After nearly a week of silence on the matter, Don Winters, campaign Manager for Joe Spector’s School Board Campaign came forward last night and released a statement both admitting to using class time to stuff approximately 300 campaign envelopes for Joe Spector and resigning as campaign manager for Joe Spector’s campaign.

On Friday of last week, the Davis Enterprise reported that former School Board Member BJ Kline had accused Don Winters, a teacher at Davis High, of using instructional time to stuff campaign envelopes. The Vanguard on Saturday, based on conversations with several students, reported that those students claimed that this had never happened. However, during the course of the week, it became more clear that the students I spoke with had in fact not been in the class in question, the first period Economics Class. And those denials turned out to be wrong. Other information received by the Vanguard about this matter has been incorrect as well. Thus the Vanguard’s reporting on this matter has been inaccurate.

According to statements released to the press by both Joe Spector and Don Winters, Joe Spector was unaware of the nature of the incident and only became aware in the last day and a half.

However it was becoming increasingly clear to both Joe Spector and Don Winters that this issue would not only not subside, but that it would distract from the key issues of the campaign. Key issues faced by the next district in the next few years.

The heat was turned up on Tuesday by Davis Enterprise Bob Dunning. Bob Dunning in this case strongly and correctly called Don Winters to task for his vague and evasive answers.

Winters, responding to my short e-mail that asked simply “What happened or didn’t happen?” never got around to answering the question of whether students used class time to stuff envelopes for the Spector campaign.

In his e-mail, Winters wrote: “I guess what the highly educated voter in Davis will have to decide is not so much ‘did it happen,’ but does it matter?”

It matters, Don, it matters.

Added Winters: “One would have to wonder how much larger the headline and how much bigger the photo on the front page of Davis’ only paper would have been if I robbed a bank to level the financial playing field of lobbyists, attorneys, developers and out-of-town special interest groups contributing to Joe’s opponent(s)?”

Is he hinting that stuffing envelopes during class time might be justifiable to level the playing field in this campaign? If so, my answer would be “no.”

So, after all this, we’re left with two simple questions. First, did it happen? And second, as Don Winters asks, does it matter?

I guess that’s for you, the voters, to decide.

What follows is the full statements from both Joe Spector and Don Winters.

Joe Spector’s Statement:

Over the past week, I have been asked to comment on a parent complaint against my campaign manager, Don Winters, who is a teacher at Davis High School.

Because the complaint related to his duties as a teacher, the complaint became a personnel matter to be resolved by the school administrator. So, up to this point,
it would have been inappropriate for me to comment on the personnel process.

As of today, the school personnel issue has been resolved and Don Winters has given me explicit permission to discuss this matter.

As I understand the situation, Don used classroom time to have students do campaign work. Specifically, the concern relates to a part of a class period when some students worked on envelopes that would be used on behalf of my campaign.

Don has acknowledged that the activity occurred for about ten minutes during the end of a class period. He understands that this violates a school policy prohibiting students from working on particular, ballot – related activity during school instructional time. He also knows that I have established an internal policy prohibiting campaign work during class time. Don acknowledges that he broke these rules. He has resolved this issue with the high school principal.

As a result of this breach of policy, Don has submitted his resignation from my campaign, which I have accepted.

Don has been a tireless advocate for students and teachers. I hope that this incident will not detract from his important contributions to our community.

I am very sorry that this situation has taken attention away from the important issues that I am trying to promote in this campaign. I look forward to returning to the key issues of this school board race.


Joe Spector
Candidate for Davis School Board

Don Winter’s Statement:

Effective Wednesday, October 24th, I resign as manager of Joe Spector’s Board of Education campaign. I accept full responsibility for a mistake in judgment I made last week in allowing my students in the final 10 minutes of one class at Davis High School to prepare 300 campaign flyers for mailing. I regret this action. I have met with the high school principal and have accepted appropriate disciplinary action. I apologize today to Joe Spector and to our campaign team, neither of whom had any prior knowledge of this activity. I also offer my sincere regrets to my students and to the Davis community.

By resigning from Joe’s campaign, I hope to bring this matter to a close. I believe Joe’s candidacy is vital to the interests of our school district and to the education of our children.

Joe Spector’s campaign is focused on important issues needing a strong voice and a champion on the school board. I fully support Joe’s effort to win a seat on the Davis Board of Education this November 6th.


Don Winters

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. Vanguard, while the community will appreciate your continued coverage of this event, one bit of information needs to be clarified. Private personnel practices in the DJUSD require a 10 day period of silence while internal disciplinary investigations proceed. The parent complaint was lodged on Monday, October 15th. Mr. Winters broke his “silence” on Wednesday, October 24th, exactly 10 days into this “controversy”. You the readers will decide. Did Mr. Winters do the right thing to go public with what happened at the very earliest possible date? Did he do the right thing to sever his campaign relationship with Joe Spector for the benefit of his candidate at considerable public embarrassment to himself? Joe Spector still has my only vote on Nov. 6th.

  2. Vanguard, while the community will appreciate your continued coverage of this event, one bit of information needs to be clarified. Private personnel practices in the DJUSD require a 10 day period of silence while internal disciplinary investigations proceed. The parent complaint was lodged on Monday, October 15th. Mr. Winters broke his “silence” on Wednesday, October 24th, exactly 10 days into this “controversy”. You the readers will decide. Did Mr. Winters do the right thing to go public with what happened at the very earliest possible date? Did he do the right thing to sever his campaign relationship with Joe Spector for the benefit of his candidate at considerable public embarrassment to himself? Joe Spector still has my only vote on Nov. 6th.

  3. Vanguard, while the community will appreciate your continued coverage of this event, one bit of information needs to be clarified. Private personnel practices in the DJUSD require a 10 day period of silence while internal disciplinary investigations proceed. The parent complaint was lodged on Monday, October 15th. Mr. Winters broke his “silence” on Wednesday, October 24th, exactly 10 days into this “controversy”. You the readers will decide. Did Mr. Winters do the right thing to go public with what happened at the very earliest possible date? Did he do the right thing to sever his campaign relationship with Joe Spector for the benefit of his candidate at considerable public embarrassment to himself? Joe Spector still has my only vote on Nov. 6th.

  4. Vanguard, while the community will appreciate your continued coverage of this event, one bit of information needs to be clarified. Private personnel practices in the DJUSD require a 10 day period of silence while internal disciplinary investigations proceed. The parent complaint was lodged on Monday, October 15th. Mr. Winters broke his “silence” on Wednesday, October 24th, exactly 10 days into this “controversy”. You the readers will decide. Did Mr. Winters do the right thing to go public with what happened at the very earliest possible date? Did he do the right thing to sever his campaign relationship with Joe Spector for the benefit of his candidate at considerable public embarrassment to himself? Joe Spector still has my only vote on Nov. 6th.

  5. I don’t think Don Winters meant any harm by his actions but I gather he is the type of person who has problems with what he apparently regards as silly rules. This attitude occasionally gets him in trouble and in this instance certainly doesn’t serve the interests of his candidate.

  6. I don’t think Don Winters meant any harm by his actions but I gather he is the type of person who has problems with what he apparently regards as silly rules. This attitude occasionally gets him in trouble and in this instance certainly doesn’t serve the interests of his candidate.

  7. I don’t think Don Winters meant any harm by his actions but I gather he is the type of person who has problems with what he apparently regards as silly rules. This attitude occasionally gets him in trouble and in this instance certainly doesn’t serve the interests of his candidate.

  8. I don’t think Don Winters meant any harm by his actions but I gather he is the type of person who has problems with what he apparently regards as silly rules. This attitude occasionally gets him in trouble and in this instance certainly doesn’t serve the interests of his candidate.

  9. This is best thing that can happen for Joe. Winters should not be considered a campaign manager. He not only doesn’t have the skills, but he apparently doesn’t even know where to draw the line. My vote is still with Joe and I hope a *real* campaign manager will pick this candidate up and help him win this very important race.

  10. This is best thing that can happen for Joe. Winters should not be considered a campaign manager. He not only doesn’t have the skills, but he apparently doesn’t even know where to draw the line. My vote is still with Joe and I hope a *real* campaign manager will pick this candidate up and help him win this very important race.

  11. This is best thing that can happen for Joe. Winters should not be considered a campaign manager. He not only doesn’t have the skills, but he apparently doesn’t even know where to draw the line. My vote is still with Joe and I hope a *real* campaign manager will pick this candidate up and help him win this very important race.

  12. This is best thing that can happen for Joe. Winters should not be considered a campaign manager. He not only doesn’t have the skills, but he apparently doesn’t even know where to draw the line. My vote is still with Joe and I hope a *real* campaign manager will pick this candidate up and help him win this very important race.

  13. I applaud the Vanguard for correcting it’s earlier story. It’s a shame Winters torpedoed Spector’s campaign first through bad management (no ballot statement?) and now through lapses in ethics. Looks like it will be Schelen and Harris after all.

  14. I applaud the Vanguard for correcting it’s earlier story. It’s a shame Winters torpedoed Spector’s campaign first through bad management (no ballot statement?) and now through lapses in ethics. Looks like it will be Schelen and Harris after all.

  15. I applaud the Vanguard for correcting it’s earlier story. It’s a shame Winters torpedoed Spector’s campaign first through bad management (no ballot statement?) and now through lapses in ethics. Looks like it will be Schelen and Harris after all.

  16. I applaud the Vanguard for correcting it’s earlier story. It’s a shame Winters torpedoed Spector’s campaign first through bad management (no ballot statement?) and now through lapses in ethics. Looks like it will be Schelen and Harris after all.

  17. I’m still voting for Joe Spector and Bob Schelen. They are the two most qualified candidates and the best for our schools and kids.

    I don’t think Don Winters meant any harm. I know he enjoys being a teacher and he is a good teacher at that. He simply had bad judgment, just as any human being does at one time or another, and he has accepted this and apologized.

    Thank you Mr. Winters for doing the right thing and stepping down. Don’t worry, we still like you. You’re a very good person.

    Now, on to victory Joe.

  18. I’m still voting for Joe Spector and Bob Schelen. They are the two most qualified candidates and the best for our schools and kids.

    I don’t think Don Winters meant any harm. I know he enjoys being a teacher and he is a good teacher at that. He simply had bad judgment, just as any human being does at one time or another, and he has accepted this and apologized.

    Thank you Mr. Winters for doing the right thing and stepping down. Don’t worry, we still like you. You’re a very good person.

    Now, on to victory Joe.

  19. I’m still voting for Joe Spector and Bob Schelen. They are the two most qualified candidates and the best for our schools and kids.

    I don’t think Don Winters meant any harm. I know he enjoys being a teacher and he is a good teacher at that. He simply had bad judgment, just as any human being does at one time or another, and he has accepted this and apologized.

    Thank you Mr. Winters for doing the right thing and stepping down. Don’t worry, we still like you. You’re a very good person.

    Now, on to victory Joe.

  20. I’m still voting for Joe Spector and Bob Schelen. They are the two most qualified candidates and the best for our schools and kids.

    I don’t think Don Winters meant any harm. I know he enjoys being a teacher and he is a good teacher at that. He simply had bad judgment, just as any human being does at one time or another, and he has accepted this and apologized.

    Thank you Mr. Winters for doing the right thing and stepping down. Don’t worry, we still like you. You’re a very good person.

    Now, on to victory Joe.

  21. Don Winter’s passion for empowering the disenfranchised and voiceless prompts him to “push the envelope” of acceptable activity for a teacher in the DJUSD. He went a little too far in his attempt to confront the overwhelming campaign monies advantage that Harris has amassed from sources outside of Davis. That said, I continue to respect the passion and commitment to action that he brings to his personal beliefs.

  22. Don Winter’s passion for empowering the disenfranchised and voiceless prompts him to “push the envelope” of acceptable activity for a teacher in the DJUSD. He went a little too far in his attempt to confront the overwhelming campaign monies advantage that Harris has amassed from sources outside of Davis. That said, I continue to respect the passion and commitment to action that he brings to his personal beliefs.

  23. Don Winter’s passion for empowering the disenfranchised and voiceless prompts him to “push the envelope” of acceptable activity for a teacher in the DJUSD. He went a little too far in his attempt to confront the overwhelming campaign monies advantage that Harris has amassed from sources outside of Davis. That said, I continue to respect the passion and commitment to action that he brings to his personal beliefs.

  24. Don Winter’s passion for empowering the disenfranchised and voiceless prompts him to “push the envelope” of acceptable activity for a teacher in the DJUSD. He went a little too far in his attempt to confront the overwhelming campaign monies advantage that Harris has amassed from sources outside of Davis. That said, I continue to respect the passion and commitment to action that he brings to his personal beliefs.

  25. Davisite – your “ends justify the means” explanation is nonsensical. Maybe it wasn’t Winters’s passion for doing the right thing that lead him astray; maybe he was just too lazy to stuff a bunch of envelopes himself? Or worse, perhaps Spector doesn’t have the volunteers needed to get all the campaign tasks done without resorting to illegal child labor? Davisite, I thought you were a big Spector volunteer. Where were you during envelope-gate?

    On a side note, I hear labor is very upset about this turn of events. They are asking Spector to redo his mailers and replace the union bug with the logo of the Davis High Blue Devils.

  26. Davisite – your “ends justify the means” explanation is nonsensical. Maybe it wasn’t Winters’s passion for doing the right thing that lead him astray; maybe he was just too lazy to stuff a bunch of envelopes himself? Or worse, perhaps Spector doesn’t have the volunteers needed to get all the campaign tasks done without resorting to illegal child labor? Davisite, I thought you were a big Spector volunteer. Where were you during envelope-gate?

    On a side note, I hear labor is very upset about this turn of events. They are asking Spector to redo his mailers and replace the union bug with the logo of the Davis High Blue Devils.

  27. Davisite – your “ends justify the means” explanation is nonsensical. Maybe it wasn’t Winters’s passion for doing the right thing that lead him astray; maybe he was just too lazy to stuff a bunch of envelopes himself? Or worse, perhaps Spector doesn’t have the volunteers needed to get all the campaign tasks done without resorting to illegal child labor? Davisite, I thought you were a big Spector volunteer. Where were you during envelope-gate?

    On a side note, I hear labor is very upset about this turn of events. They are asking Spector to redo his mailers and replace the union bug with the logo of the Davis High Blue Devils.

  28. Davisite – your “ends justify the means” explanation is nonsensical. Maybe it wasn’t Winters’s passion for doing the right thing that lead him astray; maybe he was just too lazy to stuff a bunch of envelopes himself? Or worse, perhaps Spector doesn’t have the volunteers needed to get all the campaign tasks done without resorting to illegal child labor? Davisite, I thought you were a big Spector volunteer. Where were you during envelope-gate?

    On a side note, I hear labor is very upset about this turn of events. They are asking Spector to redo his mailers and replace the union bug with the logo of the Davis High Blue Devils.

  29. Local Dem – Spector has a lot of volunteers. If someone doesn’t know how to run a campaign, as Don didn’t, then they would just attempt to do it any nilly willy way without taking the time to call volunteers.

    He had bad judgment. It’s that simple.

  30. Local Dem – Spector has a lot of volunteers. If someone doesn’t know how to run a campaign, as Don didn’t, then they would just attempt to do it any nilly willy way without taking the time to call volunteers.

    He had bad judgment. It’s that simple.

  31. Local Dem – Spector has a lot of volunteers. If someone doesn’t know how to run a campaign, as Don didn’t, then they would just attempt to do it any nilly willy way without taking the time to call volunteers.

