Everyday Injustice- A Criminal Justice Reform Podcast

Everyday Injustice is a podcast dedicated to discussing the criminal legal system and criminal justice reform with researchers, policymakers, organizations and system impacted individuals, both formerly and wrongfully incarcerated individuals. Our topics range from recent research in the criminal legal field to policies and initiatives to personal experiences and the contributing influences of our system.

Recently, we discussed an unfair current policy, Civil Commitment with Emma Peyton Williams. Civil commitment is not often discussed even though it appears to be double jeopardy. Listen to Williams discuss the “legality” of this process in Episode 209 on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, SoundCloud or YouTube.

Additionally, we discuss proposed policies or research based initiatives. For example, Dr. Christi Smith discussed the economic benefits of Clean Slate initiatives and Pennsylvania’s recent automated process to seal records. You can learn more about the benefits of this legislation in Episode 210 on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, SoundCloud or YouTube.

If you want to learn more about the relationship between race and the death penalty, Daniel Medwed discusses how the race of a victim affects the likelihood of capital punishment. Find Episode 193 on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, SoundCloud or YouTube.

Regularly, we discuss upcoming books and publications with authors. For instance, Justin Brooks discuss his book “You Might Go to Prison Even Though You are Innocent,” where he discusses how the system convicts innocent people. Find Episode 178 on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, SoundCloud or YouTube.

New episodes air every Monday.