disagree with the beginnings of the negative campaign being the mail piece with the “booted” car. It began when there was an annymous flyer suggesting that Yamada was not being true to Democratic values and distorting her position on a number of issues and other materials that suggested Yamada would not opposie the Governor’s cuts to the education budget.

    The arking tickets did not seem a big deal to me either, but many have commented on it being representative of an attidute that the law (minor as they might be) do not apply to me.

    The issue of possible peripheral development would be an accurate charge, if one sees it as a charge, however as has been expressed a number of Cabaldon supporters also supported the study. There are some that would suggest the developments in West Sacramento are an example of urban sprawl and peripheral development.

    It is accurate to state that Yamada voted to raise her pay once, (from 33 pct of a Superior Court Judge to 41 percent)but as did the other member of the Supervisors that originally supported that, resecinded the vote later. She did refus to take the pay raise in 2004 when their was the same difficulty with the County revenues that it is facing today and it is true that once the crisis was over, it appears as if she then took the pay raise. I suppose you could accuse her of grandstanding on the issue and that it was only symbolism, but sometimes symbols matter.

    Looking at the who is financing the independent expenditures is also important as a couple of people have stated in comments to other posts about this race. Cabaldon, Council of American Physicians, California Realtors Association, EdVoice, etc. Yamada, California Teachers Association and the California Nurses Association, among others that represent working people. On the issues, Yamada supports the Sheila Kuhel single payer universal health care approach, it appears that Cabaldon does not. Although Yamada supporter the Valley Oak Charter, so did the California and Davis Teachers Association — that is not the same as supporting for profit charter schools run by prvate entities.

    This whole indendent expenditure issue is unfortunate because as an been written, both Yamada and Cabaldon are good people.

    The record shows that Yamada would be the more progressive vote in the Assembly.

  55. I agree with David. The Independent Expenditures have not added much to the race in the 8th Assembly District. They are, fo the most part, not indicative of what either candidate’s position on issues are or to what their philosophy are, with the exception of the Wal-Mart issue.

    I disagree with the beginnings of the negative campaign being the mail piece with the “booted” car. It began when there was an annymous flyer suggesting that Yamada was not being true to Democratic values and distorting her position on a number of issues and other materials that suggested Yamada would not opposie the Governor’s cuts to the education budget.

    The arking tickets did not seem a big deal to me either, but many have commented on it being representative of an attidute that the law (minor as they might be) do not apply to me.

    The issue of possible peripheral development would be an accurate charge, if one sees it as a charge, however as has been expressed a number of Cabaldon supporters also supported the study. There are some that would suggest the developments in West Sacramento are an example of urban sprawl and peripheral development.

    It is accurate to state that Yamada voted to raise her pay once, (from 33 pct of a Superior Court Judge to 41 percent)but as did the other member of the Supervisors that originally supported that, resecinded the vote later. She did refus to take the pay raise in 2004 when their was the same difficulty with the County revenues that it is facing today and it is true that once the crisis was over, it appears as if she then took the pay raise. I suppose you could accuse her of grandstanding on the issue and that it was only symbolism, but sometimes symbols matter.

    Looking at the who is financing the independent expenditures is also important as a couple of people have stated in comments to other posts about this race. Cabaldon, Council of American Physicians, California Realtors Association, EdVoice, etc. Yamada, California Teachers Association and the California Nurses Association, among others that represent working people. On the issues, Yamada supports the Sheila Kuhel single payer universal health care approach, it appears that Cabaldon does not. Although Yamada supporter the Valley Oak Charter, so did the California and Davis Teachers Association — that is not the same as supporting for profit charter schools run by prvate entities.

    This whole indendent expenditure issue is unfortunate because as an been written, both Yamada and Cabaldon are good people.

    The record shows that Yamada would be the more progressive vote in the Assembly.

  56. I agree with David. The Independent Expenditures have not added much to the race in the 8th Assembly District. They are, fo the most part, not indicative of what either candidate’s position on issues are or to what their philosophy are, with the exception of the Wal-Mart issue.

    I disagree with the beginnings of the negative campaign being the mail piece with the “booted” car. It began when there was an annymous flyer suggesting that Yamada was not being true to Democratic values and distorting her position on a number of issues and other materials that suggested Yamada would not opposie the Governor’s cuts to the education budget.