    He had bad judgment. It’s that simple.

  32. Local Dem – Spector has a lot of volunteers. If someone doesn’t know how to run a campaign, as Don didn’t, then they would just attempt to do it any nilly willy way without taking the time to call volunteers.

    He had bad judgment. It’s that simple.

  33. “On a side note, I hear labor is very upset about this turn of events. They are asking Spector to redo his mailers and replace the union bug with the logo of the Davis High Blue Devils. “

    What “labor”? What’s your source?

  34. “On a side note, I hear labor is very upset about this turn of events. They are asking Spector to redo his mailers and replace the union bug with the logo of the Davis High Blue Devils. “

    What “labor”? What’s your source?

  35. “On a side note, I hear labor is very upset about this turn of events. They are asking Spector to redo his mailers and replace the union bug with the logo of the Davis High Blue Devils. “

    What “labor”? What’s your source?

  36. “On a side note, I hear labor is very upset about this turn of events. They are asking Spector to redo his mailers and replace the union bug with the logo of the Davis High Blue Devils. “

    What “labor”? What’s your source?

  37. “Joe Spector was unaware of the nature of the incident and only became aware in the last day and a half.”

    This is a total lie. Anyone who believes this believes Richard Nixon was not a crook. Come on, Joe, give us a break. Spector could be the most Nixonian candidate for public office ever in Davis. This guy is so nauseatingly dishonest it’s unbelievable that anyone in our town will vote for him. What a complete liar this guy is.

    The only person who looks worse in all of these lies than Don Winters and Joe Spector is David Greenwald. It’s good that he finally admits that his “reporting” on this story was a pack of lies. Now he needs to apologize to our community for the lies he told about Stephen Souza when Greenwald falsely reported that Souza had illegally been involved with the polling on the parks issue.

    What will the next big lie that the Nixonians, Winters, Spector and Greenwald hit our community with?

  38. “Joe Spector was unaware of the nature of the incident and only became aware in the last day and a half.”

    This is a total lie. Anyone who believes this believes Richard Nixon was not a crook. Come on, Joe, give us a break. Spector could be the most Nixonian candidate for public office ever in Davis. This guy is so nauseatingly dishonest it’s unbelievable that anyone in our town will vote for him. What a complete liar this guy is.

    The only person who looks worse in all of these lies than Don Winters and Joe Spector is David Greenwald. It’s good that he finally admits that his “reporting” on this story was a pack of lies. Now he needs to apologize to our community for the lies he told about Stephen Souza when Greenwald falsely reported that Souza had illegally been involved with the polling on the parks issue.

    What will the next big lie that the Nixonians, Winters, Spector and Greenwald hit our community with?

  39. “Joe Spector was unaware of the nature of the incident and only became aware in the last day and a half.”

    This is a total lie. Anyone who believes this believes Richard Nixon was not a crook. Come on, Joe, give us a break. Spector could be the most Nixonian candidate for public office ever in Davis. This guy is so nauseatingly dishonest it’s unbelievable that anyone in our town will vote for him. What a complete liar this guy is.

    The only person who looks worse in all of these lies than Don Winters and Joe Spector is David Greenwald. It’s good that he finally admits that his “reporting” on this story was a pack of lies. Now he needs to apologize to our community for the lies he told about Stephen Souza when Greenwald falsely reported that Souza had illegally been involved with the polling on the parks issue.

    What will the next big lie that the Nixonians, Winters, Spector and Greenwald hit our community with?

  40. “Joe Spector was unaware of the nature of the incident and only became aware in the last day and a half.”

    This is a total lie. Anyone who believes this believes Richard Nixon was not a crook. Come on, Joe, give us a break. Spector could be the most Nixonian candidate for public office ever in Davis. This guy is so nauseatingly dishonest it’s unbelievable that anyone in our town will vote for him. What a complete liar this guy is.

    The only person who looks worse in all of these lies than Don Winters and Joe Spector is David Greenwald. It’s good that he finally admits that his “reporting” on this story was a pack of lies. Now he needs to apologize to our community for the lies he told about Stephen Souza when Greenwald falsely reported that Souza had illegally been involved with the polling on the parks issue.

    What will the next big lie that the Nixonians, Winters, Spector and Greenwald hit our community with?

  41. Finally, Vanguard’s (both DPD and others such as Davisite) slanted “reporting” gets exposed to the light. Please don’t be so naive as to think that this is the only story that has been twisted to fit the agenda.

  42. Finally, Vanguard’s (both DPD and others such as Davisite) slanted “reporting” gets exposed to the light. Please don’t be so naive as to think that this is the only story that has been twisted to fit the agenda.

  43. Finally, Vanguard’s (both DPD and others such as Davisite) slanted “reporting” gets exposed to the light. Please don’t be so naive as to think that this is the only story that has been twisted to fit the agenda.

  44. Finally, Vanguard’s (both DPD and others such as Davisite) slanted “reporting” gets exposed to the light. Please don’t be so naive as to think that this is the only story that has been twisted to fit the agenda.

  45. Anonymous 8:48 a.m. and 9:09,

    It’s a shame that you lack the courage to identify yourself (yourselves)and only come on to the blog to say horrible things that don’t lend to the discussion.

    I commend the Vanguard for reporting what has recently transpired and I actually commend Joe Spector and Don Winters for doing the right thing too.

    When does the Enterprise come forth and report any errors or mis-information that was printed?

    Can you note any? I can’t.

    However, I can recall when the Enterprise has actually printed errors based on:

    1) Incorrect information given by those who were interviewed; or

    2) Printed something that differed from what the person being interviewed said.

    What differentiates Doug Paul Davis and the Vanguard from the Enterprise, or other media sources that print inaccuracies is that the Vanguard corrects them and doesn’t have a problem doing so.

    For this Doug (David Greenwald) we have respect for you and the work you do with the Vanguard. We need you. Please continue your great work.

  46. Anonymous 8:48 a.m. and 9:09,

    It’s a shame that you lack the courage to identify yourself (yourselves)and only come on to the blog to say horrible things that don’t lend to the discussion.

    I commend the Vanguard for reporting what has recently transpired and I actually commend Joe Spector and Don Winters for doing the right thing too.

    When does the Enterprise come forth and report any errors or mis-information that was printed?

    Can you note any? I can’t.

    However, I can recall when the Enterprise has actually printed errors based on:

    1) Incorrect information given by those who were interviewed; or

    2) Printed something that differed from what the person being interviewed said.

    What differentiates Doug Paul Davis and the Vanguard from the Enterprise, or other media sources that print inaccuracies is that the Vanguard corrects them and doesn’t have a problem doing so.

    For this Doug (David Greenwald) we have respect for you and the work you do with the Vanguard. We need you. Please continue your great work.

  47. Anonymous 8:48 a.m. and 9:09,

    It’s a shame that you lack the courage to identify yourself (yourselves)and only come on to the blog to say horrible things that don’t lend to the discussion.

    I commend the Vanguard for reporting what has recently transpired and I actually commend Joe Spector and Don Winters for doing the right thing too.

    When does the Enterprise come forth and report any errors or mis-information that was printed?

    Can you note any? I can’t.

    However, I can recall when the Enterprise has actually printed errors based on:

    1) Incorrect information given by those who were interviewed; or

    2) Printed something that differed from what the person being interviewed said.

    What differentiates Doug Paul Davis and the Vanguard from the Enterprise, or other media sources that print inaccuracies is that the Vanguard corrects them and doesn’t have a problem doing so.

    For this Doug (David Greenwald) we have respect for you and the work you do with the Vanguard. We need you. Please continue your great work.

  48. Anonymous 8:48 a.m. and 9:09,

    It’s a shame that you lack the courage to identify yourself (yourselves)and only come on to the blog to say horrible things that don’t lend to the discussion.

    I commend the Vanguard for reporting what has recently transpired and I actually commend Joe Spector and Don Winters for doing the right thing too.

    When does the Enterprise come forth and report any errors or mis-information that was printed?

    Can you note any? I can’t.

    However, I can recall when the Enterprise has actually printed errors based on:

    1) Incorrect information given by those who were interviewed; or

    2) Printed something that differed from what the person being interviewed said.

    What differentiates Doug Paul Davis and the Vanguard from the Enterprise, or other media sources that print inaccuracies is that the Vanguard corrects them and doesn’t have a problem doing so.

    For this Doug (David Greenwald) we have respect for you and the work you do with the Vanguard. We need you. Please continue your great work.

  49. “It would be nice if Spector apologized for his earlier statement casting suspicion on Kline’s motivations.”

    It would also be nice if people didn’t nitpick a pretty good statement of apology.

  50. “It would be nice if Spector apologized for his earlier statement casting suspicion on Kline’s motivations.”

    It would also be nice if people didn’t nitpick a pretty good statement of apology.

  51. “It would be nice if Spector apologized for his earlier statement casting suspicion on Kline’s motivations.”

    It would also be nice if people didn’t nitpick a pretty good statement of apology.

  52. “It would be nice if Spector apologized for his earlier statement casting suspicion on Kline’s motivations.”

    It would also be nice if people didn’t nitpick a pretty good statement of apology.

  53. Anonymous 8:48 comparing this situation to Nixon? Gimme a break.

    He used poor judgment and had kids stuff envelopes for 10 minutes when he should not have. Period. End of discussion. There are more important things in this election.

    When is the last time you had poor judgment and actually admitted it?

    Time to look in the mirror and be truthful to yourself about yourself before you judge others.

  54. Anonymous 8:48 comparing this situation to Nixon? Gimme a break.

    He used poor judgment and had kids stuff envelopes for 10 minutes when he should not have. Period. End of discussion. There are more important things in this election.

    When is the last time you had poor judgment and actually admitted it?

    Time to look in the mirror and be truthful to yourself about yourself before you judge others.

  55. Anonymous 8:48 comparing this situation to Nixon? Gimme a break.

    He used poor judgment and had kids stuff envelopes for 10 minutes when he should not have. Period. End of discussion. There are more important things in this election.

    When is the last time you had poor judgment and actually admitted it?

    Time to look in the mirror and be truthful to yourself about yourself before you judge others.

  56. Anonymous 8:48 comparing this situation to Nixon? Gimme a break.

    He used poor judgment and had kids stuff envelopes for 10 minutes when he should not have. Period. End of discussion. There are more important things in this election.

    When is the last time you had poor judgment and actually admitted it?

    Time to look in the mirror and be truthful to yourself about yourself before you judge others.

  57. “I accept full responsibility for a mistake in judgment I made last week in allowing my students in the final 10 minutes of one class at Davis High School to prepare 300 campaign flyers for mailing.”

    As I stated on this website previously, my son is a student in Mr. Winters Economics class and he told me that the envelope stuffing for the Joe Spector campaign took place. While Mr. Kline’s daughter and Mr. Kline were attacked by Spector’s supporters on this website, my son would not allow me to use his name, because he fears retribution from Mr. Winters. I feel sorry for Miss Kline, because it is now certain that Mr. Winters’ unprofessional behavior will hurt her. While I don’t think Mr. Winters needs to be fired for his conduct, I do think the DHS administration should monitor him more closely. This is not the first time Mr. Winters has violated the rules of Davis High School and shown very poor judgment in his classroom. Also, I should add that my son told me this morning that the envelope stuffing went on for “about 20-25 minutes,” not “the final 10 minutes” of the Economics class. Finally, Mr. Greenwald and Mr. Spector owe a sincere apology to Mr. Kline for implying that he was dishonest and that he was motivated by a desire to help another candidate. I know Mr. Kline. He’s an ethical man. He has higher principles than Mr. Winters and Mr. Spector.

  58. “I accept full responsibility for a mistake in judgment I made last week in allowing my students in the final 10 minutes of one class at Davis High School to prepare 300 campaign flyers for mailing.”

    As I stated on this website previously, my son is a student in Mr. Winters Economics class and he told me that the envelope stuffing for the Joe Spector campaign took place. While Mr. Kline’s daughter and Mr. Kline were attacked by Spector’s supporters on this website, my son would not allow me to use his name, because he fears retribution from Mr. Winters. I feel sorry for Miss Kline, because it is now certain that Mr. Winters’ unprofessional behavior will hurt her. While I don’t think Mr. Winters needs to be fired for his conduct, I do think the DHS administration should monitor him more closely. This is not the first time Mr. Winters has violated the rules of Davis High School and shown very poor judgment in his classroom. Also, I should add that my son told me this morning that the envelope stuffing went on for “about 20-25 minutes,” not “the final 10 minutes” of the Economics class. Finally, Mr. Greenwald and Mr. Spector owe a sincere apology to Mr. Kline for implying that he was dishonest and that he was motivated by a desire to help another candidate. I know Mr. Kline. He’s an ethical man. He has higher principles than Mr. Winters and Mr. Spector.

  59. “I accept full responsibility for a mistake in judgment I made last week in allowing my students in the final 10 minutes of one class at Davis High School to prepare 300 campaign flyers for mailing.”

    As I stated on this website previously, my son is a student in Mr. Winters Economics class and he told me that the envelope stuffing for the Joe Spector campaign took place. While Mr. Kline’s daughter and Mr. Kline were attacked by Spector’s supporters on this website, my son would not allow me to use his name, because he fears retribution from Mr. Winters. I feel sorry for Miss Kline, because it is now certain that Mr. Winters’ unprofessional behavior will hurt her. While I don’t think Mr. Winters needs to be fired for his conduct, I do think the DHS administration should monitor him more closely. This is not the first time Mr. Winters has violated the rules of Davis High School and shown very poor judgment in his classroom. Also, I should add that my son told me this morning that the envelope stuffing went on for “about 20-25 minutes,” not “the final 10 minutes” of the Economics class. Finally, Mr. Greenwald and Mr. Spector owe a sincere apology to Mr. Kline for implying that he was dishonest and that he was motivated by a desire to help another candidate. I know Mr. Kline. He’s an ethical man. He has higher principles than Mr. Winters and Mr. Spector.

  60. “I accept full responsibility for a mistake in judgment I made last week in allowing my students in the final 10 minutes of one class at Davis High School to prepare 300 campaign flyers for mailing.”

    As I stated on this website previously, my son is a student in Mr. Winters Economics class and he told me that the envelope stuffing for the Joe Spector campaign took place. While Mr. Kline’s daughter and Mr. Kline were attacked by Spector’s supporters on this website, my son would not allow me to use his name, because he fears retribution from Mr. Winters. I feel sorry for Miss Kline, because it is now certain that Mr. Winters’ unprofessional behavior will hurt her. While I don’t think Mr. Winters needs to be fired for his conduct, I do think the DHS administration should monitor him more closely. This is not the first time Mr. Winters has violated the rules of Davis High School and shown very poor judgment in his classroom. Also, I should add that my son told me this morning that the envelope stuffing went on for “about 20-25 minutes,” not “the final 10 minutes” of the Economics class. Finally, Mr. Greenwald and Mr. Spector owe a sincere apology to Mr. Kline for implying that he was dishonest and that he was motivated by a desire to help another candidate. I know Mr. Kline. He’s an ethical man. He has higher principles than Mr. Winters and Mr. Spector.

  61. “Finally, Mr. Greenwald and Mr. Spector owe a sincere apology to Mr. Kline for implying that he was dishonest and that he was motivated by a desire to help another candidate.”

    When did Mr. Greenwald imply he was dishonest and motivated by a desire to help another candidate.

