Wednesday Briefs

Now that Cabaldon is in… What does the 8th AD Look Like?

Vacaville City Councilmember Steve Hardy was quoted in this morning’s Fairfield Daily Republic as saying, “I haven’t made the final decision but I probably will (run).”

Meanwhile, Yolo County Supervisor Mariko Yamada is a bit more guarded in her statement, only stating “considering entering the race fairly seriously now” but said she had not made a decision either.

Don Saylor wrote a letter to the Davis Enterprise, “I want to clarify that I will not be a candidate for the 8th Assembly District in 2008.”

Of course most of us already figured that out when he endorsed Cabaldon at yesterday’s announcement in Davis.

Saylor continues, “However, I have come to the conclusion that I can be most effective by continuing my work here in local government.”

Looks like an announcement for reelection to the city council.

Assuming Hardy and Yamada both jump in (a fair assumption at this point), how does this race shake out.

Supervisor Matt Rexroad blogged a few weeks ago that Hardy would have an advantage as the only Solano County candidate.

In fact in 2002, he was the only Solano County Candidate and he finished third (27.8%) to Lois Wolk (41.2%) and Cabaldon (31%). What’s interesting is that Hardy finished first in Solano but a distant third in Yolo County.

Speaking of Matt Rexroad…

And let me say, we do not agree on a lot politically, but on a personal level I like him and I admire the fact that he has maintained a blog to communicate with his constituents. I think that is the wave of the future and I think all office holders should develop one as a means to communicate with their constituents.

That said, reading his blog on “The Choice for Woodland” perhaps it is time to remind him that he is no longer Mayor of Woodland, he is a Supervisor for the County of Yolo. As such, while he represents the interests of Woodland, he also has jurisdiction over the entire county and its operations. As such, his primary concern should be the choice for Yolo County, not the choice for Woodland.

It is somewhat academic since he is a Republican in a Democratic district, but the other supervisors do not speak merely about their home communities, they speak of the entire county especially when they are the representatives of the county on interagency bodies. If Mr. Rexroad wants to represent Woodland, perhaps he should go back to being mayor of Woodland.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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