    The arking tickets did not seem a big deal to me either, but many have commented on it being representative of an attidute that the law (minor as they might be) do not apply to me.

    The issue of possible peripheral development would be an accurate charge, if one sees it as a charge, however as has been expressed a number of Cabaldon supporters also supported the study. There are some that would suggest the developments in West Sacramento are an example of urban sprawl and peripheral development.

    It is accurate to state that Yamada voted to raise her pay once, (from 33 pct of a Superior Court Judge to 41 percent)but as did the other member of the Supervisors that originally supported that, resecinded the vote later. She did refus to take the pay raise in 2004 when their was the same difficulty with the County revenues that it is facing today and it is true that once the crisis was over, it appears as if she then took the pay raise. I suppose you could accuse her of grandstanding on the issue and that it was only symbolism, but sometimes symbols matter.

    Looking at the who is financing the independent expenditures is also important as a couple of people have stated in comments to other posts about this race. Cabaldon, Council of American Physicians, California Realtors Association, EdVoice, etc. Yamada, California Teachers Association and the California Nurses Association, among others that represent working people. On the issues, Yamada supports the Sheila Kuhel single payer universal health care approach, it appears that Cabaldon does not. Although Yamada supporter the Valley Oak Charter, so did the California and Davis Teachers Association — that is not the same as supporting for profit charter schools run by prvate entities.

    This whole indendent expenditure issue is unfortunate because as an been written, both Yamada and Cabaldon are good people.

    The record shows that Yamada would be the more progressive vote in the Assembly.

  57. “The record shows that Yamada would be the more progressive vote in the Assembly.”

    Yeah, right. Anyone who knows Yamada knows that she is only interested in how she looks (e.g., the “grandstanding” comment). The car boot–however stupid and irresponsible Cabaldon was for letting that happen–is such an example. “Look at me, Mariko. I don’t have a boot on my car. Can’t you all see? I’m the better (i.e., better appearing) candidate.”

    Yamada fights for her own personal interests even if they do not involve the so-called monied interests. She’s a joke and a hypocrite.

  58. “The record shows that Yamada would be the more progressive vote in the Assembly.”

    Yeah, right. Anyone who knows Yamada knows that she is only interested in how she looks (e.g., the “grandstanding” comment). The car boot–however stupid and irresponsible Cabaldon was for letting that happen–is such an example. “Look at me, Mariko. I don’t have a boot on my car. Can’t you all see? I’m the better (i.e., better appearing) candidate.”

    Yamada fights for her own personal interests even if they do not involve the so-called monied interests. She’s a joke and a hypocrite.

  59. “The record shows that Yamada would be the more progressive vote in the Assembly.”

    Yeah, right. Anyone who knows Yamada knows that she is only interested in how she looks (e.g., the “grandstanding” comment). The car boot–however stupid and irresponsible Cabaldon was for letting that happen–is such an example. “Look at me, Mariko. I don’t have a boot on my car. Can’t you all see? I’m the better (i.e., better appearing) candidate.”

    Yamada fights for her own personal interests even if they do not involve the so-called monied interests. She’s a joke and a hypocrite.

  60. “The record shows that Yamada would be the more progressive vote in the Assembly.”

    Yeah, right. Anyone who knows Yamada knows that she is only interested in how she looks (e.g., the “grandstanding” comment). The car boot–however stupid and irresponsible Cabaldon was for letting that happen–is such an example. “Look at me, Mariko. I don’t have a boot on my car. Can’t you all see? I’m the better (i.e., better appearing) candidate.”

    Yamada fights for her own personal interests even if they do not involve the so-called monied interests. She’s a joke and a hypocrite.

  61. Wow I just got 2 mail pieces that truly through me off the Yamada Support Train. I got a mail piece that truly changed my views of her. The fire one, “as an Air Quality Board Member Mariko was encouraged and informed about the Open Burning Problem and how it lead to major air quality problems for the region but she decided to just let her friends the owners of large corporate farmers burn their land and pollute our air. The only thing I found on this was


    The other one looks like it came from the desk of her former campaign manager talking about how she did not pay him and now she has a FPPC Investigation on her, she won’t even pay her own bills.