  62. “Finally, Mr. Greenwald and Mr. Spector owe a sincere apology to Mr. Kline for implying that he was dishonest and that he was motivated by a desire to help another candidate.”

    When did Mr. Greenwald imply he was dishonest and motivated by a desire to help another candidate.

  63. “Finally, Mr. Greenwald and Mr. Spector owe a sincere apology to Mr. Kline for implying that he was dishonest and that he was motivated by a desire to help another candidate.”

    When did Mr. Greenwald imply he was dishonest and motivated by a desire to help another candidate.

  64. “Finally, Mr. Greenwald and Mr. Spector owe a sincere apology to Mr. Kline for implying that he was dishonest and that he was motivated by a desire to help another candidate.”

    When did Mr. Greenwald imply he was dishonest and motivated by a desire to help another candidate.

  65. Good statement of apology. I think that the kids can learn that an apology goes a long way. This will be an important lesson learned.

    Also, a previous poster asked when the Enterprise apologized for something they did.

    I can’t remember the paper apologizing, but I do remember that they disclosed the names, addresses, and other private information they released about the Buzayans(? spelling) online.

    I don’t remember the paper ever apologizing.

  66. Good statement of apology. I think that the kids can learn that an apology goes a long way. This will be an important lesson learned.

    Also, a previous poster asked when the Enterprise apologized for something they did.

    I can’t remember the paper apologizing, but I do remember that they disclosed the names, addresses, and other private information they released about the Buzayans(? spelling) online.

    I don’t remember the paper ever apologizing.

  67. Good statement of apology. I think that the kids can learn that an apology goes a long way. This will be an important lesson learned.

    Also, a previous poster asked when the Enterprise apologized for something they did.

    I can’t remember the paper apologizing, but I do remember that they disclosed the names, addresses, and other private information they released about the Buzayans(? spelling) online.

    I don’t remember the paper ever apologizing.

  68. Good statement of apology. I think that the kids can learn that an apology goes a long way. This will be an important lesson learned.

    Also, a previous poster asked when the Enterprise apologized for something they did.

    I can’t remember the paper apologizing, but I do remember that they disclosed the names, addresses, and other private information they released about the Buzayans(? spelling) online.

    I don’t remember the paper ever apologizing.

  69. Actually it is not a total lie, Winters did not inform Joe Spector that this had in fact occurred.

    Are you kidding? Are you really that naive, that blinded by your political passions? This conversation was overheard last Friday —

    Spector: Did your students stuff envelopes, Don?

    Winters: I can neither confirm nor deny what may have or may not have happened.

    Spector: Good. So maybe we can dig up some dirt on BJ Kline and make it seem like he’s the guilty party, here.

    Winters: Great idea, Joe.

    The second Winters didn’t deny that the envelope stuffing took place was the very second that Joe Spector and every person in Davis with an IQ over 40 knew that the story was true. It is not hard or complicated to state flat out and directly, “No, it did not happen. It never happened. There was no envelope stuffing in my classroom.” Nobody, not even Spector’s mother, believes that Spector didn’t know that Winters was guilty six days ago.

  70. Actually it is not a total lie, Winters did not inform Joe Spector that this had in fact occurred.

    Are you kidding? Are you really that naive, that blinded by your political passions? This conversation was overheard last Friday —

    Spector: Did your students stuff envelopes, Don?

    Winters: I can neither confirm nor deny what may have or may not have happened.

    Spector: Good. So maybe we can dig up some dirt on BJ Kline and make it seem like he’s the guilty party, here.

    Winters: Great idea, Joe.

    The second Winters didn’t deny that the envelope stuffing took place was the very second that Joe Spector and every person in Davis with an IQ over 40 knew that the story was true. It is not hard or complicated to state flat out and directly, “No, it did not happen. It never happened. There was no envelope stuffing in my classroom.” Nobody, not even Spector’s mother, believes that Spector didn’t know that Winters was guilty six days ago.

  71. Actually it is not a total lie, Winters did not inform Joe Spector that this had in fact occurred.

    Are you kidding? Are you really that naive, that blinded by your political passions? This conversation was overheard last Friday —

    Spector: Did your students stuff envelopes, Don?

    Winters: I can neither confirm nor deny what may have or may not have happened.

    Spector: Good. So maybe we can dig up some dirt on BJ Kline and make it seem like he’s the guilty party, here.

    Winters: Great idea, Joe.

    The second Winters didn’t deny that the envelope stuffing took place was the very second that Joe Spector and every person in Davis with an IQ over 40 knew that the story was true. It is not hard or complicated to state flat out and directly, “No, it did not happen. It never happened. There was no envelope stuffing in my classroom.” Nobody, not even Spector’s mother, believes that Spector didn’t know that Winters was guilty six days ago.

  72. Actually it is not a total lie, Winters did not inform Joe Spector that this had in fact occurred.

    Are you kidding? Are you really that naive, that blinded by your political passions? This conversation was overheard last Friday —

    Spector: Did your students stuff envelopes, Don?

    Winters: I can neither confirm nor deny what may have or may not have happened.

    Spector: Good. So maybe we can dig up some dirt on BJ Kline and make it seem like he’s the guilty party, here.

    Winters: Great idea, Joe.

    The second Winters didn’t deny that the envelope stuffing took place was the very second that Joe Spector and every person in Davis with an IQ over 40 knew that the story was true. It is not hard or complicated to state flat out and directly, “No, it did not happen. It never happened. There was no envelope stuffing in my classroom.” Nobody, not even Spector’s mother, believes that Spector didn’t know that Winters was guilty six days ago.

  73. DHS Parent:

    Mr. Kline himself displayed some very inappropriate and unprofessional behavior in the past when he was on the school board (i.e. being rude to constituents, etc.)

    I don’t believe anyone owes him an apology.

    As a parent, Kline should have handled the situation appropriately by going to the administration and not the newspaper.

    Did he intend to have it in the paper, to help his candidate? One has to consider his motivation and intention, since he supports another candidate.

    Perhaps you should provide an apology for trying to make a big thing out of something that has now been handled appropriately.

    Let’s focus on the real issues here: the kids.

  74. DHS Parent:

    Mr. Kline himself displayed some very inappropriate and unprofessional behavior in the past when he was on the school board (i.e. being rude to constituents, etc.)

    I don’t believe anyone owes him an apology.

    As a parent, Kline should have handled the situation appropriately by going to the administration and not the newspaper.

    Did he intend to have it in the paper, to help his candidate? One has to consider his motivation and intention, since he supports another candidate.

    Perhaps you should provide an apology for trying to make a big thing out of something that has now been handled appropriately.

    Let’s focus on the real issues here: the kids.

  75. DHS Parent:

    Mr. Kline himself displayed some very inappropriate and unprofessional behavior in the past when he was on the school board (i.e. being rude to constituents, etc.)

    I don’t believe anyone owes him an apology.

    As a parent, Kline should have handled the situation appropriately by going to the administration and not the newspaper.

    Did he intend to have it in the paper, to help his candidate? One has to consider his motivation and intention, since he supports another candidate.

    Perhaps you should provide an apology for trying to make a big thing out of something that has now been handled appropriately.

    Let’s focus on the real issues here: the kids.

  76. DHS Parent:

    Mr. Kline himself displayed some very inappropriate and unprofessional behavior in the past when he was on the school board (i.e. being rude to constituents, etc.)

    I don’t believe anyone owes him an apology.

    As a parent, Kline should have handled the situation appropriately by going to the administration and not the newspaper.

    Did he intend to have it in the paper, to help his candidate? One has to consider his motivation and intention, since he supports another candidate.

    Perhaps you should provide an apology for trying to make a big thing out of something that has now been handled appropriately.

    Let’s focus on the real issues here: the kids.

  77. Don Winters could not speak on the issue, because when an employee, or teacher is under potential disciplinary review they cannot speak on the issue at hand.

    I don’t trust BJ Kline and wonder what his motivation is.

    I agree that he should have discussed it with the administration only and not try to smear Mr. Winters by going to the paper.

    What was BJ Kline’s motivation? He wants to get a Republican elected to the Davis School Board.

    Lovenburg is registered as a “decline to state” which is code for “Republican,” in Davis.

  78. Don Winters could not speak on the issue, because when an employee, or teacher is under potential disciplinary review they cannot speak on the issue at hand.

    I don’t trust BJ Kline and wonder what his motivation is.

    I agree that he should have discussed it with the administration only and not try to smear Mr. Winters by going to the paper.

    What was BJ Kline’s motivation? He wants to get a Republican elected to the Davis School Board.

    Lovenburg is registered as a “decline to state” which is code for “Republican,” in Davis.

  79. Don Winters could not speak on the issue, because when an employee, or teacher is under potential disciplinary review they cannot speak on the issue at hand.

    I don’t trust BJ Kline and wonder what his motivation is.

    I agree that he should have discussed it with the administration only and not try to smear Mr. Winters by going to the paper.

    What was BJ Kline’s motivation? He wants to get a Republican elected to the Davis School Board.

    Lovenburg is registered as a “decline to state” which is code for “Republican,” in Davis.

  80. Don Winters could not speak on the issue, because when an employee, or teacher is under potential disciplinary review they cannot speak on the issue at hand.

    I don’t trust BJ Kline and wonder what his motivation is.

    I agree that he should have discussed it with the administration only and not try to smear Mr. Winters by going to the paper.

    What was BJ Kline’s motivation? He wants to get a Republican elected to the Davis School Board.

    Lovenburg is registered as a “decline to state” which is code for “Republican,” in Davis.

  81. koor cat on mai –

    Aren’t you a pot calling the kettle black? You are regurgitating a lie about a discussion that was not overheard and did not take place.

    Shame on you!

  82. koor cat on mai –

    Aren’t you a pot calling the kettle black? You are regurgitating a lie about a discussion that was not overheard and did not take place.

    Shame on you!

  83. koor cat on mai –

    Aren’t you a pot calling the kettle black? You are regurgitating a lie about a discussion that was not overheard and did not take place.

    Shame on you!

  84. koor cat on mai –

    Aren’t you a pot calling the kettle black? You are regurgitating a lie about a discussion that was not overheard and did not take place.

    Shame on you!

  85. Maybe BJ Kline’s motivation was to not have his daughter spending class time working for a candidate she may not support.

    Just a wild stab in the dark.

  86. Maybe BJ Kline’s motivation was to not have his daughter spending class time working for a candidate she may not support.

    Just a wild stab in the dark.

  87. Maybe BJ Kline’s motivation was to not have his daughter spending class time working for a candidate she may not support.

    Just a wild stab in the dark.

  88. Maybe BJ Kline’s motivation was to not have his daughter spending class time working for a candidate she may not support.

    Just a wild stab in the dark.

  89. “As a parent, Kline should have handled the situation appropriately by going to the administration and not the newspaper.”

    Not go to the newspaper? You mean you don’t think the public ought to be informed of what Joe Spector’s campaign is up to? Or are you saying that you think the voters in Davis are too stupid to understand what a dishonest candidate Joe Spector is?

    Kline didn’t go first to the newspaper. He first went to Principal Cawley. He next went to the school board. Only last did he confirm the skullduggery of the Spector campaign to the newspaper.

    No matter how many other innocent parties the phony “progressives” try to blame in this matter, the mud is all sticking to the Nixonian trio: Greenwald, Spector and Winters.

  90. “As a parent, Kline should have handled the situation appropriately by going to the administration and not the newspaper.”

    Not go to the newspaper? You mean you don’t think the public ought to be informed of what Joe Spector’s campaign is up to? Or are you saying that you think the voters in Davis are too stupid to understand what a dishonest candidate Joe Spector is?

    Kline didn’t go first to the newspaper. He first went to Principal Cawley. He next went to the school board. Only last did he confirm the skullduggery of the Spector campaign to the newspaper.

    No matter how many other innocent parties the phony “progressives” try to blame in this matter, the mud is all sticking to the Nixonian trio: Greenwald, Spector and Winters.

  91. “As a parent, Kline should have handled the situation appropriately by going to the administration and not the newspaper.”

    Not go to the newspaper? You mean you don’t think the public ought to be informed of what Joe Spector’s campaign is up to? Or are you saying that you think the voters in Davis are too stupid to understand what a dishonest candidate Joe Spector is?

    Kline didn’t go first to the newspaper. He first went to Principal Cawley. He next went to the school board. Only last did he confirm the skullduggery of the Spector campaign to the newspaper.

    No matter how many other innocent parties the phony “progressives” try to blame in this matter, the mud is all sticking to the Nixonian trio: Greenwald, Spector and Winters.

  92. “As a parent, Kline should have handled the situation appropriately by going to the administration and not the newspaper.”

    Not go to the newspaper? You mean you don’t think the public ought to be informed of what Joe Spector’s campaign is up to? Or are you saying that you think the voters in Davis are too stupid to understand what a dishonest candidate Joe Spector is?

    Kline didn’t go first to the newspaper. He first went to Principal Cawley. He next went to the school board. Only last did he confirm the skullduggery of the Spector campaign to the newspaper.

    No matter how many other innocent parties the phony “progressives” try to blame in this matter, the mud is all sticking to the Nixonian trio: Greenwald, Spector and Winters.

  93. DPD – I appreciate the corrections to the incorrect reporting done here. There is a need for good, in-depth,non-partisan reporting on issues. That may or may not be what you want from this blog, but it is what this city and this country needs.

    For those of you writing all of these “I told you so” comments, that isn’t helpful to promoting a reasonable, logical discourse. This only promotes the partisan politics and hyperbole that ratches up emotions. Not helpful.

    There are a few of you still attacking BJ Kline. He reported factual information about a misappropriation of a public shool classroom time and kids for a parochial political effort. I have no idea what his motivations were, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with what he did. I don’think the paper accused Don Winters of doing anything he didn’t do, so he wasn’t smeared in any way. He did what they reported he did.

    I still believe the Enterprise should have positively confirmed the story with an additional source before printing the story. Good journalism demands it. I hope this column has learned that lesson.

  94. DPD – I appreciate the corrections to the incorrect reporting done here. There is a need for good, in-depth,non-partisan reporting on issues. That may or may not be what you want from this blog, but it is what this city and this country needs.

    For those of you writing all of these “I told you so” comments, that isn’t helpful to promoting a reasonable, logical discourse. This only promotes the partisan politics and hyperbole that ratches up emotions. Not helpful.

    There are a few of you still attacking BJ Kline. He reported factual information about a misappropriation of a public shool classroom time and kids for a parochial political effort. I have no idea what his motivations were, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with what he did. I don’think the paper accused Don Winters of doing anything he didn’t do, so he wasn’t smeared in any way. He did what they reported he did.

    I still believe the Enterprise should have positively confirmed the story with an additional source before printing the story. Good journalism demands it. I hope this column has learned that lesson.

  95. DPD – I appreciate the corrections to the incorrect reporting done here. There is a need for good, in-depth,non-partisan reporting on issues. That may or may not be what you want from this blog, but it is what this city and this country needs.

    For those of you writing all of these “I told you so” comments, that isn’t helpful to promoting a reasonable, logical discourse. This only promotes the partisan politics and hyperbole that ratches up emotions. Not helpful.

    There are a few of you still attacking BJ Kline. He reported factual information about a misappropriation of a public shool classroom time and kids for a parochial political effort. I have no idea what his motivations were, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with what he did. I don’think the paper accused Don Winters of doing anything he didn’t do, so he wasn’t smeared in any way. He did what they reported he did.

