Congressman Doolittle to Retire

The Associated Press reports this morning that Republican Congressman John Doolittle, who serves in the Fourth Congressional District, will retire rather than seek reelection.

Congressman Doolittle was nearly defeated in the most conservative district in California by Retired Air Force Lt. Colonel Charlie Brown.

The Congressman who has served since 1990, has come under fire for his involvement with lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

According to the AP story, Doolittle has denied wrongdoing in his ties to Abramoff, the disgraced former lobbyist whom he considered a close friend. But after the FBI raided the congressman’s Virginia home in April looking for information about event-planning work that Doolittle’s wife did for Abramoff, the congressman was forced to step down from the powerful Appropriations Committee.

Republican leaders have not only distanced themselves from the Congressman but have encouraged him not to run.

In the last hour, Democrat Charlie Brown has issued the following statement:

“I believe John did the right thing today for his family, for the 4th District and for America. Now is the time to unite as Americans, heal our wounds and move forward to solve the many difficult challenges we face both here in CD4, and across the country we love.”

Unfortunately for Charlie Brown and the Democrats, this move puts in peril Brown’s chances for election in the heavily Republican district that extends from Roseville to the Nevada Border. A number of Republicans have already stepped forward to challenge Mr. Doolittle and without the stain of scandal, it may be difficult for Brown to make headway.

Nevertheless, Brown has created a formidable organization with money and a strong grassroots movement. His moderate views and background as a military official will serve him well in this fight.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. Charlie Brown is man of integrity and I’m sure he will do well. Both Democrats and Republicans like him.

    I wish him the best! We need someone like him in Congress.


  2. Charlie Brown is man of integrity and I’m sure he will do well. Both Democrats and Republicans like him.

    I wish him the best! We need someone like him in Congress.


  3. Charlie Brown is man of integrity and I’m sure he will do well. Both Democrats and Republicans like him.

    I wish him the best! We need someone like him in Congress.


  4. Charlie Brown is man of integrity and I’m sure he will do well. Both Democrats and Republicans like him.

    I wish him the best! We need someone like him in Congress.


  5. I hope Democrats, Independents, Greens get behind Charlie Brown or another candidate who can beat a candidate like Rico Oller. Sending him to DC is a nightmare. I’d rather have Doolittle over Oller. Oller has very conservative views about immigration, gun control, civil liberties, and of course, the war. It’s one thing to oppose amnesty, strengthen the borders, National ID, yada, yada. Oller’s talk at least has been of a much more punitive nature against illegals. Also disturbing is Oller’s relationship with the Hispanic, Islamic and South Asian communities, which could best be described as “Shock and Awe”. (Remember the Oller hit piece on Lundgren? Sacbee editorial : Oller’s noxious mailer url: )I think the battle cry for filling Doolittle’s seat should be “Anyone but Oller”. Doug Ose has even mumbled about running, perhaps motivated in part by the prospect of Oller reaching a national audience, and the memory of how Oller went after his sister, Mary Ose in ’04. Oller’s communications director will no doubt be Mark Williams.

  6. I hope Democrats, Independents, Greens get behind Charlie Brown or another candidate who can beat a candidate like Rico Oller. Sending him to DC is a nightmare. I’d rather have Doolittle over Oller. Oller has very conservative views about immigration, gun control, civil liberties, and of course, the war. It’s one thing to oppose amnesty, strengthen the borders, National ID, yada, yada. Oller’s talk at least has been of a much more punitive nature against illegals. Also disturbing is Oller’s relationship with the Hispanic, Islamic and South Asian communities, which could best be described as “Shock and Awe”. (Remember the Oller hit piece on Lundgren? Sacbee editorial : Oller’s noxious mailer url: )I think the battle cry for filling Doolittle’s seat should be “Anyone but Oller”. Doug Ose has even mumbled about running, perhaps motivated in part by the prospect of Oller reaching a national audience, and the memory of how Oller went after his sister, Mary Ose in ’04. Oller’s communications director will no doubt be Mark Williams.

  7. I hope Democrats, Independents, Greens get behind Charlie Brown or another candidate who can beat a candidate like Rico Oller. Sending him to DC is a nightmare. I’d rather have Doolittle over Oller. Oller has very conservative views about immigration, gun control, civil liberties, and of course, the war. It’s one thing to oppose amnesty, strengthen the borders, National ID, yada, yada. Oller’s talk at least has been of a much more punitive nature against illegals. Also disturbing is Oller’s relationship with the Hispanic, Islamic and South Asian communities, which could best be described as “Shock and Awe”. (Remember the Oller hit piece on Lundgren? Sacbee editorial : Oller’s noxious mailer url: )I think the battle cry for filling Doolittle’s seat should be “Anyone but Oller”. Doug Ose has even mumbled about running, perhaps motivated in part by the prospect of Oller reaching a national audience, and the memory of how Oller went after his sister, Mary Ose in ’04. Oller’s communications director will no doubt be Mark Williams.

  8. I hope Democrats, Independents, Greens get behind Charlie Brown or another candidate who can beat a candidate like Rico Oller. Sending him to DC is a nightmare. I’d rather have Doolittle over Oller. Oller has very conservative views about immigration, gun control, civil liberties, and of course, the war. It’s one thing to oppose amnesty, strengthen the borders, National ID, yada, yada. Oller’s talk at least has been of a much more punitive nature against illegals. Also disturbing is Oller’s relationship with the Hispanic, Islamic and South Asian communities, which could best be described as “Shock and Awe”. (Remember the Oller hit piece on Lundgren? Sacbee editorial : Oller’s noxious mailer url: )I think the battle cry for filling Doolittle’s seat should be “Anyone but Oller”. Doug Ose has even mumbled about running, perhaps motivated in part by the prospect of Oller reaching a national audience, and the memory of how Oller went after his sister, Mary Ose in ’04. Oller’s communications director will no doubt be Mark Williams.

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