  62. Wow I just got 2 mail pieces that truly through me off the Yamada Support Train. I got a mail piece that truly changed my views of her. The fire one, “as an Air Quality Board Member Mariko was encouraged and informed about the Open Burning Problem and how it lead to major air quality problems for the region but she decided to just let her friends the owners of large corporate farmers burn their land and pollute our air. The only thing I found on this was


    The other one looks like it came from the desk of her former campaign manager talking about how she did not pay him and now she has a FPPC Investigation on her, she won’t even pay her own bills.



  63. Wow I just got 2 mail pieces that truly through me off the Yamada Support Train. I got a mail piece that truly changed my views of her. The fire one, “as an Air Quality Board Member Mariko was encouraged and informed about the Open Burning Problem and how it lead to major air quality problems for the region but she decided to just let her friends the owners of large corporate farmers burn their land and pollute our air. The only thing I found on this was


    The other one looks like it came from the desk of her former campaign manager talking about how she did not pay him and now she has a FPPC Investigation on her, she won’t even pay her own bills.



  64. Wow I just got 2 mail pieces that truly through me off the Yamada Support Train. I got a mail piece that truly changed my views of her. The fire one, “as an Air Quality Board Member Mariko was encouraged and informed about the Open Burning Problem and how it lead to major air quality problems for the region but she decided to just let her friends the owners of large corporate farmers burn their land and pollute our air. The only thing I found on this was


    The other one looks like it came from the desk of her former campaign manager talking about how she did not pay him and now she has a FPPC Investigation on her, she won’t even pay her own bills.



  65. um, i think you mean “threw me off” and “toast,” not “through me off” and “TOST.” are you sure you were ever on the “Yamada Support Train”?

    before you get all whiny about it, we pride ourselves on our anal retentive hyper-educatedness here in davis. home court rules.

  66. um, i think you mean “threw me off” and “toast,” not “through me off” and “TOST.” are you sure you were ever on the “Yamada Support Train”?

    before you get all whiny about it, we pride ourselves on our anal retentive hyper-educatedness here in davis. home court rules.

  67. um, i think you mean “threw me off” and “toast,” not “through me off” and “TOST.” are you sure you were ever on the “Yamada Support Train”?

    before you get all whiny about it, we pride ourselves on our anal retentive hyper-educatedness here in davis. home court rules.

  68. um, i think you mean “threw me off” and “toast,” not “through me off” and “TOST.” are you sure you were ever on the “Yamada Support Train”?

    before you get all whiny about it, we pride ourselves on our anal retentive hyper-educatedness here in davis. home court rules.

  69. Who the ‘f’ cares! I can’t believe you took over half this blog post to retype the crap we keep getting in the mail. I’m not going to make my voting decision based on any of this garbage.

  70. Who the ‘f’ cares! I can’t believe you took over half this blog post to retype the crap we keep getting in the mail. I’m not going to make my voting decision based on any of this garbage.

  71. Who the ‘f’ cares! I can’t believe you took over half this blog post to retype the crap we keep getting in the mail. I’m not going to make my voting decision based on any of this garbage.

  72. Who the ‘f’ cares! I can’t believe you took over half this blog post to retype the crap we keep getting in the mail. I’m not going to make my voting decision based on any of this garbage.

  73. Wow, that last comment is interesting, while I might not always agree with David;s view, I appreciate him sharing them with the community. If the person that just posted did or does not care, he or she can juast as easily not read it. I think David’s point may have been to point out that independent expenditures often do not add to the debate, in essence aggeeing with that sentiment, explaining why.

  74. Wow, that last comment is interesting, while I might not always agree with David;s view, I appreciate him sharing them with the community. If the person that just posted did or does not care, he or she can juast as easily not read it. I think David’s point may have been to point out that independent expenditures often do not add to the debate, in essence aggeeing with that sentiment, explaining why.

  75. Wow, that last comment is interesting, while I might not always agree with David;s view, I appreciate him sharing them with the community. If the person that just posted did or does not care, he or she can juast as easily not read it. I think David’s point may have been to point out that independent expenditures often do not add to the debate, in essence aggeeing with that sentiment, explaining why.

  76. Wow, that last comment is interesting, while I might not always agree with David;s view, I appreciate him sharing them with the community. If the person that just posted did or does not care, he or she can juast as easily not read it. I think David’s point may have been to point out that independent expenditures often do not add to the debate, in essence aggeeing with that sentiment, explaining why.