    I still believe the Enterprise should have positively confirmed the story with an additional source before printing the story. Good journalism demands it. I hope this column has learned that lesson.

  96. DPD – I appreciate the corrections to the incorrect reporting done here. There is a need for good, in-depth,non-partisan reporting on issues. That may or may not be what you want from this blog, but it is what this city and this country needs.

    For those of you writing all of these “I told you so” comments, that isn’t helpful to promoting a reasonable, logical discourse. This only promotes the partisan politics and hyperbole that ratches up emotions. Not helpful.

    There are a few of you still attacking BJ Kline. He reported factual information about a misappropriation of a public shool classroom time and kids for a parochial political effort. I have no idea what his motivations were, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with what he did. I don’think the paper accused Don Winters of doing anything he didn’t do, so he wasn’t smeared in any way. He did what they reported he did.

    I still believe the Enterprise should have positively confirmed the story with an additional source before printing the story. Good journalism demands it. I hope this column has learned that lesson.

  97. koor cat on mai:

    Having served on the school board Kline knows that Winters could not speak on the matter under investigation.

    Knowing that Winters could not speak on the issue at the time of interview, Kline went to the paper, because he wanted the paper to not get a response and leave people wondering.

    Now that the 10 days of silence have passed Winters has issued a statement and we can now focus on the important issues in the upcoming election.

    This does not reflect on Spector who cannot control Winter’s actions or behavior.

    Spector can only control how he as a candidate responds, not how others around him will behave.

    So, stop pissing in the sand box and go play.

  98. koor cat on mai:

    Having served on the school board Kline knows that Winters could not speak on the matter under investigation.

    Knowing that Winters could not speak on the issue at the time of interview, Kline went to the paper, because he wanted the paper to not get a response and leave people wondering.

    Now that the 10 days of silence have passed Winters has issued a statement and we can now focus on the important issues in the upcoming election.

    This does not reflect on Spector who cannot control Winter’s actions or behavior.

    Spector can only control how he as a candidate responds, not how others around him will behave.

    So, stop pissing in the sand box and go play.

  99. koor cat on mai:

    Having served on the school board Kline knows that Winters could not speak on the matter under investigation.

    Knowing that Winters could not speak on the issue at the time of interview, Kline went to the paper, because he wanted the paper to not get a response and leave people wondering.

    Now that the 10 days of silence have passed Winters has issued a statement and we can now focus on the important issues in the upcoming election.

    This does not reflect on Spector who cannot control Winter’s actions or behavior.

    Spector can only control how he as a candidate responds, not how others around him will behave.

    So, stop pissing in the sand box and go play.

  100. koor cat on mai:

    Having served on the school board Kline knows that Winters could not speak on the matter under investigation.

    Knowing that Winters could not speak on the issue at the time of interview, Kline went to the paper, because he wanted the paper to not get a response and leave people wondering.

    Now that the 10 days of silence have passed Winters has issued a statement and we can now focus on the important issues in the upcoming election.

    This does not reflect on Spector who cannot control Winter’s actions or behavior.

    Spector can only control how he as a candidate responds, not how others around him will behave.

    So, stop pissing in the sand box and go play.

  101. BJ is a good guy. He followed up on a complaint made by his child. He’s a good father.

    Don used instructional time to perform campaign work for his candidate. This was wrong. It is good that he has resigned from the campaign and has been disciplined by the Principal of DHS for this error in judgement. At least, he didn’t try to turn it around and place fault on the student(s). He is still in the classroom teaching, and I believe that he will not take it out on the student(s) who complained. Doing so would go against his strongly held belief in freedom of speech and the right for people to speak up about things they think are wrong -even students. Campaigns in Davis are run by volunteers for the most part. Volunteers make mistakes at times. The candidate is responsible in the end for the conduct of his volunteers, but Don Winters is also a teacher and thus afforded some rights when it comes to complaints about his conduct on his job. I can see how sticky this became. I don’t see subterfuge, but rather an insistence on allowing a disciplinary process to occur.

    I hope that Spector can rise out of this and win or lose based on his own merits, not the behavior of his volunteer campaign manager.

  102. BJ is a good guy. He followed up on a complaint made by his child. He’s a good father.

    Don used instructional time to perform campaign work for his candidate. This was wrong. It is good that he has resigned from the campaign and has been disciplined by the Principal of DHS for this error in judgement. At least, he didn’t try to turn it around and place fault on the student(s). He is still in the classroom teaching, and I believe that he will not take it out on the student(s) who complained. Doing so would go against his strongly held belief in freedom of speech and the right for people to speak up about things they think are wrong -even students. Campaigns in Davis are run by volunteers for the most part. Volunteers make mistakes at times. The candidate is responsible in the end for the conduct of his volunteers, but Don Winters is also a teacher and thus afforded some rights when it comes to complaints about his conduct on his job. I can see how sticky this became. I don’t see subterfuge, but rather an insistence on allowing a disciplinary process to occur.

    I hope that Spector can rise out of this and win or lose based on his own merits, not the behavior of his volunteer campaign manager.

  103. BJ is a good guy. He followed up on a complaint made by his child. He’s a good father.

    Don used instructional time to perform campaign work for his candidate. This was wrong. It is good that he has resigned from the campaign and has been disciplined by the Principal of DHS for this error in judgement. At least, he didn’t try to turn it around and place fault on the student(s). He is still in the classroom teaching, and I believe that he will not take it out on the student(s) who complained. Doing so would go against his strongly held belief in freedom of speech and the right for people to speak up about things they think are wrong -even students. Campaigns in Davis are run by volunteers for the most part. Volunteers make mistakes at times. The candidate is responsible in the end for the conduct of his volunteers, but Don Winters is also a teacher and thus afforded some rights when it comes to complaints about his conduct on his job. I can see how sticky this became. I don’t see subterfuge, but rather an insistence on allowing a disciplinary process to occur.

    I hope that Spector can rise out of this and win or lose based on his own merits, not the behavior of his volunteer campaign manager.

  104. BJ is a good guy. He followed up on a complaint made by his child. He’s a good father.

    Don used instructional time to perform campaign work for his candidate. This was wrong. It is good that he has resigned from the campaign and has been disciplined by the Principal of DHS for this error in judgement. At least, he didn’t try to turn it around and place fault on the student(s). He is still in the classroom teaching, and I believe that he will not take it out on the student(s) who complained. Doing so would go against his strongly held belief in freedom of speech and the right for people to speak up about things they think are wrong -even students. Campaigns in Davis are run by volunteers for the most part. Volunteers make mistakes at times. The candidate is responsible in the end for the conduct of his volunteers, but Don Winters is also a teacher and thus afforded some rights when it comes to complaints about his conduct on his job. I can see how sticky this became. I don’t see subterfuge, but rather an insistence on allowing a disciplinary process to occur.

    I hope that Spector can rise out of this and win or lose based on his own merits, not the behavior of his volunteer campaign manager.

  105. My apologies Digenes. You are correct. We should not get all wrapped up in the “he said she said.”

    It’s good to have a blog that focuses on issues.

    So, I’ll wave the white flag and say, “koor cat on mai, we’ll just agree to have a difference of opinion.”

  106. My apologies Digenes. You are correct. We should not get all wrapped up in the “he said she said.”

    It’s good to have a blog that focuses on issues.

    So, I’ll wave the white flag and say, “koor cat on mai, we’ll just agree to have a difference of opinion.”

  107. My apologies Digenes. You are correct. We should not get all wrapped up in the “he said she said.”

    It’s good to have a blog that focuses on issues.

    So, I’ll wave the white flag and say, “koor cat on mai, we’ll just agree to have a difference of opinion.”

  108. My apologies Digenes. You are correct. We should not get all wrapped up in the “he said she said.”

    It’s good to have a blog that focuses on issues.

    So, I’ll wave the white flag and say, “koor cat on mai, we’ll just agree to have a difference of opinion.”

  109. “What was BJ Kline’s motivation? He wants to get a Republican elected to the Davis School Board.

    Lovenburg is registered as a “decline to state” which is code for “Republican,” in Davis.”

    Are Lamar Heystek and Val Dolcini also secret Republicans? They’ve endorsed Susan Lovenburg, as well.

  110. “What was BJ Kline’s motivation? He wants to get a Republican elected to the Davis School Board.

    Lovenburg is registered as a “decline to state” which is code for “Republican,” in Davis.”

    Are Lamar Heystek and Val Dolcini also secret Republicans? They’ve endorsed Susan Lovenburg, as well.

  111. “What was BJ Kline’s motivation? He wants to get a Republican elected to the Davis School Board.

    Lovenburg is registered as a “decline to state” which is code for “Republican,” in Davis.”

    Are Lamar Heystek and Val Dolcini also secret Republicans? They’ve endorsed Susan Lovenburg, as well.

  112. “What was BJ Kline’s motivation? He wants to get a Republican elected to the Davis School Board.

    Lovenburg is registered as a “decline to state” which is code for “Republican,” in Davis.”

    Are Lamar Heystek and Val Dolcini also secret Republicans? They’ve endorsed Susan Lovenburg, as well.

  113. I do not have a problem with BJ Kline’s actions in this case, if this were my child, I too would have complained with the principal and likely gone to the press. This is a legitimate issue and I think those in charge handled it correctly.

  114. I do not have a problem with BJ Kline’s actions in this case, if this were my child, I too would have complained with the principal and likely gone to the press. This is a legitimate issue and I think those in charge handled it correctly.

  115. I do not have a problem with BJ Kline’s actions in this case, if this were my child, I too would have complained with the principal and likely gone to the press. This is a legitimate issue and I think those in charge handled it correctly.

  116. I do not have a problem with BJ Kline’s actions in this case, if this were my child, I too would have complained with the principal and likely gone to the press. This is a legitimate issue and I think those in charge handled it correctly.

  117. Don Winters has accepted responsibility for his mistake. He acknowledged both privately and now publicly his error and apologized, setting the record straight. Don has accepted disciplinary action from his employer and he has resigned as the campaign manager. Don has made his amends and done what is right. I appreciate Don’s honesty and the willingness to do what is right.

    I also appreciate the Vanguard gathering information and helping to clarify the record. The original Davis Enterprise story was published last Friday, followed by the original Vanguard story, but few facts were known. The Davis Enterprise story was evidently written within days of the incident and the school and their employees were prevented by DJUSD policy from commenting fully about what had occurred for 10 days. For the most part both of these stories consisted of allegations of what may or many not have happened and speculation as to why any of this possibly occurred. Since few people were talking and few facts were known it was difficult to understand what actually had occurred.

    I think it would have been better had The Davis Enterprise acknowledged and respected DJUSD personnel rules and not printed a story before the district or Mr. Winters were entitled to comment with any specificity. That would have been fairer to all concerned and of greater service to the community.

    Instead, The Davis Enterprise rushed to print their story. They did so on their front page using big headlines and above the fold placement causing the community to delve into speculation and conjecture about what may or may not have happened and why, without all the facts at hand. This was irresponsible of the newspaper.

  118. Don Winters has accepted responsibility for his mistake. He acknowledged both privately and now publicly his error and apologized, setting the record straight. Don has accepted disciplinary action from his employer and he has resigned as the campaign manager. Don has made his amends and done what is right. I appreciate Don’s honesty and the willingness to do what is right.

    I also appreciate the Vanguard gathering information and helping to clarify the record. The original Davis Enterprise story was published last Friday, followed by the original Vanguard story, but few facts were known. The Davis Enterprise story was evidently written within days of the incident and the school and their employees were prevented by DJUSD policy from commenting fully about what had occurred for 10 days. For the most part both of these stories consisted of allegations of what may or many not have happened and speculation as to why any of this possibly occurred. Since few people were talking and few facts were known it was difficult to understand what actually had occurred.

    I think it would have been better had The Davis Enterprise acknowledged and respected DJUSD personnel rules and not printed a story before the district or Mr. Winters were entitled to comment with any specificity. That would have been fairer to all concerned and of greater service to the community.

    Instead, The Davis Enterprise rushed to print their story. They did so on their front page using big headlines and above the fold placement causing the community to delve into speculation and conjecture about what may or may not have happened and why, without all the facts at hand. This was irresponsible of the newspaper.

  119. Don Winters has accepted responsibility for his mistake. He acknowledged both privately and now publicly his error and apologized, setting the record straight. Don has accepted disciplinary action from his employer and he has resigned as the campaign manager. Don has made his amends and done what is right. I appreciate Don’s honesty and the willingness to do what is right.

    I also appreciate the Vanguard gathering information and helping to clarify the record. The original Davis Enterprise story was published last Friday, followed by the original Vanguard story, but few facts were known. The Davis Enterprise story was evidently written within days of the incident and the school and their employees were prevented by DJUSD policy from commenting fully about what had occurred for 10 days. For the most part both of these stories consisted of allegations of what may or many not have happened and speculation as to why any of this possibly occurred. Since few people were talking and few facts were known it was difficult to understand what actually had occurred.

    I think it would have been better had The Davis Enterprise acknowledged and respected DJUSD personnel rules and not printed a story before the district or Mr. Winters were entitled to comment with any specificity. That would have been fairer to all concerned and of greater service to the community.

    Instead, The Davis Enterprise rushed to print their story. They did so on their front page using big headlines and above the fold placement causing the community to delve into speculation and conjecture about what may or may not have happened and why, without all the facts at hand. This was irresponsible of the newspaper.

  120. Don Winters has accepted responsibility for his mistake. He acknowledged both privately and now publicly his error and apologized, setting the record straight. Don has accepted disciplinary action from his employer and he has resigned as the campaign manager. Don has made his amends and done what is right. I appreciate Don’s honesty and the willingness to do what is right.

    I also appreciate the Vanguard gathering information and helping to clarify the record. The original Davis Enterprise story was published last Friday, followed by the original Vanguard story, but few facts were known. The Davis Enterprise story was evidently written within days of the incident and the school and their employees were prevented by DJUSD policy from commenting fully about what had occurred for 10 days. For the most part both of these stories consisted of allegations of what may or many not have happened and speculation as to why any of this possibly occurred. Since few people were talking and few facts were known it was difficult to understand what actually had occurred.

    I think it would have been better had The Davis Enterprise acknowledged and respected DJUSD personnel rules and not printed a story before the district or Mr. Winters were entitled to comment with any specificity. That would have been fairer to all concerned and of greater service to the community.

    Instead, The Davis Enterprise rushed to print their story. They did so on their front page using big headlines and above the fold placement causing the community to delve into speculation and conjecture about what may or may not have happened and why, without all the facts at hand. This was irresponsible of the newspaper.

  121. Another thought:

    The Vanguard story on this issue was prompted solely by The Davis Enterprise story.

    The Vanguard has become a counter-balance to the The Davis Enterprise and on many occasions has held the newspaper accountable for questionable and biased reporting. This is a valuable service to our community.

    Due to The Davis Enterprise endorsement of both Susan Lovenburg and Richard Harris it is very questionable as to why the paper felt the need to rush to print this article before some of the key parties involved, who were following DJUSD policy, could publicly comment to explain or defend themselves. A few more days of waiting and investigation by the Enterprise prior to publication would have been appropriate. But the Davis Enterprise with its history of partisanship and bias would not wait.

  122. Another thought:

    The Vanguard story on this issue was prompted solely by The Davis Enterprise story.

    The Vanguard has become a counter-balance to the The Davis Enterprise and on many occasions has held the newspaper accountable for questionable and biased reporting. This is a valuable service to our community.

