Democrats Strive to Re-take the House and Senate

For the second time in two weeks, the Charlie Brown campaign came to Davis for a fundraiser. Two weeks ago they appeared with Former Senator Max Cleland and Former Congressman Pete McCloskey. Hoping to raise $5000, they raised nearly $15,000.

Last night they were back at the Palm Court Hotel in Downtown Davis, this time armed with Former Ambassador Joe Wilson, who was at the center of the Valerie Plame controversy. The Brown campaign was stunned to walk into a room in an event not in their district and see well over 150 Democrats who are eager to take back the House and Senate. Brown and Wilson riled up the crowd, throwing out red meat and attacking the Bush administration for their conduct of the war and their overall attacks on the basic tenets of the constitution. It was a night for all Democrats. There was this true sense of energy and anticipation.

Unfortunately in his battle for a congressional seat, Brown is getting thrown everything in the book. Apparently one of the lines of attack from Doolittle, is the fact that Brown is a lifelong member of the ACLU and Doolittle is attacking him for being a member. The ACLU defends all organizations whether it is the KKK or whomever because they believe that the Constitution of the United States protects the rights of even the most dispacable organizations and people. And only by standing up for it when the Constitution is violated for such organizations and people, can they protect us when they go after us. Unfortunately, that is often used against the ACLU and its members.

The Democrats have an honest and true chance to take back the house and the Senate. This blog covers the local scene, and unfortunately, a lot of our local Democrats (some of them deserve quotes around the name “Democrat” are not pulling their weight).

First, let me tip the cap to the Davis Democratic Club who a few weeks ago gave $7500 to several Democrats in the area who are trying to win house seats–that includes Brown trying to unseat Doolittle, Jerry McNerney trying to unseat Pombo, and Bill Durston trying to unseat Dan Lungren.

Second, let us all tip our caps to true Blue Democrats like Senator Boxer who has given tens of thousands to individual Democrats trying to win house seats like Charlie Brown, Jerry McNerney, and Bill Durston. She has given millions to the DSCC and the DCCC which are the Democratic committees that fund and support the Senate and Congressional candidates. Barbara Boxer is a “big D” Democrat and she’s trying to help the Democrats win back the house and Senate. As is Hillary Clinton who has given away millions to Democratic campaigns as well.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting.


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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