  77. I just received an independent expenditure with a latte on the cover suggesting that in approving a coffee cart business that Yamada wasted tax dollars. That coffee xart was part of a program to allow those in the counties mental health system to develop self-esteem and give them the ability to run a business and be able to work in the world despite their disabilities. It seems beyond the pail to attack her on that vote and misrepresent the vote in such a outrageous way.

  78. I just received an independent expenditure with a latte on the cover suggesting that in approving a coffee cart business that Yamada wasted tax dollars. That coffee xart was part of a program to allow those in the counties mental health system to develop self-esteem and give them the ability to run a business and be able to work in the world despite their disabilities. It seems beyond the pail to attack her on that vote and misrepresent the vote in such a outrageous way.

  79. I just received an independent expenditure with a latte on the cover suggesting that in approving a coffee cart business that Yamada wasted tax dollars. That coffee xart was part of a program to allow those in the counties mental health system to develop self-esteem and give them the ability to run a business and be able to work in the world despite their disabilities. It seems beyond the pail to attack her on that vote and misrepresent the vote in such a outrageous way.

  80. I just received an independent expenditure with a latte on the cover suggesting that in approving a coffee cart business that Yamada wasted tax dollars. That coffee xart was part of a program to allow those in the counties mental health system to develop self-esteem and give them the ability to run a business and be able to work in the world despite their disabilities. It seems beyond the pail to attack her on that vote and misrepresent the vote in such a outrageous way.

  81. I don’t know where “the pail” is in regard to that coffee cart issue, but it is dumb of any elected to spend county Prop 63 tax dollars on something that can be lampooned like a coffee cart.

    Putting a county sponsored circus together, staffed by needy children, wouldn’t be a good use of tax dollars either.

    I think it is hard to defend the coffee cart thing.

  82. I don’t know where “the pail” is in regard to that coffee cart issue, but it is dumb of any elected to spend county Prop 63 tax dollars on something that can be lampooned like a coffee cart.

    Putting a county sponsored circus together, staffed by needy children, wouldn’t be a good use of tax dollars either.

    I think it is hard to defend the coffee cart thing.

  83. I don’t know where “the pail” is in regard to that coffee cart issue, but it is dumb of any elected to spend county Prop 63 tax dollars on something that can be lampooned like a coffee cart.

    Putting a county sponsored circus together, staffed by needy children, wouldn’t be a good use of tax dollars either.

    I think it is hard to defend the coffee cart thing.

  84. I don’t know where “the pail” is in regard to that coffee cart issue, but it is dumb of any elected to spend county Prop 63 tax dollars on something that can be lampooned like a coffee cart.

    Putting a county sponsored circus together, staffed by needy children, wouldn’t be a good use of tax dollars either.

    I think it is hard to defend the coffee cart thing.

  85. Barista: “What size of latte would you like?”

    Customer: “What sizes do you have?”

    Barista: “Small-tall, grande-medium, venti, and pail.”

    Customer: “I’ll take the grande. I have to do some reading at davisvanguard.blogspot.com.”

    Barista: “Oh, you better take the pail, too. From what I hear about that site, you might need to hurl.”

  86. Barista: “What size of latte would you like?”

    Customer: “What sizes do you have?”

    Barista: “Small-tall, grande-medium, venti, and pail.”

    Customer: “I’ll take the grande. I have to do some reading at davisvanguard.blogspot.com.”

    Barista: “Oh, you better take the pail, too. From what I hear about that site, you might need to hurl.”

  87. Barista: “What size of latte would you like?”

    Customer: “What sizes do you have?”

    Barista: “Small-tall, grande-medium, venti, and pail.”

    Customer: “I’ll take the grande. I have to do some reading at davisvanguard.blogspot.com.”

    Barista: “Oh, you better take the pail, too. From what I hear about that site, you might need to hurl.”

  88. Barista: “What size of latte would you like?”

    Customer: “What sizes do you have?”

    Barista: “Small-tall, grande-medium, venti, and pail.”

    Customer: “I’ll take the grande. I have to do some reading at davisvanguard.blogspot.com.”

    Barista: “Oh, you better take the pail, too. From what I hear about that site, you might need to hurl.”

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