    Due to The Davis Enterprise endorsement of both Susan Lovenburg and Richard Harris it is very questionable as to why the paper felt the need to rush to print this article before some of the key parties involved, who were following DJUSD policy, could publicly comment to explain or defend themselves. A few more days of waiting and investigation by the Enterprise prior to publication would have been appropriate. But the Davis Enterprise with its history of partisanship and bias would not wait.

  123. Another thought:

    The Vanguard story on this issue was prompted solely by The Davis Enterprise story.

    The Vanguard has become a counter-balance to the The Davis Enterprise and on many occasions has held the newspaper accountable for questionable and biased reporting. This is a valuable service to our community.

    Due to The Davis Enterprise endorsement of both Susan Lovenburg and Richard Harris it is very questionable as to why the paper felt the need to rush to print this article before some of the key parties involved, who were following DJUSD policy, could publicly comment to explain or defend themselves. A few more days of waiting and investigation by the Enterprise prior to publication would have been appropriate. But the Davis Enterprise with its history of partisanship and bias would not wait.

  124. Another thought:

    The Vanguard story on this issue was prompted solely by The Davis Enterprise story.

    The Vanguard has become a counter-balance to the The Davis Enterprise and on many occasions has held the newspaper accountable for questionable and biased reporting. This is a valuable service to our community.

    Due to The Davis Enterprise endorsement of both Susan Lovenburg and Richard Harris it is very questionable as to why the paper felt the need to rush to print this article before some of the key parties involved, who were following DJUSD policy, could publicly comment to explain or defend themselves. A few more days of waiting and investigation by the Enterprise prior to publication would have been appropriate. But the Davis Enterprise with its history of partisanship and bias would not wait.

  125. The bottom line for me is that this should not be a reason not to vote for Joe Spector. There are many reasons to vote for him. There are many other reasons not to vote for him.

  126. The bottom line for me is that this should not be a reason not to vote for Joe Spector. There are many reasons to vote for him. There are many other reasons not to vote for him.

  127. The bottom line for me is that this should not be a reason not to vote for Joe Spector. There are many reasons to vote for him. There are many other reasons not to vote for him.

  128. The bottom line for me is that this should not be a reason not to vote for Joe Spector. There are many reasons to vote for him. There are many other reasons not to vote for him.

  129. Vote for Joe says:

    Why did they wait so long? Just because you can’t talk about something doesn’t mean he couldn’t resign as campaign manager with a simple more to come later attached.

    Anyway Don Winters has been kicked around and punished enough espescially when you include the public humiliation he has suffered in the community for failing so miserably as a campaign manager and government teacher. Did any of you see the Reese Witherspoon movie Election where the Social Studies teacher steals a student body election? This is sort of an life imitating art story. Still its enough already.

  130. Vote for Joe says:

    Why did they wait so long? Just because you can’t talk about something doesn’t mean he couldn’t resign as campaign manager with a simple more to come later attached.

    Anyway Don Winters has been kicked around and punished enough espescially when you include the public humiliation he has suffered in the community for failing so miserably as a campaign manager and government teacher. Did any of you see the Reese Witherspoon movie Election where the Social Studies teacher steals a student body election? This is sort of an life imitating art story. Still its enough already.

  131. Vote for Joe says:

    Why did they wait so long? Just because you can’t talk about something doesn’t mean he couldn’t resign as campaign manager with a simple more to come later attached.

    Anyway Don Winters has been kicked around and punished enough espescially when you include the public humiliation he has suffered in the community for failing so miserably as a campaign manager and government teacher. Did any of you see the Reese Witherspoon movie Election where the Social Studies teacher steals a student body election? This is sort of an life imitating art story. Still its enough already.

  132. Vote for Joe says:

    Why did they wait so long? Just because you can’t talk about something doesn’t mean he couldn’t resign as campaign manager with a simple more to come later attached.

    Anyway Don Winters has been kicked around and punished enough espescially when you include the public humiliation he has suffered in the community for failing so miserably as a campaign manager and government teacher. Did any of you see the Reese Witherspoon movie Election where the Social Studies teacher steals a student body election? This is sort of an life imitating art story. Still its enough already.


    Anonymous said…
    “It is very unsettling that a story would be printed above the fold about an ‘alleged’ event without even speaking to those supposedly involved.”

    Now that the facts are in, we know that the Enterprise got the story right and that the Enterprise did speak with those involved.

    “One has to wonder if the Enterprise would print something that could potentially hurt one of their endorsed candidates without first getting their views and/or allowing for further explanation, etc.”

    This turns reality on its head. Since it was the Vanguard which got the story wrong and the Vanguard which has a history of writing untrue things about the opposition, your question should be: “One has to wonder if the Enterprise would print something that could potentially hurt one of their endorsed candidates?”

    “This article seems like a rush to judgement and perhaps the intention is to sully the reputation of the candidate and his manager.”

    All of the sullying was done by the Vanguard story which incorrectly said the incident never took place. It seems like the Vanguard was the only one to rush to judgment.

    njr said…
    “I read the story and figured it was the Dirty Tricks Department at work. Many people read the story on Friday. No Enterprise Saturday, giving it time to fester. Then Sunday there will be a retraction, buried inside.”

    It turns out the Dirty Trick was what Spector and Winters and Greenwald were pulling on all of us. The only retraction needed was made by the Vanguard.

    “In the end a certain percentage of voters will be left with a feeling… “Joe Spector… didn’t his campaign do something sleazy…?”. Dirty tricks indeed!”

    Yes, now that we know the truth, that is exactly what we feel about the Spector campaign. Dirty tricks indeed!

    Diane said…
    “The Enterprise is willing to get sleazy to protect the two candidates that they have endorsed. Shame on Debbie Davis for allowing this rush to judgment.”

    Once again, it was Diane and her friends who were guilty of rushing to judgment. The Enterprise got its fact right.

    davisite said…
    “So…. the big story is that Don Winters was PLANNING to allow students to VOLUNTARILY stuff envelopes for Spector’s campaign during their lunch hour and Principal Crawley AGAIN intervened(remember his refusal to allow the visiting Wheels of Justice young people speak about their personal experiences of the Palestinian West Bank Occupation?)to exert his veto power on allowing these soon-to-be voters the opportunity to become engaged political participants.”

    No, you rushed to judgment, based on bad reporting by the Vanguard and your refusal to believe the good reporting in the Enterprise.

    High School Govt. Student said…
    “I fail to understand why Mr. Winters would have his econ class stuff envelopes as “an exercise in ‘division of labor,'” as one reader just said, without then assigning the project to his gov classes as an exercise of political involvement.”

    “Why would Mr. Winters have used his econ class for his candidates political gain and not used the readily available resources of his government classes as well? It didn’t happen. That’s why.”

    “Through a series of misinterpretation of facts and bending of facts, a canceled lunchtime activity has turned into a class activity. I’m just saying that, to the best of my knowledge (and I do think myself to be a credible source in this situation), it didn’t happen.”

    It turns out, the Vanguard source didn’t know what he was talking about. The Vanguard’s source made a lot of incorrect assumptions and then the Vanguard bought the story hook, line and sinker.

    davis voter said…
    “An entirely plausible explanation for Don Winters silence is an “understanding” with Principal Crawley that there would only be negative fallout if he got into a public “pissing match” with voter-rejected former school board member BJ Kline . If anyone cared to notice, there was no OFFICIAL statement of wrongdoing that Don would need to address. Offering fodder to The Enterprise in order to inflame passions and polarize the community would not bode well for the 2/3 vote needed to pass Measure Q just weeks before Nov. 6″

    The poor critical thinking skills of “Davis Voter” is now apparent, with the admission of guilt by Winters.

    School Board Race Observer said…
    “Just because Mr. Winters did not come out and deny anything (yet) does not mean that he is guilty as charged by the children whose parents are supporters of his opponent(s).”

    Of course it implied that he was guilty. We now know for sure he was guilty. Only people with blinders on could have concluded otherwise.

    “The Davis Enterprise was careless as was the editor for allowing this to happen.”

    The Enterprise got the story exactly right. You just had bad judgment in not understanding that. Your political opinions clouded your thinking.

    “It has not changed who I’m voting for in this election. I’m voting for Spector and Schelen.”

    That says it all. You didn’t believe Spector and Winters were guilty, just because you didn’t want to believe it.

    Anonymous said…
    “My GUESS is that Don Winters MAY have informed his Econ students,during class time, that there would be voluntary envelope stuffing for candidate Spector during the lunch hour at a later date. Obviously, the activity was not sprung on the class as an in-class assignment as Kline had the time to report it to Crawley and for Crawley to intervene.”

    Obviously, your assumptions were entirely wrong.

    Doug Paul Davis said…
    “I’m not yanking anyone’s chain.”

    It turns out that you were.

    Doug Paul Davis said…
    “I posted something because people are insinuating that Don Winters is not talking because he is “guilty.”

    “I do not believe that is a fair charge and was trying to convey that to people, because they are condemning him with less than all of the facts.”

    “I would advise people to consider the possibility that there is a legitimate reason why he would not respond in public at this time.”

    Doug Paul Davis was entirely wrong about who was and who was not guilty, here. He was blinded by his own political opinions.

    don shor said…
    “Based on comments on this thread, there are three separate students, two of them unidentified, who have first-hand evidence that political activity was occurring in Don Winter’s econ class.
    Given two separate opportunities to comment on that, Don Winters has declined to do so. Joe Spector’s statement was, IMO, very unsatisfactory.”

    “The article in the Enterprise appears to have been factual. The reporter, who I consider one of the best at the Enterprise, contacted multiple sources and gave each person the opportunity to respond.”

    “There is no rush to judgment here. The facts — difficult as they have been to ascertain — speak for themselves.”

    Don Shor was one of the few who got his facts right. Too bad so many other Vanguard supporters got the story entirely wrong.


    Anonymous said…
    “It is very unsettling that a story would be printed above the fold about an ‘alleged’ event without even speaking to those supposedly involved.”

    Now that the facts are in, we know that the Enterprise got the story right and that the Enterprise did speak with those involved.

    “One has to wonder if the Enterprise would print something that could potentially hurt one of their endorsed candidates without first getting their views and/or allowing for further explanation, etc.”

    This turns reality on its head. Since it was the Vanguard which got the story wrong and the Vanguard which has a history of writing untrue things about the opposition, your question should be: “One has to wonder if the Enterprise would print something that could potentially hurt one of their endorsed candidates?”

    “This article seems like a rush to judgement and perhaps the intention is to sully the reputation of the candidate and his manager.”

    All of the sullying was done by the Vanguard story which incorrectly said the incident never took place. It seems like the Vanguard was the only one to rush to judgment.

    njr said…
    “I read the story and figured it was the Dirty Tricks Department at work. Many people read the story on Friday. No Enterprise Saturday, giving it time to fester. Then Sunday there will be a retraction, buried inside.”

    It turns out the Dirty Trick was what Spector and Winters and Greenwald were pulling on all of us. The only retraction needed was made by the Vanguard.

    “In the end a certain percentage of voters will be left with a feeling… “Joe Spector… didn’t his campaign do something sleazy…?”. Dirty tricks indeed!”

    Yes, now that we know the truth, that is exactly what we feel about the Spector campaign. Dirty tricks indeed!

    Diane said…
    “The Enterprise is willing to get sleazy to protect the two candidates that they have endorsed. Shame on Debbie Davis for allowing this rush to judgment.”

    Once again, it was Diane and her friends who were guilty of rushing to judgment. The Enterprise got its fact right.

    davisite said…
    “So…. the big story is that Don Winters was PLANNING to allow students to VOLUNTARILY stuff envelopes for Spector’s campaign during their lunch hour and Principal Crawley AGAIN intervened(remember his refusal to allow the visiting Wheels of Justice young people speak about their personal experiences of the Palestinian West Bank Occupation?)to exert his veto power on allowing these soon-to-be voters the opportunity to become engaged political participants.”

    No, you rushed to judgment, based on bad reporting by the Vanguard and your refusal to believe the good reporting in the Enterprise.

    High School Govt. Student said…
    “I fail to understand why Mr. Winters would have his econ class stuff envelopes as “an exercise in ‘division of labor,'” as one reader just said, without then assigning the project to his gov classes as an exercise of political involvement.”

    “Why would Mr. Winters have used his econ class for his candidates political gain and not used the readily available resources of his government classes as well? It didn’t happen. That’s why.”

    “Through a series of misinterpretation of facts and bending of facts, a canceled lunchtime activity has turned into a class activity. I’m just saying that, to the best of my knowledge (and I do think myself to be a credible source in this situation), it didn’t happen.”

    It turns out, the Vanguard source didn’t know what he was talking about. The Vanguard’s source made a lot of incorrect assumptions and then the Vanguard bought the story hook, line and sinker.

    davis voter said…
    “An entirely plausible explanation for Don Winters silence is an “understanding” with Principal Crawley that there would only be negative fallout if he got into a public “pissing match” with voter-rejected former school board member BJ Kline . If anyone cared to notice, there was no OFFICIAL statement of wrongdoing that Don would need to address. Offering fodder to The Enterprise in order to inflame passions and polarize the community would not bode well for the 2/3 vote needed to pass Measure Q just weeks before Nov. 6″

    The poor critical thinking skills of “Davis Voter” is now apparent, with the admission of guilt by Winters.

    School Board Race Observer said…
    “Just because Mr. Winters did not come out and deny anything (yet) does not mean that he is guilty as charged by the children whose parents are supporters of his opponent(s).”

    Of course it implied that he was guilty. We now know for sure he was guilty. Only people with blinders on could have concluded otherwise.

    “The Davis Enterprise was careless as was the editor for allowing this to happen.”

    The Enterprise got the story exactly right. You just had bad judgment in not understanding that. Your political opinions clouded your thinking.

    “It has not changed who I’m voting for in this election. I’m voting for Spector and Schelen.”

    That says it all. You didn’t believe Spector and Winters were guilty, just because you didn’t want to believe it.

    Anonymous said…
    “My GUESS is that Don Winters MAY have informed his Econ students,during class time, that there would be voluntary envelope stuffing for candidate Spector during the lunch hour at a later date. Obviously, the activity was not sprung on the class as an in-class assignment as Kline had the time to report it to Crawley and for Crawley to intervene.”

    Obviously, your assumptions were entirely wrong.

    Doug Paul Davis said…
    “I’m not yanking anyone’s chain.”

    It turns out that you were.

    Doug Paul Davis said…
    “I posted something because people are insinuating that Don Winters is not talking because he is “guilty.”

    “I do not believe that is a fair charge and was trying to convey that to people, because they are condemning him with less than all of the facts.”

    “I would advise people to consider the possibility that there is a legitimate reason why he would not respond in public at this time.”

    Doug Paul Davis was entirely wrong about who was and who was not guilty, here. He was blinded by his own political opinions.

    don shor said…
    “Based on comments on this thread, there are three separate students, two of them unidentified, who have first-hand evidence that political activity was occurring in Don Winter’s econ class.
    Given two separate opportunities to comment on that, Don Winters has declined to do so. Joe Spector’s statement was, IMO, very unsatisfactory.”

    “The article in the Enterprise appears to have been factual. The reporter, who I consider one of the best at the Enterprise, contacted multiple sources and gave each person the opportunity to respond.”

    “There is no rush to judgment here. The facts — difficult as they have been to ascertain — speak for themselves.”

    Don Shor was one of the few who got his facts right. Too bad so many other Vanguard supporters got the story entirely wrong.


    Anonymous said…
    “It is very unsettling that a story would be printed above the fold about an ‘alleged’ event without even speaking to those supposedly involved.”

    Now that the facts are in, we know that the Enterprise got the story right and that the Enterprise did speak with those involved.

    “One has to wonder if the Enterprise would print something that could potentially hurt one of their endorsed candidates without first getting their views and/or allowing for further explanation, etc.”

    This turns reality on its head. Since it was the Vanguard which got the story wrong and the Vanguard which has a history of writing untrue things about the opposition, your question should be: “One has to wonder if the Enterprise would print something that could potentially hurt one of their endorsed candidates?”

    “This article seems like a rush to judgement and perhaps the intention is to sully the reputation of the candidate and his manager.”

    All of the sullying was done by the Vanguard story which incorrectly said the incident never took place. It seems like the Vanguard was the only one to rush to judgment.

    njr said…
    “I read the story and figured it was the Dirty Tricks Department at work. Many people read the story on Friday. No Enterprise Saturday, giving it time to fester. Then Sunday there will be a retraction, buried inside.”

    It turns out the Dirty Trick was what Spector and Winters and Greenwald were pulling on all of us. The only retraction needed was made by the Vanguard.

    “In the end a certain percentage of voters will be left with a feeling… “Joe Spector… didn’t his campaign do something sleazy…?”. Dirty tricks indeed!”

    Yes, now that we know the truth, that is exactly what we feel about the Spector campaign. Dirty tricks indeed!

    Diane said…
    “The Enterprise is willing to get sleazy to protect the two candidates that they have endorsed. Shame on Debbie Davis for allowing this rush to judgment.”

    Once again, it was Diane and her friends who were guilty of rushing to judgment. The Enterprise got its fact right.

    davisite said…
    “So…. the big story is that Don Winters was PLANNING to allow students to VOLUNTARILY stuff envelopes for Spector’s campaign during their lunch hour and Principal Crawley AGAIN intervened(remember his refusal to allow the visiting Wheels of Justice young people speak about their personal experiences of the Palestinian West Bank Occupation?)to exert his veto power on allowing these soon-to-be voters the opportunity to become engaged political participants.”

    No, you rushed to judgment, based on bad reporting by the Vanguard and your refusal to believe the good reporting in the Enterprise.

    High School Govt. Student said…
    “I fail to understand why Mr. Winters would have his econ class stuff envelopes as “an exercise in ‘division of labor,'” as one reader just said, without then assigning the project to his gov classes as an exercise of political involvement.”

    “Why would Mr. Winters have used his econ class for his candidates political gain and not used the readily available resources of his government classes as well? It didn’t happen. That’s why.”

    “Through a series of misinterpretation of facts and bending of facts, a canceled lunchtime activity has turned into a class activity. I’m just saying that, to the best of my knowledge (and I do think myself to be a credible source in this situation), it didn’t happen.”

    It turns out, the Vanguard source didn’t know what he was talking about. The Vanguard’s source made a lot of incorrect assumptions and then the Vanguard bought the story hook, line and sinker.

    davis voter said…
    “An entirely plausible explanation for Don Winters silence is an “understanding” with Principal Crawley that there would only be negative fallout if he got into a public “pissing match” with voter-rejected former school board member BJ Kline . If anyone cared to notice, there was no OFFICIAL statement of wrongdoing that Don would need to address. Offering fodder to The Enterprise in order to inflame passions and polarize the community would not bode well for the 2/3 vote needed to pass Measure Q just weeks before Nov. 6″

    The poor critical thinking skills of “Davis Voter” is now apparent, with the admission of guilt by Winters.

    School Board Race Observer said…
    “Just because Mr. Winters did not come out and deny anything (yet) does not mean that he is guilty as charged by the children whose parents are supporters of his opponent(s).”

    Of course it implied that he was guilty. We now know for sure he was guilty. Only people with blinders on could have concluded otherwise.

    “The Davis Enterprise was careless as was the editor for allowing this to happen.”

    The Enterprise got the story exactly right. You just had bad judgment in not understanding that. Your political opinions clouded your thinking.

    “It has not changed who I’m voting for in this election. I’m voting for Spector and Schelen.”

    That says it all. You didn’t believe Spector and Winters were guilty, just because you didn’t want to believe it.

    Anonymous said…
    “My GUESS is that Don Winters MAY have informed his Econ students,during class time, that there would be voluntary envelope stuffing for candidate Spector during the lunch hour at a later date. Obviously, the activity was not sprung on the class as an in-class assignment as Kline had the time to report it to Crawley and for Crawley to intervene.”

    Obviously, your assumptions were entirely wrong.

    Doug Paul Davis said…
    “I’m not yanking anyone’s chain.”

    It turns out that you were.

    Doug Paul Davis said…
    “I posted something because people are insinuating that Don Winters is not talking because he is “guilty.”

    “I do not believe that is a fair charge and was trying to convey that to people, because they are condemning him with less than all of the facts.”

    “I would advise people to consider the possibility that there is a legitimate reason why he would not respond in public at this time.”

    Doug Paul Davis was entirely wrong about who was and who was not guilty, here. He was blinded by his own political opinions.

    don shor said…
    “Based on comments on this thread, there are three separate students, two of them unidentified, who have first-hand evidence that political activity was occurring in Don Winter’s econ class.
    Given two separate opportunities to comment on that, Don Winters has declined to do so. Joe Spector’s statement was, IMO, very unsatisfactory.”

    “The article in the Enterprise appears to have been factual. The reporter, who I consider one of the best at the Enterprise, contacted multiple sources and gave each person the opportunity to respond.”

    “There is no rush to judgment here. The facts — difficult as they have been to ascertain — speak for themselves.”

    Don Shor was one of the few who got his facts right. Too bad so many other Vanguard supporters got the story entirely wrong.


    Anonymous said…
    “It is very unsettling that a story would be printed above the fold about an ‘alleged’ event without even speaking to those supposedly involved.”

    Now that the facts are in, we know that the Enterprise got the story right and that the Enterprise did speak with those involved.

    “One has to wonder if the Enterprise would print something that could potentially hurt one of their endorsed candidates without first getting their views and/or allowing for further explanation, etc.”

    This turns reality on its head. Since it was the Vanguard which got the story wrong and the Vanguard which has a history of writing untrue things about the opposition, your question should be: “One has to wonder if the Enterprise would print something that could potentially hurt one of their endorsed candidates?”

    “This article seems like a rush to judgement and perhaps the intention is to sully the reputation of the candidate and his manager.”

    All of the sullying was done by the Vanguard story which incorrectly said the incident never took place. It seems like the Vanguard was the only one to rush to judgment.

    njr said…
    “I read the story and figured it was the Dirty Tricks Department at work. Many people read the story on Friday. No Enterprise Saturday, giving it time to fester. Then Sunday there will be a retraction, buried inside.”

    It turns out the Dirty Trick was what Spector and Winters and Greenwald were pulling on all of us. The only retraction needed was made by the Vanguard.

    “In the end a certain percentage of voters will be left with a feeling… “Joe Spector… didn’t his campaign do something sleazy…?”. Dirty tricks indeed!”

    Yes, now that we know the truth, that is exactly what we feel about the Spector campaign. Dirty tricks indeed!

    Diane said…
    “The Enterprise is willing to get sleazy to protect the two candidates that they have endorsed. Shame on Debbie Davis for allowing this rush to judgment.”

    Once again, it was Diane and her friends who were guilty of rushing to judgment. The Enterprise got its fact right.

    davisite said…
    “So…. the big story is that Don Winters was PLANNING to allow students to VOLUNTARILY stuff envelopes for Spector’s campaign during their lunch hour and Principal Crawley AGAIN intervened(remember his refusal to allow the visiting Wheels of Justice young people speak about their personal experiences of the Palestinian West Bank Occupation?)to exert his veto power on allowing these soon-to-be voters the opportunity to become engaged political participants.”

    No, you rushed to judgment, based on bad reporting by the Vanguard and your refusal to believe the good reporting in the Enterprise.

    High School Govt. Student said…
    “I fail to understand why Mr. Winters would have his econ class stuff envelopes as “an exercise in ‘division of labor,'” as one reader just said, without then assigning the project to his gov classes as an exercise of political involvement.”

    “Why would Mr. Winters have used his econ class for his candidates political gain and not used the readily available resources of his government classes as well? It didn’t happen. That’s why.”

    “Through a series of misinterpretation of facts and bending of facts, a canceled lunchtime activity has turned into a class activity. I’m just saying that, to the best of my knowledge (and I do think myself to be a credible source in this situation), it didn’t happen.”

    It turns out, the Vanguard source didn’t know what he was talking about. The Vanguard’s source made a lot of incorrect assumptions and then the Vanguard bought the story hook, line and sinker.

    davis voter said…
    “An entirely plausible explanation for Don Winters silence is an “understanding” with Principal Crawley that there would only be negative fallout if he got into a public “pissing match” with voter-rejected former school board member BJ Kline . If anyone cared to notice, there was no OFFICIAL statement of wrongdoing that Don would need to address. Offering fodder to The Enterprise in order to inflame passions and polarize the community would not bode well for the 2/3 vote needed to pass Measure Q just weeks before Nov. 6″

    The poor critical thinking skills of “Davis Voter” is now apparent, with the admission of guilt by Winters.

    School Board Race Observer said…
    “Just because Mr. Winters did not come out and deny anything (yet) does not mean that he is guilty as charged by the children whose parents are supporters of his opponent(s).”

    Of course it implied that he was guilty. We now know for sure he was guilty. Only people with blinders on could have concluded otherwise.

    “The Davis Enterprise was careless as was the editor for allowing this to happen.”

    The Enterprise got the story exactly right. You just had bad judgment in not understanding that. Your political opinions clouded your thinking.

    “It has not changed who I’m voting for in this election. I’m voting for Spector and Schelen.”

    That says it all. You didn’t believe Spector and Winters were guilty, just because you didn’t want to believe it.

    Anonymous said…
    “My GUESS is that Don Winters MAY have informed his Econ students,during class time, that there would be voluntary envelope stuffing for candidate Spector during the lunch hour at a later date. Obviously, the activity was not sprung on the class as an in-class assignment as Kline had the time to report it to Crawley and for Crawley to intervene.”

    Obviously, your assumptions were entirely wrong.

    Doug Paul Davis said…
    “I’m not yanking anyone’s chain.”

    It turns out that you were.

    Doug Paul Davis said…
    “I posted something because people are insinuating that Don Winters is not talking because he is “guilty.”

    “I do not believe that is a fair charge and was trying to convey that to people, because they are condemning him with less than all of the facts.”

    “I would advise people to consider the possibility that there is a legitimate reason why he would not respond in public at this time.”

    Doug Paul Davis was entirely wrong about who was and who was not guilty, here. He was blinded by his own political opinions.

    don shor said…
    “Based on comments on this thread, there are three separate students, two of them unidentified, who have first-hand evidence that political activity was occurring in Don Winter’s econ class.
    Given two separate opportunities to comment on that, Don Winters has declined to do so. Joe Spector’s statement was, IMO, very unsatisfactory.”

    “The article in the Enterprise appears to have been factual. The reporter, who I consider one of the best at the Enterprise, contacted multiple sources and gave each person the opportunity to respond.”

    “There is no rush to judgment here. The facts — difficult as they have been to ascertain — speak for themselves.”

    Don Shor was one of the few who got his facts right. Too bad so many other Vanguard supporters got the story entirely wrong.

  137. To annonymous 4:38 pm:

    I’m sorry that you put so much effort into this last post, but I am rather offended by it. This blog encourages people to comment and discuss issues, even allowing annonymous postings so people can speak their mind. Who are you to then gather up everyone’s comments and declare them “dumb”? It is actions like this who cause people to want to post annonymously in this community and hesitate to engage in an open discussion.

  138. To annonymous 4:38 pm:

    I’m sorry that you put so much effort into this last post, but I am rather offended by it. This blog encourages people to comment and discuss issues, even allowing annonymous postings so people can speak their mind. Who are you to then gather up everyone’s comments and declare them “dumb”? It is actions like this who cause people to want to post annonymously in this community and hesitate to engage in an open discussion.

  139. To annonymous 4:38 pm:

    I’m sorry that you put so much effort into this last post, but I am rather offended by it. This blog encourages people to comment and discuss issues, even allowing annonymous postings so people can speak their mind. Who are you to then gather up everyone’s comments and declare them “dumb”? It is actions like this who cause people to want to post annonymously in this community and hesitate to engage in an open discussion.

  140. To annonymous 4:38 pm:

    I’m sorry that you put so much effort into this last post, but I am rather offended by it. This blog encourages people to comment and discuss issues, even allowing annonymous postings so people can speak their mind. Who are you to then gather up everyone’s comments and declare them “dumb”? It is actions like this who cause people to want to post annonymously in this community and hesitate to engage in an open discussion.

  141. I do have a problem with the way Mr. Kline handled the information he was given by his daughter. Mr. Kline is a former school board member and had to have been well aware that Don Winters hands would be tied for ten days and it seems to me BJ rushed to deliver a “sucker punch” and in the process “outed” his own daughter. Now she may very well be quite uncomforable to be in Mr. Winters class now or even on campus because many students will consider her a “snitch.” It’s not over, unfortunately.

  142. I do have a problem with the way Mr. Kline handled the information he was given by his daughter. Mr. Kline is a former school board member and had to have been well aware that Don Winters hands would be tied for ten days and it seems to me BJ rushed to deliver a “sucker punch” and in the process “outed” his own daughter. Now she may very well be quite uncomforable to be in Mr. Winters class now or even on campus because many students will consider her a “snitch.” It’s not over, unfortunately.

  143. I do have a problem with the way Mr. Kline handled the information he was given by his daughter. Mr. Kline is a former school board member and had to have been well aware that Don Winters hands would be tied for ten days and it seems to me BJ rushed to deliver a “sucker punch” and in the process “outed” his own daughter. Now she may very well be quite uncomforable to be in Mr. Winters class now or even on campus because many students will consider her a “snitch.” It’s not over, unfortunately.

  144. I do have a problem with the way Mr. Kline handled the information he was given by his daughter. Mr. Kline is a former school board member and had to have been well aware that Don Winters hands would be tied for ten days and it seems to me BJ rushed to deliver a “sucker punch” and in the process “outed” his own daughter. Now she may very well be quite uncomforable to be in Mr. Winters class now or even on campus because many students will consider her a “snitch.” It’s not over, unfortunately.

  145. Nothing in school policy prevented Don Winters with coming clean on day one. This notion of a 10-day required silence is an absolute fabrication created on this blog solely to defend Don Winters and Joe Spector. I am amazed so many have been so quick to swallow it, especially given they were just duped by the very same people!

    Similarly, nothing prevented Don Winters from immediately coming clean to Joe Spector (assuming Joe didn’t already know the truth) and nothing prevented Joe Spector from firing Don Winters if he didn’t come clean immediately.

    This reveals all anyone should need to know about either of them.

  146. Nothing in school policy prevented Don Winters with coming clean on day one. This notion of a 10-day required silence is an absolute fabrication created on this blog solely to defend Don Winters and Joe Spector. I am amazed so many have been so quick to swallow it, especially given they were just duped by the very same people!

    Similarly, nothing prevented Don Winters from immediately coming clean to Joe Spector (assuming Joe didn’t already know the truth) and nothing prevented Joe Spector from firing Don Winters if he didn’t come clean immediately.

    This reveals all anyone should need to know about either of them.

  147. Nothing in school policy prevented Don Winters with coming clean on day one. This notion of a 10-day required silence is an absolute fabrication created on this blog solely to defend Don Winters and Joe Spector. I am amazed so many have been so quick to swallow it, especially given they were just duped by the very same people!

    Similarly, nothing prevented Don Winters from immediately coming clean to Joe Spector (assuming Joe didn’t already know the truth) and nothing prevented Joe Spector from firing Don Winters if he didn’t come clean immediately.

    This reveals all anyone should need to know about either of them.

  148. Nothing in school policy prevented Don Winters with coming clean on day one. This notion of a 10-day required silence is an absolute fabrication created on this blog solely to defend Don Winters and Joe Spector. I am amazed so many have been so quick to swallow it, especially given they were just duped by the very same people!

    Similarly, nothing prevented Don Winters from immediately coming clean to Joe Spector (assuming Joe didn’t already know the truth) and nothing prevented Joe Spector from firing Don Winters if he didn’t come clean immediately.

    This reveals all anyone should need to know about either of them.

  149. Interesting front-page article(bold headlines and pictures, no less) in the Enterprise this evening… especially the addition of the piece about the Wheels of Justice invitation 2+ years ago. Don Winters was pilloried at the time for offering these young people the opportunity to speak about their observations and experiences while “bearing witness”(I believe that the group is a spin-off of the Quaker Friends Society) in the West Bank Occupied territories and Iraq. The rage and hostility that this invitation generated was palpable in some parts of the Davis community.

  150. Interesting front-page article(bold headlines and pictures, no less) in the Enterprise this evening… especially the addition of the piece about the Wheels of Justice invitation 2+ years ago. Don Winters was pilloried at the time for offering these young people the opportunity to speak about their observations and experiences while “bearing witness”(I believe that the group is a spin-off of the Quaker Friends Society) in the West Bank Occupied territories and Iraq. The rage and hostility that this invitation generated was palpable in some parts of the Davis community.

  151. Interesting front-page article(bold headlines and pictures, no less) in the Enterprise this evening… especially the addition of the piece about the Wheels of Justice invitation 2+ years ago. Don Winters was pilloried at the time for offering these young people the opportunity to speak about their observations and experiences while “bearing witness”(I believe that the group is a spin-off of the Quaker Friends Society) in the West Bank Occupied territories and Iraq. The rage and hostility that this invitation generated was palpable in some parts of the Davis community.

  152. Interesting front-page article(bold headlines and pictures, no less) in the Enterprise this evening… especially the addition of the piece about the Wheels of Justice invitation 2+ years ago. Don Winters was pilloried at the time for offering these young people the opportunity to speak about their observations and experiences while “bearing witness”(I believe that the group is a spin-off of the Quaker Friends Society) in the West Bank Occupied territories and Iraq. The rage and hostility that this invitation generated was palpable in some parts of the Davis community.

  153. Nice try at changing the subject, Davisite. How about responding to the bogus “10 days of required silence” argument Spector tried to pull? You were the one pushing that garbage.

  154. Nice try at changing the subject, Davisite. How about responding to the bogus “10 days of required silence” argument Spector tried to pull? You were the one pushing that garbage.

  155. Nice try at changing the subject, Davisite. How about responding to the bogus “10 days of required silence” argument Spector tried to pull? You were the one pushing that garbage.

  156. Nice try at changing the subject, Davisite. How about responding to the bogus “10 days of required silence” argument Spector tried to pull? You were the one pushing that garbage.

  157. DJUSD Insider said…Private personnel practices in the DJUSD require a 10 day period of silence while internal disciplinary investigations proceed.”

    I spoke today with an administrator at Davis High School who was involved with this matter and asked about this “10-days of silence” policy. I was told there is no truth to it. Don Winters could have publicly admitted his guilt at any time. There is no 10 day rule with the school district and there is no 10-day union rule which prevented Mr. Winters from confessing.

    The only reason Mr. Winters did not confess publicly sooner is because he didn’t want to go public until the investigation was complete. It was his choice. In the meantime, his students stepped forward to tell the truth.

    While one commentor on this page called one of the students “a snitch,” I was told that every student in the class, when asked by the DHS administration what happened, told the same story: Mr. Winters had children engage in forced campaign activities on behalf of Mr. Spector.

  158. DJUSD Insider said…Private personnel practices in the DJUSD require a 10 day period of silence while internal disciplinary investigations proceed.”

    I spoke today with an administrator at Davis High School who was involved with this matter and asked about this “10-days of silence” policy. I was told there is no truth to it. Don Winters could have publicly admitted his guilt at any time. There is no 10 day rule with the school district and there is no 10-day union rule which prevented Mr. Winters from confessing.

    The only reason Mr. Winters did not confess publicly sooner is because he didn’t want to go public until the investigation was complete. It was his choice. In the meantime, his students stepped forward to tell the truth.

    While one commentor on this page called one of the students “a snitch,” I was told that every student in the class, when asked by the DHS administration what happened, told the same story: Mr. Winters had children engage in forced campaign activities on behalf of Mr. Spector.

  159. DJUSD Insider said…Private personnel practices in the DJUSD require a 10 day period of silence while internal disciplinary investigations proceed.”

    I spoke today with an administrator at Davis High School who was involved with this matter and asked about this “10-days of silence” policy. I was told there is no truth to it. Don Winters could have publicly admitted his guilt at any time. There is no 10 day rule with the school district and there is no 10-day union rule which prevented Mr. Winters from confessing.

    The only reason Mr. Winters did not confess publicly sooner is because he didn’t want to go public until the investigation was complete. It was his choice. In the meantime, his students stepped forward to tell the truth.

    While one commentor on this page called one of the students “a snitch,” I was told that every student in the class, when asked by the DHS administration what happened, told the same story: Mr. Winters had children engage in forced campaign activities on behalf of Mr. Spector.

  160. DJUSD Insider said…Private personnel practices in the DJUSD require a 10 day period of silence while internal disciplinary investigations proceed.”

    I spoke today with an administrator at Davis High School who was involved with this matter and asked about this “10-days of silence” policy. I was told there is no truth to it. Don Winters could have publicly admitted his guilt at any time. There is no 10 day rule with the school district and there is no 10-day union rule which prevented Mr. Winters from confessing.

    The only reason Mr. Winters did not confess publicly sooner is because he didn’t want to go public until the investigation was complete. It was his choice. In the meantime, his students stepped forward to tell the truth.

    While one commentor on this page called one of the students “a snitch,” I was told that every student in the class, when asked by the DHS administration what happened, told the same story: Mr. Winters had children engage in forced campaign activities on behalf of Mr. Spector.

  161. “I think it would have been better had The Davis Enterprise acknowledged and respected DJUSD personnel rules…”
    It is not the role of a free press to “respect personnel rules” and hold off on publishing an important story. It is absolutely the role of a free press to report when public officials and public institutions engage in outrageous behavior.
    To all those who defended Winters’ unseemly actions (and there were an unseemly number of you), here’s the question to ask yourself:
    What would your reaction be to a report that a teacher used class time to stuff envelopes for, say, Mitt Romney?
    Even the kids know the answer to this one. And at least one student tried to save Winters from his own mistake by speaking up in class and saying, “Uh, should we be doing this? I mean…it’s political stuff!” That Winters didn’t immediately slap his forehead and say, “OMG, what was I thinking?” is puzzling to say the least.

  162. “I think it would have been better had The Davis Enterprise acknowledged and respected DJUSD personnel rules…”
    It is not the role of a free press to “respect personnel rules” and hold off on publishing an important story. It is absolutely the role of a free press to report when public officials and public institutions engage in outrageous behavior.
    To all those who defended Winters’ unseemly actions (and there were an unseemly number of you), here’s the question to ask yourself:
    What would your reaction be to a report that a teacher used class time to stuff envelopes for, say, Mitt Romney?
    Even the kids know the answer to this one. And at least one student tried to save Winters from his own mistake by speaking up in class and saying, “Uh, should we be doing this? I mean…it’s political stuff!” That Winters didn’t immediately slap his forehead and say, “OMG, what was I thinking?” is puzzling to say the least.

  163. “I think it would have been better had The Davis Enterprise acknowledged and respected DJUSD personnel rules…”
    It is not the role of a free press to “respect personnel rules” and hold off on publishing an important story. It is absolutely the role of a free press to report when public officials and public institutions engage in outrageous behavior.
    To all those who defended Winters’ unseemly actions (and there were an unseemly number of you), here’s the question to ask yourself:
    What would your reaction be to a report that a teacher used class time to stuff envelopes for, say, Mitt Romney?
    Even the kids know the answer to this one. And at least one student tried to save Winters from his own mistake by speaking up in class and saying, “Uh, should we be doing this? I mean…it’s political stuff!” That Winters didn’t immediately slap his forehead and say, “OMG, what was I thinking?” is puzzling to say the least.

  164. “I think it would have been better had The Davis Enterprise acknowledged and respected DJUSD personnel rules…”
    It is not the role of a free press to “respect personnel rules” and hold off on publishing an important story. It is absolutely the role of a free press to report when public officials and public institutions engage in outrageous behavior.
    To all those who defended Winters’ unseemly actions (and there were an unseemly number of you), here’s the question to ask yourself:
    What would your reaction be to a report that a teacher used class time to stuff envelopes for, say, Mitt Romney?
    Even the kids know the answer to this one. And at least one student tried to save Winters from his own mistake by speaking up in class and saying, “Uh, should we be doing this? I mean…it’s political stuff!” That Winters didn’t immediately slap his forehead and say, “OMG, what was I thinking?” is puzzling to say the least.

  165. If it is true that school personnel are free to speak publicly while the administration is conducting an investigation in a matter involving them, this clarification is good for everybody to know, especially school personnel and parents. Dhs Parents(10/25/07 6:34AM) says their son is afraid to let his name be known because both he and Kline’s daughter fears retribution from Don Winters? You mean Winters doesn’t know who told? Amazing. So far as the “snitch” name calling goes, ask the kids about that. So, enough of this!

  166. If it is true that school personnel are free to speak publicly while the administration is conducting an investigation in a matter involving them, this clarification is good for everybody to know, especially school personnel and parents. Dhs Parents(10/25/07 6:34AM) says their son is afraid to let his name be known because both he and Kline’s daughter fears retribution from Don Winters? You mean Winters doesn’t know who told? Amazing. So far as the “snitch” name calling goes, ask the kids about that. So, enough of this!

  167. If it is true that school personnel are free to speak publicly while the administration is conducting an investigation in a matter involving them, this clarification is good for everybody to know, especially school personnel and parents. Dhs Parents(10/25/07 6:34AM) says their son is afraid to let his name be known because both he and Kline’s daughter fears retribution from Don Winters? You mean Winters doesn’t know who told? Amazing. So far as the “snitch” name calling goes, ask the kids about that. So, enough of this!

  168. If it is true that school personnel are free to speak publicly while the administration is conducting an investigation in a matter involving them, this clarification is good for everybody to know, especially school personnel and parents. Dhs Parents(10/25/07 6:34AM) says their son is afraid to let his name be known because both he and Kline’s daughter fears retribution from Don Winters? You mean Winters doesn’t know who told? Amazing. So far as the “snitch” name calling goes, ask the kids about that. So, enough of this!

  169. Honestly, is this story THAT big of a deal in the big picture? Teacher made a dumb decision, teacher got busted, teacher apologized and teacher resigned from campaign.

    Spector never was going to win a seat anyway.

  170. Honestly, is this story THAT big of a deal in the big picture? Teacher made a dumb decision, teacher got busted, teacher apologized and teacher resigned from campaign.

    Spector never was going to win a seat anyway.

  171. Honestly, is this story THAT big of a deal in the big picture? Teacher made a dumb decision, teacher got busted, teacher apologized and teacher resigned from campaign.

    Spector never was going to win a seat anyway.

  172. Honestly, is this story THAT big of a deal in the big picture? Teacher made a dumb decision, teacher got busted, teacher apologized and teacher resigned from campaign.

    Spector never was going to win a seat anyway.

  173. Ttuth Seeker.. the deletion rule that has been in place for some time now is that all comments posted on this blog are to reference the participants in the manner that they have chosen,ie anonymous, pseudonym or actual name.

  174. Ttuth Seeker.. the deletion rule that has been in place for some time now is that all comments posted on this blog are to reference the participants in the manner that they have chosen,ie anonymous, pseudonym or actual name.

  175. Ttuth Seeker.. the deletion rule that has been in place for some time now is that all comments posted on this blog are to reference the participants in the manner that they have chosen,ie anonymous, pseudonym or actual name.

  176. Ttuth Seeker.. the deletion rule that has been in place for some time now is that all comments posted on this blog are to reference the participants in the manner that they have chosen,ie anonymous, pseudonym or actual name.

  177. The problem for those who were not around was that for awhile there were some people going around trying to “out” regulars who had pseudonyms.

  178. The problem for those who were not around was that for awhile there were some people going around trying to “out” regulars who had pseudonyms.

  179. The problem for those who were not around was that for awhile there were some people going around trying to “out” regulars who had pseudonyms.

  180. The problem for those who were not around was that for awhile there were some people going around trying to “out” regulars who had pseudonyms.

  181. Don Winters has a history of abusing his position as a teacher by forcing his political opinions down the throats of his students, either through required classroom activities or by offering extra credit for kids who do things in support of his political opinions. Students have been afraid of crossing Winters on these things for years.

    Having his students stuff envelopes for a particular candidate was not a unknowing mistake on Winters’ part. Winters simply does not believe that the rules apply to him, as he has demonstrated more than once in the past. Why aren’t readers of this blog more offended by Winters’ misuse of his position?

    Spector picked Winters as his campaign manager. It was my one hesitation all along about supporting Spector. I guess it doesn’t matter now, because Winters has insured that Spector will not get a seat on the school board.

    The most awful aspect of all of this is that the school administration continues to let Winters teach American Government every year despite the numerous times he has flaunted the rules of a civil society and demonstrated that he believes he is above such rules. The district should not allow this man to continue as a role model for our students.

  182. Don Winters has a history of abusing his position as a teacher by forcing his political opinions down the throats of his students, either through required classroom activities or by offering extra credit for kids who do things in support of his political opinions. Students have been afraid of crossing Winters on these things for years.

    Having his students stuff envelopes for a particular candidate was not a unknowing mistake on Winters’ part. Winters simply does not believe that the rules apply to him, as he has demonstrated more than once in the past. Why aren’t readers of this blog more offended by Winters’ misuse of his position?

    Spector picked Winters as his campaign manager. It was my one hesitation all along about supporting Spector. I guess it doesn’t matter now, because Winters has insured that Spector will not get a seat on the school board.

    The most awful aspect of all of this is that the school administration continues to let Winters teach American Government every year despite the numerous times he has flaunted the rules of a civil society and demonstrated that he believes he is above such rules. The district should not allow this man to continue as a role model for our students.

  183. Don Winters has a history of abusing his position as a teacher by forcing his political opinions down the throats of his students, either through required classroom activities or by offering extra credit for kids who do things in support of his political opinions. Students have been afraid of crossing Winters on these things for years.

    Having his students stuff envelopes for a particular candidate was not a unknowing mistake on Winters’ part. Winters simply does not believe that the rules apply to him, as he has demonstrated more than once in the past. Why aren’t readers of this blog more offended by Winters’ misuse of his position?

    Spector picked Winters as his campaign manager. It was my one hesitation all along about supporting Spector. I guess it doesn’t matter now, because Winters has insured that Spector will not get a seat on the school board.

    The most awful aspect of all of this is that the school administration continues to let Winters teach American Government every year despite the numerous times he has flaunted the rules of a civil society and demonstrated that he believes he is above such rules. The district should not allow this man to continue as a role model for our students.

  184. Don Winters has a history of abusing his position as a teacher by forcing his political opinions down the throats of his students, either through required classroom activities or by offering extra credit for kids who do things in support of his political opinions. Students have been afraid of crossing Winters on these things for years.

    Having his students stuff envelopes for a particular candidate was not a unknowing mistake on Winters’ part. Winters simply does not believe that the rules apply to him, as he has demonstrated more than once in the past. Why aren’t readers of this blog more offended by Winters’ misuse of his position?

    Spector picked Winters as his campaign manager. It was my one hesitation all along about supporting Spector. I guess it doesn’t matter now, because Winters has insured that Spector will not get a seat on the school board.

    The most awful aspect of all of this is that the school administration continues to let Winters teach American Government every year despite the numerous times he has flaunted the rules of a civil society and demonstrated that he believes he is above such rules. The district should not allow this man to continue as a role model for our students.

  185. DPD,

    I’ll try again for the fourth time. This posting (the one previously deleted by your administrator) did not try to “out regulars who had pseudonyms.” Nevertheless, I have deleted three words that in the most remote sense could be construed to connect real people with postings on this site (not any particular one nor a pseudonymn). I hope you will now be sure it is retained.

    David Greenwald or Blog Administrator:

    Someone just deleted a post of mine that in no way violated any rules of this blog. I demand an explanation and that it be reposted.

    Briefly, I questioned why Joe Spector did not say that Don Winters would not be involved in his campaign, nor did he name Don’s replacement, both of which would have been done by most politicians making announcements of this kind.

    I also speculated that Winters’ replacement would probably be Dick Livingston or Gene Borack? (who I believe, as outspoken supporters and defenders of Spector/Winters in public were both involved in the failed spin-control efforts of the campaign.)

    So what is so horrible about that?

    Can’t handle the truth???? Why not simply respond to it?

  186. DPD,

    I’ll try again for the fourth time. This posting (the one previously deleted by your administrator) did not try to “out regulars who had pseudonyms.” Nevertheless, I have deleted three words that in the most remote sense could be construed to connect real people with postings on this site (not any particular one nor a pseudonymn). I hope you will now be sure it is retained.

    David Greenwald or Blog Administrator:

    Someone just deleted a post of mine that in no way violated any rules of this blog. I demand an explanation and that it be reposted.

    Briefly, I questioned why Joe Spector did not say that Don Winters would not be involved in his campaign, nor did he name Don’s replacement, both of which would have been done by most politicians making announcements of this kind.

    I also speculated that Winters’ replacement would probably be Dick Livingston or Gene Borack? (who I believe, as outspoken supporters and defenders of Spector/Winters in public were both involved in the failed spin-control efforts of the campaign.)

    So what is so horrible about that?

    Can’t handle the truth???? Why not simply respond to it?

  187. DPD,

    I’ll try again for the fourth time. This posting (the one previously deleted by your administrator) did not try to “out regulars who had pseudonyms.” Nevertheless, I have deleted three words that in the most remote sense could be construed to connect real people with postings on this site (not any particular one nor a pseudonymn). I hope you will now be sure it is retained.

    David Greenwald or Blog Administrator:

    Someone just deleted a post of mine that in no way violated any rules of this blog. I demand an explanation and that it be reposted.

    Briefly, I questioned why Joe Spector did not say that Don Winters would not be involved in his campaign, nor did he name Don’s replacement, both of which would have been done by most politicians making announcements of this kind.

    I also speculated that Winters’ replacement would probably be Dick Livingston or Gene Borack? (who I believe, as outspoken supporters and defenders of Spector/Winters in public were both involved in the failed spin-control efforts of the campaign.)

    So what is so horrible about that?

    Can’t handle the truth???? Why not simply respond to it?

  188. DPD,

    I’ll try again for the fourth time. This posting (the one previously deleted by your administrator) did not try to “out regulars who had pseudonyms.” Nevertheless, I have deleted three words that in the most remote sense could be construed to connect real people with postings on this site (not any particular one nor a pseudonymn). I hope you will now be sure it is retained.

    David Greenwald or Blog Administrator:

    Someone just deleted a post of mine that in no way violated any rules of this blog. I demand an explanation and that it be reposted.

    Briefly, I questioned why Joe Spector did not say that Don Winters would not be involved in his campaign, nor did he name Don’s replacement, both of which would have been done by most politicians making announcements of this kind.

    I also speculated that Winters’ replacement would probably be Dick Livingston or Gene Borack? (who I believe, as outspoken supporters and defenders of Spector/Winters in public were both involved in the failed spin-control efforts of the campaign.)

    So what is so horrible about that?

    Can’t handle the truth???? Why not simply respond to it?

  189. “…teach American Government every year despite the numerous times he has flaunted the rules…”

    “American Government”(and our nation) is founded on the fundamental principle of the value of popular dissent and unregulated free speech for all legitimate points of view.

  190. “…teach American Government every year despite the numerous times he has flaunted the rules…”

    “American Government”(and our nation) is founded on the fundamental principle of the value of popular dissent and unregulated free speech for all legitimate points of view.

  191. “…teach American Government every year despite the numerous times he has flaunted the rules…”

    “American Government”(and our nation) is founded on the fundamental principle of the value of popular dissent and unregulated free speech for all legitimate points of view.

  192. “…teach American Government every year despite the numerous times he has flaunted the rules…”

    “American Government”(and our nation) is founded on the fundamental principle of the value of popular dissent and unregulated free speech for all legitimate points of view.

  193. “I accept full responsibility for a mistake in judgment I made last week in allowing my students in the final 10 minutes of one class at Davis High School to prepare 300 campaign fliers for mailing,” Winters wrote in an e-mail. – Davis Enterprise

    Maybe “forcing” is too strong a word, but he basically expected his students to work for one particular candidate during class. He wasn’t having them stuff envelopes for all four candidates.

    By the way, that’s also against the law according to California education code.

  194. “I accept full responsibility for a mistake in judgment I made last week in allowing my students in the final 10 minutes of one class at Davis High School to prepare 300 campaign fliers for mailing,” Winters wrote in an e-mail. – Davis Enterprise

    Maybe “forcing” is too strong a word, but he basically expected his students to work for one particular candidate during class. He wasn’t having them stuff envelopes for all four candidates.

    By the way, that’s also against the law according to California education code.

  195. “I accept full responsibility for a mistake in judgment I made last week in allowing my students in the final 10 minutes of one class at Davis High School to prepare 300 campaign fliers for mailing,” Winters wrote in an e-mail. – Davis Enterprise

    Maybe “forcing” is too strong a word, but he basically expected his students to work for one particular candidate during class. He wasn’t having them stuff envelopes for all four candidates.

    By the way, that’s also against the law according to California education code.

  196. “I accept full responsibility for a mistake in judgment I made last week in allowing my students in the final 10 minutes of one class at Davis High School to prepare 300 campaign fliers for mailing,” Winters wrote in an e-mail. – Davis Enterprise

    Maybe “forcing” is too strong a word, but he basically expected his students to work for one particular candidate during class. He wasn’t having them stuff envelopes for all four candidates.

    By the way, that’s also against the law according to California education code.

  197. I believe that few people think that Don Winters has a mean bone in his body. If there is going to be retribution in his class, from reading some of the comments, it seems that he will be the likeliest victim. Instead of speculating by both sides what’s in the minds of others, lets just declare it a draw and get back to election issues. “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?. The Shadow Knows, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha.”
    I hope The Shadow is not on this blog.

  198. I believe that few people think that Don Winters has a mean bone in his body. If there is going to be retribution in his class, from reading some of the comments, it seems that he will be the likeliest victim. Instead of speculating by both sides what’s in the minds of others, lets just declare it a draw and get back to election issues. “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?. The Shadow Knows, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha.”
    I hope The Shadow is not on this blog.

  199. I believe that few people think that Don Winters has a mean bone in his body. If there is going to be retribution in his class, from reading some of the comments, it seems that he will be the likeliest victim. Instead of speculating by both sides what’s in the minds of others, lets just declare it a draw and get back to election issues. “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?. The Shadow Knows, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha.”
    I hope The Shadow is not on this blog.

  200. I believe that few people think that Don Winters has a mean bone in his body. If there is going to be retribution in his class, from reading some of the comments, it seems that he will be the likeliest victim. Instead of speculating by both sides what’s in the minds of others, lets just declare it a draw and get back to election issues. “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?. The Shadow Knows, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha.”
    I hope The Shadow is not on this blog.

  201. I can only say that I had no idea in the world that Don Winters was even a Democrat when I was in school. Back in the 8o’s I thought Mr. Winters, my teacher, was a Republican because he would let me debate and debate with very conservative classmates all the time. He, taught students to respect and honor all opinions even if you disagree.

    What this does not change is that he made a mistake, doubt it will happen again, and he has done far more for education, youth, and this city than most people. He is a much better human being than me and I hope people can let the past be the past.

    wish I had checked my email yesterday and posted this earlier–

  202. I can only say that I had no idea in the world that Don Winters was even a Democrat when I was in school. Back in the 8o’s I thought Mr. Winters, my teacher, was a Republican because he would let me debate and debate with very conservative classmates all the time. He, taught students to respect and honor all opinions even if you disagree.

    What this does not change is that he made a mistake, doubt it will happen again, and he has done far more for education, youth, and this city than most people. He is a much better human being than me and I hope people can let the past be the past.

    wish I had checked my email yesterday and posted this earlier–

  203. I can only say that I had no idea in the world that Don Winters was even a Democrat when I was in school. Back in the 8o’s I thought Mr. Winters, my teacher, was a Republican because he would let me debate and debate with very conservative classmates all the time. He, taught students to respect and honor all opinions even if you disagree.

    What this does not change is that he made a mistake, doubt it will happen again, and he has done far more for education, youth, and this city than most people. He is a much better human being than me and I hope people can let the past be the past.

    wish I had checked my email yesterday and posted this earlier–

  204. I can only say that I had no idea in the world that Don Winters was even a Democrat when I was in school. Back in the 8o’s I thought Mr. Winters, my teacher, was a Republican because he would let me debate and debate with very conservative classmates all the time. He, taught students to respect and honor all opinions even if you disagree.

    What this does not change is that he made a mistake, doubt it will happen again, and he has done far more for education, youth, and this city than most people. He is a much better human being than me and I hope people can let the past be the past.

    wish I had checked my email yesterday and posted this earlier–

  205. Rebecca…Your sense of humility is admirable; you sound like a pretty “good human being” yourself. Davis voters like you are what makes Davis special and keeps Davis “old-timers”
    like me from losing faith in our city’s future.

  206. Rebecca…Your sense of humility is admirable; you sound like a pretty “good human being” yourself. Davis voters like you are what makes Davis special and keeps Davis “old-timers”
    like me from losing faith in our city’s future.

  207. Rebecca…Your sense of humility is admirable; you sound like a pretty “good human being” yourself. Davis voters like you are what makes Davis special and keeps Davis “old-timers”
    like me from losing faith in our city’s future.

  208. Rebecca…Your sense of humility is admirable; you sound like a pretty “good human being” yourself. Davis voters like you are what makes Davis special and keeps Davis “old-timers”
    like me from losing faith in our city’s future.

  209. Over the past year, I have had the privelege of getting to know Don personally. Long before that, however, I knew of him by reputation…as a teacher famous among DECADES of Davis High School students and alumni as an ardent supporter of the 1st Amendment and of a truer democracy…free from the rampant political corruption we are today experiencing.

    It is painful to read a few of the responses chronicled above, not merely because of their puerile and potentially hurtful nature, but equally because of the caliber of political dialog which they represent, and the implication that it has on our community, both locally and on up the scales of national and international politics.

    Ironically, the elevation of this political dialog has been one thing for which Don has worked tirelessly for (and with great success) during his long tenure at Davis High School…and nowhere is this more clearly evidenced than in his public statement.

    It is this model of honorable conduct, the ability to own publicly a minor lapse of reason, and the great service which he has rendered as a teacher in the Davis community for which we owe him our continued gratitude.

    And let us be grateful that a few lights still shine behind the “dark underbelly of the Peoples Republic of Davis.”

  210. Over the past year, I have had the privelege of getting to know Don personally. Long before that, however, I knew of him by reputation…as a teacher famous among DECADES of Davis High School students and alumni as an ardent supporter of the 1st Amendment and of a truer democracy…free from the rampant political corruption we are today experiencing.

    It is painful to read a few of the responses chronicled above, not merely because of their puerile and potentially hurtful nature, but equally because of the caliber of political dialog which they represent, and the implication that it has on our community, both locally and on up the scales of national and international politics.

    Ironically, the elevation of this political dialog has been one thing for which Don has worked tirelessly for (and with great success) during his long tenure at Davis High School…and nowhere is this more clearly evidenced than in his public statement.

    It is this model of honorable conduct, the ability to own publicly a minor lapse of reason, and the great service which he has rendered as a teacher in the Davis community for which we owe him our continued gratitude.

    And let us be grateful that a few lights still shine behind the “dark underbelly of the Peoples Republic of Davis.”

  211. Over the past year, I have had the privelege of getting to know Don personally. Long before that, however, I knew of him by reputation…as a teacher famous among DECADES of Davis High School students and alumni as an ardent supporter of the 1st Amendment and of a truer democracy…free from the rampant political corruption we are today experiencing.

    It is painful to read a few of the responses chronicled above, not merely because of their puerile and potentially hurtful nature, but equally because of the caliber of political dialog which they represent, and the implication that it has on our community, both locally and on up the scales of national and international politics.

    Ironically, the elevation of this political dialog has been one thing for which Don has worked tirelessly for (and with great success) during his long tenure at Davis High School…and nowhere is this more clearly evidenced than in his public statement.

    It is this model of honorable conduct, the ability to own publicly a minor lapse of reason, and the great service which he has rendered as a teacher in the Davis community for which we owe him our continued gratitude.

    And let us be grateful that a few lights still shine behind the “dark underbelly of the Peoples Republic of Davis.”

  212. Over the past year, I have had the privelege of getting to know Don personally. Long before that, however, I knew of him by reputation…as a teacher famous among DECADES of Davis High School students and alumni as an ardent supporter of the 1st Amendment and of a truer democracy…free from the rampant political corruption we are today experiencing.

    It is painful to read a few of the responses chronicled above, not merely because of their puerile and potentially hurtful nature, but equally because of the caliber of political dialog which they represent, and the implication that it has on our community, both locally and on up the scales of national and international politics.

    Ironically, the elevation of this political dialog has been one thing for which Don has worked tirelessly for (and with great success) during his long tenure at Davis High School…and nowhere is this more clearly evidenced than in his public statement.

    It is this model of honorable conduct, the ability to own publicly a minor lapse of reason, and the great service which he has rendered as a teacher in the Davis community for which we owe him our continued gratitude.

    And let us be grateful that a few lights still shine behind the “dark underbelly of the Peoples Republic of Davis.”

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